Over 40 - Christmas Challenge (Closed)



  • kepete
    kepete Posts: 268 Member
    Thanks to Sam for helping me today!

    Week 10= 181.9
    Week 11 = 179.0
  • sherrillg
    sherrillg Posts: 322 Member
    Happy Hamster Dance! I love it when a plan comes together (and the dang-blasted scale agrees!) Loving the feeling after "heavy" strength training! Sore muscles and all :-) and apparently it's working.

    GW - 145 (Dec 25)
    Week 1 - missed
    Week 2 - 162 (Aug 29)
    Week 3 - 160.2(Sep 5)
    Week 4 - 158.4 (Sep 12)
    Week 5 - 158.2 (Sep 19)
    Week 6 - 157.2 (Sep 26)
    Week 7 - 157.2 (Oct 3)
    Week 8 - 157.2(Oct 10)
    Week 9 - 157.2(Oct 17)
    Week 10 - 157.0(Oct 24)
    Week 11- 156.0 (Oct 31)
  • samhradh
    samhradh Posts: 297 Member
    Hi All,
    well done to all the losers, Gwen your retreat sounds great, i'm sure you will be back on track in no time.

    SW - 194
    GW - 174 (Dec 25)
    Week 1 - 194 (Aug 22)
    Week 2 - 192 (Aug 29)
    Week 3 - 189 (Sep 5)
    Week 4 - 187.8 (Sep 12) goal for coming week GET EXERCISE
    Week 5 - 186.2 (Sep 19) . DITTO get off your *kitten*, & go to bed by 10.30pm sod the housework.
    Week 6 - 184.6 (Sep 26) GO TO BED
    Week 7 - 182.8 (Oct 3) half way to Christmas goal, happy days, still have to go to bed earlier.
    Week 9 - 181 (Oct 10) BED BED BED
    Week 10 -179.8 (Oct 17) still need to go to bed earlier, try to reduce none fruit & veggie carbs.
    Week 11 -179 (Oct 24) BED BED BED again, exercise every day
    Week 12 - 178.2 (Oct 31) sleep & drink water at the weekends
    Week 13 - xxx (Nov 7)
    Week 14 - xxx (Nov 14)
    Week 15 - xxx (Nov 21)
    Week 16 - xxx (Nov 28)
    Week 17 - xxx (Dec 5)
    Week 18 - xxx (Dec 12)
    Week 19 - xxx (Dec 19)
    Final - xxx (Dec 25)
  • samhradh
    samhradh Posts: 297 Member
    :blushing: sorry double post
  • LHann360
    LHann360 Posts: 159 Member
    Happy Monday ! I disappeared for the weekend.... Friday nights party was a blast. Ate too much crap and didn't post any food all weekend. Saturday I woke up with my sciatica pinched nerve again and spent most of it lying around with ice and ibuprophen. Good grief...how does that happen ?? Did I sleep wrong ? I don't remember doing any fabulous gymnastics after the party ( I wasn't drunk neither :laugh: ) Feeling better today , so planning on my gym class.

    My son dressed up as Justin Timberlake from his SNL skit a few years back. It was hilarious...I know I'm his mother and shouldn't encourage that behavior, but it was funny and he is 21...so naturally it was huge hit at the girls rugby party . If you don't know what that skit is you can see the video on you tube....I'll leave it at that. I put his pic. in my profile if you want to laugh. He's the tall one on the right. My husband and I were a cowboy and Indian.

    So tomorrow is my weigh in, not planning on seeing any result, but I'm sticking to it. I donated 2 huge bags of clothes to Good Will yesterday , so my closet is down to t shirts, workout clothes and my one nice blouse for Fridays outing. Good thing I'm a home body because there is nothing nice to wear. I better start to really focus on my goal . I want new clothes !!

    Sherrill- nice job on the loss. How exciting - you're going to Japan soon !!
    Kristel- sorry you're not sleeping well. I get insomnia every once in a while. It comes in spurts about every 3 weeks. I can't
    figure out why it happens.
    Glad to see girls reaching their goals..

