Has MFP caused problems ...with ur partners/spouse ?



  • _eislek_
    _eislek_ Posts: 198 Member
    I have had no problems either..has your spouse ever bn on ur account?? If so.. look @ ur friends list does it give him reason to b jealous ??

    No need for that ... I am merely asking the question here ! It's ignorant to judge someone you don't know ... However thx for your reply !

    What in the world...lol...how was that judging you?
  • Yes, hubby is getting very jealous of this, but I think I convinced him last night that this makes me happy and it's helping me. He just wants me to make time for him as much as I make time for MFP. There aren't 48 hours in a day! Don't know how I'm going to do it, but I guess I need to find a way.
  • Enforcer25
    Enforcer25 Posts: 350 Member
    No problems, my wife is on here too.
  • pacmanjack
    pacmanjack Posts: 866 Member
    I'm divorced. My ex-wife has never heard of mfp, and lately she has gained quite a bit of weight, while I'm at the lowest weight I've been since about 1990.

    That really has nothing to do with this topic... but it felt really good to just type those words. :bigsmile:

    Carry on.
  • Banks01
    Banks01 Posts: 945 Member
    Yes, hubby is getting very jealous of this, but I think I convinced him last night that this makes me happy and it's helping me. He just wants me to make time for him as much as I make time for MFP. There aren't 48 hours in a day! Don't know how I'm going to do it, but I guess I need to find a way.

    You're screwed :)
  • My husband and I are supportive of each other. He has seen this site help my weight loss so he is all for it. I have it open on my computer all the time. He has his stuff I have mine. But we do make time for each other just to talk about our day and such before bed. I think that is important
  • audigal2008
    audigal2008 Posts: 1,129 Member
    My husband hardly pays attention to me so it doesn't matter....LOL!
  • Kate6868
    Kate6868 Posts: 159 Member
    No issues here. I'm not obsessive about chatting on MFP, though. My husband sees it as the same thing as the Weight Watchers meetings or OA meetings I've attended in the past.
  • VeganInTraining
    VeganInTraining Posts: 1,319 Member
    Here are the thoughts of one single guy...

    A person should not flirt with anyone who is married or involved with someone period!! I have only been on here for one week and I just discovered the friend thing today. I have noticed that most profiles do not make mention of their relationship status. If a man, or woman for that matter, see a profile picture and they are attracted to that person, the chances are they may send a flirtatious message, not knowing they are married. Some people just like to flirt! :wink:

    I guess it should be quite obvious that if you are married or involved and someone sends you a flirty message, you must nip it in the bud right away and tell them your married / involved. That should end it right there. If the person continues, they are a jerk, and you should delete them and report them to MFP. If your married / involved and accepting flirtatious messages, there is a problem with your relationship that needs to be addressed.

    This site has real health value and I am happy to see that for the most part there are no relationship problems created here.

    Just my 2 cents...


    Agreed! Granted, I do have a wedding pic for my profile, it reminds me that I need to update my profile to say that I'm married...

    In response to the question i wouldn't say it's caused problems but if my hubby notices a guy on my profile he always asks who it is. Generally I don't private message with guys unless I need some kind of nutritional information though there are times that I send a little PM to send a congrats or just get get a brief update on their life. Anyway, I try to keep my going ons with men public so that hubby doesn't get jealous, he still does sometimes but he realizes it's not because of anything I'm doing.
  • No problems here. I use it to talk to people about healthy eating and keep track of my weight and food. I don't flirt with other men, that would disrespectful to my husband.
  • IamBrande
    IamBrande Posts: 208 Member
    My fiance has no problems with me being on this site. I dont spend any lengthy amount of time on it. I do not flirt nor do I do anything out of line. I dont talk about things in sexual nature etc... I am on here for a purpose and that purpose is to connect with those with the same goals as my own, and to gather useful resources to help me be successful in my weight loss efforts. My fiance trusts me 110% and knows, that I will not do anything to him, that I would not like done to me.

    therefore, if you arent doing anything wrong, or anything to feel guilty about...then you should be able to do MFP with him sitting right next to you watching you. If he is curious what its all about, show him.
  • kapeluza
    kapeluza Posts: 3,434 Member
    No, my husband knows I use this website as a tool. But I could see how this website could turn into a huge problem for people acting like skanks....
  • Dtrmnd86
    Dtrmnd86 Posts: 406 Member
    No problems here. I only log on to add my food and encourage my friends and I only browse the forums while he is at work. Not because he doesn't like it, but because I'd rather spend the time with him while he's home. I also don't accept male friend requests out of respect for him. I've had some awkward messages from guys so I found not friending them makes it alot easier to be more comfortable on here.
  • iAMaPhoenix
    iAMaPhoenix Posts: 1,038 Member
    Nope...Wifey loves the fringe benefits she gets from MFP...A healthier Husband.
  • bmqbonnie
    bmqbonnie Posts: 836 Member
    I'm single now but I've always posted on forums A LOT (that's how I spend most of my downtime) and my ex fiance was fine with it. He is a gamer so like someone else said, we each did our geeky thing. I'm allowed to have my own hobbies...
  • Dickersondiva
    Dickersondiva Posts: 97 Member
    When I first started using MFP, my husband was a little jealous of the time I was spending on it. When I showed him what I was doing (mostly logging food and a few "nice workout!" messages), he just thought I wasn't spending my time wisely, but stopped bothering me about it.

    However, OP, I think that if I had your profile picture (lovely pic, but maybe a bit on the sexy side), friend list (mostly men...lots shirtless) and posts (including topics such as big boobs, MFP crushes, and the possibility of falling in love on MFP), he would have been pretty jealous....and for good reason.

    Good luck.


    Ba. Bahahaha. Bwahahahahahaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!...ohhh...I'm weak...LOLOLOL....crying even.....I'm sorry...I know it's a serious situation, but I feel like a defense attorney who just found out their client was, errr, hiding a few facts....again...sorry for laughing (pffftt)
  • Rae6503
    Rae6503 Posts: 6,294 Member
    No, he doesn't care, but I've played on forums for years. Actually I'm trying to convince him to start using it because he's training for an endurance mountain bike race and I'm pretty sure he still doesn't eat enough.
  • bmqbonnie
    bmqbonnie Posts: 836 Member
    Oh snap, LP!
  • Dickersondiva
    Dickersondiva Posts: 97 Member
    Wait a minute, Katya. Pump your brakes. I just read each and every one of your VISIBLE posts. I see why the man is angry/insecure. You give GOOD REASON for him to be....and I'm a woman with no need to trust you. But when you post things about hooking up on MFP, yet you get defensive because someone asks for you to give him access to your account (which alerted me to some guilt), no one is being judgmental. Maya Angelou always said....if a person shows you who they are, then you should believe them. Well, it ain't looking good for you, sister. IJS. You don't have to like me or be my friend, but just being blunt, you should probably tone it down a bit, sweetie. It seems to me that MFP is not causing problems with your spouse. You are. And it could be that he is still insecure, but what you are doing is not helping.

    For the record, my husband has full access to my account. I'm an open book. Yet, I have nothing to hide.
  • PlanetVelma
    PlanetVelma Posts: 1,223 Member
    No, my husband knows I use this website as a tool. But I could see how this website could turn into a huge problem for people acting like skanks....


    I don't flirt w/ people online because I know if the shoe was on the other foot it wouldn't feel so great.