Over 40 - Christmas Challenge (Closed)



  • clsalmon
    clsalmon Posts: 22 Member
    I have completely lost control over every aspect of my life and at this point, I'd like to just crawl into bed (it's 11:00 a.m. and I'm at work) and cry until I fall asleep.

    How can I get it back? I'm overwhelmed! When I left home this morning (after over-sleeping by 1-1/2 hours) I promised myself that I would FINALLY take a walk around the block (1.2 miles). I was feeling like my back might actually be able to handle it. But right now, I just don't care. Too many things that are out of my control are affecting my day & my mood & my motivation.

    What can I do?
  • dfeledichuk
    dfeledichuk Posts: 371 Member
    Everyone is doing great! I am so proud of you! Keep us the great work!

    No loss, but no gain either after a long weekend of vacation! This weeks goals are to continue with the water, eat less processed foods, stay within my calorie goal and exercize at least threee times.

    Here are my weekly totals!

    SW - 183
    GW - 163
    Week 1 – 182.2 (Aug 22)
    Week 2 – 181.8 (Aug 29)
    Week 3 - 181.8 (Sep 5)

    No gain after a holiday is also an accomplishment great for you!
  • dfeledichuk
    dfeledichuk Posts: 371 Member
    I have completely lost control over every aspect of my life and at this point, I'd like to just crawl into bed (it's 11:00 a.m. and I'm at work) and cry until I fall asleep.

    How can I get it back? I'm overwhelmed! When I left home this morning (after over-sleeping by 1-1/2 hours) I promised myself that I would FINALLY take a walk around the block (1.2 miles). I was feeling like my back might actually be able to handle it. But right now, I just don't care. Too many things that are out of my control are affecting my day & my mood & my motivation.

    What can I do?

    When we get so far away, I find two things work for me, one choose a small goal, that you can have success with. For example, drink an extra glass of water today. A healthy but small goal... getting some success I find is the key to getting back in control. I often feel overwhelmed with so much going on in my life and so much is out of my control, I find that mediation really helps. I usually try to mediate for 20 - 30 minutes in the evenings before I go to sleep. It makes everything seem so much less stressful and I can let go of those things which are out of my control which in my life is a lot too.

    We are here to support you... hold on, we all come out of the bad days.
  • runninggirl262
    runninggirl262 Posts: 58 Member

    If you can walk away from your work station do so now. Walk outside- to a bathroom- a dark office. Anywhere you can be alone for 5 minutes. Deep breaths. While we do not know your situation, you can't control other people and other people can not control you.

    Other people will act how they want. It is our choice how we deal with their actions. Do not relinquish power to others. You are strong, you are powerful, you are in control. Nobody can tell you how to feel or how you should feel.

    Step away, breath. This will pass
  • JeNn45nFiT
    JeNn45nFiT Posts: 125 Member
    I have completely lost control over every aspect of my life and at this point, I'd like to just crawl into bed (it's 11:00 a.m. and I'm at work) and cry until I fall asleep.

    How can I get it back? I'm overwhelmed! When I left home this morning (after over-sleeping by 1-1/2 hours) I promised myself that I would FINALLY take a walk around the block (1.2 miles). I was feeling like my back might actually be able to handle it. But right now, I just don't care. Too many things that are out of my control are affecting my day & my mood & my motivation.

    What can I do?

    YOU CAN DO THIS!! I totally have been feeling like you lately and I literally have to make myself workout and just keep telling myself to be patient and to track my food etc. I even gained the 3 pds I lost today and just wanted to TOTALLY give up but I get on the boards and the groups I am in and see the inspiration there and that helps keep me going. Go for your walk, I promise you will feel better about it, just keep pushing thorough the desire to quit and move forward! WE can do this! My life is really stressful and seems out of control too, we just relocated from Utah to Illinois and it has been a harder adjustment than I thought it would be. I have no friends here, and friends seem had to make...so it's been quite lonely. Among other stresses as well but if you just take baby steps and make one goal for yourself everyday and do that, you will be great!!! When you feel you can do more than do that!

