Is a rough childhood an acceptable excuse?

quichebradford Posts: 327 Member
I know a lot of people who have had less than desirable experiences in their childhood, some were downright horrible. I’ve heard many of them blame their lack of success (no high school diploma or GED for example) on the way they were brought up. Verbal and/or physical abuse, parents on drugs, abandonment…whatever the case. Do you feel that as an adult, that’s an acceptable excuse?


  • leilaphoenix
    leilaphoenix Posts: 839 Member
  • AggieCass09
    AggieCass09 Posts: 1,867 Member
    i dont believe in every situration you have a choice to overcome or deal with it...YOU decide that, not anyone else
  • RunHardBeStrong
    RunHardBeStrong Posts: 33,069 Member
    Nope. Everyone has diffuculties to overcome. There comes a time to stop hiding behind it and better yourself.
  • orhstay87
    I understand that it makes things a lot harder. But, I think that at a certain point you have to realize that you're an adult now and you make the decisions in your life. I think that the first step is finding a way to rise above what you experienced. Each subsequent step becomes easier and easier.
  • raefost
    raefost Posts: 31 Member
    its not necessarily and excuse but it can be a reason
  • chocolateandvodka
    chocolateandvodka Posts: 1,856 Member
    no such thing as an acceptable excuse.

    if it is at all in your ability to create a better life for yourself and those who depend on you, there are no "acceptable excuses".
  • christine24t
    christine24t Posts: 6,063 Member
    Some terrible traumas I could see affecting you, but I don't think it is an excuse. If anything, it should be an opportunity to overcome your past. People made fun of me for being fat as a kid, but I don't sit and mope about it now, I did something about it instead. There is always help available if you can't overcome it yourself.
  • inotnew
    inotnew Posts: 218 Member
    it may excuse some of your past but not your future. Accept it and move forward!
  • nakabi
    nakabi Posts: 589 Member
    While those circumstances are very said, I don't believe that should be an excuse!
  • usmcmp
    usmcmp Posts: 21,220 Member
    I can understand how someone could say they don't have a high school diploma because of their childhood. Once they move out on their own there is no excuse for them not to get a GED, Associate degree, Bachelor degree or even higher. I know plenty of people who had terrible childhoods, but many of them wanted to change their circumstances and now are successful adults. At some point in life we are the masters of our own destiny.
  • CoCoMa
    CoCoMa Posts: 906 Member
    I've had a dysfunctional and toxic upbringing, but managed to rise above it all. Guess I'm just lucky. I think it depends on strength, circumstance, opportunity, and sometimes just pure luck. Although, the woe-is-me attitude is unexcusable.
  • Mom2rh
    Mom2rh Posts: 612 Member
    It's a good starting point. Not ending point. I think acknowledgment is the first step towards moving on. People can get stuck in that, though which would lead to the excuses.
  • TexasLali
    I think everyone has a story, yet it is up to that person to write the rest of the chapters of his life. Sometimes the people who struggle the most are the ones who can overcome more than those who were given everything. I personally don't believe in excuses.
  • KeeleySue
    To a certain extent I believe it's an acceptable excuse. Sometimes people just don't know any different if they were raised a certain way (good or bad).

    However, it reaches a point where they become an adult and they have to realize that it's not an acceptable excuse and if they don't know how to overcome that, they should be adult enough to get help.
  • Splasheh
    Splasheh Posts: 30 Member
    I know a lot of people who have had less than desirable experiences in their childhood, some were downright horrible. I’ve heard many of them blame their lack of success (no high school diploma or GED for example) on the way they were brought up. Verbal and/or physical abuse, parents on drugs, abandonment…whatever the case. Do you feel that as an adult, that’s an acceptable excuse?

    I seriously don't think this topic should even be discussed as it will offend others, even slightly.
  • mamashatzie
    mamashatzie Posts: 238 Member

    I had a pretty rough childhood. Lots of verbal/emotional abuse, was raised to do everything for everyone else and was never allowed to put myself first.

    I chose to rise above it. I'm now well educated, gainfully employed, happily married, a good mother, and overall successful. The only negative thing that came from my childhood is my weight, but I'm working on changing that.

    In life, we have to take what we're given and then we choose what to make of it. You can choose to turn to drugs, alcohol, or abusing others to make yourself feel better. Or you can choose to better yourself, get therapy, and make a better life for yourself.

    Life is all about choices; we choose who we become.
  • hermanaamber
    hermanaamber Posts: 103 Member
    Only if you want to continue in a life of no success. When you stop making excuses and begin to take control of your life, you will be successful!
  • hightopps
    I am the child of an abusive addict. Neither of my parents had any higher education.

    I put myself through college (my mother couldn't afford to help me as she's disabled and my father passed away when I was sixteen). I maintained a B+ average, all while working 30+ hours a week.

    I want to say that it's definitely hard to figure out where I should be and what choices I should make. I have a harder time gauging what's 'normal,' but it can definitely be done. Just like anything else, you have to work at it.
  • CoachMaritova
    CoachMaritova Posts: 409 Member
    it's a good excuse to get therapy and move forward!