

  • Papillon22
    Papillon22 Posts: 1,160 Member
    Tuesday check-in:

    1-I'll continue my exercise schedule--> tuesday is a rest day, so no exercise for today.
    2-I'll eat five fruits/vegetables a day.--> DONE!
  • aim2lose
    aim2lose Posts: 101 Member
    Checking in for Monday:

    Goals for the week beginning Monday, September 5:

    YES! 1. 10 -8oz. glasses of water each day
    CLASS 2. Walk each day a minimum of 1.5 miles (that I don't have class or it rains)
    no 3. Eat more vegetables (other than salad)
    not yet 4. One new healthy recipe this week
    not any more than i get in class 5. Some sort of exercise daily

    Well, here I am again not sticking with my goals like I should. I need to get some motivation to get out and MOVE. In class I'm on my feet alot but not exercising for weight loss/toning. I need to get with it....NOW!

    Good Luck everyone! Don't be like me and fizzle....
  • mrogers52
    mrogers52 Posts: 378 Member
    Good to see new people as well as returning ones!

    Goals for week of September 5-11

    1. Drink 8-10 glasses of water
    2. Continue to reduce sodium consumption by 5% (total of 15%)
  • ladygloria
    ladygloria Posts: 279 Member
    Aim2lose, glad you’re back. Don’t be embarrassed, we all have those days. Heck, I just had a weekend full of it. My in-laws had zero veggies (except for one night with corn) all weekend and no real fruit either. Needless to say, it made it harder to avoid the candy and carb festival that was laid out to nibble on each day. :-) Thankfully, we’re both getting back on track.

    Kris, glad to see you here and so impressed with the continuation of C25K. Is it a scheduled program??? Oh, and are we ever really ready to go back to work?

    10more, great goals as always! So glad to see you back for another week of fun.

    Mak, thank you for being so sweet and awesome! Thanks for having my back. Yes, the early bedtime will be a challenge, particularly with my 3-year-old believing that it’s okay to keep mommy up until 11pm. Fortunately, I have my ways…LOL! Can’t wait to kick it out of the park like you’re doing with your exercise program. So very proud of you for making it this far and can’t believe you’re almost through a full 90 days. You’ve inspired me to count down so I’m in week 3/12 of Chalean. One more week after this and I’ll be moving to the next set of videos. Woo!

    Magllhn, what great goals and welcome back to MFP! You’ll love this group. It helps keep the big goals in perspective.

    Whitman, I think you did a great job on your goals. Rounding is an EXCELLENT tool for motivation and reality as you know everything is an estimate on here anyway. :) I wish I could run!

    Lttee, 12 calories…really? LOL, thank you for not making a big deal about it. I have a goal to be within 100 calories of my BMR give or take 100. If it’s over, fine. If it’s not, great as long as it’s not too late. It keeps me real on days when I go over and helps me not to go over too much (as long as you don’t count this past weekend with the in-laws, oy).

    Philosohoe, congrats on your loss and for keeping your weigh in to once a week! You can do this and are off to an amazing start! Potassium is something that is rarely entered into the MFP so I’m glad you realize this. Many people think they are getting less than they really are if they are making healthy choices in their day to day living. Congrats on the exercise!

    Papillion, way to go on keeping up with your goals. Where are you on the CX schedule? You’re inspiring me to keep it up. And wow on the 5 servings of fruits/veggies. I need to make that a goal sometime very soon.

    Mrogers, great goals! Are you doing 5% decrease each day from the previous or each day from your average? Either way, that’s a great way to focus on the sodium! That little nutrient is a killer on the water weight, isn’t it?

    Checking in for Monday and Tuesday:
    1. In bed no later than 10:30.-went to bed at 9:00 last night because I missed so much sleep this weekend. Plan to be in bed by 10 tonight. I really enjoyed the sleep and waking up feeling rested for a change.
    2. Return to healthy meal choices, this weekend reminded me how poor ones make you feel exhausted.—bought TONS of fruits and veggies when I went grocery shopping on the way home. Had a delicious and healthy dinner and decent breakfast and lunch, so I’m off to a good start.
    3. Get in week 3 of chalean and return to zumba. I missed the last three weeks of zumba and am having withdrawals.-Did Burn 1, week 3 yesterday. Today is a schedule rest day. I was going to add some extra cardio, but forgot before I showered. No big deal, got a big week of workouts planned so I enjoyed the rest while I could.
  • KrisPage
    KrisPage Posts: 539 Member
    WOW W4D1 Sucked but I did it no breaks but it kicked myA$$. 5 min runs this week!!!! 12 cups of water.

    Ladygloria c25k is a 9 week program to build you up to run a 5k each week you increase the run time it is about a 30 min work out with 5 mins of warm up and 5 mins cool down and then interval walk runs through the middle.

