Over 40 - Christmas Challenge (Closed)



  • KeriA
    KeriA Posts: 3,321 Member
    Sorry ladies. I have bad news for you all (and me). I have been told that I am off the diet for the next few weeks by my doctor. I'll update when I get more information. Poop. I had weighed in at 151. I'll keep watching you guys and kibbutz til I hear. Sorry about this - I just can't talk about my situation yet.

    and just 2 pounds to go but you are close enough. We just want you to take care of yourself. You don't have to be losing to come on here and the whole point is our health. Take care.
  • KeriA
    KeriA Posts: 3,321 Member
    Babygurl congrats at getting under 200!
  • Squirkie
    Squirkie Posts: 135 Member
    GW - 180 (Dec 25)
    Week 1 - 198 (Aug 24)
    Week 2 - 199 (Aug 31)
    Week 3 - 200.4 (Sep 7)
    Week 4 - 202 (Sep 14)
    Week 5 - 199.8 (Sep 22)
    Week 6 - 197.5 (Sep 26)
    Week 7 - 197 (Oct. 3)
    Week 8 - 197 (Oct. 10)
    Week 9 - 196.6 (Oct. 17)
    Week 10 -
    (Oct. 24)
    Week 11 - 196 (Oct 31)
    Week 12 - 196.2 (Nov. 7)
    Week 13 - 196 (Nov. 14)
  • tannyb
    tannyb Posts: 131 Member
    Week 14 - 188 (Nov 14)...Good bye 190's !

    Great job, Beth! Keep it up!
  • tannyb
    tannyb Posts: 131 Member
    OK, I'm back, everyone! Well, technically I've been back for a couple of days, but I wasn't in the right mindset, yet. I was still in vacation mode. Now I've gotten back on track (for one day, anyway) with the water, staying under my calorie goal, and walking again. I think I'm in the right frame of mind to continue on this path now after taking a week and a half off. I hope I didn't derail my progress too much, but I will wait until my normal Saturday weigh in to find out. I don't want to end up discouraging myself. Hope you are all doing well. Let's have a great week!
  • Pangui
    Pangui Posts: 373 Member
    OK, I'm back, everyone! Well, technically I've been back for a couple of days, but I wasn't in the right mindset, yet. I was still in vacation mode. Now I've gotten back on track (for one day, anyway) with the water, staying under my calorie goal, and walking again. I think I'm in the right frame of mind to continue on this path now after taking a week and a half off. I hope I didn't derail my progress too much, but I will wait until my normal Saturday weigh in to find out. I don't want to end up discouraging myself. Hope you are all doing well. Let's have a great week!

    You and I are tied at 59 pounds lost! I love it. Are you up for a challenge? I'll be going out of town after Thanksgiving, so I am already at a disadvantage.
  • tannyb
    tannyb Posts: 131 Member
    OK, I'm back, everyone! Well, technically I've been back for a couple of days, but I wasn't in the right mindset, yet. I was still in vacation mode. Now I've gotten back on track (for one day, anyway) with the water, staying under my calorie goal, and walking again. I think I'm in the right frame of mind to continue on this path now after taking a week and a half off. I hope I didn't derail my progress too much, but I will wait until my normal Saturday weigh in to find out. I don't want to end up discouraging myself. Hope you are all doing well. Let's have a great week!

    You and I are tied at 59 pounds lost! I love it. Are you up for a challenge? I'll be going out of town after Thanksgiving, so I am already at a disadvantage.

    Nope, you won't be at a disadvantage, LOL! I just got back from an extended long weekend in Boston and we are headed to New York for a week at the end of this month (which I think will be around the same time as you go away, but I'm not sure as we have already had our Thanksgiving here in Canada.) I believe your Thanksgiving is the 25th, if I'm not mistaken? I am going away on the 28th, when do you leave? Where will you be going?

    So, I've only got two weeks to get back on track and I'm hoping to get to 60 before we leave. There will not likely be any dieting in NYC, LOL!. I'm definitely planning to try the cheesecake at Grand Central and I'll be having another chocolate cannoli from Carlo's Bakery, along with who knows what other kind of junk I can find. We will be doing a lot of walking, though, so I'm hoping that will make up for some of my badness.

    Anyway, I'm always up for a challenge. Let me know what you had in mind. It will help us both to be accountable and maybe not go totally overboard while we're away, LOL!

  • _gwen
    _gwen Posts: 501 Member
    For everyone celebrating Thanksgiving next week and all the holiday events through the New Year:

  • brobin41101
    brobin41101 Posts: 212 Member
    Sorry ladies. I have bad news for you all (and me). I have been told that I am off the diet for the next few weeks by my doctor. I'll update when I get more information. Poop. I had weighed in at 151. I'll keep watching you guys and kibbutz til I hear. Sorry about this - I just can't talk about my situation yet.
    Julia, I hope everything will be o.k. with you.....please let me know how you are doing. I will say a special prayer for you! :flowerforyou: Keep checking in with us every day if you can, because I will miss ya if you don't . xxxhugsxxx
  • brobin41101
    brobin41101 Posts: 212 Member
    Congratulations babygurl and Squirkie (Sandra) on the losses this past week :drinker: :drinker: And...babygurl isn't it wonderful to be out of the 200' s . I was elated when I finally was !
  • _gwen
    _gwen Posts: 501 Member
    Sorry ladies. I have bad news for you all (and me). I have been told that I am off the diet for the next few weeks by my doctor. I'll update when I get more information. Poop. I had weighed in at 151. I'll keep watching you guys and kibbutz til I hear. Sorry about this - I just can't talk about my situation yet.
    Hang in there. Part of this group is to take care of our bodies, not just lose weight. You have my support.
  • Hi everyone and sorry I have not been in touch for a while as I have been so busy with work and travelling... Hope everyone is feeling positive and upbeat about the future - that's the main thing - keep the end in mind even if you may have a wobble in between... It can be done! And remember that the rest of your life can be a long and hopefully joyous time, so start living for the best outcome...
    lots of love to all, especially those going through hard times at the moment. You are such an inspiration to eachother. Thank you also Beth - you are such a special person, even though I dont "know" you - I want to thank you for your consistent and unstinting encouragement...
  • dfeledichuk
    dfeledichuk Posts: 371 Member
    Hello ladies!!!! :flowerforyou:

    First off let me apologize. Initially when I started this challenge I was so motivated and so excited to meet so many amazing women and get to know each ot you and support and encourage all of you. However, my 10 year turbulent relationship came to an end. I finally got my ex-fiance out of my house and now I am trying to get MY LIFE BACK. I will not go into details but, let's just say it was a very tumultuous time for me.

    As my friends on hear know that I have had a rough year. First my Mother passed, than last January I had a head injury/STAPLES and than in March I had a partial hysterectomy. I am not one to let life get me down. I will bounce back from this as well. Nothing was worse than losing my Mom!!!!!

    I just wanted to say sorry for not participating and getting to know each and every one of you better. You all are a wonderful group!!!!!

    Make it a FLAB-YOU-LESS week!!!!!
    :heart: Sabrina

    No Worries Sabrina, and I can relate this fall has been a rough one..... I too am trying to get back on track. I loss my Mom last year and it is still tough. Sorry about the relationship coming to an end, good or bad it always tough... but weight wise you are doing awesome!!!! WOOHOO!
  • dfeledichuk
    dfeledichuk Posts: 371 Member
    Some great achievements this week! First congrats to Babygurl... for moving into the 100s!!!!! WOOHOO :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: Also Brobin41101 for moving into the 190s :drinker: ... .I am very envious of both of you! Juliekin sorry to hear about your news from the doctor will be thinking of you!

    As for me... I need to get motivated to exercise.. it is dark now by 5:00, - 19 today with windchill -35 so no walking at lunch!!!! UGH I hate winter in Canada it always gets me off track!!!!!
  • tannyb
    tannyb Posts: 131 Member
    Some great achievements this week! First congrats to Babygurl... for moving into the 100s!!!!! WOOHOO :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: Also Brobin41101 for moving into the 190s :drinker: ... .I am very envious of both of you! Juliekin sorry to hear about your news from the doctor will be thinking of you!

    As for me... I need to get motivated to exercise.. it is dark now by 5:00, - 19 today with windchill -35 so no walking at lunch!!!! UGH I hate winter in Canada it always gets me off track!!!!!