    Hang in there ok!!!! :flowerforyou:
  • _gwen
    _gwen Posts: 501 Member
    I have completely lost control over every aspect of my life and at this point, I'd like to just crawl into bed (it's 11:00 a.m. and I'm at work) and cry until I fall asleep.
    What can I do?

    Welcome back! You are among friends.

    Pick something simple like logging food or posting to the forum. Don't try to go 'all or nothing', I think that is overwhelming. Sometimes life gets busy. School just started, everyone is changing schedules, the weather is changing, stuff happens. Think about what motivated you originally. That should help you get your energy back.

    Oh, and I recommend extra sleep. I think of it as zero calorie nutrition. As the days get shorter I do find I sleep more. I used to worry about it, but decided I'm just starting hibernation like the rest of the animals.

  • Pangui
    Pangui Posts: 373 Member
    If you don't mind, I am going to skip my entry for this week. I was on vacation in Portland OR and wasn't near a scale Monday. Today the number is a little scary, but I think that will settle back down to normal in a day or two. I plan to jump back on the scale next Monday.

    I hope you are all having great successes!
  • Pangui
    Pangui Posts: 373 Member
    If you don't mind, I am going to skip my entry for this week. I was on vacation in Portland OR and wasn't near a scale Monday. Today the number is a little scary, but I think that will settle back down to normal in a day or two. I plan to jump back on the scale next Monday.

    I hope you are all having great successes!
  • KeriA
    KeriA Posts: 3,275 Member
    I think this is a stressful time of year for so many. I too feel like my schedule is slightly out of my control. My daughter, my mother, jobsearch activities. I just want my healthy exercise and making healthy food schedule back. Sometimes we have to be patient and let life happen and like others have said find a way to do somthing healthy. I did ok with Labor day weekend but yesterday there was leftovers, a long meeting, and my daughter going back to school. I had to put off my plan to complete C25K :grumble: . I have been working on this program all summer and I can't even get any time to complete it. I just had to say do it when you can. Wait till later in the week to get back to things you want to do. I didn't have any exercise, I was behind on my water and I was going over with calories since I had just lowered my goal. I can relate to you CISalmon. I just had to let it go and I decided to do what I could with the water. My husband wanted a walk but I didn't want to overdo it and ruin my run/walk chance today so we settled on a small walk that wouldn't be enough to address the calorie problem but at least would minimize it. Somethings I couldn't control and others I blew off and just a few I did what I could about.

    So this morning I checked my e-mail to make sure that I didn't have any phone interview etc. and went running early. I knew my son had interviews and needed to get up mid-morning and I had said I would meet my mom for lunch and a meeting with a retirement community rep. I just did it. I completed the C25K program! :smile: Usually I run on Tuesday Thursdays and this week I ran on Wednesday. I hope to do better with food today and I actually did better than usual yesterday with water. And really when I thought about it I may have gone over by more calories than I usually do :ohwell: the few times I go over a bit but I still didn't go over my deficit amount. That means I was still under maintenance calories for the day. So I wasn't going backwards the way I felt I was I just wasn't being able to work as hard as I wanted to towards my health goals.

    So sometimes we need to be flexible and find a different way around things and try to see things from a different perspective. Sometimes we need to pat ourselves on what we do accomplish even if it is as little as brushing our teeth. I think we discount so much of the routine stuff we do do for ourselves and other people. Tanny's walking on vacation may not have been postable but I bet it went along way to keeping her healthy.
  • dfeledichuk
    dfeledichuk Posts: 371 Member
    Aloha All,

    I joined this challenge because one of my MFP friends encouraged me to do this. Thank you for allowing me to be part of the 50 peeps participating in this wonderful challenge!

    Today was a tough day because I was with clients from 10AM to 2:30PM and ended up being extremely hungry and dehydrated. I had them follow me in the car to a second appointment and thankfully, I had water and a granola bar in the car. I was loosing it until I consumed these items! Big "Ahaha" moment... always have something in your car, purse or back-pack for these moments.... Aloha for now, Maui Sue

    Yep lesson learned, I keep a case of water in my trunk... that way I never have an excuse!
  • dfeledichuk
    dfeledichuk Posts: 371 Member
    If you don't mind, I am going to skip my entry for this week. I was on vacation in Portland OR and wasn't near a scale Monday. Today the number is a little scary, but I think that will settle back down to normal in a day or two. I plan to jump back on the scale next Monday.

    I hope you are all having great successes!

    Absolutely no problem :)
  • dfeledichuk
    dfeledichuk Posts: 371 Member

    Today was my first day back to work since the end of June ( cafeteria cook at a middle / elementary school ) Big NSV - It was so nice to see everyone and they all made wonderful comments about my weight loss and how good I'm doing. It naturally made my day :blushing: :bigsmile: I didn't lose anything this week....( damn cupcake ) but I did a walk/run , and hit the gym today. I really miss it when they are closed. I see a lot of scale victories this week, and some stayed the same like me. Congratulations to all our success on sticking with it.

    Great for you!!! It is always so nice when someone notices, I have lost 51 lbs so far and only one person besides my husband has commented... oh well!
  • dfeledichuk
    dfeledichuk Posts: 371 Member
    Oh my heck! I am getting so frustrated!! I ended up weighing this morning because I "felt" like I had lost! OH NO! I gained the 3 pds back that I have lost!!! :mad:

    Not only that what decides to visit me this morning! TOM!! Ugh! I have been so good and working out, even when I don't want to and I have to make myself! I have been great on my eating etc.

    Sorry to be such a downer the last few days! I refuse to give up but dang this is frustrating!!

    Congrats to all those who are doing great!! :drinker:

    Pressing forward.....


    I think this is the toughest part of losing weight when we hit a wall and want to through in the towel. If I was there I would give you a hug :flowerforyou: I think the extra lbs are probably due to TOM wait a couple of days and weigh yourself again, is my suggestion.

    All I can say is hang in there, if you an preserve through it you will be so proud of yourself when you get to the other side, if you give up you are only going to beat yourself up emotional over it. I know I have been losing tons, but I also know that is going to come to a grinding halt here with me really fast, my life is getting super hectic and finding time to exercise is getting tough. I am probably going to have to buckle down and make somed tough choices to move forward, i.e up at 4:30 to go to the gym or sleep. So I will soon by crying to you for support. :smile: Just know we are here for one another.

    Take care.
  • JeNn45nFiT
    JeNn45nFiT Posts: 125 Member
    Oh my heck! I am getting so frustrated!! I ended up weighing this morning because I "felt" like I had lost! OH NO! I gained the 3 pds back that I have lost!!! :mad:

    Not only that what decides to visit me this morning! TOM!! Ugh! I have been so good and working out, even when I don't want to and I have to make myself! I have been great on my eating etc.

    Sorry to be such a downer the last few days! I refuse to give up but dang this is frustrating!!

    Congrats to all those who are doing great!! :drinker:

    Pressing forward.....


    I think this is the toughest part of losing weight when we hit a wall and want to through in the towel. If I was there I would give you a hug :flowerforyou: I think the extra lbs are probably due to TOM wait a couple of days and weigh yourself again, is my suggestion.

    All I can say is hang in there, if you an preserve through it you will be so proud of yourself when you get to the other side, if you give up you are only going to beat yourself up emotional over it. I know I have been losing tons, but I also know that is going to come to a grinding halt here with me really fast, my life is getting super hectic and finding time to exercise is getting tough. I am probably going to have to buckle down and make somed tough choices to move forward, i.e up at 4:30 to go to the gym or sleep. So I will soon by crying to you for support. :smile: Just know we are here for one another.

    Take care.

    Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!! I am hanging in there!!! :bigsmile:
  • _gwen
    _gwen Posts: 501 Member
    ... I have lost 51 lbs so far and only one person besides my husband has commented... oh well!
    Have you purchased new clothes for your current size? I found that when I ditched some of my now baggy clothes, people started to notice. I don't want to go overboard buying clothes (at least until I get to my target size), but one or two things might be reasonable.
  • clsalmon
    clsalmon Posts: 22 Member
    I need to take a few moments to say THANK YOU to all of you who responded to my plea yesterday. It was a bad day, but I took a lot of your advice..... I closed my office door and just let a few tears fall, I brushed off the things that I can't control, I drank some extra water (and visited the bath room an extra time or two), I still took my walk around the block - the first time my back has let me do that since July - and it felt GREAT!!!

    Today, I'm feeling better. I stepped on the scale and it wasn't unreasonable :-).

    It's a very busy day at work, and I'm leaving at noon to head to Green Bay and L-l-l-lambeau Field to see Maroon 5, Kid Rock & Lady Antebellum!!! So, I hope that you all have a great day. I don't know what I would have done without you yesterday. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.

  • ksgreys
    Huge victory today for me! Having a horrible week, as some of you know I have a close friend in a bad marriage situation that came and stayed with me over the weekend, however I managed not to gain any weight.... well now I just found out my father in law is going to have open heart surgery in a couple of weeks which is hard enough but we had our family vacation planned that week. So I had to cancel the condo at the beach for the week...work is rough today and I was headed out to eat something terrible for lunch.....until I was intercepted by my work buddies, who kindly swept me off to Subway instead of greasy fast food! So I got to go out and vent without giving into emotional eating... sometimes it is just babysteps!
    Hope everyone is having a great week! xo
  • dfeledichuk
    dfeledichuk Posts: 371 Member

    So this morning I checked my e-mail to make sure that I didn't have any phone interview etc. and went running early. I knew my son had interviews and needed to get up mid-morning and I had said I would meet my mom for lunch and a meeting with a retirement community rep. I just did it. I completed the C25K program! :smile: Usually I run on Tuesday Thursdays and this week I ran on Wednesday. I hope to do better with food today and I actually did better than usual yesterday with water. And really when I thought about it I may have gone over by more calories than I usually do :ohwell: the few times I go over a bit but I still didn't go over my deficit amount. That means I was still under maintenance calories for the day. So I wasn't going backwards the way I felt I was I just wasn't being able to work as hard as I wanted to towards my health goals.

    Hooray! Great job on completing the C25K!
  • dfeledichuk
    dfeledichuk Posts: 371 Member
    Huge victory today for me! Having a horrible week, as some of you know I have a close friend in a bad marriage situation that came and stayed with me over the weekend, however I managed not to gain any weight.... well now I just found out my father in law is going to have open heart surgery in a couple of weeks which is hard enough but we had our family vacation planned that week. So I had to cancel the condo at the beach for the week...work is rough today and I was headed out to eat something terrible for lunch.....until I was intercepted by my work buddies, who kindly swept me off to Subway instead of greasy fast food! So I got to go out and vent without giving into emotional eating... sometimes it is just babysteps!
    Hope everyone is having a great week! xo

    Now those are try friends you are lucky! Sorry to hear you had to cancel the beach, that would bum me out totally, but it seems like you have it all under control! Terrific!
  • dfeledichuk
    dfeledichuk Posts: 371 Member
    I need to take a few moments to say THANK YOU to all of you who responded to my plea yesterday. It was a bad day, but I took a lot of your advice..... I closed my office door and just let a few tears fall, I brushed off the things that I can't control, I drank some extra water (and visited the bath room an extra time or two), I still took my walk around the block - the first time my back has let me do that since July - and it felt GREAT!!!

    Today, I'm feeling better. I stepped on the scale and it wasn't unreasonable :-).

    It's a very busy day at work, and I'm leaving at noon to head to Green Bay and L-l-l-lambeau Field to see Maroon 5, Kid Rock & Lady Antebellum!!! So, I hope that you all have a great day. I don't know what I would have done without you yesterday. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.


    So glad to hear you are rising out of that dark valley and back up the mountain! Have fun tonight - enjoy yourself!