Reboot Boogaloo, September - open group



  • everytimeifeelthespirit
    Thanks to everyone who sent healing words and thoughts to me. I so appreciate it.

    Today was a better day. I got out for a walk, felt weak, but managed to do 3 km (taking many sit down breaks).

    Ate too much today, though still not as much as I was eating before I started this. Choir night tomorrow....hope it goes well, and hope I get to sleep. Haven't had much success these past weeks.

    slow and steady boogaloo.
  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
    Hello and good morning, my beloved pebbs,

    Forward by baby steps continues. I feel super over-scheduled right now, but I'm just trying my best to breathe through it. Today is morning yoga, lunch and then therapy. Then home to work, then a PhD support group meeting at my place. I am reminding myself that the reason I feel busier is that I've scheduled fun things and self care things, and those are important. Also, I'm reminding myself that my new plan to take the weekends off from work means that I will have two full refreshing days very soon.:happy:

    I have arrived at a brand new stress point: I am too stressed to eat.:noway: This has honestly never happened to me before. So, I am trying to stay active to work up an appetite, and just eating at mealtimes, and trying to eat good food. I figure it will pass, and maybe even jump start me back to losing so I could finally kick the last ten pounds.:tongue: Hey, it could happen.

    MM, it will get better. You have two very stressed little kids and a very stressed you to take care of right now, and that is a ton of change to deal with! It will get better, have faith.:heart: CP I second your "go thumb, go!" Heal! Mary, I suggest a mini-vacation day.:happy: SJ, you are amazing, and will do amazingly.

    Stress makes me stronger, boogaloo.:flowerforyou:
  • mechanicmom
    mechanicmom Posts: 5,697 Member
    Keep going SJ! You're doing good!

    CP, yay for a healing thumb! :bigsmile: And thanks for the encouragement. She has been through a lot, and Steve reminded me yesterday that she's not used to going out so much. Besides walks around the orphanage, she maybe got out 1-3 times a year. I'm sure it's quite overwhelming to her. Last night she and Alex were having a blast! I posted a couple of videos on FB. Alex knows 4-5 Russian words. She tried to grab his glasses one day and he said, "Nyet" (no), and then giggled at himself. He knows thank you, your welcome, yes, and he's learning a few others as we go along. Kids are sponges. Irina said bye bye to Steve this morning when he left.
    I decided to step on the scale to see what the damage was since being home and I've lost a pound! Almost back to the 140's. I am trying to eat less (although I had a candy bar last night :blushing: ). I haven't had much exercise though. So I am going to get some this morning. The kids are going to play in the backyard while I clean it up. Oh I just remembered the sprinkler system ran this morning so it's going to be wet. Hmmm. Sidewalk chalk then. :laugh: I also need to get some cleaning done in the house. I am looking forward to it cooling off again so we can go for walks a little later in the mornings. Close to 100 again today and tomorrow. Then the cool front is suppose to come.
    Burning off energy (mine and theirs) boogaloo!
  • yoginimary
    yoginimary Posts: 6,786 Member
    Still waiting for rain. Last night it looked like a decent sized cell was coming this way - then it broke up right before it hit us. Even got windy and dark. Le sigh. Cool front this weekend, like MM said, so it will be only 90 the entire weekend. September is the time I always think it's going to be cooler than it is. You'd think after so many years in Texas...

    Keep checking in pebbles!

    Today: double yoga - who knows what else. I'm getting together with a friend for lunch and errands. Also working on fewer desserts - it's the curse of travel for me - for weeks afterward, I want desserts all the time. It will pass.

    I do not need a dessert to feel satisfied, boogaloo
  • Chaosdrone
    im 26
    im 334 lbs and i want to shred to 285 my goal and maintain
  • everytimeifeelthespirit
    Walked 3.9 km today, and felt good..was kind of propelled by coffee. Really good rehearsal tonight with my choir. We are going to do some guerrilla performing at Nuit Blanche, an all night mostly visual arts festival here in Toronto. I'm not sure what it will be like but I do know there will be thousands of people on ths streets that night. It's on Saturday, will be in the Annex mostly. It's kicking the choir in the *kitten* early in the year too....glad we thought of it.

  • mechanicmom
    mechanicmom Posts: 5,697 Member
    Mary, I'm with you on the fewer desserts.
    V, now you know why I lose weight when I go to Russia: stress. I hope you find peace soon. :flowerforyou:
    Sarah, awesome job on the walking. You will see more results soon because you are being consistent. The concert sounds great. :smile:
    Chaosdrone, I hope you meet your goal!

    Where did everybody else go?

    I did not want to face this day. I didn't have it in me. After some quiet time and prayer I am more ready to face it. Irina is a child that has to be kept busy or she will start getting into things. I refuse to entertain my children at all times though. They need to learn to find something constructive to do, not destructive. But for now she needs guidance, so I am attempting to guide her today. I am going to do a phonics review with Alex today in prep for starting school next week and start trying to teach Irina the ABC's. She knows her numbers 1-10 in Russian, so she is very capable of learning. It's just a matter of finding a way that she will respond to and learn. That is one of my goals today.
    I've also been concerned about not getting work outs done, and then I remembered the gorilla app. I'm going to try that today if time allows, which it should during Irina's nap. I had wheat yesterday and by mid afternoon I was falling asleep on the couch. I really need to stop having it. There's blueberry muffins in there, already made, or I can go through the hassle of making my mock waffles which are egg and cheese. The muffins are tempting, but how will I feel later? I am trying to think of an incentive to get me off of wheat for a month. Shopping spree? Pedi/mani? The biggest problem is that my favorite thing at my favorite restaurant which I go to fairly often has wheat in it. Yes, I could choose something else, but it's my favorite thing. Not sure how to work around that yet. But as far as at home, I need to get off wheat. I have to. It wouldn't be a bad idea to get off dairy either but one thing at a time.
    Just one boogaloo.
  • Chaosdrone
    I have alot of motivation for getting healthy and loseing weight.
    1. to live as long as i can to help the world.
    2. to be a father to the future kids i have
    3. to be able to work and keep a job.
    4. TO Prove all my doubters wrong
    5. Adding this one to get the attention of a girl i want.
  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
    Was amazed yesterday at how challenging the foundation yoga was. Enjoyed it very much, and said something pretty deep on accident when I started to cry a little. The teacher said "are you OK?" and I said "yes, I'm just leaking gratitude." I think that's pretty deep and cool, and it just popped out. I keep joking that Kentucky removed my filter, because I just keep saying whatever pops into my head. Luckily, it is mostly super kind and honest.:tongue:

    I'm very sleepy today (rain + restorative yoga) I just finished some academic work, and I'm looking forward to resting the rest of my day. I have to do some reading, but that shouldn't take much energy. I'm working mostly on not losing momentum now that I have 50 things to focus on instead of just 1. Too many projects/deadlines is pretty exhausting, and I sort of want to hide from all of them, but I won't. This is my year.

    My year, boogaloo.:flowerforyou:
  • yoginimary
    yoginimary Posts: 6,786 Member
    Just checking in. Power was out all morning - no internets with no power.

    Went for a bike ride this morning, now time for yoga - and try to get rid of my headache.

    Grateful for electricity, boogaloo.
  • cp005e
    cp005e Posts: 1,495 Member
    V, you have over 5000 posts! I like your quote.
    Mary, glad your power's back! I hope you get rain soon - we had quite the downpour yesterday (and more today).
    SJ, I love the guerrilla concert idea.
    MM, maybe you can get Irina to count while you do reps. :wink:
    Welcome, Chaosdrone! What are your goals for tomorrow?

    I should try this gorilla (not guerrilla) app. Between all my ailments lately, I just am not getting any exercise. Any other ideas for things I can do that won't hurt my ankle and don't require me to grab onto anything?? I did get outside for a couple of walks during the day, which was good. Work was kinda crappy, but ended up better than it started. I am sorry to report that I hit the stupid vending machine again, though - ugh! No more. Seriously, there's a grocery store right down the street, if I'm really that hungry it would take me 10 minutes to run get some real food and come back.

    Real food, boogaloo. :flowerforyou:
  • everytimeifeelthespirit
    woke up with sore back, slept some this afternoon, no activity. ate too much cheese and pork ribs. back on the horse tomorrow.

  • mechanicmom
    mechanicmom Posts: 5,697 Member
    TGIF! Friday never looked so good! :wink: Not that Steve is a LOT of help on the weekends, but I'm sure he will help some.
    I went to the store last night by myself and when I got home Steve said, "I applaud you! She's a tornado!" :laugh: Yep, I've been telling him that. I hope she settles down as time goes on or she will have to go on meds. :tongue:
    So I got walking in at the stores, and did the gorilla app yesterday. I am sore today. That was my first exercise in several weeks. The goals today are to stay wheat free, eat less (gained back a pound and a half from stress eating), maybe take the kids to the park this morning since it's cooler (or meet with a friend and kids for a picnic), gorilla app day 2, and mow the yard during nap time or this evening. Wow. I'm going to be active today. :smile:
    CP, so glad you are checking in with us. I hope you heal quickly in all areas so you can get back to working out regularly. :flowerforyou:
    Mary, I wondered what happened to you yesterday. Glad your power is back on. Did you get rain? It rained here last night. Maybe not much but some. San Antonio got some. I hope it got to you.
    SJ, sounds like you needed a rest day. Hope you are feeling better today.
    V, this is your year! :heart:
    Chaosdrone, good goals. What are your daily goals as far as eating and exercising etc?

    An active day boogaloo!
  • yoginimary
    yoginimary Posts: 6,786 Member
    Still no rain :grumble: - twice we had the current condition of "thunderstorm" - but no rain. On a positive note, it won't hit 90 until Tuesday.
    One of you guys might have to be on meds, MM :wink:

    There were things I liked about the gorilla trainer, CP - but I got bored with it fast. It's the type of exercise I either need someone to do with me or I need to be distracted with the tv.

    Glad you had a good time in yoga class, V. Foundations classes usually have a lot of standing poses. 5000 posts, wow - of course it's been 10 years for many of us.

    I have a yoga weekend ahead with a semi-famous yoga teacher. Her name is Lois Steinberg, and she's well known in the Iyengar system for writing the books on therapeutic yoga. She's doing a special class today on neck and shoulders. I'm hoping she has time to look at my headstand, but I don't want to take any time away from those that really have issues. The rest of the weekend is just a normal workshop.

    I'm planning on a bike ride today as well. It's super windy, so that should make it challenging.

    Challenging, boogaloo.
  • Chaosdrone
    I think i hit a plateu cause i didnt lose anything or gain anything
  • everytimeifeelthespirit
    went to the gym today, it went ok. I hate the mirrors....note to self, don't look in mirrors at the gym..takes all the wind out of my sails.

  • yoginimary
    yoginimary Posts: 6,786 Member
    Up early, but not as early as I should be. We both slept through the alarm?

    SJ - I would bet that there aren't any mirrors at the yoga studio V goes to. In that method, you should think about how the pose feels. How does the gym feel?

    I'm off to a yoga studio without mirrors. I didn't get any help with my neck in headstand. It was a crowded class. Most people I've seen at this studio.

    Crowded yoga, boogaloo.
  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
    Yep, Mary, no mirrors, which takes getting used to. I'm enjoying how it forces me to be in my body, and think about how my body feels rather than how it looks. Dancing is sometimes hard because of all the visual display of myself aspect of it. I don't mind mirrors much, but pictures of myself, ugh. . .that's a different story entirely.

    Today, it's fall. Someone flipped the switch. I teach a lesson, meet with my research assistant (pretty quickly here I have to get organized so that he has something to do, that's how busy I am, too busy to delegate). Then, it's a Skype date with an old friend followed by working. Day off from activity. Managed an extra long walk yesterday. If my nerves kick in, I might go to the gym later, but no rash promises.:wink: I also have to send out a job packet, my first of the year. Eek. But, this is the year to move through fear, so that's what I continue to do.

    Move through fear, boogaloo.:flowerforyou:
  • yoginimary
    yoginimary Posts: 6,786 Member
    Without coffee, I'm clueless. Today is October 1, time to start a new thread - V or MM, would you do the honors?