The significant other



  • theberg
    I will admit that my mother in law is the worst enabler I've met. We came over for dinner the other day and she kept going on about the donuts from a local bakery she had and how we needed to try them. She's frustrated because she's been on weight watchers for years and can't drop weight. It took most of my self control to not say something about having 30 donts in the house.
  • christine24t
    christine24t Posts: 6,063 Member
    i have no advice other than when your other doesn't eat what you dad used to say "go scratch" if we didn't want to eat what he made. when we got older, he would allow us to make other food if we didn't want what he made, but he would never take us out to get anything.
    so i would tell your husband "it's really disrespectful to me when you refuse to eat what i made the family for dinner." maybe saying it like that will make him realize that how rude he is being.
  • porffor
    porffor Posts: 1,212 Member
    My DH is 'good' sometimes and not so good others.. it's his way and I've come to accept that.
    Yes I'd love nothing more than him lose lbs and become ripped like some of the transformations on here, but then I dated a body builder before my DH. Fact is he isn't a gym bunny and never will be. His thing is different to my thing but it gives us something to talk to each other about and to love each other for. He supports me and thats what matters. :love:
  • knittnponder
    knittnponder Posts: 1,954 Member
    Mine totally encourages me, supports me and all of that but he's not on the same page with the eating thing. Over the years he's gotten progressively better about the choices he makes but we're still at odds on some things. I make all the food and do the shopping so if he wants to be bad it involves a trip to the store. He is a terrible influence though! I do much better when he's not around tempting me with Mike's Hard Lemonade! We don't often indulge though so I try to find a balance between behaving and enjoying myself with him. We'll occasionally go get ice cream (we do have four kids after all!) but it's not the norm. I try to make the best choices I can and teach them to the kids but I also want to teach them that the occasional indulgence is okay too.
  • poseyj88
    poseyj88 Posts: 140 Member
    My SO has never once been unsupportive, but he doesn't like to eat all the same things I do. I cook dinner, so I often control what the meal is (it'll be something he likes usually, but not usually anything high calorie). I think from my efforts he's noticing what he eats more and is now exercising more.

    Good things have happened for him. But I know how hard it was when he was apathetic, I can't imagine how hard it is to have someone actively working against you.
  • panda4153
    panda4153 Posts: 417 Member
    I can uderstand this, my hubby is not really interested in loosing weight or changing what he eats, but I have told myself that I have to understand that. I am loosing wieght for myself, not anyone else, so I have to make choices for myself and not anyone else. If he wants pizza then by all means he can have pizza, I will have something else. I do the grocery shopping and I even buy ice cream for him, I just by frozen yogurt for myself too. I try to find alternatives that I can feel good about eating while he also eats what he wants to eat.
  • kcgslp
    kcgslp Posts: 212
    I am right there with you!!!
    The other day I was so excited that I had finally burned over 1,000 calories in a day from exercise and I want to share it. I showed him and he said " Your obsessed"

    He's not going to get it, unfortunately. I do cook seperate meals for the family and myself. But he'll pretty much eat what ever I put infront of him. I have late night treats planned so when he is grabbing a bowl of ice cream I get a 1/2 of bannana with a tsp. of peanut butter (YUMMY) or frozen grapes or somtimes a Skinny Cow ice cream.

    My best advice is plan! You can't let diet and exercise put too much of a wedge beteween you because than your healthy habits become the enemy. One night I even brought a Skinny Cow ice cream to Cold Stone Creamery with my family so I could enjoy the night just like them. On Pizza night I have lean cuisine frozen pizza on hand and make that while they enjoy take-out.

    You have to make it work. Good luck. I KNOW it's hard
  • tladame
    tladame Posts: 465 Member
    Heh, this sounds like my husband. Although he is totally in support of what I eat, he wants no part of it. Every once in awhile (especially after too many days of eating bad), he feels sluggish and says, "I'll eat whatever you cook!" So that lasts about a day, LOL. It's not a big deal, though. If he doesn't like what I cook, he'll either make something else or go out & get something.

    On the other hand, when I do make meals that he will like, I will either just eat a small portion or make myself something else. So it never really becomes an issue. As long as my toddler eats something healthy, I feel I'm doing a good job. =)
  • momof2osaurus
    momof2osaurus Posts: 477 Member
    My husband eats like a 12-year-old. I still do fine when we're together all day, but it's MUCH MUCH harder on me. I refuse to tell him he can't eat what he wants to eat, though, especially since he doesn't need to lose any weight.
  • Fat_2_Fit_Mommy
    Fat_2_Fit_Mommy Posts: 569 Member
    Ohh yess... my husdand supports me on my new "life style" what I like to call it. He will eat like ice cream and popcorn and such infront of me some times.. He will eat things healthy some times like day before yesterday he did ate a salad I fixed for w/ a meal. Soo I really don't have this problem that he makes fun of me really. He knows how bad I want to be skinny soo he is helping me. He also takes me and my daughter to the park for excercise and let her play and such.
  • tragicpixie
    so i would tell your husband "it's really disrespectful to me when you refuse to eat what i made the family for dinner." maybe saying it like that will make him realize that how rude he is being.

    I have the same problem and I tried saying the same thing but it didn't get though to my husband. :( I even tried giving him a dose of his own medicine (not a good tactic I know but this has been going on nightly for two years after awhile it gets really painful). He finally got it after I refused to eat a meal he made and said exactly what he has said to me on many occasions "It's not a cheeseburger so you know I don't like it."

    My husband and I have a ton of other problems and really probably won't be married much longer BUT in general I just try to focus on doing what I need to for me. I have to have this attitude with him though because I have had a serious eating disorder in the not so distant past. My last relapse was like less than a year ago and I tried to make him realize that having binge foods constantly in the house is really not safe for me but he didn't really "get" that.

    I do feel bad because he always talks about how fat he is and his mom called him fat while we were separated (to be fair he did gain a lot of weight) but he's a grown up. If he doesn't like what I made for food he can make his own food or go get something - and if he can't afford that he'll have to learn to eat what I buy. I'm sure if this isn't a good method for a healthy relationship but it's kind of what I have to do for me.