Fun & Fit Sized - for the under 5'4" crowd - September 2011



  • Gembo82
    Oooo can i join please? I am 5'1 - 5'2, hoping the last one is more accurate lol. I had a bad month in August tried to do a fad diet which obviously didn't work and i really hope to get stuck into it this month and finally lose some weight.

    I am unsure of my goal weight i would like to lose 10lbs then see where i go from there. I am currently doing 30DS and hating it but seeing as i have made it half way through level 2 i will keep at it, i am hoping that will help me drop a couple of lbs.

    I have a pub lunch planned tomorrow, then a birthday party. The 17th i have a wedding to go to. 23rd my cousin is home from a 4 month placement in the falklands (RAF) so drinkies with her, so this month is going to be pretty tough i just hope i can make some changes within my weight somehow.

    Good luck to us all =)
  • ChshireKat
    Hi all, bookmark
  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member
    Welcome to all the newcomers!

    I hope to be able to post a longer reply tomorrow. Just loved all the shrinking comments. I use to be 5'3" and 7/8ths. Now, I am 5'2". yes, those halves are important.

    Thanks everyone for all the good humor here today. It really helps.

  • Starlage
    Starlage Posts: 1,709 Member
    i'm in :o)

    I'm 5'1.5" SW174 CW158 GW 140? I've always been unsure about my goal weight. I've also always been curvier than the average short girl thanks to my genes (along with gaining weight evenly all over my body- a curse in my eyes)! I fully accept my curviness and like that but once I got up to 174.... wow! too high. I started being uncomfortable in my skin and I hate that. I've worked hard since March of this year and have had a really slow journey. Slow and steady wins the race I guess, right? I've been in a rut for the last month stuck at 158ish. GAH! I hate getting in a rut. I have a really active job where I typically work long hours so exercising is hard sometimes. Get home at 7, exercise? no way. So I've been exercising with Tracy Anderson's metamorphosis 3-4 times a week (three days a week I get off earlier and have plenty of exercise time) and watching calories, eating back exercise calories. MAN am I stuck though. I feel like I'm doing everything right but have gotten stuck. Although I did have a couple of odd weeks this month with some family drama, wasn't exercising much but still eating well. I'm confident it'll get better though. I had tried zigzagging calories a couple of months ago and that helped me get out of the 160's so maybe I'll try it again since my body and metabolism seemed to respond to it. I really liked it acutally. While the low calorie days are tough and boring food-wise, the higher calorie days are nice to look forward to. Anyways, I'd love checking in here and chatting :o) I'm a HUGE tracy anderson fan. I LOVE her workouts! They can be tough but so unique- i love that it's different from what I'm used to. Anyways, I need to get to work!.... since i'm at work... hahaha.... Maybe I can post longer later! Have a great afternoon/evening ladies! (i'm in washington state so it's afternoon here!)
  • porffor
    porffor Posts: 1,212 Member
    Hi all, another shortie here.. :)
    I'm CW 179 sept GW is 173.

    can I ask what all your calories are a day?

    I'm 5'3" and aiming for around 1200 a day. I exercise most days but am not currently eating my calories much. I do sometimes and have had a wobble in august where I gained a few lbs so need to be better this month.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,976 Member
    :bigsmile: Hello, fit and fun sized friends. I am 5'3" (used to be 5'4") and have been on MFP since February 2009. I started at 183 thinking I probably had about 20 pounds to lose :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: As I lost weight, I knew that I had more than 20 pounds to lose and each pound lost made me happier. I kept losing until it felt right. I ignored the friends who said I was wasting away and kept going until I knew the number was right. I reached 113 in February 2010 and by August was down to 110. My weight has stayed between 110 and 113 with fluctuations from sodium, vacation, and holidays. I don't work full time so I have a lot of time for exercise. i have two lively standard poodles who loved to be walked so they provide me with a lot of exercise. They are not bothered by weather so we walk rain, snow, wind, whatever. I go to line dance classes three days a week.

    :bigsmile: it doesn't matter what road blocks we had in August, this a new month full of great opportunity to reach our goals. Get off the couch, get away from the refrigerator, shut down the computer, and get moving.:bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:
  • Starlage
    Starlage Posts: 1,709 Member
    i'm 1400-1600 a day, more around 1900+ when I exercise. My daily cals vary because my activity level greatly varies. I've got my food diary set at sedentary, and then I wear a pedometer all day and add my calories earned depending on how many miles i've walked. Some days it only 2, some days i's almost 6. Setting one calorie level doesn't work for me! I'm a medical assistant so some days i'm at my desk most of the day, others i'm up most of the day moving around.
  • 321blueeyes
    321blueeyes Posts: 279 Member
    Hi all, another shortie here.. :)
    I'm CW 179 sept GW is 173.

    can I ask what all your calories are a day?

    I'm 5'3" and aiming for around 1200 a day. I exercise most days but am not currently eating my calories much. I do sometimes and have had a wobble in august where I gained a few lbs so need to be better this month.

    I'm 5'2.5" and have my profile set to sedentary, so to maintain is about 1680 cal but my weight loss setting is 1/2 lb per week so I get 1430 cal per day. Seems to work well for me, I have been losing > 1/2 lb per week so don't see any reason to try to cut calories further.

    Age 30, if that makes a difference, and I'm an avid runner ~ 25-30 miles/week and really trying to focus on more strength training. I usually eat back my exercise calories & also eat maintenance calories on Fri & Sat (10+ mile runs on Sat, eat more calories on these days to prepare for the stress on my body).

    So for me, more calories is better :) Much less hunger and better loss than when I've tried 1200 cal in the past.
  • daybyday
    daybyday Posts: 537 Member
    It's great to see so many new "pals". A short intro: I am 5 feet 1/2 inch. I've been on MFP since April 2010. I had reconstructive foot surgery June 1 of this year and am STILL recovering. I weighed myself this morning and I have GAINED 6 pounds. Not much, but I'm still discouraged. I start physical therapy tomorrow so hopefully will be able to exercise with my feet soon. Tomorrow I am going to start doing some sitting exercises. I have gotten lazy since surgery - I admit it!!

    Good luck everyone!!
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,976 Member
    It's great to see so many new "pals". A short intro: I am 5 feet 1/2 inch. I've been on MFP since April 2010. I had reconstructive foot surgery June 1 of this year and am STILL recovering. I weighed myself this morning and I have GAINED 6 pounds. Not much, but I'm still discouraged. I start physical therapy tomorrow so hopefully will be able to exercise with my feet soon. Tomorrow I am going to start doing some sitting exercises. I have gotten lazy since surgery - I admit it!!

    Good luck everyone!!

    No matter what you do, do not be discouraged, that will only stress you out can make a new beginning at any time.....there is so much you can do to burn calories even when you can't be up on your feet. All your fit and fun sized friends are cheering you on :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:
  • Nikstergirl
    Nikstergirl Posts: 1,549 Member
    Hi all, another shortie here.. :)
    I'm CW 179 sept GW is 173.

    can I ask what all your calories are a day?

    I'm 5'3" and aiming for around 1200 a day. I exercise most days but am not currently eating my calories much. I do sometimes and have had a wobble in august where I gained a few lbs so need to be better this month.

    I have my profile set to lightly active because I'm on my feet a fair amount at work but nothing strenuous. MFP set me to 1200 but I just didn't feel good eating that many, so I set my goal to 1300 and it's great. I do eat back my exercise calories (most of them and sometimes all) because I love to eat, and it's working for me. I'm losing these last pounds slowly, but still seeing losses of 7-8 pounds every 10 weeks or so which is great for being close to done.

    I'm 5'2" and 39 years old... started around 180, currently 133.6!!!! Not sure how much more I'll lose, you can see I set my goal currently to 130, but I may lower that (again!). Good luck!
  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member
    DaybyDay - I loved the play on words "short intro".

    Well, here is mine..............

    I have been on MFP since November 2008. My starting weight was 178. My current weight is 143, heading for a goal weight of 130 and I will see what I look and feel like at that time. I use to be 5'3", but have started to shrink and trying to do what I can to keep my bones strong. I sit at a computer most of the day and have set my calorie goal back to 1300. I tried 1200 calories a day, but just couldn't stick to it and put 5 pounds back on since switching to 1200.

    I try to be active outside of work, but life often gets in the way. Working full time, having a meat and potatoes husband and two teenagers still at home makes cooking interesting. But, I have figured a lot of that out since my journey began.

    I do truly believe that joining MFP and posting in this forum and one other have helped me be successful where I had failed in the past. I am so glad to have you all posting here and I know that we can work together and help each other get through this.

  • porffor
    porffor Posts: 1,212 Member
    Thanks everyone :) Sticking with it and going slowly.. have a lot of calories left to eat today though.. but it's friday so there is a pizza in the fridge with my name on it! yikes! lol It's a pretty 'good' one as far as they go and I won't eat much of it.

    I don't know what my final weight will be - I can't imagine myself slimmer than 154lbs if I'm honest.. that is the slimmest i've been as an adult as that was 15 years ago.. I've set my goals for xmas and Valentines (which is just after my 40th), so that it's within the healthy barrier and gives me goals to head for. I am starting to feel better about my weight and also to feel that I can finally achieve this as I'll be watching my weight for life, I never admitted I'd need to do that before it was always fad diets.

    Sorry..seem to have spilled a bit more than I planned. lol
  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member
    Silly me..................

    I didn't explain how I get my calorie goals.

    Under tools there is a BMR calculator which I used to set my calories. When I weighed 178 pounds, my BMR was a lot higher than it is now. I took the number of calculated for my BMR and round it upwards to the nearest 50 or 100. Like if it was 1307, I'd round up to 1350, but if it was 1378 then I'd round up to 1400. Every 10 pounds I lost, I adjusted my calories based on my new BMR.

    So, it is just recently that my BMR is under 1200 and 1200 was the closed round number. But, as I said, I could not seem to stay under that, so I went back to 1300 calories a day.

  • lovestobaketoo
    lovestobaketoo Posts: 76 Member
    I am so in!! I am 5'4" CW 139 GW 130, need some HELP!! My scale will not move. I run a couple times a week and weight train two times a week. I have four great kids and I love to bake for them. Advice???

    THANKS for getting us going!
  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member
    I am so in!! I am 5'4" CW 139 GW 130, need some HELP!! My scale will not move. I run a couple times a week and weight train two times a week. I have four great kids and I love to bake for them. Advice???

    THANKS for getting us going!

    I would still bake for them, but try to make better choices on what you bake and what calories are in it. This way if you taste it, it will be a little less calories. Also, my mother precuts things she bakes or bakes them in single serving sizes to keep us from cutting large portions. Mom is 93 and swears it helps. Lately, experts have started to agree with her. lol

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,976 Member
    I am so in!! I am 5'4" CW 139 GW 130, need some HELP!! My scale will not move. I run a couple times a week and weight train two times a week. I have four great kids and I love to bake for them. Advice???

    THANKS for getting us going!

    I don't know what you're eating so it's hard to make any suggestions. Your exercise sounds great.:bigsmile: :bigsmile: I gave up baking because I don't eat desserts any more, but then, I don't have kids. I used to be famous for my home baked chocolate chip cookies and made the decision to change hobbies.

    The more I eat healthy and exercise, the more energy I have which is great for weight loss.

    :bigsmile: Jeannie, I love your mom's idea about single servings. When i started on this weight loss journey, I started cooking exactly what we were going to eat instead of planning to have left overs which I ended up eating at bedtime :laugh:

    :bigsmile: most of the time I was losing weight I set my calorie goal at 1200 and then added my exercise calories. I found that as I exercised more, I would feel weak if I didn't eat a little more to fuel my body. Now that I am maintaining, I keep my calories base under 1550 ( my weight stays between 110 and 113) and eat most of my exercise calories. I am very careful to be eating only nutrition dense foods and stay away from sugar, white flour, simple carbs, and processed foods.

    :bigsmile: porffor, I am incapable of eating on a little bit of pizza so I generally stay away from it......I changed my weight goal many times as I was losing weight and amazed myself.

    :bigsmile: we don't do much on holiday weekends so we're home enjoying our new house, walking the dogs a lot, and continuing to put things away and get organized.
  • babygurl1
    babygurl1 Posts: 196 Member
    I am so in!! I am 5'4" CW 139 GW 130, need some HELP!! My scale will not move. I run a couple times a week and weight train two times a week. I have four great kids and I love to bake for them. Advice???

    THANKS for getting us going!

    Check out she has tons of wonderful delish dishes that are low cal! I swear by her! She does just about everything!
  • 321blueeyes
    321blueeyes Posts: 279 Member
    WOOHOO! I'm excited, I tried on a bunch of "too-small" clothes and discovered that I can drop pant sizes!

    The old 8's & up are now "fat clothes". 8P is good now (6 reg zips up but looks like spandex)! I own items down to size 0 & 2 but that was back in my 120-lb days... but would be thrilled to get back into 4 reg / 6P. Such cute dresses from my former size-4 self *sigh*
  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member
    WOOHOO! I'm excited, I tried on a bunch of "too-small" clothes and discovered that I can drop pant sizes!

    The old 8's & up are now "fat clothes". 8P is good now (6 reg zips up but looks like spandex)! I own items down to size 0 & 2 but that was back in my 120-lb days... but would be thrilled to get back into 4 reg / 6P. Such cute dresses from my former size-4 self *sigh*

    That is so cool. I bet you just feel fantastic about it.

    Have a great weekend wearing your "new" size.
