Opinions Please?

LovingMe19 Posts: 380 Member
Ok, not gonna lie, i'm a little nervous about posting in the forum, so please be nice!

Anyways, I wanted to get opinions on something that has been bothering me for a bit.

I have this friend, who is exactly a year younger than me (making her 20), and she has 3 small children who are currently in the care of her boyfriend's mother, court ordered, due to a drunken fight between her and the boyfriend which resulted in both being arrested. After she was released from jail, they lost their apartment and moved into her grandmothers house who then later kicked her out. She's been living in a homeless shelter for a few weeks now, and has been told by the judge that she can have her kids back, as soon as she gets a place to live and has a stable job. She got a job at our local Walmart, and should be getting a place next month. BUT, I don't believe she should have custody of her children. She has recently been posting on Facebook, that she needs to get a "detox" quick, for a UA at her job because she has been using cocaine. And the latest has been posts of her being pregnant with baby number 4. I've known this girl for quite some time, we both had our oldest chilren only months apart. But she has never been a "mother." When her first was born (might I add she doesn't know who this one's father is, and used during the pregnancy.), she was being raised by the grandma while she was out partying, getting drunk, and using. After seeing all this, I distanced myself from her, only offering my help when she asked. After having 2 more children, all I see on Facebook is her complaints of how depressed she is with her life and how her children are such "brats" or are driving her crazy, that she's going to beat some girls *kitten* who was talking to her boyfriend late at night, and the list just goes on. She relys on the government for everything (which isn't bad for people who really need it, but you shouldn't be having more children if you have to rely on the government to raise them.) At this point i'm ready to put our friendship aside, and get in touch with social services. I'm worried about the quality of life these children are going to have and the type of things they could potentially be exposed to.

What would you do?


  • Qarol
    Qarol Posts: 6,171 Member
    There's a delete button on Facebook, no?
  • LovingMe19
    LovingMe19 Posts: 380 Member
    There's a delete button on Facebook, no?

    She's been deleted, but i'm not ok with knowing all this information and letting someone potentially ruin innocent childrens lives.
  • Espressocycle
    Espressocycle Posts: 2,245 Member
    My friend has four nephews from a similar situation and they got messed up pretty bad. This chick should probably have her parental rights terminated so the kids can get adopted.
  • Hoppymom
    Hoppymom Posts: 1,158 Member
    Kids first, friendship second. Is it really a friendship anyway if you only connect when SHE needs something? I am an early childhood special education teacher (not working this year) and trust me, these kids need you to intervien. NOW. Good luck.
  • momof3and3
    momof3and3 Posts: 656 Member
    I am a foster mother for NJ, my oldest son we adopted from foster care when he was 15...
    go with your gut insitinct and protect those babies!
    call social services and tell them what you see and hear...you don't have to give them your name if you don't want
  • McKayMachina
    McKayMachina Posts: 2,670 Member
    What would you do?

    I would do exactly as you're thinking of doing, lodge a formal complaint for an inquiry with CPS and cut all ties. Keep people like that away from you! Good luck.
  • Jovialation
    Jovialation Posts: 7,632 Member
    I would print out screen shots of her posts on fb and bring them to the judge shes working with. Seriously.
  • ShaeDetermined
    ShaeDetermined Posts: 1,525 Member
    I don't know what I would do, but I do know what I WOULDN'T do, and that is ask for opinions on here.
    After reading some of the recent red hot debates, I'm beginning to think stupidity is running rampant.
  • BecksgotBack
    BecksgotBack Posts: 385 Member
    Jesus...it's people like that who need to be sterilized. I wouldn't even want to admit i know this person. I would just keep your distance and cut off all communication. I tried to deal with Childrens Services to get my ex sister in law taken out of the home (my ex mother in law) and it was just frustrating and caused too much heart ache. Children's Services (or whatever they call it where you're from) already knows of the situation and i highly doubt she will get her kids back.
  • oberon0124
    oberon0124 Posts: 10,524 Member
    I agree with you she has no business being in custody of those children. I would make a cop of the FB posts and send them to the court that is in charge of the custody issue. You are not doing this to be mean you are doing it to protect the children. She in the past as well as now has not shown that she has the matuity to handle being a parent. I would not feel guilty at all in turning her in. The children deserve to have a mother that cares for them the way they should be. Please send in the FB copies to the right authorities, these childrens lives may be at risk!
  • LaDiablesse
    LaDiablesse Posts: 862 Member
    I would gather whatever information I could & give it to the proper people to keep the children from being harmed. It may not change the outcome, but at least you know you did whatever you could to help the children.
  • epj78
    epj78 Posts: 643 Member
    I'd call social services in a heartbeat. You don't even need to give your name, just say that you have seen some comments posted on Facebook that have you concerned for her children's' welfare. It's up to them to investigate, you have at that point done your part.
  • mcvc
    mcvc Posts: 33 Member
    I would start by no longer calling her a friend. Drop an anonymous note to the authorities and pray for the best.
  • MayhemModels
    MayhemModels Posts: 367 Member
    If you feel she is doing drugs and will continue with that behavior then by all means contact social services and voice your concerns. They will investigate but no guarantee that anything will be done, most of the time the system wants the children to be with there mother, it is what it is.
  • JNick77
    JNick77 Posts: 3,783 Member
    I'd call social services in a heartbeat.

  • bry_all01
    bry_all01 Posts: 3,100 Member
    report both her and the boyfriend to CPS
  • maillemaker
    maillemaker Posts: 1,253 Member
    You can't save the world.

    If everything you say is true, this woman should not be a parent, and these children are likely destined for ****ty lives.

    If you can report them to CPS anonymously, do that. But even this is not likely to do much for those kids.
  • Report her, print out those FB remarks she is making, and give them to the local child protective services agency. You're doing this for her kids, and not her. Those poor kids are going through hell right now and will suffer even more if this woman gets them back. You can report anonymously.
  • Pollywog39
    Pollywog39 Posts: 1,730 Member
    REPORT this loser.............
    she does not deserve to have children.

    Do whatever it takes to LET THIS BE KNOWN. Report her to her employer, the courts, your social services dept, whoever!

    You don't need friends like this in your life. You DO need to rest with a conscience that is clear that you did the right things for these poor, innocent children.

    Personally, I'd slap the shiite out of her.
  • sunkisses
    sunkisses Posts: 2,365 Member
    I would do exactly as you're thinking of doing, lodge a formal complaint for an inquiry with CPS and cut all ties. Keep people like that away from you! Good luck.
    This. If it were just your personal issue with her, it would be one thing. Kids don't deserve to grow up with someone whose life will put them in a position of being neglected, hurt or killed. All bets are off when the parent is an addict.