    Mak is that your tattoo of a paw print. it is cute!
  • MAK_01
    MAK_01 Posts: 553 Member
    Hearts♥Desire – glad your back for another week :happy:

    Magllhn - Welcome back to MFP, and welcome to the mini goal thread. Feel free to log on and post as much or as little as you would like. Looks like you picked some great goals. Good luck your first week back to MFP :smile:

    Whitman1002 – You did do awesome last week, and I’m sure you’ll do great again this week. Look like you did pretty good Monday. Awesome job with W4D1, no break, that is fantastic!

    Ittee – Glad you like the BLTS (I have to admit I did steal it from another MFP’er, so a shout out goes out to cyberspace to whoever I picked that one up). Way to get 2 workouts in, it really can get addictive can’t it! 12 calories isn’t bad at all, I’d call that a win for today.

    Philosohoe – 18 days is great! Keep that streak going! WAY to go with your NSV of stopping when you are full, that’s GREAT!! Keep listening to your body.

    Papillon22 – Hope you enjoyed your rest day and ready to start up again tomorrow. Great job with the fruits and veggies, keep it up!

    Aim2lose – The last week and a half I was in the same boat, no motivate to get myself moving. Good luck tomorrow I know you can do it. Great job with the water today!

    mrogers52 - Good luck to you this week I know you can do it. You are doing so great with your sodium reduction!

    ladygloria - HUGGS to you my friend :smile: Good luck with your next week of videos, so exciting, you will have to keep us posted! Glad to see you are back in the swing of things after your weekend with your in-laws, it is amazing how even slipping into old habits for a day or two makes you feel so tired and over all-off.

    KrisPage – AWESOME job with C25K you and Whitman1002 are doing so great with that! Thank you so much! Yep that’s my new tattoo, I got it for my birthday day, it’s my puppy’s paw (kind of) it's hard to get a good stamp of a wiggly dog's paw. But I think it really turned out great. :smile:

    Tuesday check in:
    1. P90X week 12 – Day 2 is done. I need to change my rest day to Tuesday’s I think. I bowl on Tuesday nights and getting through P90X before bowling is exhausting, and this week it effected my bowling.
    2. Get in 3 non P90X workout's in – still at 1/3 this week. I decided I’m not going to count my bowling as an extra exercise.
    3. Bring lunch and snacks to work every day – I worked from home today, so this one was kind of easy today. LOL!!
    4. No extra BLTS (bites, licks, tastes, sips) – Did pretty good on this today. Had a few extra almonds but other than that I did pretty good.

    Hope everyone had a great Tuesday keep on reaching for those mini goals as we hit the middle of the week. :heart:
  • Ittee
    Ittee Posts: 285
    MAK - great job on your goals. I agree, it sounds as though your rest day should be Tuesdays. I can't imagine being that active and it not effecting other areas. And great job on your BLTS!

    My check in:
    Excercised today, didn't swim but walked instead (disappointing how few calories that burns)
    Stayed within my calorie range: odd but even though I wasn't hungry, I ate all day
    Wise decision: insisted on my son going to the doctor's after running a fever again. While this may not seem to benefit me, I also insisted that his dad take him. It's odd and wonderful that I felt like I didn't have to be the one to do so, someone else is capable (even if grudgingly willing)
  • 10more
    10more Posts: 87 Member
    Checking in for Tuesday: logged food & exercise, completed a workout. The scale isn't budging :grumble: ; I changed my goal weight to possibly make it more do-able since I'm becoming frustrated. I think next week's goal will be to cut down on goodies.
  • philosohoe
    philosohoe Posts: 272 Member
    Tuesday night check in:

    1) exercise everyday, including 2 additional non-swim workouts--yes, walk instead of swim today, so that makes 2/7 and day 19 in a row
    2) calories in the green--yes, just barely! I made a food/exercise plan this morning, but the walk did earn less points than the swim, so it was a close one, but still a win for the day.
    3) No meals over 1000mg sodium (except for 1 exemption for BF"s bd dinner on Saturday)--yes! BF made some awesome turkey chili over the weekend, and I've been enjoying it's lower-sodium awesomeness for a couple of days.
    4) Start tracking Potassium in order to prepare for a future Sodium/Potassium balance goal--yep. Today potassium was a little lower than I planned. I never quite got around to eating my cucumbers and grapes at lunch, and they had a good bit of potassium in them. I should have eaten those over the chips, but now I know.
    5) DO NOT WEIGH IN ON DAY OTHER THAN MONDAY!--Fail. Here is my confession...last night (while it was still Monday) I did the absolutely dumbest thing and weighed in before I went to bed. Dumb, dumb, dumb. Of course, since it was the end of the day and after dinner, I weighed about 5 lbs heavier than I did in the morning (not an exaggeration). Rationally, I knew that I had not gained 5 lbs in the course of one day, but to appease my worried mind, I actually did weigh in this morning to make sure that yesterday's loss had "stuck". I actually showed another 1/2 pound loss, but as a reminder to myself as to why I have this goal in the first place, I didn't log it because I felt like I would be rewarding myself for a poor choice. How teacher-y of me, right?

