

  • KrisPage
    KrisPage Posts: 539 Member
    Wed check in when I finish the glass of water beside me that will be 12 cups today no workout today rest day after yesterdays run I need it shins are sore.
  • MAK_01
    MAK_01 Posts: 553 Member
    Ittee – Sorry to hear you weren’t able to get a swim in, but glad you did get a walk in. Nice job on your wise decision today. It’s nice to know you have support and help when you need it :smile:

    10 more – Nice job achieving with your goals today. I’m sorry to hear you are getting frustrated with your goal. I agree with Ladygloria, sometimes changing things up a little can help. But keep your chin up and keep reaching for your goals and I know you can achieve them!

    Philosohoe - nice job with your work out Tuesday! Keep up all the great work, 19 in a row is awesome! Do we need to come and hide your scale?! Hope you have learned your lesson. LOL!!

    Aim2lose –Keep your head up and keep on working on those goals. I know you can do it. Don’t overdo it with your knees walking is great and easier on the knees, good luck with your planning!
    I weigh in every Friday right after I wake up and go to the bathroom. Then I enter my weight in, the good, the bad and the ugly. I tried for a little while to weigh myself everyday but it drove me nuts, so I went back to once a week.

    Papillon22 – Great job once again! You are doing so great with your goals :smile:

    Theonlychuck – Glad you found us and thanks for the friend request! Feel free to jump in on this weeks thread, no need to wait until next week! Next week Ladyglorida will start the thread, we alternate weeks.

    Danlyn – Sorry to hear you didn’t get your work out in on Tuesday, but way to make good food choices. Nice job getting your walk in Wednesday. No worries if you can’t check in. Life gets busy and you gotta do what you gotta do. I’m sure things will calm down soon and you’ll be back in business.

    Hearts♥Desire – Sorry to hear your struggling. I’m in the same boat, ran out of time for grocery shopping this weekend so food choices this week have been interesting. Good luck with your goals this week. I know you will get yourself back on track!

    Ladygloria – Nice healthy choices today, you are doing great! Great job with Burn and have fun at Zumba tomorrow!

    KrisPage – Way to go on 12 cups!! Hope your shins feel better tomorrow.

    Thanks for the advice Ittee & Ladygloria – going to shift my workout days so my day off is Tuesday instead of Sunday.

    Wednesday check in:
    1. P90X week 12 – OK it’s not done yet.. BUT I pinky swear I will do it as soon as I finish checking in. It's going to be a late night. I woke up late this morning (Wednesday mornings are SO tough after bowling Tuesday night). Then I had to work late, and was starving when I got home so I did my Ab workout before dinner, and will do the rest of my work out after I wrap up my check in.

    2. Get in 3 non P90X workout's in – still at 1/3 this this week, I’m hoping to get one in tomorrow.

    3. Bring lunch and snacks to work every day – this was tough since I haven’t been to the grocery store, but I did bring my lunch and snacks, though it was a higher than usual calorie day. Tomorrow my co-workers and I are going out to lunch as a group. So I’m planning ahead and looked at the menu and nutritional information so I know exactly what to order. So I will pack my snacks, and I feel like I’ve set myself up for a great day.

    4. No extra BLTS (bites, licks, tastes, sips) – So–So on this today. Had a few while I was making my lunch this morning, ended up giving the bites to the puppy. Then at dinner I had a bit of my husband’s dinner, just 1 bite though.

    Food wise today was tough for me. As of now everything is in red and sodium is through the roof. <sigh> Here's to an awesome Thrusday everyone!
  • Ittee
    Ittee Posts: 285
    Excercised today, and possibly another tonight
    Stayed within calorie range even though I wasn't hungry today and didn't feel like eating (probably because it's hot)
    Wise choice: I am trying to add in more protein throughout the day as I always have a ton of protein and little carbs left over. Today I did great with no problem.
  • MAK_01
    MAK_01 Posts: 553 Member
    Excercised today, and possibly another tonight
    Stayed within calorie range even though I wasn't hungry today and didn't feel like eating (probably because it's hot)
    Wise choice: I am trying to add in more protein throughout the day as I always have a ton of protein and little carbs left over. Today I did great with no problem.

    Great job getting your workout (and possibly a second) in. I've been tryin gto up my protein too, but it's tough!!

    Ok for real now I'm going to work out!
  • philosohoe
    philosohoe Posts: 272 Member
    Wednesday night check in:
    1) exercise everyday, including 2 additional non-swim workouts--yes, swim today, so that makes 3/7 and day 20 in a row. Hit a weird exercise wall today though. 45 minutes into the swim, I just got super tired and a cramp in my side, so I stopped right away, and then remembered that I hadn't eaten my protein bar on my way to Ittee's, so I was really low in protein & calories. Feel much better now that I've had dinner, and I'm going to bed early.
    2) calories in the green--yes
    3) No meals over 1000mg sodium (except for 1 exemption for BF"s bd dinner on Saturday)--yes
    4) Start tracking Potassium in order to prepare for a future Sodium/Potassium balance goal--yep. Still a little on the low side. I think I'm going to do a little research and keep a list of high potassium foods and approximate values on my computer that I can just add into my food notes at the end of the day.
    5) DO NOT WEIGH IN ON DAY OTHER THAN MONDAY!--I did not weigh in today. I think I'm learning my lesson :P

    MAK & ladygloria--thank you for all the wonderful feedback you ladies give to everyone. You are both such a great team and such great cheerleaders. No matter the day I've had, you always make me feel like hanging in there another day and knowing that one better choice can lead to another. Small steps, awesome results! THANK YOU!!!
  • asm0118
    asm0118 Posts: 22 Member
    Checking in for Tues & Wed!!!

    1) Ate 1550 calories =( I was off all day and didn't go anywhere! Kept eating carbs!!! Way too much junk!
    2) Burned 485 calories =) That made up for a little bit of the junk!
    3) It was rest day for C25K
    4) Took all my Rx meds, plus cold medicine. Sudden change in the weather has made me yucky!

    1) Ate 1024 calories =) Much better! Probably a few more, as I did have a taste of chocolate frosting and forgot to log it. Oops!
    2) Burned 287 calories =( Almost at that 300 mark!
    3) Completed W4D2 of C25K!!! Improved my run pace by :38, but walk pace was a minute worse! Blaming my hubby- he went w/me today and kept trying to "coach" me. At least I didn't take any breaks though =)
    4) Forgot my evening meds again...grr! =(
  • Tammysueless
    I think ill join you! I fell off the wagon this summer and backtracked so i am gonna hop on the diet horse again.:smile:
  • mrogers52
    mrogers52 Posts: 378 Member
    Starting to feel better! Have had a cold and those zap me out!

    Drinking water and watching sodium this week.

    Love the positive comments that you all share:heart: If I am not kind to myself I find it difficult to be kind to others!
  • mountiemama
    I would love to join!! What do I do, lol?
  • mountiemama
    I would love to join!! What do I do, lol?
  • Ittee
    Ittee Posts: 285
    mrogers - glad you're starting to feel better, being sick as also taken me down a bit.

    Mounteimama - what are your goals (see first post), any level, as few or as many? then check in whenever you want with them

    Tammysueless - welcome, and hope the hop back on is easy and painless! What would you like to work on this week?
  • theonlychuck
    theonlychuck Posts: 54 Member
    thanks everyone i feel so welcome!! hehe :smooched: a few goals i decided to set for myself

    log everyday- wed, complete
    2-3 vegetables a day- wed, complete
    workout 4 times a week- wed 2out of 4 so far and boy am i sore
    drink water 90% of the time- wed, drank water all day except one glass of tea at dinner
  • MAK_01
    MAK_01 Posts: 553 Member
    :( I was all set for my lunch today. But when it came time to order I got the wrong item. Guess planning ahead works only if you remember what you intended to get. Totally threw a wrench in the works for my food.
  • Papillon22
    Papillon22 Posts: 1,160 Member
    ladygloria: I still can't do more than one pushup on my toes, but it doesn't worry me!

    thursday check-in:
    follow workout schedule - rest day today.
    5 fruits/veggies: done!

    MAK: you can get back on track with your next meal, AND tomorrow's a new day!
  • mrogers52
    mrogers52 Posts: 378 Member
    :( I was all set for my lunch today. But when it came time to order I got the wrong item. Guess planning ahead works only if you remember what you intended to get. Totally threw a wrench in the works for my food.

    Ouch! Bet that was hard!
  • MAK_01
    MAK_01 Posts: 553 Member
    MAK: you can get back on track with your next meal, AND tomorrow's a new day!
    So very true!! Thanks for pointing put the silver lining it's easy to over look some days. :flowerforyou:
    :( I was all set for my lunch today. But when it came time to order I got the wrong item. Guess planning ahead works only if you remember what you intended to get. Totally threw a wrench in the works for my food.

