Stuff you don't eat or drink anymore...



  • Saruman_w
    Saruman_w Posts: 1,531 Member
    I gave up alot of the stuff I used to eat.

    I don't eat/drink:

    No more sodas, or anything loaded with too much sugar. Mainly water is what I drink now. And lots of it.
    Burgers (I might have one, or half of one once every blue moon, but it's not a main part of my diet)
    All candy
    Ice Cream
    Chinese food
    Most fast food
    White bread
    Mayonnaise ( recently cut this from my diet )

    There's probably more, but once I cut that junk out of my eating habits my weightloss went smooth-sailing.
  • elo83
    elo83 Posts: 97 Member
    I don't believe in giving anything up. Everything in moderation! You still want to be able to enjoy life. I mean having a cupcake once in a blue moon ain't gonna kill you.
    As far as things I've given up
    Soda (any kind of soda, it's just too many empty calories)
    Fast food
    Anything overly processed like chips, cookies, basically anything packaged.
    I try to eat as cleanly as possible!
  • philsy1
    philsy1 Posts: 103 Member
    Banned: Pizza, ice cream, bag snacks, lunch meats, sausage, bacon, desserts

    Minimal: cheese, sugary drinks, bread, sauces, most fast food

    Wish, but not yet: beef, ham, dairy
  • Hoppymom
    Hoppymom Posts: 1,158 Member
    Pretty much like packerfan23. I know to avoid things I really crave as I am likely to binge on them. I will eat a bite or two when I don't crave then so much. Remember that Diet drinks contain aspertame which is an appetite stimulant. It also made my muscles hurt. (Some people are more succeptible to the effects than others.)
  • danimoon67
    danimoon67 Posts: 38 Member
    Personally, I don't think that a person NEEDS to give up the things they love - that being said, in my chat with a dietician recently, I told her I use butter (no margarine or fake stuff), and she was happy with that. All things in moderation.

    I do not like white bread, so don't eat it.

    Milk? women need calcium, and milk is a good source. So is cheese - again, in moderation.

    We talked about "diet" food - sugar free and fat free - and the chemicals in them. I would rather have a LITTLE of the 'real' food than more of the chemical, if I want a fizzy drink, I'll have one. No fake sugars. No fake fats.

    I do believe that much of our obsession with food is because we've gotten away from REAL food - unprocessed, good-for-you, healthy food! The stuff that our ancestors ate, and NEVER gained weight on (of course, they worked a lot harder than we do!)

    I think what's made me fat is my love of beer, and my lack of exercise. I am remedying both of those, and have lost about 8 lbs in 6 weeks :)

    OMG, we're soulmates, honey. Absolute soulmates.

    Me THREE!!

    I've been at this for over 18 months and down 100+ pounds and for me it's all about moderation. The only things I can think of really trying to avoid are processed stuff and manipulated fat free foods. I totally agree about the butter (and blue cheese dressing and cheese in general) I'd rather have the real thing than low fat versions that are usually full of unpronounceable chemicals.
  • joybell32
    joybell32 Posts: 252 Member
    Pop Tarts....that's about it I think. Hahaha, well I am still early on in my weight loss journey thingy.

    I quit these pack is almost 500 calories! who eats only one poptart?
  • youknome
    I haven't cut out anything apart from fried food and carbonated drinks. Everything is ok in moderation.
  • Angie789
    Angie789 Posts: 61 Member
    The only thing I've completely given up is eating at Chinese food buffets. I lose my damn mind there - everything I like is deep-fried, covered in a sweet sauce and served with noodles or white rice, and something about a buffet makes portion control impossible for me. At least at this stage in my journey, I have to stay away.

