Fast Food is the Devil.



  • Thanks for the topic... I just submitted to the power of PizzaHut leftovers.... :-( I feel like crap now!! This post combined with my current feelings make me more determined to just say 'No" to all fast food...

    Ah, no! I get pizza probably once a week, and eat it over a few days haha. Fast food is not bad if you are smart about it. I've found it hard to fall in the swing of preparing a lot of my own meals, so for me fast food can be nice to give my daily diet some variety. Just gotta plan for it.
  • I watched super size me... I ate mcdonalds afterwards... I love that stuff... moderation is key.
    you are an intelligent woman. 100% srs.

    OP.. you understand its possible to achieve your goals and still eat the foods you love. suprisingly your body doesnt add fat to your body based on the names of foods you eat
  • DestinyDarbi
    DestinyDarbi Posts: 260 Member
    Geeeeesh.. I take it all back.
  • First, to Destiny, Obviously people don't get your sense of humor, or how motivating you are. I love reading your posts, whether they are obvious or not.

    Here's my "DUH" moments as someone said.. If you drop a McD's french fry in the car, and find it 2 months later, is there any mold on it? Chances are we've all done it and more than likely, nope! It's usually in the same condition, only hardened.. To me, this is an example of what CRAP fast food is. You guys can all defend it, etc. but it is. It's all processed, we ALL (or probably at least 98% of Americans) eat it. I think her point was not to criticize or come off as holier than thou or to seem like she knows everything, it was to state something that most of us forget about, SODIUM! There are tons of it in processed food. Just take a look at the back of your 'smart ones' that you buy thinking you are eating healthy. It's just like fat free stuff. They put more sugar in it to make up for the fat that's taken out. Sometimes when you are so used to counting calories or fat or carbs, it's easy to forget about something like sodium.

    My point is, some of you really need to calm down. Geez! I think, like I said before, she was trying to get people to open their eyes to sodium-which may be hindering someone's success. There may be some people out there eating from Fast Food places, yet eating the 'healthier burger, or healthier chicken sandwich" yet not realizing that it's loaded with salt. Sue her for trying to contribute to this community!
  • SmartFunGorgeous
    SmartFunGorgeous Posts: 699 Member
    First, to Destiny, Obviously people don't get your sense of humor, or how motivating you are. I love reading your posts, whether they are obvious or not.

    Here's my "DUH" moments as someone said.. If you drop a McD's french fry in the car, and find it 2 months later, is there any mold on it? Chances are we've all done it and more than likely, nope! It's usually in the same condition, only hardened.. To me, this is an example of what CRAP fast food is. You guys can all defend it, etc. but it is. It's all processed, we ALL (or probably at least 98% of Americans) eat it. I think her point was not to criticize or come off as holier than thou or to seem like she knows everything, it was to state something that most of us forget about, SODIUM! There are tons of it in processed food. Just take a look at the back of your 'smart ones' that you buy thinking you are eating healthy. It's just like fat free stuff. They put more sugar in it to make up for the fat that's taken out. Sometimes when you are so used to counting calories or fat or carbs, it's easy to forget about something like sodium.

    My point is, some of you really need to calm down. Geez! I think, like I said before, she was trying to get people to open their eyes to sodium-which may be hindering someone's success. There may be some people out there eating from Fast Food places, yet eating the 'healthier burger, or healthier chicken sandwich" yet not realizing that it's loaded with salt. Sue her for trying to contribute to this community!

  • 123456654321
    123456654321 Posts: 1,311 Member
    Normally posts like "_____ IS THE DEVIL" annoy the hell out of me, but I'm actually going to do a white knighting for the OP this time. I feel like her original post contained nothing that we should really be getting our undies in a wad over. She was obviously trying to be humorous for the most part......I'm sure she doesn't think that fast food is the ACTUAL Devil and I;m sure she doesn't truly believe that burger, fries and pizza REALLY get together for monthly meetings about how they are going to **** over the general public. She even admitted to eating fast food herself sometimes. She simply mentioned that if you are eating fast food every day and not getting the results you would like, maybe try to cut back. Honestly, I don't see how people are getting so ticked over it. There are far worse "holier then thou" extreme posts on these forums. Pick your battles people.
  • HMonsterX
    HMonsterX Posts: 3,000 Member

    It may be "crap".

    And full of sodium.

    But some of us like it!

    Some of us eat it in moderation!

    And the other days we eat healthier!

    Nothing at all wrong with that!

    Remember, not everything we eat/drink has to be full of nutrients, with no bad stuff in it. We all do/have done things that from a strictly medical viewpoint aren't good for us, and there's nothing wrong with that. The problems start when we overdo it.

    Most of us need the occasional treat, whether that be McDs, chocolate, whatever. If we dont get it, we are more likely to fall off back to our old ways. If you can eat nothing but whole foods, lean meat, veg, fruit, etc, good for you! :D Most of us can't! Doesn't make us any less than you though. :)
  • 123456654321
    123456654321 Posts: 1,311 Member
    I give the MFP enough benefit of the doubt that they have a bit of common sense

    That may be your first mistake ;P
  • alyssamiller77
    alyssamiller77 Posts: 891 Member
    I'm reading this thread as i'm sitting at a culvers waiting for my double burger and side salad and just laughing. I'm going to enjoy this meal and because of my food choices today it will fit in with my calories and all nutrient goals for the day just fine (ok it'll put me 3grams over on total fat but most of my fat today is mono & poly from cashews I ate earlier). Eat smart people.
  • solpwr
    solpwr Posts: 1,039 Member
    I'm reading this thread as i'm sitting at a culvers waiting for my double burger and side salad and just laughing. I'm going to enjoy this meal and because of my food choices today it will fit in with my calories and all nutrient goals for the day just fine (ok it'll put me 3grams over on total fat but most of my fat today is mono & poly from cashews I ate earlier). Eat smart people.

  • HMonsterX
    HMonsterX Posts: 3,000 Member
    I'm reading this thread as i'm sitting at a culvers waiting for my double burger and side salad and just laughing. I'm going to enjoy this meal and because of my food choices today it will fit in with my calories and all nutrient goals for the day just fine (ok it'll put me 3grams over on total fat but most of my fat today is mono & poly from cashews I ate earlier). Eat smart people.

  • rainunrefined
    rainunrefined Posts: 850 Member
    I can't quit Chick-Fil-A -- not that I can't... I just won't. I think everything is fine in moderation =) well... not everything. If you put a triple cheese burger in front of me... I wouldn't eat it. (personal preference though).

    ME TOO. Love Chick-fil-a and please no more than one patty on my burgers when I do decide to have one. But CFA.. OMG, delish. Sodium is out of this world though. :/