SAHMU 60 day Challenge **Final Week** (Closed Group)



  • circusmom
    circusmom Posts: 662 Member
    For last week:
    9 points, failed the calcium intake and I didn't post everyday. But I did post a pic, so got a point for that!!
    And no weight loss, booooo, but no gain, yeahhhhhh!
  • daisyelaine
    daisyelaine Posts: 480 Member
    Uuuggggghhhhhh....:yawn: Baaaaaad day yesterday. After taking the day off on Wednesday, all my plans went in a hand basket yesterday. I followed my old path of " well, I'll do a work out later-- I'm too busy / it's too hot right now/ I don't have time/ blah blah blah.. ended up with taking the daycare kids grocery shopping in the afternoon, making and eating birthday supper with my mom, and then a surprise Kinette meeting from 8-10pm. Top that off with barely drinking ANY water, and at 10:30 eating about 4 of the Sobey's Monster cookies that I bought that afternoon.. this ain't pretty. Annoyingly, I'm pretty sure that before the cookies, I was under my calories ( I didn't bother logging supper... I'm not going there!!) and would have been ok.. I'm just feeling SO exhausted, and well.. old habits die hard sometimes.
    So, because I feel like CRAP today, I know it's my body's way of telling me not to do THAT again.. it's upward an onward. I WILL pick myself up, dust myself off.. and go drink a big ol' glass of water.

    Thanks for letting me get all that out!!
  • NewLife_11
    NewLife_11 Posts: 964 Member
    Uuuggggghhhhhh....:yawn: Baaaaaad day yesterday. After taking the day off on Wednesday, all my plans went in a hand basket yesterday. I followed my old path of " well, I'll do a work out later-- I'm too busy / it's too hot right now/ I don't have time/ blah blah blah.. ended up with taking the daycare kids grocery shopping in the afternoon, making and eating birthday supper with my mom, and then a surprise Kinette meeting from 8-10pm. Top that off with barely drinking ANY water, and at 10:30 eating about 4 of the Sobey's Monster cookies that I bought that afternoon.. this ain't pretty. Annoyingly, I'm pretty sure that before the cookies, I was under my calories ( I didn't bother logging supper... I'm not going there!!) and would have been ok.. I'm just feeling SO exhausted, and well.. old habits die hard sometimes.
    So, because I feel like CRAP today, I know it's my body's way of telling me not to do THAT again.. it's upward an onward. I WILL pick myself up, dust myself off.. and go drink a big ol' glass of water.

    Thanks for letting me get all that out!!

    Atleast you are aware and pushing forward, that is what is important! I had the same kind of day yesterday. I waited to workout and never did, then last night I ate a small bag of Sabritones( spicy puffed wheat) that was 300 calories and 34 carbs!!!! Yuck! So yes I will also drink a big ol glass of water and move on! Have a great day!
  • ♥Amy♥
    ♥Amy♥ Posts: 714 Member
    Cardio part 2: ( 1 point)
    Do something different each day in addition to my regular stuff (like a different workout video, different exercises that I regularly avoid, etc.)
    Burn atleast 300 calories per day.
    Wednesday- Goal completed
    Thursday-Burned over 300 calories, but didn't do anything different
    Friday-Goal completed

    Strength:( 4 different strength workouts = 4 points)

    200 crunches
    Wednesday- 100 crunches completed
    Thursday- 50 crunches completed
    Friday- 50 crunches completed

    100 lunges
    Wednesday- 25 Lunges completed
    Thursday- 50 lunges completed
    Friday- 25 lunges completed

    100 push-ups
    Wednesday- 50 push-ups completed
    Thursday- 25 push-ups completed
    Friday- 25 push-ups completed

    200 squats
    Wednesday- 50 squats Completed
    Thursday- 50 squats completed
    Friday- 25 squats completed

    Food: (1 point)
    Stay under Carbs atleast 4 days.

