Trying to lose weight while eating Fast Food and Candy



  • SueGremlin
    SueGremlin Posts: 1,066 Member
    Since this is a lifestyle change and not a temporary thing for me, I am not going to give things up forever or I won't stick with it. So I eat chocolate and even Taco Bell if the mood strikes me. It's all in what works for you.
  • fairygirl716
    I eat dark chocolate EVERY day! I'm a very healthy person. I've lost over 90 lbs by teaching myself how to eat the foods I want. Moderation. However, I don't want the breads, candy, greasy food, cakes and other stuff. Just give me my chocolate!

    When you eat healthy, your body lets you know what it wants/needs. I definately NEED chocolate! In fact, I sell it too! I'm a Lindt Independent Consultant. I tell everyone, don't deprive will only back fire on you.
  • MuffinMan25
    I Love Subway Subs and M&Ms. I have lost 47lbs so far due to working out and keeping within my calorie goals, (most Days).
    Everyone has their own "opinion" of what is "Healthy" and that is fine, but the media has great influence on what people think is healthy and what is bad for you. It blows my mind the things i hear out of peoples mouths, "That HCG is sooo great!!" DO YOUR RESEARCH PEOPLE!!!
  • jenalderman
    jenalderman Posts: 411 Member
    I don't think anyone says to eat ONLY fast food and candy but I sure do believe in all things in moderation. If you eat healthfully 80% of the time you will do great - just count all of it and enjoy. I've ate very healthy for months now, worked out regularly and my weight just stalled. Went out last night to eat, consumed thousands of extra calories (and felt bad about it mentally) woke up this a.m. down 3 lbs! If you were to say to me that I can't ever have candy or fast food it's allllllllllll I'm going to want. If you say to me - sure you can have it - just log it and balance it - then it loses it's control over me, it all just becomes food. I'd rather have a 200 calorie treat daily then try to eat clean 100% of the time and fail again like I have before - all or nothing thinking NEVER works for me - it makes me feel like I'm on a diet and for me dieting doesn't work!!! Healthy people don't just eat healthy all the time - they don't obsess over it.

    This is the point I have used to sell my family and freinds on this program. I never feel deprived at all. Overall, my eating habits have DRAMATICALLY improved but it has been done in baby steps. When my family asks my advice on eating something "special", I tell them to ask themselves "Is it worth it" and if the answer is YES....enjoy!.....count it......then move on in a forward direction. I agree that if I never ate anything outside the box I would feel like I was missing out on something. That being said..... I do have to agree in part with the original concern. I do see some people who eat way outside the box most of the time. The concern then becomes burning up all your muscle instead of fat. I think that eating more protein and fiber and less fat and sugars has helped me to look the best at whatever weight I am at any particular time.
  • spaztastic13
    To each there own. If it works for them, let them be!!!
  • prettyfitchick
    prettyfitchick Posts: 502 Member
    Every one is diffrent and I rember the first time i saw a ressee peanut butter cup I wanted it so bad and it was on sale (im cheap) at the end of the check out line. I started by telling my self no you should not get it there is just to many cals in that and then I looked at all the healthy stuff I had already pick out and it just felt like the ressee penut butter cup was calling my name and I got it and could not wait to eat it. What i realized is the more i tell my self no the more i want it and i went back to my health eating habit. The truth is what may seem like omg they are still eating junk for snack maybe 100% improvement from what they use to do.
  • drsub
    Just a general note of caution to those who go with the calories are calories argument to the OP's observation. It is of course obvious that calories are calories and so this shouldnt influence amount of weight loss IF that was the only variable being influenced. Weight loss is intimately tied in to appetite and without appetite suppression of some sort weight loss is impossible. And this is where the composition of what you eat is critical. A high fat/low carb diet and a high carb/low fat diet have completely different influences on our body's ability to suppress appetite through hormonal mediation with leptin, etc So while in theory one could keep lising weight indefinitely on a 1000 cal a day diet consisting exclusively of candy and icecream, this is just not practically feasible, besides being kinda like ..ummm...gross!
  • servilia
    servilia Posts: 3,452 Member
    I subscribe to the notion that a calorie is not a calorie and this works for me but to each their own.

    I think everyone deserves a treat now and then but not daily.. it does baffle me when I see someone eating ice cream every day or McDonalds every second day but ultimately that's their problem.

    I do have a bar of 70% dark chocolate for when I need something sweet but I've had it around since Tuesday and I'm not even halfway done.

    ps there's nothing wrong with pork belly. yum yum that goes for lard too
  • Rae6503
    Rae6503 Posts: 6,294 Member
    So am I never supposed to have Fast Food or Candy FOR THE REST OF MY LIFE?

    Yeah, I don't think so. I plan to have it in moderation just like I do now.
  • patiencez2
    patiencez2 Posts: 160 Member
    I look at it from a health issue. I just had quadruple don't think I spelled that right bypass surgery.
    I know what all that fat is going to do. So I try my very best to eat healthy. Plus I am having issues with my sugar.
    I would rather learn a new way of eating. I personaly know I can't eat fast food. or candy bars anymore.
    I was like everyone else thinking it would never happen to me. I know there is days I struggle and life with out choclate is just not life. so I try to find snacks that are low in calories, also low in sugar.that take the place of that candy bar. and my sweet tooth.
    It has to be a life time change for me if I want to live. I know some are not where I am and thats okay.I also know I have a long way to go myself to get it right. But healthy eating is like getting to eat 3 times more food then eatting junk. and I get to live longer.
    Yes your going to loose weight if your under your calories, But that don't mean your going to live longer.
    Just my 2 cents worth!
  • crisanderson27
    crisanderson27 Posts: 5,343 Member
    I've pretty much existed off Taco Bell and Wild Cherry Pepsi for the last almost two months. I'm still losing fat regularly, still gaining in strength regularly, and honestly don't see a problem with it in general, on the 'fat loss' front.