    Anyway, glad to see that everyone is hanging in there and working hard. Keep up the great efforts & see you tomorrow!
  • Papillon22
    Papillon22 Posts: 1,160 Member
    Papillion, way to go on keeping up with your goals. Where are you on the CX schedule? You’re inspiring me to keep it up. And wow on the 5 servings of fruits/veggies. I need to make that a goal sometime very soon.

    I'm on my last week of the push phase. I really liked it, and I've already moved up one resistance band 'cause the green one isn't challenging anymore. I loooooove feeling strong!

    Good luck with your goals!
  • aim2lose
    aim2lose Posts: 101 Member
    Check in for Tuesday, September6:

    YES! 1. 10 -8oz. glasses of water each day
    CLASS 2. Walk each day a minimum of 1.5 miles (that I don't have class or it rains)
    no 3. Eat more vegetables (other than salad)
    not yet 4. One new healthy recipe this week
    not any more than i get in class 5. Some sort of exercise daily

    Well, I am at the same point today that I was at yesterday with my goals. Thank goodness it is not worse!
    No class this evening so plan to get that exercise in.

    How often does everyone log their weight? I have not logged in 10 days as I want to make sure my new weight is right, not just a day that it is lower for some reason. I want to see the same number for a few days before I log as to not be too disappointed.
  • Papillon22
    Papillon22 Posts: 1,160 Member
    Wednesday check-in:
    Exercise done!
    Five fruits/veggies done!
  • theonlychuck
    theonlychuck Posts: 54 Member
    i love this but i found it tooo late ill start next week with you all but ill start my first mini challenge till then!!! great job ladies you all inspire me!
  • danlyn
    danlyn Posts: 157 Member
    Sorry everyone, I missed my check-in yesterday. So...double check-in now:
    Tuesday: Didn't get my exercise in like I wanted to. Before school was crazy so my coworker and I got sidetracked and didn't walk. The exhaustion after school set in and I am disappointed to say I didn't do my Wii workout either. Food choices were good, though.
    Wednesday: I walked this morning around the building for 25 minutes and felt GREAT!! No Wii workout though, too many interruptions once I got home (this problem may become one of next week's challenges) :smile:

    I'm thinking that I won't be able to comment too often the rest of this week, lots of extra things going on, so I'll apologize ahead of time :frown:

    Good luck to everybody this week :flowerforyou:
  • Hearts_2015
    Hearts_2015 Posts: 12,031 Member
    Hearts♥Desire – glad your back for another week :happy:

    Hope everyone had a great Tuesday keep on reaching for those mini goals as we hit the middle of the week. :heart:

    Thanks MAK! Been struggling bad this week. ugh!:sad: Don't have many groceries in the house recently so impulse stopping has been a bad habit:grumble: . Grocery shopping tomorrow so back to the good 'real' food.:tongue: My body is so looking forward to it!

    It's mid-week but I'll add my goals & keep them simple since I've been off track for a bit with both workouts and food choices.

    Goals for Thur-Sunday

    Make healthier choices after shopping
    Log food & water to track better
    Bedtime 10 pm Weekdays

    Been missing our little group here and wondering how everyone was... I'll read to catch up a bit and see. xo
  • Hearts_2015
    Hearts_2015 Posts: 12,031 Member
    Sorry everyone, I missed my check-in yesterday. So...double check-in now:
    Tuesday: Didn't get my exercise in like I wanted to. Before school was crazy so my coworker and I got sidetracked and didn't walk. The exhaustion after school set in and I am disappointed to say I didn't do my Wii workout either. Food choices were good, though.
    Wednesday: I walked this morning around the building for 25 minutes and felt GREAT!! No Wii workout though, too many interruptions once I got home (this problem may become one of next week's challenges) :smile:

    I'm thinking that I won't be able to comment too often the rest of this week, lots of extra things going on, so I'll apologize ahead of time :frown:

    Good luck to everybody this week :flowerforyou:
    Danlyn That walk sounds terrific, it's amazing how little it can take to clear our heads, you're doing great what with all the craziness around you.

    Food choices on Tue...YAY again, terrific, seems at times we're so hard on ourselves when we think we didn't eat well AND workout each day. I think that's our optimal goal but not sure it can always work that way in real life when things come up as they do. When we do what we can and the next day we see if we have a bit more wiggle room to catch up on goals I think it's progress. I think that's what this whole process is all about, inching a bit closer to our goals, short term and long term.

    Remember Baby Steps All...none of us will be perfect but we're still here and we're in this together...
    Wishing you all the best for the remainder of the week.:flowerforyou:
  • philosohoe
    philosohoe Posts: 272 Member
    How often does everyone log their weight? I have not logged in 10 days as I want to make sure my new weight is right, not just a day that it is lower for some reason. I want to see the same number for a few days before I log as to not be too disappointed.

    I made it one of my goals to weigh in once a week. I make sure to do it in the morning, before breakfast, wearing the same outfit (or lack thereof). I've found that to be my most consistent time of day with fewer fluctuations due to water/hormones.

    HeartsDesire "Remember Baby Steps All...none of us will be perfect but we're still here and we're in this together...
    Wishing you all the best for the remainder of the week.flowerforyou"

    Love your positivity & great to see you back this week!

    theonlychuck--feel free to jump in any time! You can make a mini-week-mini-challenge :laugh:
  • aim2lose
    aim2lose Posts: 101 Member
    Checking in for Wednesday:

    YES! 1. 10 -8oz. glasses of water each day
    YES! and it felt good! 2. Walk each day a minimum of 1.5 miles (that I don't have class or it rains)
    no 3. Eat more vegetables (other than salad)
    not yet 4. One new healthy recipe this week
    not any more than i get in class 5. Some sort of exercise daily

    2 out of 3, oh well!
    I just have to get more motivated to work out! So many of the videos I have seen are just too hard on my knees, plus being so far out of shape, alot of the exercises are too difficult for an old, fat lady like me....ugh! But I love walking; just need to do more of it. Plan, that's what I need to do, plan better.
  • Ittee
    Ittee Posts: 285
    aim2lose - you're doing fine, and you are still reaching a lot of your goals. Hope you don't get too discouraged. Planning helps. Do you have a friend to walk with? Or your furry friends in the picture?

    Theonlychuck - I believe I first started this group mid week. We don't care.

    Danlyn - hope the lots of little things don't overwhelm you, hope you can rest and be active as needed. The wii challenge sounds like fun, glad you've enjoyed it. I love the system.
  • ladygloria
    ladygloria Posts: 279 Member
    Kris, that sounds like a lot of work. Good job! I’m not a runner, but I’m definitely impressed by anyone who is. Keep it up!

    Mak, tell me about it! A few short days and I felt like poo. Feeling close to my old self again and I also lost all of the water weight from the weekend already so that feels good. I’m really in love with this BLT concept and think you’re doing a great job. Also, adjusting your rest day so it works for you makes sense to me. We don’t want to mess with your game or overwork your body on Tuesdays.

    Lttee, good job on your goals and on eating despite your lack of hunger. You’re doing a great job building a healthy lifestyle. And way to go on realizing you’re not the only parent and doing what is good for you as well. I hope you’re feeling better.

    10more, you can do this! Don’t get discouraged. Sometimes we cut ourselves so far that our body stops responding. I’ve read that increasing calories helps. Cutting down junk food helps too, but too much deprivation has only made it worse for me…which is why I do everything in moderation. Hopefully you find what works for you.

    Philosohoe, way to switch up the exercise plan! Way to keep up on the sodium. I always weigh 2-4lbs more at night than the day and so does pretty much everyone. I wouldn’t freak too much if you have an accidental occurrence of weighing then…especially since you’re doing such a great job!

    Papillion, I’m on week three of Burn. I still can’t do burpees or pushups on my toes. I’ll get there, I’m sure. A little worried about push, but then again…I can’t wait for a change up and to see how much I can increase my weights. I’ve heard Lean is hard. Way to make those goals!

    Aim2lose, I log once a week, usually on Saturdays. Keep up the positive outlook. You will get these goals!

    Theonlychuck, all are welcome at any time. Join in whenever you wish. We start a new thread every week.

    Danlyn, sometimes it’s hard to get in exercise around the demands of the job. Keep up the fight though. You will make your goals!

    Hearts Desire, great job and great goals! So glad to see you here. :-) You have a very positive spirit.

    Checking in for Wednesday:
    1. In bed no later than 10:30.-went to bed at 10:38 last night and plan to head upstairs for a shower before bed as soon as I post this so I should be good.
    2. Return to healthy meal choices, this weekend reminded me how poor ones make you feel exhausted.—had leftovers for lunch, which was fabulous and then had whole grain tacos for dinner. Lunch was probably the best choice.
    3. Get in week 3 of chalean and return to zumba. I missed the last three weeks of zumba and am having withdrawals.-Did Burn 2, week 3 yesterday. Tomorrow night—zumba class!