Half Marathon training support group?



  • sjcply
    sjcply Posts: 817 Member
    Glutton for punishment :)

    Arent we ALL!!!
  • linnea213
    linnea213 Posts: 178 Member
    Second half marathon down, and so freakin excited that I beat my first one by 6 minutes. I also feel AMAZING!!! And the best two parts of the race: Hearing Jason call to the boys that I'm coming, telling Alex I love him as I passed, and having him say "I love you, Mommy!!!" AND helping my friend beat her goal by 10 minutes! PRICELESS!

    After my horrible first half marathon last year, my goal was to run in a warmer month, and with a friend. I did not care about my time, but my friend rocked it and we crushed my PR!

    I had a friend fly in from CO and she qualified for Boston today!! I think I'm still on a high...and I finished the race 11 hours ago LOL

    After the race my husband said everyone around me looked like they wanted to kill me when I started jumping up and down all excitedly when I saw them (about .15 from the finish)! For those interested, I ended up running 13.25 in 2:19:33 (official time 2:19:24).

    Happy Running! I have the full in 6 weeks!

    That is awesome!! Great time and so inspiring! I cant wait til I am ready for my half!!

    I 2nd that! Kuddos to you!!!
  • linnea213
    linnea213 Posts: 178 Member
    Ran a 5k and walked another mile at a fast pace. I finally printed out Hal's 1/2 marathon training schedule and I am going to tweak a little. I like my rest day to be on Sunday. So I rested yesterday & ran the 3 miles today. For those of you planning on a spring race this puts me in December in Chicago. So are you spreading the weeks out or will you repeat the weeks? Which do you think is best?
  • mlb929
    mlb929 Posts: 1,974 Member
    Got my run in this morning, but with a little struggle........I went shopping this weekend :bigsmile: , and let me tell you how great it feels to be a smaller size!!!! To leave a dressing room and not be depressed because you didnt like they way the clothes fit! The funny thing is....all my clothes were smaller, but my shoe size went up 1/2 size! :grumble: I bought 3 pair of shoes and all 3 were 1/2 size bigger!

    Could this be from running????

    AWESOME job on the sizes!!! It always feels good to shrink. Keep up the hard work.

    Shoe sizes can change from summer to winter because our footwear generally is looser (flip flops, etc). I buy my running shoes a 1/2 to 1 size bigger because of foot swelling when running anyway. It can also depend on the brand.
  • mlb929
    mlb929 Posts: 1,974 Member
    Ran a 5k and walked another mile at a fast pace. I finally printed out Hal's 1/2 marathon training schedule and I am going to tweak a little. I like my rest day to be on Sunday. So I rested yesterday & ran the 3 miles today. For those of you planning on a spring race this puts me in December in Chicago. So are you spreading the weeks out or will you repeat the weeks? Which do you think is best?

    I'm training for my 2, 3, and 4th halfs this winder and like Hal Higdon's plans. I switched days around too. Because I"m only running 1 day a week, and just added one day of speed work. What did was worked up to double weeks on my longer distances. But I have also been running almost 2 years now and have maintained the long distance, it never hurts to slow it down and peak at a later time. If it were "me" I would train up to 15 miles if you have the time, then back it down to 10 2 weeks out to not over-train, just my opinion.
  • SueInAz
    SueInAz Posts: 6,592 Member
    "There is no such thing as bad weather, only bad clothing."

    So I pretty much will avoid running outdoors only in the event of hurricane, blizzard, electrical or hail storm.
    I don't know. There really isn't clothing that will help 110°F in the shade which is what I get to contend with for a few months out of the year. :laugh:
  • FunRun08
    FunRun08 Posts: 203 Member
    Hay all, I just found this group, I am running my first half October 2nd. I'm super pumped and ready to rock it!! When I get time to sit for a while Im excited to read thru all your success stories :) good luck all!
  • djmi1
    djmi1 Posts: 7 Member
    Just wonder if that happening to anyone else than myself:
    Do you, the day after a marathon or half-marathon, weighted way more than before the race? I always weight between 4 to 5 pounds more the morning after a long distance race than the morning before it.
    Strange, always thought it should be the opposite way.
  • djmi1
    djmi1 Posts: 7 Member
  • djmi1
    djmi1 Posts: 7 Member
    Hay all, I just found this group, I am running my first half October 2nd. I'm super pumped and ready to rock it!! When I get time to sit for a while Im excited to read thru all your success stories :) good luck all!

    I will run the half-marathon Rock'n'Roll on Oct 2nd. Are you too? You said that you are gonna rock it, so I assumed that yes. If not, good luck anyway!
  • 27strange
    27strange Posts: 837 Member
    Just wonder if that happening to anyone else than myself:
    Do you, the day after a marathon or half-marathon, weighted way more than before the race? I always weight between 4 to 5 pounds more the morning after a long distance race than the morning before it.
    Strange, always thought it should be the opposite way.

    Yes after a long workout or a long run I am always up a couple lbs or more. Ya got to factor in the water that you chugged during/after the run, but more importantly your body retains water during intense exercise...sort of hoarding it to hydrate and repair muscles and glycogen loss.
  • bprague
    bprague Posts: 564 Member
    Hey guys, I can't remember if I've posed this question to you all before, so I'll just do it now.

    My ankles are killing me and have been for the past month. It's become so bad that I've just taken four days off straight. I suspect that I'm slowly destroying the tendons in my feet but what I don't understand is why it's happening! Two years ago I ran more than I do now, took one rest day per week and had problems with shin splints, but that's it.

    Now I'm resting every other day and strength training and I've never felt worse. Does anyone have any insights? I stretch after I warm up, stretch again when I finish, and got properly fitted at a running store 2 months ago. I am getting pretty discouraged seeing as I wanted to run a half marathon next year...
  • bjbixler
    bjbixler Posts: 258 Member
    "There is no such thing as bad weather, only bad clothing."

    So I pretty much will avoid running outdoors only in the event of hurricane, blizzard, electrical or hail storm.
    I don't know. There really isn't clothing that will help 110°F in the shade which is what I get to contend with for a few months out of the year. :laugh:

    You have a very good point. I think I'd have to reluctantly resort to the treadmill to avoid heat stroke. I guess I was thinking more along the lines of winter running. I'll still run when it's 10 or 15 degrees, with multiple layers. :)
  • SueInAz
    SueInAz Posts: 6,592 Member
    Hey guys, I can't remember if I've posed this question to you all before, so I'll just do it now.

    My ankles are killing me and have been for the past month. It's become so bad that I've just taken four days off straight. I suspect that I'm slowly destroying the tendons in my feet but what I don't understand is why it's happening! Two years ago I ran more than I do now, took one rest day per week and had problems with shin splints, but that's it.

    Now I'm resting every other day and strength training and I've never felt worse. Does anyone have any insights? I stretch after I warm up, stretch again when I finish, and got properly fitted at a running store 2 months ago. I am getting pretty discouraged seeing as I wanted to run a half marathon next year...
    It seems to me that rather than asking us you should be posing these questions to your GP and getting a referral to a specialist. Continuing your current routine might be further injuring you. It would be wise to have a doctor take a look and make sure.
  • paladeac
    paladeac Posts: 81 Member
    With much sadness, I had to defer my Marine Corps AMrathon registration until next eyar. An injury need a little more time to heal, and I should be runinning18 miles on Saturday if I was on my training schedule.
  • curlytop89
    curlytop89 Posts: 163 Member
    Hey guys, I can't remember if I've posed this question to you all before, so I'll just do it now.

    My ankles are killing me and have been for the past month. It's become so bad that I've just taken four days off straight. I suspect that I'm slowly destroying the tendons in my feet but what I don't understand is why it's happening! Two years ago I ran more than I do now, took one rest day per week and had problems with shin splints, but that's it.

    Now I'm resting every other day and strength training and I've never felt worse. Does anyone have any insights? I stretch after I warm up, stretch again when I finish, and got properly fitted at a running store 2 months ago. I am getting pretty discouraged seeing as I wanted to run a half marathon next year...

    I think if it feels like anything other than muscle aches and pains I would contact your doctor, maybe an orthopedic physician. I am a nurse at a surgical center and the orthopedists are always saying if people would get checked out right away when they get injured it would be lots easier to fix than if they try to ignore it, or put of getting it checked for months and even years. It's not worth it. Good luck.
  • curlytop89
    curlytop89 Posts: 163 Member
    "There is no such thing as bad weather, only bad clothing."

    So I pretty much will avoid running outdoors only in the event of hurricane, blizzard, electrical or hail storm.
    I don't know. There really isn't clothing that will help 110°F in the shade which is what I get to contend with for a few months out of the year. :laugh:
    Ha ha. I hear you on that one. Southern Mississippi gets super hot and soooo humid it is hard to breath in late summer. I try to get out super early, but still...ugh. I end up on the treadmill a lot during the summer.
  • curlytop89
    curlytop89 Posts: 163 Member
    Well, I did my pace run of 5 miles today and only managed 9:30 on the pace. It was incredibly humid and a very hilly course, but I was hoping to do better. I did do some speed work yesterday. I am resting tomorrow, crosstraining wed and will get a long run in some day this week. Maye Thursday, we'll see. That's when I try to do it. I think I am going to do 10 miles for my long run this week. My half is oct 29th. Wish me luck.
  • SueInAz
    SueInAz Posts: 6,592 Member
    "There is no such thing as bad weather, only bad clothing."

    So I pretty much will avoid running outdoors only in the event of hurricane, blizzard, electrical or hail storm.
    I don't know. There really isn't clothing that will help 110°F in the shade which is what I get to contend with for a few months out of the year. :laugh:
    Ha ha. I hear you on that one. Southern Mississippi gets super hot and soooo humid it is hard to breath in late summer. I try to get out super early, but still...ugh. I end up on the treadmill a lot during the summer.
    Exactly! It's not as humid here, but I still have to get up at around 5am to get in a run so the temp is below 80° and sometimes we don't even dip that low. Autumn is coming, though, and I can't wait to run in the winter! I'll gladly layer up as necessary.
  • 27strange
    27strange Posts: 837 Member
    Tried for a 4 mile recovery run today after running 15k yesterday. I had to stop after 2 miles, my right knee was really feeling wierd shooting pain down my leg. Totally bummed. The right knee is my good knee, the left is the one I have to keep braced while running, so not happy my "good" knee is flaring up. Guess its a gut check moment, I can't run as often or as hard as I could 10 years ago. I need rest days after a long run like yesterdays 15k. Ho hum. Plenty of ice and ibuprofen and I'll be ready to resume training in a couple of days. Enjoy the running and be careful friends!!!!