Who do you blame for your weight gain?



  • DisneyMommy
    DisneyMommy Posts: 281 Member
    I hold myself accountable for my weight gain. I was always in great shape up until 5 years ago. Lack of time and excess of funds led to us eating out often and me not working out like I should. I also became a big emotional eater. Where in the past I would workout to ease my stress, I turned to food.
  • L8dyJ
    L8dyJ Posts: 103 Member
    Ok lets see. I blame Native New Yorker for them damn wings, I blame lemon and cream cheese cupcakes, spicy Doritos, nachos...oh I can go on and on....But the truth of the matter is, Blame is on my lack of will power! So I am womaning up!!!!
  • MassiveDelta
    MassiveDelta Posts: 3,271 Member
    <<<Him ... JERK!!!!
  • xSophia19
    xSophia19 Posts: 1,536 Member
    Id like to blame my past.. Since around the age of 13, i was in high schoool, i started to get bullied by others in my class and from other years that were older than me! Because of the way i looked, i was brought up with my brother and my mum is a single parent as my dad and my brothers dad pissed off with some other woman! So i wud get names shouted at me all round school because of my mum being a single parent, the lads used to shout 'your mum is a *kitten*, slag, slut, *****' everything u name it!! I was in a few bad relationships, my first relationship that i was in at the age of 13, got me pregnant as i was forced into it and got threatend to be killed and have my house burnt down with my mum and brother inside!! After that relationship finished after months of been abused, i then slowly starting putting weight on throughout the years. I would binge eat proper bad day in day out! This was a way to help me with my feelings and that. i was a healthy 9stone when i started high school. And when i finished college last year i weighed in at an whopping 16stone 6!!!! I was mortified! - soo from 2003 - 2010 i had put on over 7 stone!! And gone up lots of dress sizes! =( soo i blame the kids in high schoool, and i also blame all the junk food out that that 'help' us get thro bad times, but infact you willl end up looking like a hippo, like me!!
  • amandavictoria80
    amandavictoria80 Posts: 734 Member
    I'd really like to blame Nutella, but I can't. I'm the one the made the choice to eat everything I was craving when I was pregnant. Including Nutella with a spoon. LOL I also made the choice to sit on the couch nighty after night.
  • amandavictoria80
    amandavictoria80 Posts: 734 Member
    no fault or blame on anyone, as it is not a negative experience. I purposely put on the weight for myself to be healthy, so I thank ME! :bigsmile:

    Don't think the question was aimed at those who purposely gained weight. But how nice for you.