    Emotional Challenge: This challenge has really pushed me to increase my exercise. Since I have been losing weight with just eating less and healthier, I had slacked off on exercising, because honestly, I don't enjoy doing it. But because of the challenge and the "pressure" of not wanting to let anyone down, I've consistently been doing more and more. I'm thankful to everyone in the challenge for the support. Thanks ladies :)
  • losinit_4_good
    losinit_4_good Posts: 731 Member
    SAHMU 60 Day Challenge
    Final Week

    Ok, girls, I'm a little behind on reporting due to my trip but I'm back at ready to go. Here's my note to catch you all up on my goals and efforts thus far this week.

    Cardio: Enter in you calorie burns each day = 1 point
    Wednesday - 205
    Thursday - 447
    Friday -
    Saturday -
    Sunday -
    Monday -
    Tuesday -

    Cardio part 2: ( 1 point)
    My goal is to rebuild the strength in my ankle through walking. I plan to walk every day, but I will not over commit to a certain amount of time or calories burned as I don't want to push too hard and do further damage. I commit to walking until I feel discomfort whether that be 2 minutes or 2 hours.
    Wednesday- Goal completed!
    Thursday- Goal complted!
    Friday- (goal in progress - went for a walk at lunch and will probably walk more this evening.)

    Strength:( 4 different strength workouts = 4 points)

    Calistenics everyday! 50 situps, 50 Pushups, 50 leg raises/ leg and 50 reverse crunches! Will modify and add in more exercises as I am able but don't want to commit to anything that will strain the left ankle so no jumping jacks or stairs for me yet.
    Wednesday- complete
    Thursday - complete
    Friday- complete
    Saturday -
    Sunday -
    Monday -
    Tuesday -

    Food: (1 point)
    Stay under on calories, carbs and fat everyday. Can I do this? yes I can!
    Wednesday- complete
    Thursday - complete
    Saturday -
    Sunday -
    Monday -
    Tuesday -

    Emotional challenge: (1 point)
    What has this challenge meant to you? How has it helped you? Anyone that stands out on your team?

    This challenge has meant a lot to me. More than I can articulate without first putting significant thought into it. This is not my answer, merely my place holder until I formulate the words.

    *** I hope it is okay with everyone that I am not commiting to a specific number for my calorie burn goal. I just don't want to set the bar too high and feel like I failed, or too low to the point where it is embarrassing. I'm more than a little bummed about the expected 2 week recovery time for my stupid twisted ankle, but I don't want to drop out of the last week of the challenge because then I know I'll be even more depressed. I'm tryng to focus on doing the best I can with exercise and being very careful with portions and calorie intake. ***

  • bella_babe_86
    bella_babe_86 Posts: 503 Member
    Just finished my workout today, wasnt very motivated through the entire 2 hours. I kept telling myself, "maybe I'll just cut out steps today, or maybe I'll just stop after I do yoga". But I kept pushing through and finished everything burned 785 calories today. Pretty proud of myself because a month ago I would have just quit instead of finishing. I also weighed today and FINALLY I got past that 244 mark, its taken me 3 weeks to do it, but man does it feel good!
  • ♥Amy♥
    ♥Amy♥ Posts: 714 Member
    Just finished my workout today, wasnt very motivated through the entire 2 hours. I kept telling myself, "maybe I'll just cut out steps today, or maybe I'll just stop after I do yoga". But I kept pushing through and finished everything burned 785 calories today. Pretty proud of myself because a month ago I would have just quit instead of finishing. I also weighed today and FINALLY I got past that 244 mark, its taken me 3 weeks to do it, but man does it feel good!

    You have GREAT dedication! I envy that because even though I've been doing this for a year now, I would have given up. Congrats to, on your weight loss!!!
  • RedheadHen
    RedheadHen Posts: 249 Member
    Just finished my workout today, wasnt very motivated through the entire 2 hours. I kept telling myself, "maybe I'll just cut out steps today, or maybe I'll just stop after I do yoga". But I kept pushing through and finished everything burned 785 calories today. Pretty proud of myself because a month ago I would have just quit instead of finishing. I also weighed today and FINALLY I got past that 244 mark, its taken me 3 weeks to do it, but man does it feel good!

    WTG!! I know I sometimes just don't feel like working out at all and I have to physc my self up to get off my tush! LOL! And congrats to break the plateau!! WOOT!
  • NewLife_11
    NewLife_11 Posts: 964 Member
    Today I worked out like crazy! I decided to create an awesome homemade sidewalk off our back deck. I harvested rocks from a mountain near our house. That was alot of up and down the mnt with heavy rocks, then I brought them home unloaded them and got busy digging a trench to put in some boarder bricks I had purchased. I then dug out and arranged the different rocks. I thought I would get alot further but it is about 1/4 of the way done! So I will be back at it probably Monday.

    1606 calories burned today!! Oh Ya!! I am beat!
  • NewLife_11
    NewLife_11 Posts: 964 Member
    Just finished my workout today, wasnt very motivated through the entire 2 hours. I kept telling myself, "maybe I'll just cut out steps today, or maybe I'll just stop after I do yoga". But I kept pushing through and finished everything burned 785 calories today. Pretty proud of myself because a month ago I would have just quit instead of finishing. I also weighed today and FINALLY I got past that 244 mark, its taken me 3 weeks to do it, but man does it feel good!

    That is so awesome! Way to keep going and pushing through! I have found myself doing that alot more often too. Congrats on your weight loss, you deserve it girl!
  • daisyelaine
    daisyelaine Posts: 480 Member
    Cardio part 2: ( 1 point)
    Do a workout that involves the kids 5/7 days-- they love it, and it's certainly a good burn!!
    Burn at least 300 calories 5/7 days
    Wednesday- 0
    Friday-500+, walk outside with kids in trailer!

    Strength:( 4 different strength workouts = 4 points)

    100 crunches

    100 lunges

    100 push-ups

    200 squats

    Food: (1 point)
    Drinking at least 8 glasses of water a day ( 5/7)
    Friday- Done!

    Emotional Challenge: Hhmmmm... this one requires some thought to get this right! I'll be back!
  • amyelizbradley
    amyelizbradley Posts: 379 Member
    Just finished my workout today, wasnt very motivated through the entire 2 hours. I kept telling myself, "maybe I'll just cut out steps today, or maybe I'll just stop after I do yoga". But I kept pushing through and finished everything burned 785 calories today. Pretty proud of myself because a month ago I would have just quit instead of finishing. I also weighed today and FINALLY I got past that 244 mark, its taken me 3 weeks to do it, but man does it feel good!

    WOW, way to make it happen! I love your determination and your recognition of the change present in your life; congrats!
  • amyelizbradley
    amyelizbradley Posts: 379 Member
    Today I worked out like crazy! I decided to create an awesome homemade sidewalk off our back deck. I harvested rocks from a mountain near our house. That was alot of up and down the mnt with heavy rocks, then I brought them home unloaded them and got busy digging a trench to put in some boarder bricks I had purchased. I then dug out and arranged the different rocks. I thought I would get alot further but it is about 1/4 of the way done! So I will be back at it probably Monday.

    1606 calories burned today!! Oh Ya!! I am beat!

    That's wonderful! Sounds like a good day! And I bet when all is said and done you'll have a beautiful walkway too!
  • amyelizbradley
    amyelizbradley Posts: 379 Member
    "... Emotional challenge: (1 point)
    What has this challenge meant to you? How has it helped you? Anyone that stands out on your team?

    This challenge has meant a lot to me. More than I can articulate without first putting significant thought into it. This is not my answer, merely my place holder until I formulate the words.

    *** I hope it is okay with everyone that I am not commiting to a specific number for my calorie burn goal. I just don't want to set the bar too high and feel like I failed, or too low to the point where it is embarrassing. I'm more than a little bummed about the expected 2 week recovery time for my stupid twisted ankle, but I don't want to drop out of the last week of the challenge because then I know I'll be even more depressed. I'm tryng to focus on doing the best I can with exercise and being very careful with portions and calorie intake. ***


    Please allow yourself to be challenged- failure is the only way a person can move forward/ learn; the "greats" in this world all come to be after many, many failures. There is NO embarrassment here: I admire you for even being a part of this forum and personally, if anyone gives you reason to feel embarrassed, then they need to do some work on themselves. Start low, achieve that, celebrate, then set the bar higher. You'll be amazed at what you can do!

    I truly believe that you can do it; the key is that you have to believe it too!

    I don't want to sound too preachy or like self-help book but I truly know where you are; I've been there and I still go there from time to time. Maybe that's why I want so badly for you to face the challenge AND succeed.
  • amyelizbradley
    amyelizbradley Posts: 379 Member
    F 9/9 (posted on team Black & main thread)
    CARDIO: Spin & Pilates
    Calories Burned = 545

    CARDIO Part 2:
    Goal =
    Add a minimum of a 100 calorie burn each day playing with my kids
    Burn an average of 500 calories/ day
    Go for a walk with my husband every day that he does not work (approx. 4 days)
    Completed? only made the 500 cal/ day burn goal
    200 sit-up's (100 completed)
    100 lunges (50 completed)
    100 push-ups (40 completed)
    200 squats (35 completed)

    Under Carbs? yes

    TOUGH day... engagement party at a bar then to mexican food? Really? Okay, my will was stretched today (thank goodness for Spin class this AM!
  • losinit_4_good
    losinit_4_good Posts: 731 Member
    "... Emotional challenge: (1 point)
    What has this challenge meant to you? How has it helped you? Anyone that stands out on your team?

    This challenge has meant a lot to me. More than I can articulate without first putting significant thought into it. This is not my answer, merely my place holder until I formulate the words.

    *** I hope it is okay with everyone that I am not commiting to a specific number for my calorie burn goal. I just don't want to set the bar too high and feel like I failed, or too low to the point where it is embarrassing. I'm more than a little bummed about the expected 2 week recovery time for my stupid twisted ankle, but I don't want to drop out of the last week of the challenge because then I know I'll be even more depressed. I'm tryng to focus on doing the best I can with exercise and being very careful with portions and calorie intake. ***


    Please allow yourself to be challenged- failure is the only way a person can move forward/ learn; the "greats" in this world all come to be after many, many failures. There is NO embarrassment here: I admire you for even being a part of this forum and personally, if anyone gives you reason to feel embarrassed, then they need to do some work on themselves. Start low, achieve that, celebrate, then set the bar higher. You'll be amazed at what you can do!

    I truly believe that you can do it; the key is that you have to believe it too!

    I don't want to sound too preachy or like self-help book but I truly know where you are; I've been there and I still go there from time to time. Maybe that's why I want so badly for you to face the challenge AND succeed.

    excellent point. I was and am feeling rather discouraged and I was afraid to do anything half-a$$ed, but I think you are right. It is better to set a goal and look at is as something i will strive to achieve then to not set a goal and risk complacency. that being said, I will try to make it a realistic goal so i don't get blown out of the water. thank you for the kind words of encouragement. they were very much so needed :flowerforyou:

    My Calorie Burn goal for the Week: 2000 calories. I figure that commits me to walking daily as well as some yoga and calisthenics that I can do without straining my ankle.
  • NewLife_11
    NewLife_11 Posts: 964 Member
    I hope everyone has a great weekend! My husband is home today and we are going to run some errons so I better get my workout in this morning, some weekends it is hard for me to fit it in. What do you all do on the weekends? Do you workout first thing in the morning or in the afternoon/evening? It is nice sometimes for me to workout in the evening, I go on a walk or jog while my hubby stays with our son. It seems some days if I wait until the evening then I lose my motivation. I am just trying to get into a routine before returning to work. I am so nervous about that!
    Anyway have a fab day!
  • losinit_4_good
    losinit_4_good Posts: 731 Member
    I hope everyone has a great weekend! My husband is home today and we are going to run some errons so I better get my workout in this morning, some weekends it is hard for me to fit it in. What do you all do on the weekends? Do you workout first thing in the morning or in the afternoon/evening? It is nice sometimes for me to workout in the evening, I go on a walk or jog while my hubby stays with our son. It seems some days if I wait until the evening then I lose my motivation. I am just trying to get into a routine before returning to work. I am so nervous about that!
    Anyway have a fab day!

    I try really hard to keep my morning routine going on the weekends. Only thing is I don't wake up at 530 to do it, I'll sleep until i wake up naturally which is usually about 630ish. I find if I wait til later then it doesn't get done. The only exception is the saturdays that my huby works. When he isnt' home I can usually get my workout done when my son naps, altho i prefer to get er done int he morning and then do a second workout while he naps. My hubby doens't mean to sabotage but he tends to get in the way of a good workout!

    don't worry too much about how the routine change will go. the first few days/weeks are hard and your focus should be on getting yourself and your family adjusted to it. workout when you can, try for every day, but do't beat yourself up if you miss one. you'll have to experiment to see what works for you. and before you know it, you'll be in a routine that you and your family are all good with and it'll be running smoothly :smile:
  • losinit_4_good
    losinit_4_good Posts: 731 Member
    I hope everyone has a great weekend! My husband is home today and we are going to run some errons so I better get my workout in this morning, some weekends it is hard for me to fit it in. What do you all do on the weekends? Do you workout first thing in the morning or in the afternoon/evening? It is nice sometimes for me to workout in the evening, I go on a walk or jog while my hubby stays with our son. It seems some days if I wait until the evening then I lose my motivation. I am just trying to get into a routine before returning to work. I am so nervous about that!
    Anyway have a fab day!

    I try really hard to keep my morning routine going on the weekends. Only thing is I don't wake up at 530 to do it, I'll sleep until i wake up naturally which is usually about 630ish. I find if I wait til later then it doesn't get done. The only exception is the saturdays that my huby works. When he isnt' home I can usually get my workout done when my son naps, altho i prefer to get er done int he morning and then do a second workout while he naps. My hubby doens't mean to sabotage but he tends to get in the way of a good workout!

    don't worry too much about how the routine change will go. the first few days/weeks are hard and your focus should be on getting yourself and your family adjusted to it. workout when you can, try for every day, but do't beat yourself up if you miss one. you'll have to experiment to see what works for you. and before you know it, you'll be in a routine that you and your family are all good with and it'll be running smoothly :smile:
  • RedheadHen
    RedheadHen Posts: 249 Member
    Cardio part 1: (1 point)
    Wednesday ~ 354 cals burned!
    Thursday ~ 275 cals burned
    Friday ~ 421 cals burned
    Saturday ~ 268 cals burned
    Sunday ~
    Monday ~
    Tuesday ~

    Cardio part 2: ( 1 point)
    To get in Yoga at least 3 times this week.
    Burn at least 250 calories per day.
    Wednesday- 250+ cals burned
    Thursday- 250+ cals burned and yoga workout done.
    Friday- 250+ cals burned
    Saturday- 250+ cals burned and yoga workout done.

    Strength:( 4 different strength workouts = 4 points)
    150 sit-up's
    Thursday ~ 25 done
    Friday ~ 25 done
    Saturday ~ 25 done
    150 lunges (per leg)
    Thursday ~ 25 done
    Friday ~ 25 done
    Saturday ~ 25 done
    150 push-ups (Modified due to wrist strain issues ~ Will be done against a wall.)
    Thursday ~ 25 done
    Friday ~ 25 done
    Saturday ~ 25 done
    150 squats
    Thursday ~ 25 done
    Friday ~ 25 done
    Saturday ~ 25 done

    Food: (1 point)
    Stay under Carbs atleast 4 days.
    Wednesday ~ Under!
    Thursday ~ Under
    Friday ~ Under

    Tomorrow is gonna look bad .. It's Purple Sunday here tomorrow! First football game of the season and that means snacking all day on the football Sunday snack spread! O.o LOL! I will try to be good. I did get some snacks that are more healthy than others .. so that's good. But Hey ... you gotta live sometimes! LOL! It's football season and this is just part of it for me! I enjoy every moment too!