    Have a great day !
  • juliekin
    juliekin Posts: 139 Member
    SW - 184
    GW - 145Dec 25)
    Week 1 - 163 (Aug 22)
    Week 2 - 162 (Aug 29)
    Week 3 - 160 (September 5)
    Week 4 - 161 (September 12)
    Week 5 - 159.5 (September 19)
    Week 6 - 158.0 (September 26)
    Week 7 - 157.0 (October 3)
    Week 8 - 155.5 (October 10)
    Week 9- 155.5 (October 17)
    Week 10- 154.0 (October 24)
    Week 11- 152.0 (October 31)

    Well, knock me over with a feather! I DID NOT expect that loss. I have started a little bit of elliptical and will move to that instead of walking in the cold weather. I should get a bit of a walk with the kids trick or treating tonight. Still struggling with water and little cheats (a bite here and there). I've got the water thing worked out for now and the sleep is still lacking. I did wear the "sexy" Halloween costume that I would never have dared in the past. I hope, with all your support, to stay on track with the upcoming holiday season - Thanksgiving through Advent and Christmas and New Year's is a killer for me - I love homemade stuffing and then just take a few extra bites here and there and then...poof! Weight id added. What do you all do to avoid this?
  • Pangui
    Pangui Posts: 373 Member
    Well, I finally found you guys.


    SW - 252
    GW - 222 (Dec 25)

    Week 1 - 252 (Aug 22)
    Week 2 - 249 (Aug 29)
    Week 3 - xxx (Sep 5) On VACATION, no scale.
    Week 4 - 249 (Sep 12) Bummer, still on vacation recovery
    Week 5 - 248 (Sep 19)
    Week 6 - 243 (Sep 26)
    Week 7 - 241 (Oct 3)
    Week 9 - 239 (Oct 10)
    Week 10 - 237 (Oct 17)
    Week 11 - 234 (Oct 24)
    Week 12 - 234 (Oct 31)

    I just haven't been having a stellar week this time. I hope it's not the "holiday season" because it's time for it to come to an end as I get back into my fully focused routine. I think TOM had a lot to do with my attitude and behavior this past week. However, this is a new week, and I am looking forward to a 2 pound loss (more would be gladly accepted).
  • brobin41101
    brobin41101 Posts: 212 Member
    ~~~Happy Halloween everyone !!!~~~ Looks as though just about everyone,( but me), :huh: , gets to report a loss this week. Congratulations, Kepete,on the 2 lb. loss. Gwen, welcome back from your artist's retreat. I'm sure you will rebound in no time flat. Sherrill, your strength training really paid off ! Linda nice loss, you are doing great .:drinker: Leila, it sounds like the Halloween Party was a huge hit. I will take a look at the pictures you posted. Julia, you looked fabulous in your costume...And you are the super hero !!! Congrats on the 2 lb. loss. Lori, I feel your pain. :sad: I was in a funk this past week too. I sure would love to see a loss next week as well. Two pounds would be perfect. :wink: Kristel, wow, oh wow,:love: , you have done fabulous!!! Not only did you make your Christmas challenge...but you are charging right past it and losing even more ! I am very proud of you !!! SW- 209 GW - 185 (Dec 25)
    Week 1 - 207 (Aug 22)
    Week 2 - 204 (Aug 29)
    Week 3 - 203 (Sep 5)
    Week 4 - 203 (Sep 12)
    Week 5 - 203 (Sep 19) ...My Anniversary
    Week 6 - 199 (Sep 26) ...Out of the 200's...Finally !!!!!
    Week 7 - 196 (Oct 3)
    Week 9 - 193 (Oct 10)
    Week 10 - 193 (Oct 17)
    Week 11 - 191 (Oct 24)
    Week 12 - 191 (Oct 31) No Treat For Me :(:wink:
    Week 13 - xxx (Nov 7) - Mini Goal - (190 lbs.)
    Week 14 - xxx (Nov 14)
    Week 15 - xxx (Nov 21)
    Week 16 - xxx (Nov 28)
    Week 17 - xxx (Dec 5)
    Week 18 - xxx (Dec 12)
    Week 19 - xxx (Dec 19)
    Final - xxx (Dec 25)
  • dlperry65
    Hope everybody is having a good day. Glad to have Monday about done, even if it is Halloween!. Did not get a chance to post earlier.
    Good job, for those showing a loss. For those who have not, our bodies are complex amazing systems, just keep at it, success will come.

    SW - 171
    GW - 150(Dec 25)

    Week 1 - 169.8 (Aug 22)
    Week 2 - 167.2 (Aug 29)
    Week 3 - 166.4 (Sep 5)
    Week 4 - XXX (Sep 12)
    Week 5 - 168.4 (Sep 19)
    Week 6 - 165.4(Sep 26)
    Week 7 - 164.0 (Oct 3)
    Week 8 - 162.2 (Oct 10)
    Week 9 - 162.2 (Oct 17)
    Week 10 - 161.2 (Oct 24)
    Week 11 - 159.2 (Oct 31)
    Week 12 - xxx (Nov 7)
    Week 13 - xxx (Nov 14)
    Week 14 - xxx (Nov 21)
    Week 15 - xxx (Nov 28)
    Week 16 - xxx (Dec 5)
    Week 17 - xxx (Dec 12)
    Week 18 - xxx (Dec 19)
    Final - xxx- (Dec 25)

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Counter
  • KeriA
    KeriA Posts: 3,275 Member
    I am seeing a lot of progress here after a lot of maintaining last week and congrats Kristel on reaching your goal. Glad you had a great retreat Gwen. I think you will make your mini goal Beth. Well didn't really get a chance to check the scale this morning but haven't seen a loss yet when I do. This afternoon I finally got to go to the gym and get back to my weight training.after taking my Mom to the Drs and me to the eye Dr. Tomorrow a walk.jog before helping my Mom settle into a temporary or not retirement community apartment where they are going to give her some assisstance. Yay!. So hope to see some progress soon.
  • paxetamore
    paxetamore Posts: 399 Member
    Day late posting. Really happy though! Met my mini-goal by the skin of my teeth...seeing 218... take THAT recent ex-boyfriend, when I met you in October 2006 that's what I weighed - HA! :D

    GW - 199.9 (Dec 25)
    SW - 225.3
    Week 1 - 225.3 (Aug 22)
    Week 2 - 224.0 (Aug 29) - nutrition goal: drink 8 cups of water per day and meet weekly calories-burned goal
    Week 3 - 222.4 (Sept 5) - exercise goal this week: increase cardio time in workouts
    Week 4 - 225.3 (Sept 11) - limiting alcohol to weekends only and getting the cardio up & going
    Week 5 - 224.7 (Sept 19) - getting the cardio up & going!
    Week 6 - 222.7 (Sept 26) - getting the cardio up & going... still
    Week 7 - 221.8 (Oct 3) - still working on cardio regime!
    Week 8 - 220.7 (Oct 10) - vacation to visit my daughter at college for a few days... I want to not gain!
    Week 9 - 220.2 (Oct 20) - c-a-r-d-i-o!!!
    Week 10 - 219.4 (Oct 24) - c-a-r-d-i-o... every day!
    Week 11 - 218.3 (Oct 31) - see above lol!
  • Squirkie
    Squirkie Posts: 135 Member
    GW - 180 (Dec 25)
    Week 1 - 198 (Aug 24)
    Week 2 - 199 (Aug 31)
    Week 3 - 200.4 (Sep 7)
    Week 4 - 202 (Sep 14)
    Week 5 - 199.8 (Sep 22)
    Week 6 - 197.5 (Sep 26)
    Week 7 - 197 (Oct. 3)
    Week 8 - 197 (Oct. 10)
    Week 9 - 196.6 (Oct. 17)
    Week 10 -
    (Oct. 24)
    Week 11 - 196 (Oct 31)
  • samhradh
    samhradh Posts: 297 Member
    Hi all,

