What Would You Do



  • achampionsheart
    achampionsheart Posts: 1,020 Member
    tithe ten percent to my church, pay off my college loans, pay off my house, buy a new car, and maybe buy my husband a new vehicle hehe....then put the rest up
  • AngelikaLumiere
    AngelikaLumiere Posts: 862 Member
    pay off my debts

    this. a million dollars is not a lot of money any more.

    No kidding.

    - Federal Tax
    =720 000
    - 90 000 State Tax
    ~630 000
    - Mortgage
    ~350 000
    - Equity Line of Credit/credit cards
    ~335 000
    - Replacements for 2 15 year old cars
    ~275 000
    - Student loans
    ~240 000
    - Home maintenance/repairs on 40 yr old home
    - Savings for children's college (2 x 2 years each)
    -Savings for emergencies (3 days in hospital % not covered by insurance)
    I used low average for estimating costs. If you are paying a larger mortgage or want a bigger house, if you want flashy cars, if you want to send your kids to a four year ivy league college, well enjoy the gum you can afford with the change.
  • Phoenix1401
    Phoenix1401 Posts: 711 Member
    Pay off my debt and buy my 1500 dollar dream car and tell everybody to kiss my fat black *kitten*!