Trying to lose weight while eating Fast Food and Candy



  • FearAnLoathing
    FearAnLoathing Posts: 4,852 Member
    I eat fast food,not so much candy since ive never liked candy much,and oh look ive lost 62 pounds.
    BTW I eat fast food atleast once a week
  • redraidergirl2009
    redraidergirl2009 Posts: 2,560 Member
    Ok folks, I run the risk of being beaten into the ground but I just don't get how anyone can think they can lose weight while eating Fast Food and Candy. I've seen some food diaries out there and I'm amazed at what some people eat. I realize that counting calories allows us to eat anything we want as long as we're within our goal, but is eating this way really realistic?

    If I have a birthday party coming up or a special occasion, I'll prep and bank up some calories so I may partake in something "special", but I certainly don't do it everyday.

    Personally, I try to eat low calorie foods, veggies, fruit, snacks, during the day because I can eat MORE of these low calorie selections and not be hungry. Also, personally, and this is just for me as well, if I eat something with a lot of carbs, something sugary, or bready, I find I get hungry sooner than if I had something with more protein.

    Everyone is different, I know, but, learning to eat the right foods to help you lose weight and maintain your weight for the REST OF YOUR LIFE is key. Learning to exercise, finding the exercise that's right for you that you will do forever for the REST OF YOUR LIFE is key. I'm just saying the door to success here has many locks, and you have to have the right keys to unlock them.

    But maybe I'm wrong. Maybe fried chicken, pork bellies and caramel chocolate bars are the way to go rather than salads, fruits, and lean meats. So what is everyone out there eating?

    If it bugs you don't read people's diaries. Lots of people still lose weight and eat things you consider junk food, but they have it in moderation. You might just look at someone's diary and they happened to go out and have fast food one day that week.

    Personally, I think it's unrealistic to force yourself to eat foods you don't like and only eat "healthy food". I was actually at my lowest weight when I ate junk food all the time, then I had increased it and how much I was eating it and gained weight. I've drastically decreased it and the amount of "bad" food I eat and increased good things like fruits, veggies ect. But I'm not going to force myself to eat salads all day because then I'd be likely to binge and not stick to eating the way that works for me.

    If people can mix in foods they like and lower their calorie intake and work in healthier options then if that works for them great. If people like you, who can't mix in any "bad" foods and that works for you then great.

    But don't stigmatized people for something just because it doesn't work for you.
  • redraidergirl2009
    redraidergirl2009 Posts: 2,560 Member
    And honestly...who are you to stigmatize or judge anyone if you're trying to lose offense, but you didn't get that overweight eating broccoli...
  • Dtho5159
    Dtho5159 Posts: 1,054 Member
    Im a firm believer in everything in moderation. I eat decent 6 days a week and 1 day we go out to eat. I do sometimes have a piece of candy or some chips but its nowhere near the amount I used to. I actually count servings which is a big deal. Id be kidding myself if I said I would give up eating out and candy and soda forever. I tried that and guess what? I binged and gained it all back. Ive lost 52lb doing what ive doing and it works for me.
  • lucysarah93
    I look at it from the viewpoint of: if this is a change for life, and these are eating/exercise habits I am to carry for the rest of my life, the reality is that I'm not going to never touch a burger/fries/chocolate etc again, so I eat them in moderation and I entirely understand the consequences of doing so. I now know that if I want that piece of fried chicken, I better get down to the gym and earn it. I personally don't see this as a problem, because it allows me to have control over what I eat.

    To the people who primarily eat junk until they reach their calorie goal, you're missing out. You wont ever feel full that way and you sure as hell wont be able to live an active lifestyle.
  • zoodalia
    Your talking about loosing weight. Calories in, calories out. Why does it matter what those are made up of?
    I'm pretty sure I could loose weight by eating under my goal in dog food and moldy cheese.

    being healthy is different.

    I agree, you can eat a cheese burger a day and lose weight... if you eat nothing else. I believe long term a healthy diet is important, but I'd never condemn others. Each to their own and the people on here have all taken a step in a positive direction, even if it isn't the direction you choose.
  • ahavoc
    ahavoc Posts: 464 Member
    And honestly...who are you to stigmatize or judge anyone if you're trying to lose offense, but you didn't get that overweight eating broccoli...

    I'm just someone who asked a question and wasn't really judging anyone. I see that this seems to be a hot topic issue, and I've enjoyed reading and respect everyone's opinion who has responded.
  • nrvo
    nrvo Posts: 473 Member
    I eat candy and fast food, albeit infrequently. I guess candy is a bigger weakness than fast food, but I try to keep myself away from it as much as possible since I know my self control is lacking.

    When I do eat candy (like from my officemate's giant M&M dispenser that I have to walk past 80 times a day), I log it an move on. A few M&M's every couple of days won't kill me. It probably won't expedite my weight loss and new approach to a healthy lifestyle, but if I choose to make progress a wee bit slower so that I can enjoy some chocolate, then so be it :smile:
  • servilia
    servilia Posts: 3,452 Member
    I don't consider dark chocolate to be junk food. :-)

    Me neither. I wasn't very clear lol the point I was trying to make is that a high quality treat like dark chocolate will satisfy you with less so you don't have to eat the whole thing in one sitting :)
  • joseph9
    joseph9 Posts: 328 Member
    But maybe I'm wrong. Maybe fried chicken, pork bellies and caramel chocolate bars are the way to go rather than salads, fruits, and lean meats. So what is everyone out there eating?

    1) I think in the long run, most people need to work out a lifestyle that allows some junk in moderation, and frankly, one Big Mac or two a week isn't a fatal amount of calories as long as you balance it out.

    2) I'd be more concerned about someone NOT getting healthy food, especially greens and some lean protein, than I would by that person getting sugar.

    3) That said, I personally think that junk food tends to trigger hunger, so I'm trying to avoid it. I'll eat some chocolate or something if it's a special occasion, or if I'm under my minimum points for the day.
  • crisanderson27
    crisanderson27 Posts: 5,343 Member
    I, on the other hand (notice the *I*, this is what *I* do) like to fill my diet with as many fresh vegetables, fruits, lean meats, organic, super foods, etc. as I can. I have done lots of research and this is what I feel comfortable eating. I still eat the occasional "junk", but I aim to eat at least 80% of what I *feel* is the healthiest, and is right, for my body on a daily basis. I'm not going to lie: Eating fresh and organic is expensive.. Which is why that level of "healthy" for me has not yet been obtained, but I have made great strides so far.

    For the record Erin...I agree with you completely...and I watch you do it every day =D.

    I'll get back there. Everything is in such a huge state of chaos for me now...remembering to eat at all is sketchy...much less eating clean with all that entails. But the goal, like at least 80% clean.
  • shelbym87
    shelbym87 Posts: 122 Member
    I have this very same thing filed under "Things Other People Do That Don't Affect Me."

    ^ this. & right here is the reason my diary is private.
  • Sezmo83
    Sezmo83 Posts: 331 Member
    So what is everyone out there eating?
    A bit of both to be honest. If I fancy a burger or some pizza then I have it as long as it's within my calories. Same with chocolate, cake etc. If it's not within my calories then most of the time I resist. I have one piece of good quality chocolate after my dinner every evening though, I find it stops the craving for something sweet.

    I do find that the more I eat reasonably healthily the less I want junk though.
  • toque_de_miel
    toque_de_miel Posts: 223 Member
    I can agree with this somewhat, my fiance and I have been trying to bring in more veggies and healthier options but at the same time, sometimes you need to treat yourself. Aka, we had m&m eggs that were 140 cals/egg and we also buy doritos but we put serving sizes in sandwich baggies so we don't spiral out of control with them!

  • kbizzleoo
    I didn't read every response... but GEES I think people are missing the OP's point here...

    She herself said that she will eat light some days when she knows she will be eating out of her healther-choice routine so that she can still stay under her calories.

    She's not saying that people can't eat candy or fast food...

    but I myself have seen people that seriously fill their whole entire diaries with fast food, but stay under their calorie goals and wonder why they can't lose weight

    It's not about the calorie quantity - its about the calorie quality as well!

    If people chose to only stay within their calories, then that is their choice and that is fine. but sometimes I do wonder if they understand that it will happen a lot faster with LESS fast food and candy... and YES sometimes people don't have the time... but it can't be an excuse every single day. there is a such thing as packing a lunch.

    but in the end I only care about what I'm doing. but i give my advice politely whenever I can, because I hope everyone here will live long, happy, healthy lives.
  • colbiegirl
    I didn't read every response... but GEES I think people are missing the OP's point here...

    She herself said that she will eat light some days when she knows she will be eating out of her healther-choice routine so that she can still stay under her calories.

    She's not saying that people can't eat candy or fast food...

    but I myself have seen people that seriously fill their whole entire diaries with fast food, but stay under their calorie goals and wonder why they can't lose weight

    It's not about the calorie quantity - its about the calorie quality as well!

    If people chose to only stay within their calories, then that is their choice and that is fine. but sometimes I do wonder if they understand that it will happen a lot faster with LESS fast food and candy... and YES sometimes people don't have the time... but it can't be an excuse every single day. there is a such thing as packing a lunch.

    but in the end I only care about what I'm doing. but i give my advice politely whenever I can, because I hope everyone here will live long, happy, healthy lives.

    I couldn't agree any more with this response.

    I personally believe with the cliche saying of "moderation is key." It really is. It's helped so many people, and it continues to work.
  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member

    If people chose to only stay within their calories, then that is their choice and that is fine. but sometimes I do wonder if they understand that it will happen a lot faster with LESS fast food and candy... and YES sometimes people don't have the time... but it can't be an excuse every single day. there is a such thing as packing a lunch.

    assuming the fast food meals vs another "clean/healthy" meal had roughly the same macros and cals, there would be no difference on weightloss

    the most important thing about a diet is adherence, so if you want to eat fast food, ice cream, whatever and it allows you to stay on track better, do it. research has shown the more restrictive the diet in terms of food choices the worse adherence is.

    i get roughly 10-15% of my daily cals from ben and jerry's, no ill effects at all
  • Cocogirl44
    I agree.. Although you can still lose weight, it is not healthy and most of the weight your losing will not be fat. However there is nothing wrong with a little moderation in your diet:)
  • kyle4jem
    kyle4jem Posts: 1,400 Member
    In the UK there was a program on TV called something like Superskinny vs Supersize and it took two women... one skin & bones and the other about 100lbs overweight and made them swap food intake.

    The large woman was eating very wholesome food... just way too much of it... like a dish of Pasta that would feed a family of 4.

    The skinny woman was eating junk... or rather snacking on junk, because she wasn't actually sitting down to a proper meal at all, but snacking on the leftover fishfingers and chicken dippers that she was feeding her kids.

    Not all fast-food junkies are porkers and not all fruit & nut lovers are supermodels.

    Oh... and I'm sorry but ALL calories are created equal. A Calorie (1kc or 4.18kj) in terms of energy. Nutritionally, yes there'a HUGE difference between 200Cals from a fried cheese burger and 200Cals from fish and veggies, but it's the same fuel value your body has to burn off ultimately. :bigsmile:
  • Rae6503
    Rae6503 Posts: 6,294 Member
    I had Burger King for lunch....