Stuff you don't eat or drink anymore...

Not made any deliberate decisions to to not eat or drink anything on the list, this is what I've found I've avoided consuming because there's healthier alternatives

- White bread
- Milk
- Cheese
- Eggs
- Butter or marg
- Mayonaise
- Chocolate bars and snacks over 100 calories
- Kids cereals
- Full sugar fizzy rinks
- PIZZA (I haven't had a single slice of pizza since I started my new healthy eating lifestyle)
- Homemade stew/casserole/gravy there's just too much fat and sugar in those things my mom makes!

So far I've lost 66 lbs.

What have you stopped eating, what was making you fat?


  • Nomomush
    Nomomush Posts: 582 Member
    Excessive amounts of red meat...everyday. Mashed potatoes with loads of butter. Movie theater pop corn, soda, wine, liquor, beer.
  • rainbowcandy2004
    I have mostly stopped eatting pizza but did have it two days last week other than that donuts and fried food tastes like a big pile of greese and I have lost 38 lbs
  • JConstine
    Pop Tarts....that's about it I think. Hahaha, well I am still early on in my weight loss journey thingy.
  • Pollywog39
    Pollywog39 Posts: 1,730 Member
    Personally, I don't think that a person NEEDS to give up the things they love - that being said, in my chat with a dietician recently, I told her I use butter (no margarine or fake stuff), and she was happy with that. All things in moderation.

    I do not like white bread, so don't eat it.

    Milk? women need calcium, and milk is a good source. So is cheese - again, in moderation.

    We talked about "diet" food - sugar free and fat free - and the chemicals in them. I would rather have a LITTLE of the 'real' food than more of the chemical, if I want a fizzy drink, I'll have one. No fake sugars. No fake fats.

    I do believe that much of our obsession with food is because we've gotten away from REAL food - unprocessed, good-for-you, healthy food! The stuff that our ancestors ate, and NEVER gained weight on (of course, they worked a lot harder than we do!)

    I think what's made me fat is my love of beer, and my lack of exercise. I am remedying both of those, and have lost about 8 lbs in 6 weeks :)
  • shesblossoming
    I'm realizing that I actually don't eat bread in general. I've replaced white rice with brown rice, and I no longer have dairy. I've also drastically limited my meat intake. From time to time, I'll eat what I want, but I think it's been working so far.
  • LATeagno
    LATeagno Posts: 620 Member
    Eggs? Cheese? Butter? Mayo?

    I'm with you on the sugary/carby items, but these fat foods are staples (well, the eggs anyway--the rest in moderation) in my low-carb diet that has helped me lose 65 lbs. and get my blood pressure and blood sugar in check! Eggs are a miracle food IMHO!

    I've given up most forms of bread, sugar, High GI candies, fruits and cereal in all forms, rice (all kinds), potatoes, most grains and all HFCS and most sugars.

    That's just me though!
  • emilydmac
    emilydmac Posts: 382 Member
    bagels. baked goods. drinks with calories aside from coffee. bread.
  • kk0223
    kk0223 Posts: 179
    This is interesting. I've not even really stopped to think about what I've stopped eating.

    I don't eat/drink

    Anything white-I've changed to everything whole grain
    Any soda's that aren't diet
    Chips-Which are my weakness when it comes to food. I try to do a healthier chip IF I eat them.
    Sweets-Never been a big sweet eater anyways
    Fried food
    Butter/Margarine except the spray kind-Has no carbs!
    Only drink 1% or fat free milk now

    That's all I can think of off of the top of my head! Looks to me like I didn't cut anything out! I just changed the bad things to healthier versions.

    Congrats on your 66! I just started this about 4 days ago and down 1 lb. I hope to lose more!
  • rudegyal_b
    rudegyal_b Posts: 593 Member
    you won't even have a "smart ones" pizza? those are awesome

    i gave up starbucks
  • Apryl546
    Apryl546 Posts: 909 Member
    Any snack over 120 calls
    cake (I've only had cake once since I've started this, and that was back in July)
    Icecream (gogo frozen yogurt!)
    Soda for the most part. If I do I try for cal free.
  • mojox2003
    mojox2003 Posts: 276 Member
    white bread, crisps, sauasage rolls.

    Mainly carbs, I still have them but just not as much as I used to
  • Sparksfly
    Sparksfly Posts: 470 Member
    I only drink water, almond milk, and sometimes beer :tongue: .

    I don't think I'll ever be able to give up beer!

    I have totally given up soda, diet soda, and juice! I used to be a diet soda junkie!

    As far as food goes, I eat whatever I want....whenever I want! Just keep the portions smaller. I usually eat pizza once a week.
  • Packerfan23
    Packerfan23 Posts: 225 Member
    Diet Coke (way to much of it) and too much processed foods. Also, was not making healthy choices when going out to eat. I still go out, but make much better choices, do not drink Diet Coke or any pop/soda at all, and have cut way back on processed foods (I still eat some, but not as much) and am making my own sandwich meat(grilling chicken, pork, roast beef and slicing up for sandwiches) and eating more veggies and fruit.
  • cbrick143
    cbrick143 Posts: 26 Member
    soda, other sugary drinks, and fast food are some of the items i've cut out of my diet. haven't had fast food in almost two years!
  • mvandommelen
    I dont restrict food bc then I only crave it more!! Anything in small quanitities is ok I think. If i say I wont eat ice cream, tomorrow I will want it. I would not take out milk or cheese just make sure you eat reduce fat cheese or skim milk. Calcium is so important for our diets. I would just keep counting calories and I count carbs and never go above 185 per day anymore and that really helps me see too what I should try to avoid for a while. HOpe this helps :)
  • kimberlygo
    McDonalds and Donuts... the gateway to bad eating for me. I miss them so much.
  • papastu
    papastu Posts: 737 Member
    I really miss pork pies + blue cheese , at the same time

  • journeytoahealthy51
    I hardly ever eat pasta anymore. Too many calories for the portion size. I did NOT give up pizza, but I only eat it on days that I have a TON of exercise calories to eat!
  • d2footballJRC
    d2footballJRC Posts: 2,684 Member
    I've cut out only a few things.

    #1. Soda - Reg and Diet
    #2. Fast Food.

    I try to avoid fried foods.

    Everything else is a green light for me, I just stay under calories and work out.

    I've lost 46 pounds since August 1st.
  • dad106
    dad106 Posts: 4,868 Member
    Not made any deliberate decisions to to not eat or drink anything on the list, this is what I've found I've avoided consuming because there's healthier alternatives

    - White bread
    - Milk
    - Cheese
    - Eggs
    - Butter or marg
    - Mayonaise
    - Chocolate bars and snacks over 100 calories
    - Kids cereals
    - Full sugar fizzy rinks
    - PIZZA (I haven't had a single slice of pizza since I started my new healthy eating lifestyle)
    - Homemade stew/casserole/gravy there's just too much fat and sugar in those things my mom makes!

    So far I've lost 66 lbs.

    What have you stopped eating, what was making you fat?

    None of this!

    I don't believe in giving up any foods.. but I do believe in eating smaller portions of items.

    I never really ate kids cereal(or any cereal for that matter) or drank soda, so can't really give up something you never ate in the first place :)