12 years old and 272 pounds!!!



  • livnlite
    Now, what do you do when you have a child like mine who sneaks food?? Let's see, I caught her today sneaking some 100 calorie pack cookies.....I have found pudding cups in the chair and granola wrappers in her bed. I have caught her about to sneak food out of the fridge. She pretends to eat veggies....My husband has caught her sneaking food in the middle of the night. We are at our wits end and are about to buy locks for the cabinets and the fridge. She hates it because I make her walk and jog on the treadmill and make her ride her bike. She's eight yrs old and the sneaking food has caused her to gain quite a bit of weight. I try to model healthy eating and exercise, but she doesn't care, and the doctor doesn't seem concerned. We talked to her about diabetes (her dad developed that last year) and it didn't phase her, the doctor isn't concerned, all he says is don't let her gain any more weight. Something drastic needs to happen but I'm not sure what to do anymore. Yes, she goes outside, but I found out she's just sitting around out there and that's when I started making her ride her bike. She is almost 5' and 114lbs...I'm pulling my hair out!

    Seek counselling from a nutritionist. There are foods that you can offer her to help her sustain a little more control over cravings. If she is only 8, you have to understand that she does not have the mature mental capacity to use logic or reasoning to it's full potential quite yet.

    You can lecture her all you want .. but you have to remember she is only a CHILD .. She can not quite comprehend the importance of how this affects her health. What does an 8 yr old care about health? She could be caught up in the catch 22 of over eating because she gets teased at school about her weight then looks for refuge in immediate gratification (children do that well) .. like high sugary foods. Thus the cycle of self destruction...and she has no clue as to the damage she is causing.

    If you do not have high sugar or high fat type foods in the house .. she will not be able to 'sneak' them. Don't buy pudding cups .. buy yogurt .. don't buy granola bars .... offer her fruit roll ups. Have fresh fruit, melons and veggies around all the time. Provide her with healthy meals and snacks during the day .. these don't only offer her nutrition but they regulate cravings for high sugar/fat foods. She may just very well be an addict and you have to treat an addict like an addict. You can't quit cold turkey .. or you will have the fight of your life on your hands.., You have to slowly reduce that type of intake. Then she won't even realize it's happening. Also be very cautious when offering a child low cal foods that contain artificial sweeteners. THAT opens up a whole different level of damaging effects...especially for children.

    You can make exercise fun .. go to the pool or the beach more often so she can romp with kids. She will never know THAT is exercise. Get her involved in some sort of sport activity .. She will never know THAT is exercise. Take her for a walk to keep YOU company .. She will never know THAT is exercise. Kids like doing things that are fun .. Make it fun for her and you will all reap the benefits.

    I am getting her enrolled in a healthy eating program for kids this week.....I have some issues with the the whole sugar free thing with kids, I go back on forth on it.

    As for the exercise, I took her to the park to play with other kids. What does she do? Sits down in the sand box and plays there for 5 minutes. Then she starts complaining and whining to go home. Took her to another park...one we don't get to go to since it's 3 hrs away by her nana and papaw's house and she just sat there...or hid from us and just stood there....I could see her feet. I don't know how to get her playing other than making her ride her bike. It's just agravating. I can play with her to a point, but I can't go down the slides....one reason I want to get my own weight off so I can play with them(I have a 3yr old son as well who is a normal, healthy weight) more.

    She may be complaining about the park scenario because she is bored because she is not really interacting with the other kids. She may be overly shy or insecure. Being shy is common in children. Perhaps she has to be enticed to come out of her shell (so to speak). If she is having a problem mingling or interacting with other kids then break the ice by playing with her yourself. Try playing catch or tag or lawn bowling .. or something that will get your blood 'a pump'n ... It would be good for both of you. Then invite other kids to play. Once the 'ice is broken' she will probably have a blast.
  • livnlite
    Remember .. YOU set an example for her. If you are inactive .. It's very likely she will follow your lead. Interacting with her in play benefits you both 10 fold. It's good for her health physically and mentally not to mention yours too. It will open doors for her .. on many levels.