Has MFP caused problems ...with ur partners/spouse ?

hmm... Kinda curious here ... MFP is an awesome tool for weight loss ..we all know that ! So that in our life is a major plus , we look better , feel healthier ect ... But in MFP we discover this whole MFP world ..new friends, constant encouragement, compliments, flirting ... and so the list goes on .... So its fair to say this site is or can potentially be very addictive .. Right ?

Many of us here have a ' other ' half so to speak ..... I know from experience .. My other half is starting to get rather pissed off with the time I am spending on here.. And honest it's not much ... as I justify it to myself :) I am finding myself ..to avoid confrontation ... Never logging on whilst he is around ect... Lol.... Anyways... Got me thinking .... I guess it can cause some major dilemmas for couples ... Soo ... Care to share ?????


  • Snakey74
    Snakey74 Posts: 276 Member
    None at all. My husband is on here with me :smile:
  • Punkedpoetess
    Punkedpoetess Posts: 633 Member
    No, my husband uses MFP as well and it helps keep us both on the road to a healthier lifestyle. For me it's about losing weight and for him it is maintaining his weight :smile: .
  • Busymomshantell
    Busymomshantell Posts: 126 Member
    My husband is on with me as well...no problems here.
  • Cowenlaw1
    Cowenlaw1 Posts: 106 Member
    No problems at all. In fact, my wife is happy about the weight I've lost thus far.

    That being said, I don't flirt on MFP, and I imagine that my wife would not appreciate it if I did.
  • ohwhataday
    ohwhataday Posts: 1,398 Member
    nooo. he knows I use it, but doesn't use it himself. and I think he's happy with the weight I've lost soo he'll take it!
  • canelly
    canelly Posts: 731 Member
    Lol not for me I been here for a couple months and my hubby knows and understands I told him I'll make him one but he's not interested lol....
  • Stephiede
    Stephiede Posts: 130 Member
  • SoldierDad
    SoldierDad Posts: 1,602
    hmm... Kinda curious here ... MFP is an awesome tool for weight loss ..we all know that ! So that in our life is a major plus , we look better , feel healthier ect ... But in MFP we discover this whole MFP world ..new friends, constant encouragement, compliments, flirting ... and so the list goes on .... So its fair to say this site is or can potentially be very addictive .. Right ?

    Many of us here have a ' other ' half so to speak ..... I know from experience .. My other half is starting to get rather pissed off with the time I am spending on here.. And honest it's not much ... as I justify it to myself :) I am finding myself ..to avoid confrontation ... Never logging on whilst he is around ect... Lol.... Anyways... Got me thinking .... I guess it can cause some major dilemmas for couples ... Soo ... Care to share ?????

    My ex wife was very supportive of me being on MFP. She always knew I had a huge personality but I am the kind of man that is loyal and faithful always. And she loved that i like helping others. But she always had access to see exactly anyone I talked to. LAter on as she went full blast in her goal to be president of the company she worked for (and was working 15 horus a day) she was glad I was on MFP. It kept me from being so lonely... Or at least thats how she saw it. :-( But anyway if you trust the one your with MFP shouldn't be a concern.
  • Stephiede
    Stephiede Posts: 130 Member
    I don't have this problem. I'm on here all the time. My hubby knows that this site gives me the extra support I need. I guess if you're on here flirting all the time or doing things that would make the other half jealous than they may have a good point.
  • SetecAstronomy
    SetecAstronomy Posts: 470 Member
    hmm... Kinda curious here ... MFP is an awesome tool for weight loss ..we all know that ! So that in our life is a major plus , we look better , feel healthier ect ... But in MFP we discover this whole MFP world ..new friends, constant encouragement, compliments, flirting ... and so the list goes on .... So its fair to say this site is or can potentially be very addictive .. Right ?

    Many of us here have a ' other ' half so to speak ..... I know from experience .. My other half is starting to get rather pissed off with the time I am spending on here.. And honest it's not much ... as I justify it to myself :) I am finding myself ..to avoid confrontation ... Never logging on whilst he is around ect... Lol.... Anyways... Got me thinking .... I guess it can cause some major dilemmas for couples ... Soo ... Care to share ?????
    It's almost like the Facebook of People Who Want To Be Healthier, and I'm sure everyone has heard about the problems Facebook has contributed to relationships.