    I'm having a rough time trying to get my walking in now too, Donna. Still not too bad here temperature wise - we're still having some double digit highs around mid-day, but mornings and evenings have been a couple degrees below zero some days. But it is pretty much dark by the time I get home from work and I don't like to walk alone after dark. I bring the dog with me some, but she's a bugger to walk (she's a husky and I think she thinks I'm a sled, LOL!) I've got my treadmill, but it's so boring compared to walking outside - and it's been making some funny noises, so I'm not sure if it's about to give out, or what!?! Anyway I hope we can both overcome and stay on track as best we can through this harsh season. Can't wait for Spring!
  • KeriA
    KeriA Posts: 3,321 Member
    Oh no I have gotten another cold. At least they weren't back to back like they were last fall. My daughter, my lead teacher, some of the kids, and my sister had one so I guess it was inevitable but really except when I am losing weight I don't tend to get them. I even upped my calorie goal recently but maybe I needed to do it sooner. Anyway I will be resting and doing my homework today. I think I may be able to fit in a small walk or stationary bike ride. I forgot to weigh in this morning but yesterday I had a small loss. So I am getting rid of some of the pounds I gained. Hope you all stay well.
  • kepete
    kepete Posts: 268 Member
    Week 13 - 178.4
    Week 14 - 178.4
    Week 15 - 177.0

    Little concerned about Thanksgiving. I host two parties (husband's family on Thursday then mine on Friday)& the left over desserts always get the best of me!
  • My holiday is spread across two days, too. But am not very worried about Friday. Just Thursday.
    I think I am gonna skip logging on Thursday, after breakfast. Do not plan on gorging, but know from other holidays, will be lots of bites of LOTS of different dishes.
    Weigh in tomorrow!
  • tannyb
    tannyb Posts: 131 Member
    Hey all,

    The weeks are just flying by now, aren't they? Christmas will be here before we know it. (Oh, dear, I've barely even begun to get ready!)

    I had a bit of a loss this week - 1.3 pounds, but it's over a two week period, since I had no weigh in last weekend. So I've now lost 60.5 pounds (my ticker is cheating again, by rounding it up to 61, LOL!) But I'm in the 250's now (259.3) instead of the 260's, and I'm still on track to get somewhere between 250 and 255 by Christmas! So I'm very happy about that!

    My goal for this week is to be super, extra good with exercise, water intake, staying within my calories, and nutrition because a week from tomorrow I will be going away again and I know I will not be too good that week. I'm not gonna go crazy like I maybe would have done in the past, but when you're eating fast food or at a restaurant for every meal, I have a tough time.

    I went to a basketball game this afternoon and I found it so tough to sit still for the entire game, or even the half really, because we did get up and walk around and stretch our legs at half time. I guess you could call that an NSV, maybe!?!

    Oh, and I do want to wish a very Happy Thanksgiving to my American neighbours - hope you all have a great day and allow yourself a little indulgence or two without going overboard, because I know you can all do it! And if you do go a little overboard, don't beat yourselves up about it. Remember, it's only one day and if you get right back on track within a day or two, you won't derail your progress.

    Gotta go - time to head out to my aquacise class! Have a great week, everyone!


    SW - 287
    GW - 265 (Dec 25)

    Week 1 - 282 (Aug 22)
    Week 2 - 282 (Aug 29)
    Week 3 - 281 (Sep 5)
    Week 4 - 278 (Sep 12)
    Week 5 - 277 (Sep 19)
    Week 6 - 274 (Sep 26)
    Week 7 - 274 (Oct 3)
    Week 9 - 272 (Oct 10)
    Week 10 - 270 (Oct 17)
    Week 11 - 265 (Oct 24)
    Week 12 - 264 (Oct 31)
    Week 13 - 261 (Nov 7)
    Week 14 - xxx (Nov 14) vacation - didn't weigh in
    Week 15 - 259 (Nov 21)
    Week 16 - xxx (Nov 28)
    Week 17 - xxx (Dec 5)
    Week 18 - xxx (Dec 12)
    Week 19 - xxx (Dec 19)
    Final - xxx (Dec 25)
  • _gwen
    _gwen Posts: 501 Member
    I crawled out from under my covers long enough to weigh myself.:tongue:

    back to hibernation

    SW - 192.5
    GW - 172 (Dec 25)
    Week 1 - 191 (Aug 22)
    Week 2 - 194.8 (Aug 29)
    Week 3 - 192.4 (Sep 5)
    Week 4 - 191.6 (Sep 12)
    Week 5 - 190.4 (Sep 19)
    Week 6 - 189.4 (Sep 26)
    Week 7 - 187.6 (Oct 3)
    Week 9 - 187.2 (Oct 10)
    Week 10 - 187.2 (Oct 17)
    Week 11 - 186.2 (Oct 24)
    Week 12 - 186.8 (Oct 31)
    Week 13 - 184.2 (Nov 7)
    Week 14 - 184.2 (Nov 14)
    Week 15 - 183 (Nov 21)
    Week 16 - xxx (Nov 28) mini goal 182
    Week 17 - xxx (Dec 5)
    Week 18 - xxx (Dec 12)
    Week 19 - xxx (Dec 19)
    Final - xxx (Dec 25)