SAHMU 60 day Challenge **Final Week** (Closed Group)



  • daisyelaine
    daisyelaine Posts: 480 Member
    I have a question how do you up your calories. I tried and it didn't work for me. I know I did something wrong but I just don't know what. Can someone help? Do I need to change where it says my weight loss goal or something( ie. lose 1lb a week)? I need to change my calorie intake. Thanks in advance.


    Go to your goals page-- when it asks you if you want to go with the recommended or custom, choose custom. You can input the appropriate info, and save it there. Hope that helps!
  • daisyelaine
    daisyelaine Posts: 480 Member
    Cardio part 2: ( 1 point)
    Do a workout that involves the kids 5/7 days-- they love it, and it's certainly a good burn!!
    Burn at least 300 calories 5/7 days
    Wednesday- 0
    Friday-500+, walk outside with kids in trailer!
    Saturday- 700+- circuits with Emma, running in the yard with the kids in the trailer
    Monday-500+- walking with kids in trailer.

    Strength:( 4 different strength workouts = 4 points)

    100 crunches
    Sat- 30 crunches
    Mon- 20 crunches

    100 lunges
    Sat- 20 lunges
    Mon- 20 lunges

    100 push-ups
    Sat- 30 push ups
    Sun- 0
    Mon- 20 puchups

    200 squats
    Sat- 90 squats ( 30 chair, 30 reg, 30 sumo)
    Mon- 30 squats

    Food: (1 point)
    Drinking at least 8 glasses of water a day ( 5/7)
    Friday- Done!
    Sat- done!
    Sun- Done
    Mon- Done
  • amyelizbradley
    amyelizbradley Posts: 379 Member
    Since I've been stuck at the same weight for 3 weeks now, so I started looking at what I could be doing differently. Well, I noticed that there are a lot of days that my calories were falling under 1200, somedays under 1000 ( not good I know!!!), not that I don't eat, I do, it just that most of the foods I eat are low carb which also usually means low cal. So, I went to the librar last week and got a couple good books, "The new rules of lifting for women", " Losing fat over forty", and a couple others. Anyways the one thing I read in all of them is I should be eating a LOT more calories, so Saturday I upped my calorie intake to 1500. I met it on Saturday, a little low on Sunday, and I should make it today. I haven't gotten on the scale since I did this, I'm waiting til our Wed weigh-in. I'm kinda freaked out!!! (and very full).

    What I have discovered is that loosing weight at the beginning (when I had a lot to loose) is different than loosing the last 20 pounds... when I maintained a 1200 cal a day diet I wasn't loosing; I upped my cals to 1500 a day and mixed up my training a bit. The losses are not as fast as they once were but at least I'm not going backwards. A personal trainer told me too that you have to train differently as you get closer to your goal weight; your body sees those last few pounds as "vanity pounds" and won't let go of them easily. Check out Jillian Michael's "Making the Cut" (she discusses loosing those last 20 pounds & how it differs from when you started out).

    You'll so figure this one out; I just got a feeling... :wink:
  • amyelizbradley
    amyelizbradley Posts: 379 Member
    Hi ladies,
    I am so excited about something. My sisters and I are going to be walking in The Light The Night walk in Colorado Springs for Lukemia. I have 5 sisters so we are going to have a great little mini vaca. My brother Kehley was diagnosed with Lukemia when he was 3 and passed when he was 7. We are doing this in his honor. We made t-shirts and put a big picture of him on the back, he looks so cute in it, he was about 4. I am somewhat emotional about this but I know it is a great way to remember his beautiful spirit.
    I have the link for you all to come check out our little team page if you would like.

    I am thankful that I have all of you to not only share this weight loss journey with but also I have you all as my strong and amazing friends.

    I admire your strength & dedication, not only to yourself but to others. I wish you the best on your walk!

    p.s. Please post a picture of the t-shirt! :wink:

    Amy, thank you so much for your donation! I will post a picture of us with our shirts on after our walk. You are awesome and thanks again!

    You are very welcome; least I could do!
  • amyelizbradley
    amyelizbradley Posts: 379 Member
    Monday's report...

    Mo. 9/12 (posted on team Black & main thread)
    CARDIO: yes
    Calories Burned = 572

    CARDIO Part 2:
    Goal =
    Add a minimum of a 100 calorie burn each day playing with my kids
    Burn an average of 500 calories/ day
    Go for a walk with my husband every day that he does not work (approx. 4 days)
    Completed? yes

    200 sit-up's (150 completed)
    100 lunges (100 completed)
    100 push-ups (75 completed)
    200 squats (125 completed)

    Under Carbs? yes

    Need MORE sleep!!! :yawn:
  • losinit_4_good
    losinit_4_good Posts: 731 Member
    Emotional Challenge:

    This challenge started right about when I would normally give up a diet. I was a few weeks in, tired, hungry and feeling like I was doomed to fail but destined to keep trying. At the time I was involved on a few message boards on another website and only used MFP for the calorie counter mobile app. Anyways I got to chatting with this chickie named NewLife_11 and felt like I just clicked with her. She seemed to be in the same spot I was in emotionally and I really wanted to help her succeed. So I suggested she check out MFP as I felt it was a better calorie counter than the one on the website we were currently on. Next morning I wake up to a super excited message "Lynda, I've started something and I think it's gonna be big! Wanna be on my team?" Immediate answer : YES! Knew nothing about what she was planning and how it would work but I needed that enthusiasm so I was in! Now, 8 weeks later, I've lost 22lbs, made some super awesome friends, been inspired and hopefully was able to inspire a few of you.

    So, what does this challenge mean to me? It means I'm not in this alone. It means that I have the strength to succeed. It means I can challenge myself and make myself better through hard work. It means I am capable of change. It means I deserve to like not just my appearance but the person I am regardless of my looks. It means that I can do this. It means I will do this. It means I AM doing this.

    Is there anyone that has stood out? Yes. Without sounding like a cheesy-miss america-contestant let me say honestly that every single one of you have inspired me in one way or another. But above all else my girls Karie and Renu for the constant communication and support.

    Thank you to all of you for your support! I look forward to seeing everyone's progress as we move into the next challenge.

    Much love,
  • renubhat_82
    renubhat_82 Posts: 549 Member
    Emotional Challenge:

    This challenge started right about when I would normally give up a diet. I was a few weeks in, tired, hungry and feeling like I was doomed to fail but destined to keep trying. At the time I was involved on a few message boards on another website and only used MFP for the calorie counter mobile app. Anyways I got to chatting with this chickie named NewLife_11 and felt like I just clicked with her. She seemed to be in the same spot I was in emotionally and I really wanted to help her succeed. So I suggested she check out MFP as I felt it was a better calorie counter than the one on the website we were currently on. Next morning I wake up to a super excited message "Lynda, I've started something and I think it's gonna be big! Wanna be on my team?" Immediate answer : YES! Knew nothing about what she was planning and how it would work but I needed that enthusiasm so I was in! Now, 8 weeks later, I've lost 22lbs, made some super awesome friends, been inspired and hopefully was able to inspire a few of you.

    So, what does this challenge mean to me? It means I'm not in this alone. It means that I have the strength to succeed. It means I can challenge myself and make myself better through hard work. It means I am capable of change. It means I deserve to like not just my appearance but the person I am regardless of my looks. It means that I can do this. It means I will do this. It means I AM doing this.

    Is there anyone that has stood out? Yes. Without sounding like a cheesy-miss america-contestant let me say honestly that every single one of you have inspired me in one way or another. But above all else my girls Karie and Renu for the constant communication and support.

    Thank you to all of you for your support! I look forward to seeing everyone's progress as we move into the next challenge.

    Much love,


    Very well written, thanks for those lovely words..:flowerforyou:

    You inspired all of us... As always, I like reading your posts.. you have the talent of putting the right words at the right time.. :-) 22 lbs is amazing..cheers to you..Yay!!!
  • LoveNevrNds
    LoveNevrNds Posts: 322 Member

    Cardio part 2: ( 1 point)
    Burn at least 500 calories 6 days this week
    Stretch at the end of each workout this week

    Thursday- Completed
    Friday- Completed
    Saturday- Completed
    Monday- Completed
    Tuesday- Completed

    Strength:( 4 different strength workouts = 4 points)

    160 bicep curls
    Thursday - 60
    Saturday - 60
    Monday - 60
    Tuesday - 60

    100 Front Shoulder Raises
    Thursday - 25
    Saturday - 25
    Monday - 25
    Tuesday - 25

    100 push-ups
    Thursday - 25
    Saturday - 25
    Monday - 25
    Tuesday - 25

    100 squats
    Thursday - 25
    Saturday 25
    Monday - 25
    Tuesday - 25
  • NewLife_11
    NewLife_11 Posts: 964 Member
    Emotional Challenge:

    This challenge started right about when I would normally give up a diet. I was a few weeks in, tired, hungry and feeling like I was doomed to fail but destined to keep trying. At the time I was involved on a few message boards on another website and only used MFP for the calorie counter mobile app. Anyways I got to chatting with this chickie named NewLife_11 and felt like I just clicked with her. She seemed to be in the same spot I was in emotionally and I really wanted to help her succeed. So I suggested she check out MFP as I felt it was a better calorie counter than the one on the website we were currently on. Next morning I wake up to a super excited message "Lynda, I've started something and I think it's gonna be big! Wanna be on my team?" Immediate answer : YES! Knew nothing about what she was planning and how it would work but I needed that enthusiasm so I was in! Now, 8 weeks later, I've lost 22lbs, made some super awesome friends, been inspired and hopefully was able to inspire a few of you.

    So, what does this challenge mean to me? It means I'm not in this alone. It means that I have the strength to succeed. It means I can challenge myself and make myself better through hard work. It means I am capable of change. It means I deserve to like not just my appearance but the person I am regardless of my looks. It means that I can do this. It means I will do this. It means I AM doing this.

    Is there anyone that has stood out? Yes. Without sounding like a cheesy-miss america-contestant let me say honestly that every single one of you have inspired me in one way or another. But above all else my girls Karie and Renu for the constant communication and support.

    Thank you to all of you for your support! I look forward to seeing everyone's progress as we move into the next challenge.

    Much love,

    Lynda- All I can say is your my Girl!!!
  • momof2_0710
    momof2_0710 Posts: 179 Member
    Thank You!

    I have a question how do you up your calories. I tried and it didn't work for me. I know I did something wrong but I just don't know what. Can someone help? Do I need to change where it says my weight loss goal or something( ie. lose 1lb a week)? I need to change my calorie intake. Thanks in advance.


    Go to your goals page-- when it asks you if you want to go with the recommended or custom, choose custom. You can input the appropriate info, and save it there. Hope that helps!
  • NewLife_11
    NewLife_11 Posts: 964 Member
    I need anyone who is going to continue to go sign in on the spreadsheet I created for the new group ASAP. I would love to try to get it organized by this evening. I posted a topic called "SAHMU Regroup" Check it out there.
  • ♥Amy♥
    ♥Amy♥ Posts: 714 Member
    Cardio Part 1:
    Wednesday: 368 calories burned
    Thursday: 380 calories burned
    Friday: 439 calories burned
    Saturday: No exercise
    Sunday: 248 calories burned
    Monday: 648 calories burned
    Tuesday: 230 calories burned

    Cardio part 2: ( 1 point)
    Do something different each day in addition to my regular stuff (like a different workout video, different exercises that I regularly avoid, etc.)
    Burn atleast 300 calories per day.
    Wednesday- Goal completed
    Thursday-Burned over 300 calories, but didn't do anything different
    Friday-Goal completed
    Saturday- No exercise
    Sunday- Burned 248 and didn't do anything different
    Monday- Goal Completed
    Tuesday- Burned 230 and didn't do anything diferent

    Strength:( 4 different strength workouts = 4 points)

    200 crunches
    Wednesday- 100 crunches completed
    Thursday- 50 crunches completed
    Friday- 50 crunches completed

    100 lunges
    Wednesday- 25 Lunges completed
    Thursday- 50 lunges completed
    Friday- 25 lunges completed

    100 push-ups
    Wednesday- 50 push-ups completed
    Thursday- 25 push-ups completed
    Friday- 25 push-ups completed

    200 squats
    Wednesday- 50 squats Completed
    Thursday- 50 squats completed
    Friday- 25 squats completed
    Monday-75 squats

    Food: (1 point)
    Stay under Carbs atleast 4 days.
    Over on Saturday & Sunday :(
  • momof2_0710
    momof2_0710 Posts: 179 Member
    Wondering if I lost any weight this week if I did I will be so happy because I would finally reach my 1st mini goal. So I'm keeping my fingers crossed. Hope everyone has a good weigh in for our final week. Good Luck ladies!!!
  • amyelizbradley
    amyelizbradley Posts: 379 Member
    LAST check in for this challenge, so here it goes!

    Tu. 9/13 (posted on team Black & main thread)
    CARDIO: no
    Calories Burned = 0

    CARDIO Part 2:
    Goal =
    Add a minimum of a 100 calorie burn each day playing with my kids
    Burn an average of 500 calories/ day
    Go for a walk with my husband every day that he does not work (approx. 4 days)
    Completed? no
    200 sit-up's (200 completed)
    100 lunges (150 completed)
    100 push-ups (100 completed)
    200 squats (200 completed)

    Under Carbs? yes (but adjusted loss per week calories to accomadate a TOUGH day)

    Need MORE sleep!!! Ditto comment from yesterday & also need less stress! I'll post my weigh tomorrow AM...
  • losinit_4_good
    losinit_4_good Posts: 731 Member
    Final SAHMU Weigh In

    Starting: 261
    Starting SAHMU: 241
    Week 8: 226.6
    Weekly +/- : -.9bs
    Total +/- : -34.4lbs!

    Goal: Eventually, 140lbs. Or thereabouts. IT's hard to say because I haven't been that small for years. And I've never been that weight and healthy... so we'll see. But my main goal is to keep going strong. So I focus on every lb lost and make it a goal to never gain it back. so with that I say goodbye to 34.4lbs! and thank you to all my fellow SAHMU-ers for helping me lose it!
  • losinit_4_good
    losinit_4_good Posts: 731 Member
    CArdio part 1: I ddin't post daily due to interent issues at home but I made sure to update as often as I was able. does that count?

    Cardio part 2: ( 1 point)
    burn 2000 calories this week while rebuilding strength in my ankle.
    Wednesday- 205
    Friday- 273
    Saturday- 420
    Sunday- 594
    Monday- 369
    Tuesday- 0

    YAY! I did it and had a little over 300 calories burned to spare!!! Thanks for the encouragement gals!

    Strength:( 4 different strength workouts = 4 points)

    Calistenics everyday! 50 situps, 50 Pushups, 50 leg raises/ leg and 50 reverse crunches! Will modify and add in more exercises as I am able but don't want to commit to anything that will strain the left ankle so no jumping jacks or stairs for me yet.
    Wednesday- complete
    Thursday - complete
    Friday- complete
    Saturday - completed
    Sunday - complete
    Monday - complete
    Tuesday - complete... so sore....

    Food: (1 point)
    Stay under on calories, carbs and fat everyday. Can I do this? yes I can!
    Wednesday- complete
    Thursday - complete
    Friday- complete
    Saturday - complete
    Sunday - complete
    Monday - complete (but damn it was hard!!!)
    Tuesday - yup!

    Emotional: completed yesterday

    So that's what: 5 points? I claim 5 points for the Green Team!!!
  • circusmom
    circusmom Posts: 662 Member
    Cardio 1: no points
    I didn't post daily, first there were internet issues, then I just didn't have time to sit down and type

    Cardio 2: 1 point
    Added biking to my workout, not a bad workout, burned a lot more calories

    Strength: 4 points
    Completed all my goals, and then some. (Amazing how much energy you have to burn when your pissed off!)

    Food: 1 point
    Met my goals for the week. (Changed calorie goal to 1500 from 1200 on Sat morning)

    Emotional: 1 point
    Posted yesterday
  • circusmom
    circusmom Posts: 662 Member
    Now for my Wed weigh-in:

    I upped my calories Saturday morning to 1500, to see if the reason I haven't been losing in the last weeks is because I haven't been getting enough fuel to burn, so here we go.....

    Starting weight: 152
    Starting SAHMU: 134
    Final weight: 128
    Weekly: -2
    Total: -6

    I'm so glad I didn't see a gain, I think I would have sat down on the bathroom floor and cried!!!
  • NewLife_11
    NewLife_11 Posts: 964 Member
    STARTING SAHMU - 233.8
    WEEK 1 -228.2
    WEEK 2- 228.2
    WEEK 3 - 224.2
    WEEK 4 - 221.8
    WEEK 5 - 221.8
    WEEK 6- 221.8
    WEEK 7 - 219.4
    WEEK 8 - 217
    WEEK 9- 216.4

    TOTAL LOSS- 17.4 LBS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Thank you ladies for your kind words, I got back home at 4:30 Am this morning. My sister has 3 daughters here ages 1,2 and 4 along with my 17month old I have my hands full. She is sleeping while I take care of them, she is going through a hard seperation right now and last night she finally decided to leave. I am so exhausted but I will be on and off today as I find time. Have a great day.