    Well after a very stressful couple of weeks, things have imploded.
    * Doc wants to see me in person to discuss blood test results, that means bad news, otherwise he would have just given me a repeat prescription
    * Mom is very very low, still another week before her appointment in the hospital, and like buses she get an appointment to have her feet fixed, and you guessed it it's on the same day as the oncologist, so excuse the pun she is hopping mad as she has been on the waiting list for 19 months, and has to give up her place.
    * Daughter was rejected by both of her preference secondary schools (high school in the US i think) so now we have to find a place somewhere possibly over 50km away from where we live. .
    * i have had insomnia for the last month or so, so i'm not coping well with all this extra personnel life stresses.
    * and to top it all in work we have a major audit next Monday & Tuesday, no pressure but a pass grade must be achieved or our biggest customer will pull their business, and you don't want to be the Quality manager responsible for that.

    Sorry for the moan, but i really need to just let it go, some day soon i promise i will post a good news story.

    no need for replies, i know all your best wishes are with me, as mine are with all you regulars, just knowing that you are all out there, dealing with your own stuff and maybe thinking of me as i do of you is enough .

    here's to the return of happy times.
  • LHann360
    LHann360 Posts: 159 Member
    Seven weeks till Christmas ?? I better hit that goal. Been pretty stagnant lately on that front. I've been reading my Heavy Weight Lifting for Women and hubby says he'll start with me tonight at the gym. ..... obviously he'll be lifting heavier than me. I'm looking forward to it, I have my workout sheets all printed out and on the clipboard. :bigsmile:

    My first spinning class was successful last night. I decided to try it ...it was the only class available before trick or treating time and I wanted to be home . I just may do it again. A little sore on the butt, but I guess you get used to it :laugh: I certainly sweat a LOT !

    paxetamore- great job hitting your mini goal !!

    That's all I got...have a great night!
  • babygurl48
    babygurl48 Posts: 1,236 Member
    GW - 180 (Dec 25)
    Week 1 - 208.1 (Aug 22)
    Week 2 - 208.1 (Aug 29)
    Week 3 - 206.7 (Sep 5) .loss of 1.3 lbs
    Week 4 - 206.7 (Sep 12)
    Week 5 - 204.6 (Sep 19) loss of 2.1 lbs
    Week 6 - 202.6 (Sep 26)
    Week 7 - 202.6 (Oct 3)
    Week 9 - 202.3 (Oct 10) loss of .3... i guess a loss is a loss is a loss!!!
    Week 10 - 202.3(Oct 17)
    Week 11 - 200.6 (Oct 24) loss of 1.7
    Week 12 - 200.6 (Oct 31) still the same..
    Week 13 - xxx (Nov 7)
    Week 14 - xxx (Nov 14)
    Week 15 - xxx (Nov 21)
    Week 16 - xxx (Nov 28)
    Week 17 - xxx (Dec 5)
    Week 18 - xxx (Dec 12)
    Week 19 - xxx (Dec 19)
    Final - xxx (Dec 25)
  • LHann360
    LHann360 Posts: 159 Member
    The Rules of Lifting for Women.... I'm still excited about it. It didn't take long to finish the first workout. Less than 30 mins. I'm looking forward to tomorrow. Tonight is boot camp, my calf is all crampy feeling. Tight ? sore, not sure how to describe it. I iced it last night , took some pills and it's still the same. I'll decide later if I'll do my class. See how it feels. I had a few fun size snacks last night...M & M's and a mini snickers. yum...

    My spaghetti squash didn't come out like spaghetti...it looked just like any other squash ?! I ate a huge plate of it and it was good. Maybe it was just that particular one. I was really looking forward to the noodle shape of it. :grumble:

    I weighed in and was down half a pound. I logged it because it makes me feel better to see a new number on the scale .
    185.6. Just a tad bit closer to goal. Funny when I look at it, I really don't see the number after the decimal...just focused on the first part. :laugh: anyone else do that ??