    However, my eating style (Intermittent Fasting), and my workout regimen are what I feel allow this.

    I also know full well that my results will be substantially greater once I'm completely back to eating clean 80% of the time. Additionally, I feed my kids far healthier than I have been eating myself. I've noticed that my youngest son (who has eczema), has his worst flare ups on weeks where we eat fast food more than one or two days of the week. That's pretty telling in and of itself.

    So, if the question is, can you eat like total crap (my typical day its worst...consists of a 20oz coffee in the am, loaded with cream/flavors, a 64oz Cherry Pepsi after work, an XXL Beef Burrito, chicken quesadilla, 32oz Cherry Pepsi at dinner, misc healthier snacks to bring my calorie count up to where i want it in the evening)....and still burn mostly fat, while gaining strength?

    You bet.

    Should you??

    Probably not.
  • Thetera
    Thetera Posts: 49 Member
    heheheee i reached my goal a couple weeks ago, and i always have some sort of treat hanging around the house. i have the problem where if i go the whole day without planning my food ill often have around 200 calories left over, so i just have some chocolate or some cookie dough XD its certainly not the best way to get your vitamins, but if you need alot of calories in a small space because youre already full, its pretty perfect
  • _gwen
    _gwen Posts: 501 Member
    I don't consider dark chocolate to be junk food. :-)
  • 2Bgoddess
    2Bgoddess Posts: 1,096 Member
    I saw a dairy that blew me away. apologies right now, if it is one of my friends. but i was very surprised to see that they eat breakfast and lunch at mcdonalds approximately 5 out of 7 days a week! and often take out for dinner too.

    I know it is calories in, calories out, but it did not occur to me that a person would want to JUST lose weight. I thought that eating healthy food and eating smaller portions went hand in hand, but clearly it is a choice that is as individual as, well, as each individual!

    I don't have the willpower to have a little bit of something that isn't good for me. i will always go overboard, if I don't cut it out completely.

    I used to eat a chocolate bar every single day. sometimes one of those large ones. i have not had chocolate in two months, and just realized I don't miss it. I DO miss fries, ice cream, mc donalds, taco bell, etc. and sometimes get cranky that other people can have it and control themselves. and then I get mad at myself and tell myself to put on my big girl panties and deal with it, LOL
  • DizzieLittleLifter
    DizzieLittleLifter Posts: 1,020 Member
    It's not just about weight. It's about health. Candy, fried foods fatty fast foods, starchy carbs, these things are high in sodium, sugar, fats. Eating a diet high in these foods will only lead to heart disease, high blood pressure, diabetes, arthritis, and who knows how many OTHER things. A moment on the lips for a lifetime of health issues = not worth it IMO.
  • Erindipitous
    Erindipitous Posts: 1,234 Member
    I've only browsed through 1/2 of the responses to this, and I can see that your post is more-so heavily rejected.

    I will say that I must agree with you. I agree that we should be trying to eliminate "bad" foods so that a healthy lifestyle is more obtainable in the long run. But you can't pin-point "everyone" because "everyone" will not stop eating fast food, "everyone" will not eliminate processed junk, "everyone" will not change. Period. For some people, they need these types of foods in order to not binge on them later. Whether they eat them every day, week, or month, as long as they're staying within their calories, I say that's fine. If that's what works for them and they are comfortable and happy with their choices, let them be.

    I, on the other hand (notice the *I*, this is what *I* do) like to fill my diet with as many fresh vegetables, fruits, lean meats, organic, super foods, etc. as I can. I have done lots of research and this is what I feel comfortable eating. I still eat the occasional "junk", but I aim to eat at least 80% of what I *feel* is the healthiest, and is right, for my body on a daily basis. I'm not going to lie: Eating fresh and organic is expensive.. Which is why that level of "healthy" for me has not yet been obtained, but I have made great strides so far.
  • suzieduh
    suzieduh Posts: 196 Member
    Your talking about loosing weight. Calories in, calories out. Why does it matter what those are made up of?
    I'm pretty sure I could loose weight by eating under my goal in dog food and moldy cheese.

    being healthy is different.

    Now there is an experiment I want to see :laugh:
  • TexasNurseMom78
    TexasNurseMom78 Posts: 897 Member
    If it bugs you that much, quit reading peoples food diaries! DO I eat junk, yes! Am I losing weight? Yes! I have lost 80 lb in 6 months. I eat more healty that I did before, but I also eat way less. So if I want a treat, and I still can stay in my 1200 cal/day, than I have it.
  • HMonsterX
    HMonsterX Posts: 3,000 Member
    Don't forget, "healthy" is very subjective.

    Sure, to a model or bodybuilder, having mcdonalds would be a total nono. However, to most people, keeping a relatively healthy diet, and keeping it going indefinitely, is more important then eating 100% healthy.

    We all know things like mcdonalds aren't "healthy", but we also know ourselves. We know we need the odd bit of junk, and we know the odd bit of junk wont hurt us, as we arent going for 100% healthy. If you can do 100% healthy, and stick like that forever, great! More power to you!

    But most of us cant do that, we know our limits, and we arent willing to sacrifice 100% of our junk just to be that 1% healthier.
  • MoonIite
    MoonIite Posts: 341 Member
    Honestly, I don't care what other people are putting into their mouths. I'm focused on me- not what other people are doing. I offer support and encouragement (not criticism, unless they ask for my opinion), regardless if their food choices fits my definition of healthy or not.