    Otherwise, nothing is forbidden, just occasional, portion-controlled indulgences that work with my calories allowance for that day.
  • ca551dy
    I don't drink my calories anymore - no juice (too sugary), very little milk unless it's in my cereal, no sodas, not as much beer or wine) I'd much rather eat than drink!
  • Fitnin6280
    Fitnin6280 Posts: 618 Member
    Cake, because once I start, I can't stop. ;)
  • Rebecca2u
    Rebecca2u Posts: 19 Member
    Sweet Tea...and how I do miss it!!! Never was a soda junkie, but I did elimate fast food and fried foods completely. Other than that, everything in moderation....watching the caloric intake and the portion sizes. 5 weeks, 18lbs gone :))
  • celticmuse
    celticmuse Posts: 492 Member
    I also try not to deprive myself, but if I had to say what I to avoid, here is my short list: bacon (will eat in a salad only), cold cuts, fried foods (love fried calamari!), potatoes, french fries, potato chips (can't stop eating), rich desserts, white bread, sodas (never really drank), beer (occasion treat), butter (now smart balance), prepared foods generally.

    Things I still eat, but in moderation: ice cream (my weakness), red meat, pasta, granola, white rice (try to eat brown), corn on the cob, dark chocolate (a treat), cheese (limited amounts of feta and blue on salad only)

    should cut back/eliminate: alcohol, specifically wine.

    I was very careful about carbs in the beginning, but have become more lax in recent months. Need to pay more attention to them. I try not to buy things that I have a weakness for - ice cream, crackers, cheese, trail mix.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    I don't drink my calories anymore - no juice (too sugary), very little milk unless it's in my cereal, no sodas, not as much beer or wine) I'd much rather eat than drink!

    I'm the opposite. The one thing I haven't given up is wine because I'd rather drink wine than eat more. Food with wine is what makes me happy. :drinker:
  • LovingMyselfAgain
    The hardest thing i have had to completely cut out of my lifestyle change was diet soda! The first week was tough, but now it's not something i crave anymore. Instead of milk, i have been drinking Almond Milk. I used to love my red meats, and even though they are still delicious, i have started switching the ground turkey for the ground beef.
  • ASPhantom
    ASPhantom Posts: 637 Member
    I try to think "how long do i need to work out, to counter balance this splurge?" Usually, that's enough to skip the junk.

    Even if I crave it, I eat only a tiny bit. Usually 1 small spoon of Chocolate Gelato for example is enough to soothe the craving.

    Moderation is the key.
  • PrincessStubbie
    PrincessStubbie Posts: 109 Member
    Hmmmm, lets see:

    White bread
    Pasta (which is hard with being italian)
    Sugar (replaced with Sweet Leaf)
    Cokes (We drink club soda/seltzer water with lemon/lime...helps with the fizzy cravings)
    Potatoes (replaced with sweet potatoes: not candied)
    Rice (any)
    Fast food
    Whole milk
    Ice Cream and sweets...however we found some great alternatives at the health food market and we don't feel like we are missing out!

    Once a week we have our "splurge" day...we don't go crazy, but we allow ourselves to choose a few things from our "forbidden list"...LOL
  • Espressocycle
    Espressocycle Posts: 2,245 Member
    Cereal. A bowl with skim is 180-250 calories. That's a candy bar, which I will enjoy more, or a bag of almonds, that will fill me up longer.
    Cakes. I used to love a pack of my beloved butterscotch Krimpets a couple times a week, but at over 400 calories, I go with a piece of apple pie when I really need a treat.
    Pasta and Rice - So many calories! Rice is pretty much off the table. Pasta for special occaisions only.
  • nicxox
    nicxox Posts: 175 Member
    I haven't really given up eating anything. The only things I used to eat fairly often but I haven't eaten since joining this website are muffins and chippy dinners, just because I can't justify wasting so many calories...
  • SuperScrabbleGirl
    SuperScrabbleGirl Posts: 310 Member
    I hardly ever eat pasta anymore. Too many calories for the portion size.
    Yes! When I found out the actual moderate portion size for pasta, I stopped eating it regularly. I'l have it maybe once or twice a month. Same with noodles and I've stopped eating rice pretty much all together. I don't see the point of eating the stuff that you use to bulk up a meal, when you could just have more of the sauce/veggies/protein instead!
  • Tuffjourney
    Fast Food. I am so happy too, I have encouraged my family also to stop with fast food. Not only for weight loss( I have lost 70 lbs since last Oct) but for health!:smooched: