Half Marathon training support group?



  • summertime_girl
    summertime_girl Posts: 3,945 Member
    I want to run today. I need to run today. I fear I'm a bit too hungover to run today. No fair that getting older means hangover after two drinks throughout the course of the whole day!
  • KimertRuns13_1
    Correction to my training plan info.. It is actually the plan that is in the August edition of Runner's World mag.

    I took today off. My knees were thankful.
    I'm making up my missed 3 miles tomorrow.

    It feels weird to taper this time around as I noticed I will not be logging as many weekly miles as I did when I last trained for a half marathon. I'm hoping that is one reason I've been able to keep such great paces.
  • beckylyda
    I am going to do my first full marathon in October. I am really not ready and could use some support. I am not planning on running the whole time. I did however run a half 2 years ago with out stopping. I was really proud of myself. It tolk a long time, but I finished. For the full. I would like to run most of it, but my goal is to finish.
  • flvsusandy
    flvsusandy Posts: 63 Member
    Just found this group and would love to join! I am doing my first half with a friend on Thanksgiving this year. I am currently using the Hal Higdon's training plan for a 15k at the end of this month and then will be jumping on the half training program after that race. I love to talk to other runners and would love the support as well!

    Races coming up:
    9/5- 10k (looks like it will be in the rain!)
    10/16- 5k mud run
    11/25- half marathon
    3/18-half marathon
    4/28- first full marathon (scary!!)
  • summertime_girl
    summertime_girl Posts: 3,945 Member
    Had a plan to do four miles today. Was heading out at around 9:15. My husband reminded me that he was meeting the guys at the gym at 10. I still got my four miles in! This is huge for me! I kept to just barely over a 10 minute mile pace. I'm usually much closer to 12:30 per mile. But my husband would have been irritated if he was late, so I ran faster to keep up with my training schedule of 4 miles today!! I can't believe I did it that fast. Even better, I'm not smoked, I could have gone longer, if I had the time.

    Considering that in May, I couldn't do a 1/4 mile without dying, and now I'm doing distances that I never thought possible (except by car!), and I'm getting closer to decent times, I'm really thrilled. Days like today make me glad I didn't bail after those first few miserable Couch to 5k days.
  • UrbanRunner81
    UrbanRunner81 Posts: 1,207 Member
    Great job.

    It is pouring here. I need to to do some speed training at the track today. I didn't run all weekend because we were away and my foot was still sore. I haven't ran 5 days because of my foot and still gets sore. This is so annoying :(
  • bjbixler
    bjbixler Posts: 258 Member
    I'm the "friend" flvsusandy is training with. My race schedule looks similar to hers.

    Summertime girl: are you in Massachusetts? I'm up here for a family wedding (live in Atlanta area currently) and had to do a training run around Lowell this morning. I totally agree with you on the lack of sidewalks! We are going to be back up in October when I'm due for a 10 miler. At least there won't be any snow yet!
  • KimertRuns13_1
    Great job, STG!! That is such an awesome feeling!!

    I ran what was suppose to be an EZ 3 today.. did 3.2 at 9:48 pace. Not sure it was easy but it felt good and I wasn't about to slack off and go slow. I also managed to do a killer kettlebell workout that now has me wanting to do nothing but sit all day.

    My training calls for taper to start this week but I am considering an 11 mile long run this week rather than 9..then 8 the next week and 6 the following. Not sure if that is what I will do though. I need to think on it and talk through it some more. I just can't believe I have successfully trained for another half marathon.
  • UrbanRunner81
    UrbanRunner81 Posts: 1,207 Member
    I did 3 miles around the track in the rain. Fun! lol It was running 9:45/miles basically. I did 3 miles.
  • kated930
    Hi guys! I am running my first half in October, I don't know if anyone else is running the Baystate Marathon in MA?

    I am at the beginning of my training, next week I do 8 miles for my long run, the first time I have ever run more than 7 so I am excited.

    Does anyone have any tips on how to get water while running? I don't want to run with a water bottle...

    Good luck training this week everyone :)
  • UrbanRunner81
    UrbanRunner81 Posts: 1,207 Member
    I have fuel belt. I like to keep my hands free when I do long distances.
  • KimertRuns13_1
    I run with a Nathan handheld. I also have a fuel belt but it weighs me down more than I like so the handheld is perfect...except I wish it kept my water and Nuun colder for longer when it is warm out.
    I have friends that wear Camelbaks for long runs.
  • UrbanRunner81
    UrbanRunner81 Posts: 1,207 Member
    yeah I have a camelbak. I really like it. I almost want to get a hydration backpack.
  • bprague
    bprague Posts: 564 Member
    Me! I've been looking for people doing this too! I really would like to do a half marathon by late spring next year. I am not setting a strict deadline for myself because I don't want to feel discouraged every time I need to slow down due to injuries. This is my ultimate plan for next year. Count me in.
  • summertime_girl
    summertime_girl Posts: 3,945 Member
    I have a few friends running the Baystate, but I'm just not ready for it that soon.

    As far as hydration (and peeing, lol) I'm sort of a camel. I can go a REALLY long time without needing a drink or a pee break. I guess to be fair, I really haven't run crazy long distances yet. I've maxed out at 8.5 so far. But I've gone for hours on a horse without rehydrating, so I'm guessing I could do at least a half marathon without hydrating as well.

    My husband has a Camelbak that he uses when he does really long mountain climbs, but I have big taste issues, and find the water tastes plasticky out of it.
  • kath711
    kath711 Posts: 712 Member
    Hi guys! I am running my first half in October, I don't know if anyone else is running the Baystate Marathon in MA?

    I am at the beginning of my training, next week I do 8 miles for my long run, the first time I have ever run more than 7 so I am excited.

    Does anyone have any tips on how to get water while running? I don't want to run with a water bottle...

    Good luck training this week everyone :)

    I have never run with water before but now that I am running longer I just ordered Swiggies from Hydrosport. They are little bottles you wear on your wrists. I cant stand running and holding anything. They have not come in yet but i'll let you know how they do when I use them.
  • B3Streeter
    B3Streeter Posts: 292 Member
    I love this idea! My first half is in Oct. in Cape Cod, & I am also doing a tough mudder in Nov. which is 12miles.
  • katapple
    katapple Posts: 1,108 Member
    My second half is coming up Sept 17th! (Air Force Marathon in Dayton, OH) So excited as I'm running with friends!

    I rarely have to pee during runs, but I drink a lot of water using my camelbak. I love that thing! During the race I will walk through a few water stations.

    I just signed up for my first full marathon for Nov 5th, which is exactly a year after my first half marathon, seemed fitting!

    Running 7 or 8 today, depends on how long the weather holds!
  • summertime_girl
    summertime_girl Posts: 3,945 Member
    Looks like my morning run is out. It's pouring here. I need to go three miles today. I'll aim for after work instead. I'm supposed to ride my horse this evening too, so I'll just need to squash in both. I just have a three mile run today, so no big deal.
  • Pebble321
    Pebble321 Posts: 6,554 Member
    Great idea, I was thinking of posting some HM questions, so I'll hit you all up with them soon!
    I have to run now (not literally, its too late at night) but I'll be back to introduce myself and read up to find out what you are all planning and how the training is going.