Half Marathon training support group?



  • curlytop89
    curlytop89 Posts: 163 Member
    I think I am going to do a half marathon on October 29th. I haven't been training specifically for it but I have been putting in some miles with running and keeping up some sort of aerobics activity. I am going to jump into the hal higdon novice plan 2 at week 5. I have been running 5 or six miles a couple times a week already. I went ahead and did eight today, it wasn't too bad. We will see how sore I get and that will tell for sure. I did this same half marathon last year in New Orleans. It is nice and flat and a good time of year and for a good cause. Someone at work mentioned to me about a Jeff Galloway running plan for distance races. It is where you run for several minutes then walk for like 30 - 40 seconds, then run for like 4 or 5 minutes and just repeat that over and over the whole race (or long run) Has anyone done this? I tried it today and it was okay I guess. Did break up the distance a bit, but I average about 10 minute miles (walking included). I was tired from coming off of vacation last week though, so I might give it another try next week.
  • curlytop89
    curlytop89 Posts: 163 Member
    I think that is probably a good thing with distance running. One of the sites I was on looking at training plans said to keep pretzels on hand to eat for the salt. And the meat is good for the protein to help heal those muscles after a hard workout. I try to eat extra eggs or lean meat if I do a long run or a hard workout.
  • summertime_girl
    summertime_girl Posts: 3,945 Member
    I don't like the start/stop. I'd rather run the full distance. I have a hard time getting going again after I slow to a walk.
  • BerryH
    BerryH Posts: 4,698 Member
    Curlytop, I'm doing Jeff Galloway's run/walk and it suits me down to the ground. I'm a very slow runner so I'm using the ratio R2/W1 minute.

    Here's what he recommends:
    Run-walk-run ratio should correspond to the training pace used:
    8 min/mi—run 4 min/walk 35 seconds
    9 min/mi— 4 min run-1 min walk
    10 min/mi—-3:1
    11 min/mi—2:30-1
    12 min/mi—-2:1
    13 min/mi—-1:1
    14 min/mi—30 sec run/30 sec walk
    15 min/mi—30 sec/45 sec
    16 min/mi—30 sec/60 sec
  • mlb929
    mlb929 Posts: 1,974 Member
    I'll be running my second half marathon in late October. I've completed a full marathon last year, but until my kids are older, decided training for 1/2's are more reasonable. I'm planning a half in October, December, and March.

    I only run 1 day a week at the present time. I'm doing my second round of Insanity, and the cardio is so intense, I don't need to run those extra days. I miss them tho and may add some intervals in for good measure.

    I'm running 10 miles tomorrow or Friday. It's still in the 90's where I live, so need to run early in the Am. I can come into work late on Fridays and try to do my run then.

    My October half is an ugly course with 4 steep straight up hill miles, figure if I have to walk any of it I'm still good with that.
  • katapple
    katapple Posts: 1,108 Member
    My 4 miles were fantastic this morning! Ended up getting 6 x .25 sprints in! Only the first mile was over a 9 min pace, the rest under. I felt great, I could tell I was working, but my recovery between was still speedy, and it makes me feel good knowing I could do it.

    I don't like to run/walk either, but if I have to walk it's not hard for me to get going again. I usually walk through 2-4 water stations during a longer race anyway :)

    Keep up the good work today!
  • sjcply
    sjcply Posts: 817 Member
    ARGH! Is anyone else hungry ALL THE TIME?

    I've changed things around a few times, but right now my activity level is set on "lightly active" (I'm a nurse) and I track my food normally, entering my run calories manually (as reported by my GPS iPhone app) and eating them back- with relish.

    Earlier in my training, if I had a long run day I might eat a little less than my total limit that day, then eat a little more the next day, and it'd even out over the week. Now my weekend long run is 12 miles, my ordinary weekday runs are 6 miles, and I've added a mid-week speedwork session . . . and I am HUNGRY ALL THE TIME and frequently over my daily limit.

    Also, earlier in my training I really didn't count calories at all, and my speed increased nicely while my weight dropped- slowly, but dropped. Now my speed has plateaued even though my weight is dropping steadily.

    Normal part of training? Or do I need to eat more? Or maybe just hit a higher percentage of carbs? ARGH.

    hmmm... what is your deficit set to? Once you've been working out for a while, and obviously you work out a lot, you can probably up your calories. Are you trying to loose weight? I was recently set at loosing 1lb a week, but have changed it to loosing 1/2lb a week because I am so close to my goal and that gave me more food to eat!

    I think I need to do that......I am really close to my goal and the wt loss has slowed waaaay down!
  • sjcply
    sjcply Posts: 817 Member
    ARGH! Is anyone else hungry ALL THE TIME?

    I've changed things around a few times, but right now my activity level is set on "lightly active" (I'm a nurse) and I track my food normally, entering my run calories manually (as reported by my GPS iPhone app) and eating them back- with relish.

    Earlier in my training, if I had a long run day I might eat a little less than my total limit that day, then eat a little more the next day, and it'd even out over the week. Now my weekend long run is 12 miles, my ordinary weekday runs are 6 miles, and I've added a mid-week speedwork session . . . and I am HUNGRY ALL THE TIME and frequently over my daily limit.

    Also, earlier in my training I really didn't count calories at all, and my speed increased nicely while my weight dropped- slowly, but dropped. Now my speed has plateaued even though my weight is dropping steadily.

    Normal part of training? Or do I need to eat more? Or maybe just hit a higher percentage of carbs? ARGH.

    This is sooo me since I have increased my distance......My appetite is thru the roof on my run days! I just try to eat more protein and drink lots of water!
  • sjcply
    sjcply Posts: 817 Member
    Curlytop, I'm doing Jeff Galloway's run/walk and it suits me down to the ground. I'm a very slow runner so I'm using the ratio R2/W1 minute.

    Here's what he recommends:
    Run-walk-run ratio should correspond to the training pace used:
    8 min/mi—run 4 min/walk 35 seconds
    9 min/mi— 4 min run-1 min walk
    10 min/mi—-3:1
    11 min/mi—2:30-1
    12 min/mi—-2:1
    13 min/mi—-1:1
    14 min/mi—30 sec run/30 sec walk
    15 min/mi—30 sec/45 sec
    16 min/mi—30 sec/60 sec

    I find this interesting, I have never seen it done like this....but I am going to try it! Thanks!
  • sjcply
    sjcply Posts: 817 Member
    Today was my cross day, so I did 45 min on the elliptical....I wanted to run so I jumped on the treadmill just for a few minutes (I run outside, and find it hard to run on TM) but it didnt last long...

    The inside of my Left Knee and my Right ankle are kind of hurting when I run......anyone know why? Do you think it is my gait or my shoes or what? (It is only on the inside of my knee) and my shins are great!
  • UrbanRunner81
    UrbanRunner81 Posts: 1,207 Member
    Still cross training until my foot is better. I rode 13 miles on my bike today.
  • krislshoe
    krislshoe Posts: 459 Member
    Hey everyone...would love to join this group...I have been training for my half marathon since the end of May....It is scheduled for this Sun. but I cant run cause I have an injury.....hurt my foot running 13 miles two weeks ago...so right now I am to be resting it....which is sooo hard cause I just want to RUN!!!!!
  • krislshoe
    krislshoe Posts: 459 Member
    Still cross training until my foot is better. I rode 13 miles on my bike today.

    I am from PA tooo....was going to be running the Harrisburg Half this weekend:0)
  • summertime_girl
    summertime_girl Posts: 3,945 Member
    Hope injuries all resolve quickly.

    Did 4.5 miles just now, but it was tough. I'm totally dragging today. I really slogged through my run.
  • kath711
    kath711 Posts: 712 Member
    I don't like the start/stop. I'd rather run the full distance. I have a hard time getting going again after I slow to a walk.

    Ditto, once I stop and walk I cannot get back into a groove.
  • kath711
    kath711 Posts: 712 Member
    So far this week did 7 on monday, cross trained with soccer tuesday, 8 yesterday and 8 today. Felt awful yesterday, real sluggish but today felt great. No idea what this difference was. Tomorrow, trying a longer run about 11.

    Still havent actually signed up for the 1/2-marathon run in november. Gonna see how I do tomorrow with longer run.

    Have a great weekend :)
  • runnerdad
    runnerdad Posts: 2,081 Member
    Curlytop, I'm doing Jeff Galloway's run/walk and it suits me down to the ground. I'm a very slow runner so I'm using the ratio R2/W1 minute.

    Here's what he recommends:
    Run-walk-run ratio should correspond to the training pace used:
    8 min/mi—run 4 min/walk 35 seconds
    9 min/mi— 4 min run-1 min walk
    10 min/mi—-3:1
    11 min/mi—2:30-1
    12 min/mi—-2:1
    13 min/mi—-1:1
    14 min/mi—30 sec run/30 sec walk
    15 min/mi—30 sec/45 sec
    16 min/mi—30 sec/60 sec

    Of course, if you do the math, to average 8 min/mile, you have to do the run portion at about 6:45 pace, which I would guess would be hard for many on this thread to maintain for 4 minutes (maybe not, just saying).
  • runnerdad
    runnerdad Posts: 2,081 Member
    I don't like the start/stop. I'd rather run the full distance. I have a hard time getting going again after I slow to a walk.

    Ditto, once I stop and walk I cannot get back into a groove.

    Me too. If I am running well, I find it easier to just find my rhythm and go with it. I usually only fall into the run/walk mode when it is insanely hot and I need a cool down period or if I have an injury and need to walk it off.
  • summertime_girl
    summertime_girl Posts: 3,945 Member
    Today my plan calls for a day of rest. I'm getting ready to head to the barn, so I'll ride for a while. Then I'm meeting a friend for a walk, probably five miles or so. That's rest enough :)
  • KimertRuns13_1
    Had a tempo run last night 6 miles w/4 miles at tempo pace. It was a great run.
    6.08 miles in 62 minutes.
    Today is a rest day, which I will gladly take. I love how my legs feel fresh for my long runs on the weekend!

    Tomorrow I will do an easy 3 miler and probably lift weights.
    Sunday is an 11 miler in beautiful Cades Cove! I can't wait.