    Have a great Wednesday...work starts at 6:45 am today :noway:
  • runninggirl262
    runninggirl262 Posts: 58 Member
    I changed my Dec 31 goal. I need to keep pushing myself to tone the body. I know toning does not equal weight loss, but I need to have something to strive towards.
    SW - 155
    GW - 130 (Dec 25)
    Week 1 - 152(Aug 22)
    Week 2 -150 (Aug 29)
    Week 3 - 150 (Sep 5)
    Week 4 - 149 (Sep 12) Goal: Water, Water , Water (Met)
    Week 5 - 144(Sep 19) Goal: Work out each day while away. Drink Water (Met)
    Week 6 - 143 (Sep 26) Goal: I'll stick with water goal, 30 DS every day this week (Met)
    Week 7 -141 (Oct 3) Goal: call the Dr. can't ignore the knee pain anymore (Met)
    Week 8- 139 (Oct 10) Goal: Out of town on business- maintain workout schedule (Met)
    Week 9- 138 (Oct 17) Goal: Make up for less intense workout with water and lower sodium intake (Could have done better)
    Week 10- 138 (Oct 24) Goal: watch those carbs (pretty good job)
    Week 11- 137 (Oct 31) Goal: Try new recipes.
    Week 12 - xxx (Nov 7)
    Week 12 - xxx (Nov 14)
    Week 14 - xxx (Nov 21)
    Week 15 - xxx (Nov 28)
    Week 16 - xxx (Dec 5)
    Week 17- xxx (Dec 12)
    Week 18 - xxx (Dec 19)
    Final - xxx (Dec 25)
  • _gwen
    _gwen Posts: 501 Member
    I was asleep at the wheel on Sunday...I didn't post my numbers for 10/31 even though I posted my progress.

    I noticed because I took a weigh in peek this morning. 184 !?! I double checked my logs and I didn't update this forum's correctly. Ok,so maybe I did do better on my retreat than I thought and it was water weight, or the new moon, or who knows what. Stay tuned for Sunday's official weigh in.

    re-posting my numbers

    SW - 192.5
    GW - 172 (Dec 25)
    Week 1 - 191 (Aug 22)
    Week 2 - 194.8 (Aug 29)
    Week 3 - 192.4 (Sep 5)
    Week 4 - 191.6 (Sep 12)
    Week 5 - 190.4 (Sep 19)
    Week 6 - 189.4 (Sep 26)
    Week 7 - 187.6 (Oct 3)
    Week 9 - 187.2 (Oct 10)
    Week 10 - 187.2 (Oct 17)
    Week 11 - 186.2 (Oct 24)
    Week 12 - 186.8 (Oct 31)
    Week 13 - xxx (Nov 7)
    Week 14 - xxx (Nov 14)
    Week 15 - xxx (Nov 21)
    Week 16 - xxx (Nov 28) mini goal 182
    Week 17 - xxx (Dec 5)
    Week 18 - xxx (Dec 12)
    Week 19 - xxx (Dec 19)
    Final - xxx (Dec 25)
  • tannyb
    tannyb Posts: 131 Member
    Happy Hump Day everyone! :smile: I'm off to my aquacise class in a few - that's one good thing about Wednesdays for me.

    Oh, and I made my 120km for October - just by the skin of my teeth at the last minute. Official count by my app - 120.16km.

    I won't be setting any mileage goals from November to March due to the unpredictability of the weather. I'll still walk as much as the weather allows - I've already logged 11.64 for November and we're only two days in. So I'm definitely not going to slack off just because I'm not setting any official goals. I'll track it when the weather allows for outside walks. And when it starts to get too cold and stormy, I've got the treadmill for back-up.

    I also have a confession - I did eat a few Halloween treats on Monday night AND Tuesday night both. But I made sure to exercise enough on those days to stay under my calorie limit (though I'm sure I was over on fat and sugar.) :embarassed: Oh, well! Other years I would have eaten much more of them, so I will just stay focused on the positive! I didn't eat a whole box! :laugh:

    Enjoy the rest of the week, all my MFP peeps! :heart:
  • dfeledichuk
    dfeledichuk Posts: 371 Member
    Just back home from being out of province for the funeral of my cousin's son. I have been gone since Sunday and I am exhausted - 9 hours of driving today. I will catch up tomorrow and update everyone's progress. Thanks for your patience! :)