Half Marathon training support group?



  • Devol
    Devol Posts: 40 Member
    my normal distances is between 6 - 10 miles, however after 2 weeks out due to fractured ribs grrr i decided id try a solo half marathon this morning.

    I ended up doing 15.6 miles in 2 hrs 30 min but i was in agony when i stopped, i had weird pains in my legs i couldnt stand, sit or lie down. thankfully the agony has gone now im just aching haha

    so the moral of my story is to train properly

    so any advice is very grateful

    i would love to join this group :-)
  • BerryH
    BerryH Posts: 4,698 Member
    Hi everyone! I'm doing the London Royal Parks half on 9 October, so its great to meet people in a similar boat! I'm planning to do it at a run 2/walk 1 minute ratio, as recommended by Jeff Galloway's programme for my pace, and hope to finish in around 2:45.

    I've got a 10K race this weekend on exactly the weekend recommended by the race's own training programme - that never happens! Then two more weeks of increased distance before the taper, during which i plan to get up to 11 miles.

    Thanks to summertime_girl for pointing me to this thread!
  • summertime_girl
    summertime_girl Posts: 3,945 Member
    Today's run was wretched. I had a bit of a stomach ache before I went out, and about two miles in, I was dying. I ended up only making it a slow 3 miles, walking the last mile. Awfully disappointing after yesterday's fantastic run. I am going to still ride my horse later for some core work, and if I feel up to it, a few miles on the elliptical to try to make up for the disaster that was my run.
  • linnea213
    linnea213 Posts: 178 Member
    I'm in too! I've been researching HM training apps and online training schedules. I usually use mapmyrun on my iphone but they don't give you a training schedule unless you upgrade for $5.99/mo. No thanks. I plan on doing the half in my hometown in may 2012. I currently run 4 miles 3-4 days a week. The farthest I've run is only 5 but I am signed up for a few 5ks and my time is definitely getting better but still slow.

    Here is my race schedule-

    8/27 Giving back 5k 33:50
    9/17 Chicago Blackhawks Mad Dash to Madison 5k
    10/24 Oak Park's Frank Llyod Wright 5k
    12/17 Jingle Bell Run 5k

    Haven't decided if I'm going to do the Chicago hot chocolate race on 11/6 yet. It was my first 5k that I did last year.
  • sjcply
    sjcply Posts: 817 Member
    I have never run with water before but now that I am running longer I just ordered Swiggies from Hydrosport. They are little bottles you wear on your wrists. I cant stand running and holding anything. They have not come in yet but i'll let you know how they do when I use them.

    I need to check those out, never heard of them...sounds like something I could use :smile:
  • sjcply
    sjcply Posts: 817 Member
    I have missed alot the last few days! We were gone all Labor day Weekend...busy, busy busy! SO I did not get to run. But, I got in 4 miles this morning. and will run the rest of the week!

    I have never drank water either during my runs, but the longest I have ran so far is 7.5 miles.....so I am sure as my mileage increases, I will need to so I will be checking out some items online to make it easier.
  • youngmomtaz
    youngmomtaz Posts: 1,075 Member
    I have been keeping my running to just 3 days a week, 2 short runs or speed workouts and one day I run long. 2 days I do just weights, and the other 2 I ride bike or just play soccer with the kids. Winter sports are more fun for me. I love to strap on my snowshoes for a few miles, or cross country ski all day long. I have never run in a Manitoba winter though. I have enough winter clothing for heavy sweat activities in the extreme cold, I just ordered some ice gripper things to pull over my runners as my town is hilly and while they move the snow they do not salt/gravel often so the roads stay very slippery. I am kinda nervous about winter. I hate indoor training, so getting on my treadmill is tourture, hopefully working out outside is doable at least part of the time!!
  • UrbanRunner81
    UrbanRunner81 Posts: 1,207 Member
    Came back from a 4 mile run. I wish it would stop raining. It was chilly!
  • summertime_girl
    summertime_girl Posts: 3,945 Member
    Thinking about signing up for a local half at the end of October, but not sure how wise that is. Right now I'm maxing out at half that distance, though I know I could walk part. I have a fear of coming in dead last. I wouldn't even be considering it, except for the proximity. Hmmm....
  • UrbanRunner81
    UrbanRunner81 Posts: 1,207 Member
    How far can you run now? You might able to do it if you doing 7.5 miles. Just keep adding a mile to your long run each week maybe?
  • kated930
    Thinking about signing up for a local half at the end of October, but not sure how wise that is. Right now I'm maxing out at half that distance, though I know I could walk part. I have a fear of coming in dead last. I wouldn't even be considering it, except for the proximity. Hmmm....

    That was what was holding my back from singing up for this HM in October, but its my first one, so I'll be proud if I finish even if I have to do some walking and come in last place, at least I tried!!

    THANKS for all the water info. I can usually go for a while without water, but I want to do the long runs the right way and I've read that you really need to keep hydrated after running for an hour or longer!
  • kated930
    oh also, during my training of course my longest run before the actual race falls the day after my birthday. Do I really want to run 12 miles the day after my 25th????

    I might have to do some rearranging in the schedule
  • 27strange
    27strange Posts: 837 Member
    How's everyone's running going? Had a couple days off with the long weekend, looking forward to a run this evening after work. The temps have dropped from near 100 degrees this past Saturday to a high of 70 today. Crazy weather change. Maybe Fall is setting in? Hope so, it will benefit the running schedule ahead. I ran a 9 miler on Saturday. Looking to up to 10 this coming weekend. 10 miles will be the furthest I have ever run in my life. I completed a 15k race (9.3 miles) about 10 years ago. I am really enjoying working on distance....a marathon someday....I hope to....

    Lace up those shoes and enjoy the run!!!
  • BerryH
    BerryH Posts: 4,698 Member
    Did my scheduled 40 mins on the dreadmill tonight, with the first 5K in 37 minutes, not bad for me.
  • katapple
    katapple Posts: 1,108 Member
    Devol ~ Wow, 15 in 2:30 is amazing! No wonder you were in agony ;-P Rest up, hope you feel better soon

    Berry ~ Good luck on your 10k!

    Summertime ~ Sorry about the awful run, but I'm a big believer that the hard ones make you stronger! You have plenty of time to train for a half in Oct if you're already up to 7 miles! And it's your first, who cares if your dead last?

    Linnea ~ I losely follow Hal Higdon's training schedule, they are free! I run 3 days a week, 1 easy middle mileage, 1 sprint work, and 1 long run. I add a mile every week or every other week. Good luck on your upcoming 5ks! The hot chocolate one sounds fab!!

    Youngmomtaz ~ Hilly in Manitoba?! LOL I'm originally from ND, and there aren't any hills where I came from ;-P Good luck keeping up on running this winter...I do not miss the below zero weather AT ALL! :)

    Kate~ Do the 12 miles the day of, then you won't feel guilty about all the food and drinks :)

    27Strange ~ Good luck on your 10 miler this weekend!

    I got 8 miles in this morning! Averaged a 10:10 pace, amazingly. My entire body was sore from yesterday's kettlebell routine. But that is the fastest I've ever done 8 miles! My mid-week mileage is increasing as I get ready for my full marathon. Next week I'll take it easy since it is the week before the half, but watch out for longer distances after!
  • sjcply
    sjcply Posts: 817 Member
    I have fuel belt. I like to keep my hands free when I do long distances.

    What is a fuel belt?
  • sjcply
    sjcply Posts: 817 Member
    NVM.....I googled it! :laugh:
  • linnea213
    linnea213 Posts: 178 Member
    Well just got back from 3.7 mile walk/run. It's very hilly and supposedly one of the top 25 training paths that is recommended for the Boston marathon. My runner friend told me this so I'm not 100% sure but it's a killer. I got back home And hopped on the treadmill for another mile. So I did 4.7 today in 57 minutes. Slow but better than nothing! :)
  • Panda_Jack
    Panda_Jack Posts: 829 Member
    Howdy! Sorry I'm late to the party, didn't know this thread was even here.

    Running my first half marathon on Oct. 9th. Currently integrating HH's 1/2M training plan into my triathlon training (LB Sprint Tri Sept. 18th) I've run a few 5k's, a mud run and a triathlon so far.

    I'm coming off ITBS so my pace is much slower than I was but I've been taking it easy rather than injure myself this close to race day. Also I'm a bit behind due to injury as well, but my main goal is to use this 1/2M training as a base for IM Oceanside/California in March.

    Its great to see so many endurance athletes here! Good luck on all your races, and hope you all stay injury free!
  • summertime_girl
    summertime_girl Posts: 3,945 Member
    Ride was much better than my run! And I'm feeling better.

    I think I might give the October 1/2 a try. What I'm going to do is plan to do a few long runs, as long as I can physically go, along with my training runs. I'm going to not plan a loop, but just run as far as I can, then have my husband pick me up from where ever I end up. If I'm anywhere in the neighborhood of 11+ miles, it could be doable.