"TLFC" exercise and accountability support!



  • luluinca
    luluinca Posts: 2,899 Member
    Happy Friday the 13th..... ;)

    Didn't really get any cardio in today except during my circuit training......couldn't get a pool lane and just wasn't feeling the love for the bike this morning. I'll be out with the dog in the morning though and maybe we'll go an extra mile...... B)

    Today: 45 min Circuit training including 3 sets each of 10 pushups, 20 physio ball wall squats, 10 good mornings w/20/20 lbs, 60 sec extended arm plank, 60 step single arm overhead walk w/25 lb KB, 20 incline crunch twists w/10 lb plate, 15 decline situps w/10 lb plate, 12 hanging leg lifts and 3 min stairmaster. 45 min strength training including 3X 12 crunch machine w/100, 3X10 cable lat pulldowns w/70, 3X8 cable tricep extensions and pulldowns w/40, 3X8 seated row w/85, 3X10 cable dead lift w/47/47, 3X15 alt hand swing w/30 lb KB, 3X10 inner thigh w/100 and 3X20 glute master w/30.

    A couple of good food days with macros and calories all within my range.....finally!
  • ltworide
    ltworide Posts: 342 Member
    TGIF happy weekend!

    Led a tabata class today.
    Have.a Krav Maga class tonight.

    No strength work today.

    Assessment: pizza tonight despite this macros & calories on target
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,916 Member
    Hey gang,

    I like myself unconditionally!

    Happy weekend! No clients and just some regular around the house clean up for my daughter and I.

    Cardio: jog/walk- 2 miles (300 calories)

    Strength: NONE

    Assessment: Chinese last night.
  • brandiuntz
    brandiuntz Posts: 2,717 Member
    Happy Saturday!

    Cardio: 3 mile run, easy pace. Little warm-up before tomorrow's half-marathon. Feeling good.

    Food: eating at maintenance past couple days to feel ready for the half.
  • luluinca
    luluinca Posts: 2,899 Member
    Good luck tomorrow Brandi..........be sure and let us know how you did!!!!
  • luluinca
    luluinca Posts: 2,899 Member
    Got a 4 mile walk in yesterday with the dog and back at the gym this morning. I've been wanting to swim but the pool's just been too crowded. Hopefully this week I'll be able to get at least 1 or maybe 2 swims in.

    Today: 45 min circuit training including 3 sets each of 12 pushups, 2 min elevated leg planks, 20 physio ball wall squats, 10 good mornings w/20/20 lbs, 20 situps and 20 crunch twists w/12 lb ball, 10 renegade rows w/20 lbs,15 hanging leg lifts, 3 min stair master. 45 min strength training including 2X5 OHP w/45 lbs and 3X5 w/50 lbs, 3X10 shrugs w/95 lbs, 3X5 squats w/85 lbs (as a test), 3X16 side lunges w/20/20 lbs, 3X12 alt hand KB swing w/25 lbs, 2X 70 steps w/25 lb KB overhead, 3X10 inner thigh w/100 and 3X10 single leg glute master w/40. 15 min bike.

    I've been eating well within my calories and macros lately and no eating out this weekend, hubby has a cold so we're staying close to home............

    Enjoy your Sunday everyone!!!
  • brandiuntz
    brandiuntz Posts: 2,717 Member
    Happy Sunday!!

    Cardio: Ran that Half-marathon like a boss (well, for me). New PR of 2:24:20. Smashed previous PR by 6 minutes, and was 14 minutes faster compared to last year on this course. Weather was perfect, and I was able to hit all my pace goals. That bridge is always tough, but I was able to fly on the down parts to more than make up for the slowdown heading up. What an awesome race. I love the Texas Bridge Series races. Going to do the series again next year!

    Food: enjoyed some extra food today!
  • luluinca
    luluinca Posts: 2,899 Member
    brandiuntz wrote: »
    Happy Sunday!!

    Cardio: Ran that Half-marathon like a boss (well, for me). New PR of 2:24:20. Smashed previous PR by 6 minutes, and was 14 minutes faster compared to last year on this course. Weather was perfect, and I was able to hit all my pace goals. That bridge is always tough, but I was able to fly on the down parts to more than make up for the slowdown heading up. What an awesome race. I love the Texas Bridge Series races. Going to do the series again next year!

    Food: enjoyed some extra food today!

    Congrats on a great race Brandi!!!
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,916 Member
    brandiuntz wrote: »
    Happy Sunday!!

    Cardio: Ran that Half-marathon like a boss (well, for me). New PR of 2:24:20. Smashed previous PR by 6 minutes, and was 14 minutes faster compared to last year on this course. Weather was perfect, and I was able to hit all my pace goals. That bridge is always tough, but I was able to fly on the down parts to more than make up for the slowdown heading up. What an awesome race. I love the Texas Bridge Series races. Going to do the series again next year!

    Food: enjoyed some extra food today!
    Good job girl!!!
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,916 Member
    Hey gang,

    I like myself unconditionally!

    Happy Monday! 4 clients this morning then 4 tonight. Just hung out over the weekend and did some homework stuff with my DD and watched sports.

    Cardio: run/jog 2 miles (300 calories)

    Strength: quads- leg press, squat, leg extension 12,10,8,6 x 4

    Assessment: Ribs last night.
  • luluinca
    luluinca Posts: 2,899 Member
    Had a great workout today. Wanted to swim but forgot my suit......so I just kept working until I had put in 105 minutes between circuit and strength training.

    Today: 45 min circuit training including 3 sets each of 12 pushups, 2 min elevated leg planks, 20 physio ball wall squats, 10 good mornings w/20/20 lbs, 30 physio ball pikes, 15 each decline situps (w/10 lbs) and leg lifts, 10 lat raises w/10/10 lbs,15 hanging leg lifts, 3 min stair master. 60 min strength training including 3X10 bent over rows w/75 lbs, 3X10 shrugs w/95 lbs, 3X20 TRX single leg squats, 3X20 box step ups, 3X12 alt hand KB swing w/25 lbs, 2X 70 steps w/25 lb KB overhead, 3X10 cable dead lift w/40/40,3X10 inner thigh w/100, 3X10 each of cable tricep extensions and pull downs w/40, 3X10 seated rows w/70.

    Looks like we might be eating out tonight! Probably Mexican food.........yummm!

    Have great week everyone!!!
  • ltworide
    ltworide Posts: 342 Member
    Happy Monday!
    @brandi way to go on the marathon!

    Weekend: no exercise just housework & some Xmas shopping done. Went to a restaurant for dinner last night. Seriously derailed, overate a lot of bread, dips, nachos, etc. I normally don't eat like this. I noticed I felt headachy & 'off' this morning, maybe my body rebelling the abuse?

    Ran a tabata class at lunch & going to Krav Maga tonight.

    Assessment: boneless pork chops tonight with rice & beans & a Greek salad. Calories under trying to undo yesterday's damage...

  • ltworide
    ltworide Posts: 342 Member
    Cardio: ladder/cone drills, lateral step kettlebell swings

    Strength: 10 mins AMRAP barbell clean & press 60 reps @ 65 lbs
    10 mins hanging knee raises 100 reps completed
    3 x 10/side cable chops on bosu
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,916 Member
    Hey gang

    I like myself unconditionally!

    Happy Humpday! 4 clients this morning and 4 tonight. Just my own workout and then some laundry later and light grocery shopping.

    Cardio: run/jog- 2 miles (400 calories)

    Strength: chest- incline bench, Hammer bench, dips, seated flyes. 12,10,8,6 x 4

    Assessment: Chicken for dinner last night.
  • luluinca
    luluinca Posts: 2,899 Member
    Happy Hump Day everyone!!!!

    Got the dog out for a 3 mile hike yesterday and today was a gym day. I'm still not doing Strong Lifts but may be able to get back to it next week.........muscle's feeling pretty good and I've been adding some goblet squats and cable dead lifts so I think I'll be able to start out light with the bar soon.

    Today: 45 min circuit training including 3 sets each of 20 uneven pushups, 20 squats w/20 lbs, 10 good mornings w/20/20 lbs, 60 sec each side planks, 15 physio ball pikes, 15 each decline situps (with 10lbs) and leg lifts, 10 lat arm raise w/12/12 lbs, 3 min stairmaster. 45 min strength training including 2X5 bench press w/65 lbs and 3X5 w/85 lbs, 3X8 single arm row from bench w/40 lbs, 3X8 overhead tricep extension w/17.5/17/5 lbs, 3X 10 seated bicep curl w/15/15 lbs, 2X10 cable chest press w/23/23, 2X10 cable deltoid fly w/10/10, 2X10 cable dead lift w/40/40, 2X 12 alt hand KB swing w/30 lbs, 3X10 inner thigh w/100. 10 min bike resistance 11/14 mph.

    Food has been good the last few days............no issues staying on track. I could maybe get my protein up a bit but otherwise macros look good!
  • RobynLB83
    RobynLB83 Posts: 626 Member
    Been running a lot and boxing and climbing a little. Mostly twice a day 5 miles runs. Two 5 mile runs, climbed, and did some fight training including judo throwing and boxing striking yesterday. Today I did my first 10 miles run and I surprised myself with a 9:30 pace... And the fact that it was easy.

    One maybe slight problem... My pee was brown this morning... Could be from whatever additive was in all the diet cranberry juice I've been drinking the past two days. Something to keep an eye on. I've also had extreme lower abdominal pains since my kayaking trip. Some kind of poisoning from the fish... Or the fruity cocktails?
  • RobynLB83
    RobynLB83 Posts: 626 Member
    brandiuntz wrote: »
    Happy Sunday!!

    Cardio: Ran that Half-marathon like a boss (well, for me). New PR of 2:24:20. Smashed previous PR by 6 minutes, and was 14 minutes faster compared to last year on this course. Weather was perfect, and I was able to hit all my pace goals. That bridge is always tough, but I was able to fly on the down parts to more than make up for the slowdown heading up. What an awesome race. I love the Texas Bridge Series races. Going to do the series again next year!

    Food: enjoyed some extra food today!

    Way to go, boss!

  • brandiuntz
    brandiuntz Posts: 2,717 Member
    Hi, everyone! Thanks for the congrats on the half-marathon. Just checking in: I'm taking a few days off from exercise while I spend the week prepping for a large art show this weekend. Overate a bit Monday and Tuesday, but back on track today.

    The rest of you keep rocking the exercise!
  • luluinca
    luluinca Posts: 2,899 Member
    RobynLB83 wrote: »
    Been running a lot and boxing and climbing a little. Mostly twice a day 5 miles runs. Two 5 mile runs, climbed, and did some fight training including judo throwing and boxing striking yesterday. Today I did my first 10 miles run and I surprised myself with a 9:30 pace... And the fact that it was easy.

    One maybe slight problem... My pee was brown this morning... Could be from whatever additive was in all the diet cranberry juice I've been drinking the past two days. Something to keep an eye on. I've also had extreme lower abdominal pains since my kayaking trip. Some kind of poisoning from the fish... Or the fruity cocktails?

    Be vigilant with that Robyn, nothing to mess around with! Sounds like you might need a trip to the doc!!!
  • ltworide
    ltworide Posts: 342 Member
    Happy Hump Day!

    Yoga class.

    Krav Maga class.

    Strength: double kettlebell work @ 2 x 12 kg. every 5 mins. For 20 mins do:
    5 clean & press
    5 front squat
    20 Russian kettlebell swing
    10 inverted crowd
    200 yards farmers walk w/kettlebells

    Assessment: calories & macros on track. Tuna steak with basamati rice & kale salad.