    I will agree the site is very addictive, but if you're logging on when he's not around to avoid confrontation, it almost sounds like you don't have him as a support system for home. That can't be good...sure we're all here in cyberspace cheering each other on to do their best, but the ones closest to you at home should be included in on it.

    Just keep the flirting in private messages ;)
  • neva4saken
    neva4saken Posts: 300 Member
    my wife is not on with me, but she knows of MFP and she at any moment can log on my account, i use it as a fitness tool for both of us .. with that being said i do not do anything or say anything that would not be appropriate.. i have all i need in her so there is no flirting just encouragement and since her and i are both psychology majors that is part of our nature .. :-)
  • Corpsebride08
    Corpsebride08 Posts: 17 Member
    My husband is totally supportive of me being on MFP. No problems at all. :)
  • audram420
    audram420 Posts: 838 Member
    Don't really find this website as much of a "flirty" place for me...I find that all my friends are supportive in a respectful way...So I can't say this website is much of a problem with my husband. Plus, he's really impressed with my weight loss so far.
  • infamousmk
    infamousmk Posts: 6,033 Member
    My boyfriend is a gamer, so when he's gaming, I'm chatting. We sit next to each other on the couch and do our geeky thing. Now, if there were some kind of serious flirting going on, or if I were making close connections with people that could be construed as inappropriate (more than just venting or being friends, but more of an emotional connection), then I think it would probably be a problem.
  • jmikels67
    My hubby was on, he is who got me started. He has now fallen off the wagon, while I continue on. He doesn't care though, he's glad I am getting healthy. Kinda like a healthy Facebook, which we are both on. Any chance your spouse might be afraid you'll get looking so good you'll leave him behind?
  • luppic8
    luppic8 Posts: 580 Member
    Nope, no problem here either. He has signed up when he saw how much it has helped me. Sorry to hear your honey is not a happy camper...I hope he comes around!
  • loombeav
    loombeav Posts: 391 Member
    Nope, none here either. My husband is use to me being on line. I'm a manager for an online Moms forum, plus I facebook. Now, he'll get irritated if we're going someone and I jump on the computer 1 last time before I walk out the door. I'll also add though, I don't flirt with people I meet online (or in person for that matter) I would not be ok with my husband flirting with other people and find that type of behavior to be very disrespectful to a significant other, my marriage and our family is entirely too important to me to put myself in that type of situation.
  • farmgirlsuz
    farmgirlsuz Posts: 351 Member
    Really? I mean REALLY? I guess some people are predisposed to that sort of thing. If it weren't this web site, I am sure they would get their fix somewhere else.

    I am only speaking for myself here, but this site has helped me to be where I am today and I chose to share the results with my REAL LIFE partner. The one who has put up with my rants, my mood swings, my tears, my complaints, my cheers, my smiles, my happy moments, through it all-he is there. If someone has to treat a healthy lifestyle website like a dating site, well then maybe they need to rethink what they are REALLY looking for.

    As for me, this site has not caused ANY problems-only strengthened my bond with the one person who REALLY gets me.
  • Ireshgurl
    Lol not for me I been here for a couple months and my hubby knows and understands I told him I'll make him one but he's not interested lol....

    same here!! i will b in bed wit my laptop and start laughin and he'll ask why and i'll show him exactly what i'm readin. he knows exactly what i'm doin on this website.
  • shankleefranklee
    My boyfriend knows I'm on here and he supports my choices in whatever it is that makes me happy, and what is going to help me do that. I don't come on here to flirt with people, or anything like that. I also don't intentionally make flirtatious comments, and avoid situations where I could receive such comments. I'm on here a lot - my phone a few times a day, and probably 2 hours on and off throughout the day. I keep him involved with things here, just like I do with everything else I am apart of.

    I would be upset if my SO was on a site, and was flirting with new friends instead of spending time with me.