Fat Loss for Football Challenge (CLOSED)



  • mistylee0104
    mistylee0104 Posts: 95 Member
    Oh & btw when does this challenge end?
  • danizaga
    danizaga Posts: 293 Member
    my goals for the week:
    1) strength training 3x this week
    2) stretch after working out
  • shalynna89
    shalynna89 Posts: 324 Member
    My goals this week:
    1) lose 1.5 pound(been stuck!)
    2) workout at least 6 days!
    3) drink at least 64 oz. of water a day

    For names...i like Pigskin Skinnys, Touchdown Beauties also the Gridiron Girls one:)
    Team Challenge...i like the 50 situps or crunches a day.
  • jjbraid
    jjbraid Posts: 54 Member
    O.K. So how do we know which group name and challenge we go with. Leaving work soon to try 30 minutes of Kettlebells. I will let you know how it goes. Im glad someone like Who Dat, but I like GridironGirls (If that is my team)
  • WanderLaura
    Gridiron girls is AWESOME! I say we go with that, team!! All of your goals are so awesome!! I'm going to aim high and try desperately not to fail!! First, though, I'm going to tell y'all a little about what's going on in my life right now:

    My husband just left to train for his job in Geospatial Engineering in the Army... so he's gone for 10 whole weeks with no communication other than letters!! I'm trying to get really skinny for him because I know he'll be super fit when he gets finished!!

    So here are my personal goals:
    lose 2 pounds
    run 8 miles
    drink 2 liters of water/ day

    team Gridiron girls goals: do 50 sit ups/ crunches/ day

    team 2... what's your name and your goal?? Did I miss it?! haha
  • rebecca_florida
    rebecca_florida Posts: 184 Member
    Yeah Gridiron Girls! 50 sit ups it is - starting tomorrow!

    I forgot to list my football team's goal for the week. I'm a Bear's fan, and since there is no real game this week other than the preseason, I'm going to make it a three-part "goal".

    My Bear's goal for this week: part 1 - sign Matt Forte to a new contract already!! :mad: ; part 2 - score at least 2 TD's in the preseason game Thursday :drinker: ; and part 3: keep Dane Sazenbacher on the 53 man roster on Saturday :love:
  • jjbraid
    jjbraid Posts: 54 Member
    Noone officially picked a name. I'm just waiting for the first game when the Saints play the Packs. Awesome game!
  • ChristmasCrystal
    ChristmasCrystal Posts: 66 Member
    Hey my team!


    Let's get a name picked out already... jeez! LOL
    Our options are....

    We Dat fits ( Isn't that a Saint's thing? I have nothing against them but that's like me asking you guy to call ourselves the cheeseheads-- just saying =)
    Pigskin Skinnies
    Touchdown Beauties
    First down to Healthy

    Does anyone have any more ideas?

    Good goals team!! We can do it!!

    ChristmasCrystal (ME!)-- Lose 1lb this week
    Minimum of 10 cups of water daily
    On top of my weekday workouts I need to go to the gym at least once this weekend (either Friday, Saturday or Sunday)

    jjbraid --WLG-2lbs
    EG-Start new Kettlebell routine
    PG-Cut back on after 8:00pm snack (even if they are healthy and I need calories)

    mimisue23-- 1. Lose 1.5 pounds
    2. Zumba at least twice
    3. No soft drinks!!!! (not even Diet Coke!)

    darzaga-- 1) strength training 3x this week
    2) stretch after working out

    myboysmomx2-- We need your goals =)

    What are you guys thinking about a group goal? Any suggestions? We have 2 right now...

    Cut back on after 8:00pm snack
    Try a new cardio workout this week

    Let's get some suggestions in.

    Today's the first day! Let's rock it ladies!! =)
  • ChristmasCrystal
    ChristmasCrystal Posts: 66 Member
    Yeah Gridiron Girls! 50 sit ups it is - starting tomorrow!

    I forgot to list my football team's goal for the week. I'm a Bear's fan, and since there is no real game this week other than the preseason, I'm going to make it a three-part "goal".

    My Bear's goal for this week: part 1 - sign Matt Forte to a new contract already!! :mad: ; part 2 - score at least 2 TD's in the preseason game Thursday :drinker: ; and part 3: keep Dane Sazenbacher on the 53 man roster on Saturday :love:
    Another goal should be to have Cutler smile for once in his life.. Oh wait! Pouty face will never smile. =)
  • ChristmasCrystal
    ChristmasCrystal Posts: 66 Member
    Another name could be Beast Mode! Hahaha I'm a wee bit obsessed with that phrase LOL
  • danizaga
    danizaga Posts: 293 Member
    beast mode love it or what about child please? do any of you watch THE LEAGUE on FX? omg i don't play fantasy football but i can't get enough of that show.

    i have a question about strength training/interval training i know you're not suppposed to work the same muscle groups on back to back days but say if i do an interval training dvd and use light weights like 3# then the next day go to the gym and use the machines...is that too little time for my muscles to recover? just asking because i'm struggling to get strength training in.

    50 crunches this morning on my medicine ball and i didn't roll off!
  • WanderLaura
    Hey GridironGirls!! :) love that name... by the way!! How's everybody's first day going?!

    Just to catch everybody up on our goals:

    Group goal: 50 sit ups/ crunches per day!!

    WanderLaura (ME! :) ) : LOSE 2 LBS, RUN 8 MILES, DRINK 2 LITERS WATER/DAY
    rebecca_florida: LOSE 1.5 LBS, BURN 3000 CALORIES (AWESOME!), DRINK 8 GLASSES H2O/DAY
    mistylee0104: LOSE 2 LBS, BURN 3500 CALS (WHOA!!), LOG FOOD EVERYDAY
    shalynna89: LOSE 1.5 LBS, WORKOUT 6 DAYS, DRINK 64 OZ/DAY

    I'm soooo excited!! Has group 2 picked a name?!

    I LOVE "Child please?!" hahaha that's great!

    Let's keep each other updated on our progress.... ESP. our group goal!! :)
  • ChristmasCrystal
    ChristmasCrystal Posts: 66 Member
    Let's go with "Beast Mode"! This would make me a happy panda!! :laugh:
  • jjbraid
    jjbraid Posts: 54 Member
    Wholly Molly! Just got back from gym. Ran (more like jog but I don't run so I say run) for two miles and biked for two. Ouch! But I did my kettlebell DVD yesterday. Ok so it's 9:00 and I syllable have 700 calories not counting workout. Do I eat? Help!
  • ChristmasCrystal
    ChristmasCrystal Posts: 66 Member
    Hey team! I need some answers ASAP. What's our group goals? What name did we pick? If I don't get responses soon I'm just going to start making decisions.
  • jjbraid
    jjbraid Posts: 54 Member
    Either yours or mine as far as names go. Hmm goals...Why don't we do one more sit up than the other team
  • mimisue23
    I like "Beast Mode"

    Why don't we do 50 Jumping jacks or 20 push ups or something, I need something concrete to do each day! and how about a 7 pound team total?

    I weighed in this morning....i wasnt sure where we were recording all that stuff.
  • shalynna89
    shalynna89 Posts: 324 Member
    Hey GridironGirls!! :) love that name... by the way!! How's everybody's first day going?!

    Just to catch everybody up on our goals:

    Group goal: 50 sit ups/ crunches per day!!

    WanderLaura (ME! :) ) : LOSE 2 LBS, RUN 8 MILES, DRINK 2 LITERS WATER/DAY
    rebecca_florida: LOSE 1.5 LBS, BURN 3000 CALORIES (AWESOME!), DRINK 8 GLASSES H2O/DAY
    mistylee0104: LOSE 2 LBS, BURN 3500 CALS (WHOA!!), LOG FOOD EVERYDAY
    shalynna89: LOSE 1.5 LBS, WORKOUT 6 DAYS, DRINK 64 OZ/DAY

    I'm soooo excited!! Has group 2 picked a name?!

    I LOVE "Child please?!" hahaha that's great!

    Let's keep each other updated on our progress.... ESP. our group goal!! :)

    I love the name too:) I'm 100% so far besides the weightloss on mine...scale will but budge! and I did the 50 crunches for the team goal:) Good luck to everyone!
  • ChristmasCrystal
    ChristmasCrystal Posts: 66 Member
    I like "Beast Mode"

    Why don't we do 50 Jumping jacks or 20 push ups or something, I need something concrete to do each day! and how about a 7 pound team total?

    I weighed in this morning....i wasnt sure where we were recording all that stuff.
    Beast mode it is! I really like the 50 jumping jacks idea! Let's push ourselves a little harder too and do 50 jumping jacks & 20 sit ups a day.
  • danizaga
    danizaga Posts: 293 Member
    I like "Beast Mode"

    Why don't we do 50 Jumping jacks or 20 push ups or something, I need something concrete to do each day! and how about a 7 pound team total?

    I weighed in this morning....i wasnt sure where we were recording all that stuff.
    Beast mode it is! I really like the 50 jumping jacks idea! Let's push ourselves a little harder too and do 50 jumping jacks & 20 sit ups a day.

    i agree with the jumping jacks/sit ups challenge. we could also do like total minutes excerised or miles jogged/walked/ran