Cosmo Girls- starting a group for women losing 100lbs+

Ok ladies lets get to it! I have to lose more then 100lbs to get to my goal weight and though I appreciate all of the posters equally, i need some women I can relate to. So I'm starting a group to help us all stay motivated and get to those goal weights. So heres what you do. Just comment on the post and let me know that your interested. I'll put together a list of women who want to join on friday and post it. This will not be a closed group so people may join whenever. Let's get it ladies!


  • kelley_lynn
    kelley_lynn Posts: 133 Member
    way in.. :) so to speak. :smile:

    100 lbs plus.. :) ok with 140 lbs to go
  • MissBianca9707
    Im so there!! Good Luck to all of us!
  • nikki_1979
    I'm in! Way more than 100 to lose but I'd love to be a part of the group!!
  • atd81
    atd81 Posts: 225 Member
    I'm in too! :) More than 100 to lose here, would love to know of other ladies out there in the same boat :)
  • rbryntes
    rbryntes Posts: 710 Member
  • rbryntes
    rbryntes Posts: 710 Member
  • I'm in for sure! Let's get to it ladies!
  • fyfi_fendir
    fyfi_fendir Posts: 64 Member
    I'm in!
  • ChrisMullen
    Me too!
  • faithie04rn
    faithie04rn Posts: 11 Member
    Im totally in! I've lost 25+ pounds so far, and Ive got a little under 90 lbs to go. Love the support!
  • dutchess48
    Ok ladies , please "friend" each other and send me your starting weight (what ever it is today) . I will post up the list on sunday. I will also post up some details of how the group will run. The objective is to have optimal support. As I stated in the first post this group is open as I want women who happen to find this thread a few weeks from now to feel welcome, so if you find anyone who needs to be apart of the group please just have them send me a message. If you have any input as to how the group should be run please feel free to message me or just comment. I'm excited to get started and I truly believe in all of you, together WE can accomplish our goals.
  • dutchess48
    Group documents will only be viewable by the group , however the weight checkin's will be posted on the thread so if you are not comfortable with me using your screen name I can use a nickname. Just let me know. :)
  • ladybug813
    me PLEASE count me in too!
  • dutchess48
    me PLEASE count me in too!

    no problem just send me your info as requested above! Nice to see a new face :)
  • jenready
    jenready Posts: 2,658 Member
    I'm in! I cannot wait to add to my group of friends.
  • rae_mayer
    I'd like to join in too if you still have room! I have lost 31 but have about 115 or so to go.
  • dutchess48
    I'd like to join in too if you still have room! I have lost 31 but have about 115 or so to go.

    Great! just send me your starting number asap!
  • dutchess48
    Ok ladies here it is ! Our first chart. I hope it looks ok. I'll also post it on my blog so it's easier to find it each week . Here are the rules.

    1. Be supportive, please no negative feedback.
    2. Please check in with your weight each friday and i will post it sunday.
    3. "Friend" all of the women in the group so that when someone writes about needing support we can act fast!
    4. If you see someone on the message boards who needs to be in this group please contact them. Were an open group because not everyone is ready to start at the same time, but everyone should have support when they do.

    i don't want to many rules here because the idea is to be accountable for our actions. However i would like everyone to try and check in at least with a status each day. Also i will post the link below for the cosmo girl pic to place with your signature.

    Signature link: ibf6fr.jpg

    (just paste this in your signature box, if you need help let me know)
    link: ibf6fr.jpg (just change the IMG to lower case img before you post it.

  • jenready
    jenready Posts: 2,658 Member
    Thank you dutchess for setting all of this up. Here's to having a great week girls!
  • kelley_lynn
    kelley_lynn Posts: 133 Member
    Oh nice looking group ladies:)

    oh this next 10 weeks will take us nearly to xmas.

    At the end of 10 weeks, where do you think you will be???

    Im hoping at least 5 kgs down from where i am now :)

    that would be nice :)

    though i would love to shrink my self quicker, But at my age im not in a rush, its going to stay off this time. :)