

  • aim2lose
    aim2lose Posts: 101 Member
    Thursday check-in:

    YES! 1. 10 -8oz. glasses of water each day
    class & we walked alot in class at a fast pace 2. Walk each day a minimum of 1.5 miles (that I don't have class or it rains)
    no 3. Eat more vegetables (other than salad)
    not yet 4. One new healthy recipe this week
    not any more than I get in class 5. Some sort of exercise daily

    I need to get myself up and moving! Not sure what my problem is but need a little motivation. I think about it....ALOT but just don't get up and do something about it.
    No class Friday so will plan to go for a nice long walk.
    Either need to get moving or just change my goals for next week, maybe both. Oh well......
  • 10more
    10more Posts: 87 Member
    Thanks for the support Ladygloria and Mak :flowerforyou: So, I'm still at it... I logged food/exercise again today, and worked out last night and today :smile: Tomorrow is Friday already, so Happy Friday everyone!
  • Ittee
    Ittee Posts: 285
    10more - great job on both logging and excercise!! :flowerforyou:

    aim2lose - what about a buddy, friend, pet to use as motivation to get moving? (If I didn't have Philosohoe, I'd be on my butt all day. :blushing: )

    Kris - your post/check-in cracked me up! :laugh: Loved it! And could so relate I thought you were in my head for a moment.

    LadyGloria - haven't figured out the whole protein thing yet, and I don't like the calorie additions it's bringing. I know Philosohoe using protein powder. So far I'm only really seeing meat (which is then sodium).

    whitman - so sorry you're having a rough day, and I sincerely hope tomorrow is easier.

    My check in:
    Excercised everyday (twice if I include chalean 10 minute ab burner (thanks LadyGloria for the inspiration))
    Stayed in calories, woohoo
    Wise decision: didn't workout with coworkers after work today. Wanted to spend some actual quality time with my son since he's feeling better. And still worked out twice (hence the ten minute quickie :tongue: )
  • MAK_01
    MAK_01 Posts: 553 Member
    Philosohoe – Thank you so much! I’m so glad our support and encouragement keeps you hanging in there. Ohhh cramp in the side not good, ouchie! Happy to hear you were feeling better after dinner and went to bed early. Glad to hear you are learning your scale lesson :smile:

    Whitman1002 – I know what you mean about the weather making you feel yucky! I am right there with you. Gotta love fall allergies. Way to go on your goals, you are doing a great job! And I’m sorry to hear you are having such a rough Thursday. Keep your chin up and things will start to look up. BTW… YUMMM to the chocolate frosting sometimes you need a little unlogged chocolate frosting. :happy:

    Tammysueless – Welcome to our thread! Feel free to pick a mini goal or two and then we try and support each other during this journey.

    Mrogers52 – Glad to hear you are feeling better! Hope you continue to get better, and are back to a 100% soon. Good luck with your sodium & water this week. Thanks for your sympathy about my lunch predicament.

    Mountiemama – Welcome, glad you want to join in. All you need to do is pick a small goal you want to work on. Feel free to post daily or once a week. We post a new thread each week.

    Theonlychuck – So glad you decided to join in on the fun. Great goals! And way to accomplish them! Keep it up :drinker:

    Papillon22 – I also struggle to do with pushups not on my knees, but like you I try to not worry and I just keep doing them. Great job with your fruit and veggies keep it up. I hope you enjoyed your rest day. Thank you for your support today! I picked myself up and moved on, I couldn’t do it without your support.

    Lttee – HUGGS to you, thank you so much :blushing: I’m so glad you joined our thread! I admit some days are harder than others to support myself. But I’m glad to help support my friends during this journey. We are all in this together. Excellent wise decision today, quality time with your son is always an excellent idea. Great job on your calories and AWESOME job getting two workout's in.

    Ladygloria – I’m so sorry you had a tough day. But here’s to tomorrow being a better day. :drinker: I usually take my phone with me, but we met a couple co-workers that had been laid off and we were catching up and listening to stories and before I knew it was ordering time… Oh well. I’ve been looking to up my protein too. I’ve been adding Greek Yogurt that does help. I’ve been thinking protein shakes or protein bars. Let me know what you try!

    KrisPage – YAY for no puking and no breaks!! Way to push yourself through that run today! Good idea to repeat the week to work on your strength and endurance. I’m going to do 30DS next. Really looking forward to it. You’ll have to keep us posted on how you like it.

    Aim2lose – I’m sorry to hear you are having a hard time getting yourself motivated. I was in that exact same spot last week, nothing could get me off the couch. Don’t be too hard on yourself. I know you’ll get your motivation back. A change in goals might be just what you need, focus on something different for a couple of weeks, and then in a couple of weeks try working the exercise back into your goals. Hope you had fun at class today! What class was it?

    10more – You are most welcome. You are doing an awesome job with your goals. Keep it up. Happy Friday to you as well. I can’t believe it’s Friday already... YAY!

    Thursday check in:
    1. P90X week 12 –Just wanted to let you all know I kept up my pinky swear and did my workout last night. And I did my P90X today.
    2. Get in 3 non P90X workout's in – 2/3 this week gotta in a nice long bike ride after work, it was a little cool this evening and it felt great biking along!
    3. Bring lunch and snacks to work every day – I did bring my snacks, today to work! As for lunch well it’s over and I’m over it. It’s a good day when I can bounce back from set back’s like this.
    4. No extra BLTS (bites, licks, tastes, sips) – Did good, though I have to admit I did venture into the treat cube and had a few chips, but I did log them.

    :flowerforyou: Here is to a great Friday!!!! :flowerforyou:
  • Hearts_2015
    Hearts_2015 Posts: 12,031 Member
    thanks everyone i feel so welcome!! hehe :smooched: a few goals i decided to set for myself

    log everyday- wed, complete
    2-3 vegetables a day- wed, complete
    workout 4 times a week- wed 2out of 4 so far and boy am i sore
    drink water 90% of the time- wed, drank water all day except one glass of tea at dinner
    Great Goals!:wink::flowerforyou:
  • Hearts_2015
    Hearts_2015 Posts: 12,031 Member
    Check in for Thurs:

    Got some groceries this afternoon so life is less chaotic now.
    Logged my foods and water in and the day went really well food wise.
    Got my workouts back on track and spent a lot of time at the pool jogging and other 'things aerobic'. :laugh:
    Not great on the bedtime last night or tonight...::Gulp:: Considering I'm checking in now and it's 11:30pm. :sad:

    All in all I'd say I've made a pretty good recovery after a few rough days. Wow, gotta say I sure did miss working out, it felt so good to get back in the groove!

    Cheers to us for a Fabulous Friday!:drinker: :smooched:
  • philosohoe
    philosohoe Posts: 272 Member
    Quick Thursday check in cuz I'm tired tonight...
    1) exercise everyday--yep 4/7 and day 21 in a row (no cramps tonight yay)
    2) calories in the green--yep, in fact before adding in my exercise I was only 7 under goal, so exercise was all bonus
    3) watch potassium--yep, actually ended the day with slightly MORE potassium than sodium. Imagine that?
    4) DO NOT WEIGH IN ON ANY DAY OTHER THAN MONDAY--FAIL! Ok, I thought I had a really good reason to weigh in this morning. I thought, "Hey, maybe the reason I got too tired last night was that I've been exercising A LOT, and maybe I'm losing weight too fast this week." So I weighed in. No change on the scale since Monday. Am I relieved that I haven't done any damage to my body by over-losing? Of course not. I'm irritated that I've been working my butt off and had a REALLY active weekend, and nothing. Stupid rationalizations. :grumble: I PROMISE, AVOW, and AFFIRM that I WILL NOT WEIGH IN TOMORROW. (I might have to repeat this statement every night in order to meet this goal. Why is this so darn hard?) Grrr. There Ittee. I confessed. :tongue:

    Night All and HAPPY FRIDAY!!!!!:bigsmile:
  • Ittee
    Ittee Posts: 285
    So I weighed in. No change on the scale since Monday. Am I relieved that I haven't done any damage to my body by over-losing? Of course not. I'm irritated that I've been working my butt off and had a REALLY active weekend, and nothing. Stupid rationalizations. :grumble: I PROMISE, AVOW, and AFFIRM that I WILL NOT WEIGH IN TOMORROW. (I might have to repeat this statement every night in order to meet this goal. Why is this so darn hard?) Grrr. There Ittee. I confessed. :tongue:

    lol I love you, wonderful woman!! And I like your vow!! Just like I love your pep talk to yourself.

    HeartsDesire - way to bounce back!! Grocery shopping does an amazing difference to me as well (an issue for a week from now for me).

    MAK - you're so active and I'm inspired by it. I'm going to start bicycling when the weather starts to cool down and I can no longer swim. As always, thanks for the inspiration.
  • la_nanita
    la_nanita Posts: 410 Member
    I was completely bad the end of last week and beginning of this week. Just bumping this so I can find it again to get next week's thread. I am back on the wagon with logging and exercising. I need to stop making excuses and start logging again. Not losing but not gaining is NOT good enough anymore!!! GRRRR angry at myself. The one thing that has helped me get back on the wagon and not continue that nasty cycle of just giving up is my MFPals!!!! Thank you all for being there for me....

  • HeyGrlHey
    So my goal was to cook homemade meals ALL week.....well didn't meet it, BUT I did do good at bringing my own lunches everyday! It's dinner that gets me, with night classes and all.

  • Papillon22
    Papillon22 Posts: 1,160 Member
    friday check-in:
    continue workout schedule-done!
    5 fruits/veggies-done!

    this week was tough! I'm glad it's over!
  • Hearts_2015
    Hearts_2015 Posts: 12,031 Member
    Friday Check-in:

    Great food choices, plenty of water, logged everything, fabulous workout and am exhausted so I should be able to meet my bedtime. :yawn:

    Really proud of myself to get back on track and feel so strong when I add one more thing to solidify that! I was not doing so well since last Friday off and on so it sure feels good to not feel out of control today! Isn't that just the best feeling ever?

    Hope you all have a extra special weekend and come out of the end of this challenge this week strong:smooched: :heart:
    Thanks everyone for all the support it's really helped me to get back on track... everyone that checks in here (as they can) & posts no matter what's going on is strengthening one another simply by our presence...

    Each week I think this group can't possibly get any better or more supportive... and then here we come, a new week starts and it always exceeds my wildest dreams!grouphug.gif

    What a wonderful warm, inspiring group of Women we all are! :flowerforyou:
  • KrisPage
    KrisPage Posts: 539 Member
    bad bad day, way over calories and toooooo tired to get on the treadmill. :sad:
  • 10more
    10more Posts: 87 Member
    Checking in for Friday... Logged food & exercise. I even got in an extra 35 minute walk. Didn't do too well today with the water though, so I'll work on that tonight, no snacks just lots of ice water :smile: Thanks, again, everyone for the support and have a wonderful weekend! :flowerforyou:
  • MAK_01
    MAK_01 Posts: 553 Member
    Hearts♥Desire – Sounds like you are getting your groove back. Keep it up! HUGGS to YOU for all your support. This really is a wonderful group! HUGGS to you ALL!!

    Philosohoe – YAY for no cramps while swimming! Great job Thursday, sounds like you are doing well this week. Do you need to pinky swear no weighing in? LOL!!

    Ittee – I love my bike I got it at the beginning of summer and I’ve been riding it at least once a week, but have typically been able to get out 3-4 times a week. I’ve been really enjoying it.

    la_nanita – So glad you found us again! Time to get to loggin girl. You can do it!

    Hzminda – Great job with lunches this week! It can be very tough making meals when you have evening classes. I did a lot of make ahead meals when I was in school. I’d make a pot of soup and that’s what I’d do for dinner a couple of nights. Or cook up a whole bunch of chicken breasts Sunday night and then each night jazz em up during the week. Hope those ideas might help you out a little.

    Papillon22 – Great job again! You did great even though you had a tough week. I hope next week is a little easier for you.

    KrisPage – Right there with you. Here is to tomorrow being a better day!

    10more – Way to go with the extra 35 minute walk. That’s great! Good luck getting in some more water tonight.

    Friday check in:
    1. P90X week 12 – I decided today would be my rest day.
    2. Get in 3 non P90X workout's in – Still at 2/3 this week.
    3. Bring lunch and snacks to work every day – Didn’t bring lunch BUT I did get a salad in the cafeteria today. So I had what I would have brought so it’s kinda like I brought my lunch.
    4. No extra BLTS (bites, licks, tastes, sips) – EPIC EPIC fail today.

    This morning I hopped out of bed, totally energized after my wicked burn yesterday. Hopped on the scale for my Friday weigh in and 160.0 up 0.5…. really…. REALLY. I have to try that again (in the meantime the dog was dancing around whining at me to hurry up and feed him). So back on I hopped. 160.0 that really can’t be. I was baffled! I went and fed the dog, took him out… and tried a 3rd time. 160.0 still. Pondering this I got ready for work… then BAM it hit me (literally)… time of the month. DRATS!!!!!! Now I know what’s going on. 10 days early joy of all joys… <sigh> By this afternoon I was in full-fledged TOM joy, exhausted, cramps, and so hungry. Hence the rest day, and the epic fail on the BLTS.

    I hope you all have a wonderful weekend. Weekends tend to me really difficult for me, but I’m determined to make my mini goals this weekend,. Hope you all keep working on your mini goals this weekend. HUGGS!!! I'm off to bed. :yawn:
  • Ittee
    Ittee Posts: 285
    Oh MAK I'm sorry, I surely do know how frustrating that is!

    My check-in:
    Excercised today, though not as long without my swimming buddy
    Stayed in calorie goal, but really had to push myself to eat tonight to get there. Felt fine until just a bit ago, after swimming, and realized I hadn't eaten enough. By that point, didn't feel well and so didn't want to eat.
    Wise choice: even without my swimming buddy, and despite the lateness of the evening, hopped in the pool for 30 minutes and played around with my son, who was on best behavior during a high school football game and needed to run/swim out some energy. Let him stay up late (I'm normally really rigid with schedules) to do so. It was a win/win for us both.

    Thanks all for the support, as always.
  • danlyn
    danlyn Posts: 157 Member
    Friday Check-in:

    Great food choices, plenty of water, logged everything, fabulous workout and am exhausted so I should be able to meet my bedtime. :yawn:

    Really proud of myself to get back on track and feel so strong when I add one more thing to solidify that! I was not doing so well since last Friday off and on so it sure feels good to not feel out of control today! Isn't that just the best feeling ever?

    Hope you all have a extra special weekend and come out of the end of this challenge this week strong:smooched: :heart:
    Thanks everyone for all the support it's really helped me to get back on track... everyone that checks in here (as they can) & posts no matter what's going on is strengthening one another simply by our presence...

    Each week I think this group can't possibly get any better or more supportive... and then here we come, a new week starts and it always exceeds my wildest dreams!grouphug.gif

    What a wonderful warm, inspiring group of Women we all are! :flowerforyou:

    So glad I logged on this morning and read this. I was losing the momentum to keep up with logging this week. Some stressful situations combined with exhaustion from the first week back to school. The good news is that I have walked in the morning before the students arrive and my days are extremely active ones with the students I am assigned to this year, which is great for calorie burn :bigsmile:

    I have not been too loyal with the logging of my food this week, but I'm looking forward to being in a better frame of mind for next week's mini-challenge :flowerforyou:

  • philosohoe
    philosohoe Posts: 272 Member
    Late Friday check in--didn't get home last night til 10:30, so I went to bed immediately. Didn't even close out my food log til this morning.
    1) exercise everyday--nope. Planned for a swim after a visit with a pregnant friend that I hadn't seen in a couple of months, but she wanted to feed us dinner, and she's been off work, so she doesn't have anyone to talk to, so...visited instead and no swim, but I think I made the right choice. Glad to see Ittee swam without me. Hey I made it 21 days before I broke my streak, and I'm getting in at least one swim and a workout today!
    2) calories in the green--yep, even without a workout. My friend cooked a really healthy meal for us because she knew I've been working hard, so Yay!
    3) no meals over 1000 sodium--yep. 2nd day in a row where sodium was actually quite low. I'm astounded by this. However, tonight is BF's BD dinner, so not worried about sodium restriction for that one meal.
    4) track potassium--yep, tracking pretty well so far this week. I'm pretty confident that I will be ready to set an actual goal for potassium/sodium ratio for next week.
    5) DO NOT WEIGH IN ON ANY DAY OTHER THAN MONDAY--I did not weigh in on Friday. I figured out that if I wake up and eat breakfast RIGHT AWAY, then I'm less tempted to weigh in because I know I don't want to weigh all my food too (plus I usually wake up really hungry after night swims anyway). I PROMISE, AVOW, and AFFIRM that I will not weigh in today. I'm actually probably okay for today because I already had breakfast, so the temptation has mostly passed.

    MAK--I feel for you and your frustrations. The Joys of being a woman, right? :P

    HeartsDesire--So happy to see you back and back on track! You're right, this group just keeps getting better and better because of wonderful people like you <3

    Hzminda--WTG with packing lunches for the week! I remember what it was like to be a full time college student, and believe me, cooking was the LAST thing that I would worry about in the morning when trying to get to school. Good for you sweetie!!

    La-Nanita--glad you checked in with us again for the week! We're here for you, good days & bad & in-between. :)

    KrisPage--Sorry you had such a bad day yesterday, but you've been doing a PHENOMENAL job with your C25K! I'm in awe everyday. I don't even jog because my knees are so screwed up. Running? Girl, puhleease! Not a chance. You're inspiring. Nuff said.

    Everyone have a wonderful Saturday. Will try to check in again tonight if we're not out too late. Love and Hugs!
  • aim2lose
    aim2lose Posts: 101 Member
    Friday check-in:

    YES! 1. 10 -8oz. glasses of water each day
    practiced 2. Walk each day a minimum of 1.5 miles (that I don't have class or it rains)
    no 3. Eat more vegetables (other than salad)
    not yet 4. One new healthy recipe this week
    not any more than I get in class 5. Some sort of exercise daily

    Okay, next week there will be new goals again. Just can't motivated with my current ones. No going to let it discourage me too bad.

    MAK, I take a number of competition dog obedience classes each week. Monday are proofing classes and Tuesday is a beginning utility class, both are outdoors in the heat so I sweat like a sieve. Some Wednesday's I go to practice only. Thursday I have an OTCH (Obedience Trial Champion) class indoors, and this week we did a tremendous amount of heeling so again, lots of sweat. Friday I have another place I can practice and that is what we did last night. My entire life revolves around dog training!
    Tomorrow is Dock Diving, in October we start Tracking, plus there are 2 Obedience Trials fairly close that we will attend.
  • Papillon22
    Papillon22 Posts: 1,160 Member
    saturday check-in:
    1- exercise done! - debated whether to skip since I have to finish the first big paper of the term, but thought of this thread and got my butt off the chair. Thank you MAK and Ladygloria!
    2- 5 fruits/veggies done!

    Have a nice rest of the weekend, everyone!