    Ouch! Bet that was hard!

    I was estimating 460 calories instead I got 789 <sigh>. I foresee two workouts for me tonight!!!
  • Ittee
    Ittee Posts: 285
    Theonlychuck - great job on already meeting your goals

    MAK - I really admire your positive attitude, both towards us and towards yourself. I think it's yourself that I admire most of all. Thank you
  • asm0118
    asm0118 Posts: 22 Member
    Check in for Thurs:
    1) Ate 1502 calories! Eeek!!! Bad Girl!!! =(
    2) Burned 391 calories (I don't think this is right...this is what MFP says, but Runtastic said 290...that's a huge difference!)
    3) Rest day for C25K...tomorrow is W4D3!!!
    4) Did not take any of my Rx today...had a REALLY rough day emotionally. That was the last thing I was thinking of. And now I'm at work until 3am. Oh well.
  • ladygloria
    ladygloria Posts: 279 Member
    Kris, way to rock the water intake! Keep listening to your body. I overdid it once on the shins with 30DS and I’ll never do it again. It took weeks to recover and only light exercise didn’t bother me. From now on, I listen to the body before I feel that pain for more than a few days.

    Mak, I failed my goals today, but thanks for the kind words. We can do this! Keep up the positive attitude and way to rock the exercise! As for forgetting, I do it all of the time. It’s why I pre-plan the day on here through lunch and then take my phone with me to check and make sure I got it right before I eat. It doesn’t work everytime, but it does help when eating out.

    Lttee, you are doing an amazing job. What proteins are you adding? I’m trying to find non-meat ones for lunches and am struggling to find things that aren’t high in sodium as well.

    Philosohoe, same to you! You are doing a great job on your goals and I’m glad to have your positive energy in the group. We can do this, even on the days where we don’t feel we’ve done it as well as we could.

    Whitman, way to go on the running! I’m always super-impressed with anyone who has that level of exercise endurance.

    Tammysueless, welcome! Feel free to drop in!

    Mrogers, I hope you feel better. This is a great group, isn’t it? Sometimes it’s hard to remember we’re all human and deserve to give ourselves and each other a break.

    Mountiemama, all you have to do is make up goals for yourself and let us know how you’re doing with them. If you want to comment to others, that is entirely up to you. We start a new thread each week. Welcome!

    Theonlychuck, way to go on your goals! I need to add a vegetable goal for next week. At this point I’d settle for at least two servings a day, but on some days in the last week haven’t had one. It gets hard when the hubby isn’t home and I have limited ways to cook meat without him at the grill (yes, I should learn to cook, but that’s another story).

    Papillion, so glad I’m not the only one. I tried to do one on my toes last night and nearly fell on my face. I also struggle with tricep pushups, though I am getting pretty decent at the others on my knees. Way to rock that fruit/veggie and exercise goal!

    My progress:
    1. In bed no later than 10:30.-no, failed this last night miserably. Wasn’t in bed until 11pm.
    2. Return to healthy meal choices, this weekend reminded me how poor ones make you feel exhausted.-okay, as long as you don’t count dinner (pizza). At least I stayed under everything but fat and sugar today.
    3. Get in week 3 of chalean and return to zumba. I missed the last three weeks of zumba and am having withdrawals.—missed Zumba tonight because the hubby didn’t get home until 9:30 so I had no one to watch the child. Didn’t do the cardio from Chalean to make up the difference. Guess it’s an all around fail kind of day. At least I had fun, right?
  • KrisPage
    KrisPage Posts: 539 Member
    C25K W4 D2 another night with 5 min runs was a little better today but I think I better repeat this week in order to progress smoothly to the new level I was really huffing and puffing and thinking like the little engine that could on the last 5 min run.:brokenheart: 4 mins you can do it 3.5 mins you can do it 3 more mins you can do it 2.5 mins your half way there :frown: 2 more mins you can do it 1.5 mins you can do 1 min your almost there 30 secs here we come :sick: and WOW its over!!!! NO PUKING AND NO BREAKS. :heart: :heart: :heart: but I am sure I need more practice at this week. Bought 30 DS at walmart last night after my run I sat down and just watched level 1 while stretching and I am thinking that doesn't look so bad until I actually have to start doing that workout. :laugh: