What's the stupidest Facebook post you've ever seen?



  • La_Amazona
    La_Amazona Posts: 4,855 Member
    I hate hate hate most FB updates. I guess I'm picky.

    I have friends who will post that they're eating chinese food with their mom (um, yipee?). Then I have another friend who will check in at the dr.s office (alrighty then). Then another friend says she is on her way to somewhere insignificant that I could care less about.

    FB updates I do appreciate are the ones where you're doing something different such as bungy jumping, trying a new exotic restaurant (hey, let me know if it was good or bad), traveling, something new... not your everyday news.

    I also hate the updates that all you ever talk about are your kids. I don't have any, but even then, I hope to God you have a life outside of changing diapers, their poo and/ or your kids colds, their school work etc.

    Okay, I'm done. :happy:
  • starracer23
    starracer23 Posts: 1,011 Member
    BE WARNED!! I am not a pet person...so keep the hate mail to a minimum :wink:. I know there are many people that view their pets/animals as their babies....I have never been one of them and never will be.

    I have a friend that recently lost a puppy that she has had for a few months (literally like 3 at the most). Everyday that she has had this dog she has called it her baby and she has taken pictures of it and posted them...she talks like she has a baby. She has to get up early to take care of dog...she has to stay up late to take care of dog....she begged and pleaded to find someone to watch the dog because she got it right before they were going on a trip out of state and they couldn't take her with them. Multiple times a day...for weeks and weeks.

    Well recently the dog passed away (may she RIP) but now all the she posts about are the fact that she is so depressed and how her cat is crying because the dog had to be put down. And she writes lengthy poems about it all...and I just want to bang my head against a wall.

    I do feel bad for her, but really??
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    Here's the status flow with punctuation and grammar copied.

    Meg: Which is more important: finishing uni or getting married?!
    Adam: As I already have a degree, and a marriage for that matter, I'd pick getting married. It is something you will do only once; the degree, after you have it, is actually pretty useless once you have a job.
    Roy: well, Meggy, since you've already booked the church I'd say whichever is the most pressing deadline takes precedence.
    Madeleine: I think getting married what do you think Meg?
    Cathy: Getting married of course!!! Uni will happen. Enjoy every minute.
    Me: I say school. You will never regret getting a degree.

    Cheers gang.

    Well, no kidding! Why would you need a degree? You're only going to use it to get a job, and then what's the point?

  • Triquetra
    Triquetra Posts: 270 Member
    My nephew's former girlfriend posted her 6mth pregnant belly picture with the caption "(name here) I have something to tell you"....nice way to find out your going to be a dad at 18.
  • quichebradford
    quichebradford Posts: 327 Member
    Hmmm. Most of my friends are pretty sane, so not a whole lot.

    But yesterday, a friend posted that she was going to a nutritionist to try to get healthy and I commented that she should come walking with a group of us who go regularly. She deleted my comment and sent me a PM stating that I was not respecting her boundaries by inviting her to exercise with us.

    What the? Wow!
  • bry_all01
    bry_all01 Posts: 3,100 Member
    a friend of mine from highschool posted an event of his impending suicide in not so many words. It was AWFUL and SCARY. In the description he posted why this was his "grand finale" and it was a chapter long about how his wife was cheating on him and with the actual guys name, etc. Prior to and after he came out of the hospital for the attempt, he claimed they were divorcing every other day (all the cussing, namecalling and accusations to go with it, then on the days they weren't threatening divorce, they were madly in love. But that event was the scariest, saddest thing I ever saw posted on Facebook.
  • Froggy1976
    Too many to tell. And have you seen failbook?
    That's what I was going to post. If you like to see stupidity at it's best go here:
  • jrhstarlight
    jrhstarlight Posts: 867 Member
    I'm strictly a gamer on fb and therefore most of my friends are too so I don't see alot of the drama most people see which is awesome :D however I know lots don't like the gamers but each their own, but the one I hate seeing pop up is the status "I'm Bored!" or "I'm Board." First learn to spell your on a computer, spell check and second DUH everyone is on fb cause of this reason!
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    Hmmm. Most of my friends are pretty sane, so not a whole lot.

    But yesterday, a friend posted that she was going to a nutritionist to try to get healthy and I commented that she should come walking with a group of us who go regularly. She deleted my comment and sent me a PM stating that I was not respecting her boundaries by inviting her to exercise with us.

    What the? Wow!

    That was my reaction, too. lol

    I've known her just under a year and maybe three times have invited her to come with us (she expressed interest when we first met, too). She accused me of pressuring her.

    She's a very nice girl. I like her a lot. But I don't know what to do with someone who's offended by being invited to go walking with friends. That's seriously high-maintenance!
  • kunibob
    kunibob Posts: 608 Member
    A friend of mine was going through an EXTREMELY difficult time (death of a friend, among other things), and in the subsequent shakeups in his life, his engagement ended. His facebook status went from "engaged" to "single."

    One of his friends must have misread it, because she "liked" the status change and said, "CONGRATS ON UR ENGAGEMENT"

    ...*smacks forehead*
  • cabaray
    cabaray Posts: 971 Member
    What I find most annoying is when people post pictures of the food they are getting ready to eat. Really, I don't care what your piece of cheesecake looks like!
  • Dtrmnd86
    Dtrmnd86 Posts: 406 Member
    I haven't seen too many crazy posts yet.. just some people posting 24/7 about what their kids do or update everyone on every single aspect of their lives.. and worse... some of the females I'm friends with posting "duck face" pictures of themselves taken in a mirror. Seriously? This isn't high school and you're pushing thirty... give it up already. I am also not a fan or repost for cancer or something. We all know how serious is it, I don't think me hitting copy, paste, and share is going to change that. Why not donate to a charity or something that is actually productive. Rant over.
  • raevynn
    raevynn Posts: 666 Member
    A shirt-tail "relative" posted how many centimeters her daughter was dialated during labor and childbirth.

    Um, no. Absolutely not. Fail.
  • SabrinaJL
    SabrinaJL Posts: 1,579 Member
    but the one I hate seeing pop up is the status "I'm Bored!" or "I'm Board." First learn to spell your on a computer, spell check and second DUH everyone is on fb cause of this reason!

    Considering "board" isn't misspelled, spell check wouldn't catch it. Like how it didn't catch that you used "your" instead of "you're". :wink:

    I have a couple of of my daughter's friends on my FB so I get to see a lot of teenage drama posts. Those are pretty stupid.
  • jrhstarlight
    jrhstarlight Posts: 867 Member
    but the one I hate seeing pop up is the status "I'm Bored!" or "I'm Board." First learn to spell your on a computer, spell check and second DUH everyone is on fb cause of this reason!

    Considering "board" isn't misspelled, spell check wouldn't catch it. Like how it didn't catch that you used "your" instead of "you're". :wink:

    I have a couple of of my daughter's friends on my FB so I get to see a lot of teenage drama posts. Those are pretty stupid.

    ROFL you got me!! No I get the board not being caught by spell check but there are so many that do get caught yet not changed. :D
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    but the one I hate seeing pop up is the status "I'm Bored!" or "I'm Board." First learn to spell your on a computer, spell check and second DUH everyone is on fb cause of this reason!

    Considering "board" isn't misspelled, spell check wouldn't catch it. Like how it didn't catch that you used "your" instead of "you're". :wink:


    Yeah, what Sabrina said. And I'll add: I think someone criticizing others' spelling and grammar should make sure her own spelling, grammar and punctuation are perfect before doing so.

    Holy run-on sentence, Batman!
  • leynak
    leynak Posts: 963 Member
    I think it's pretty crazy how my sister posts on FB complaining about her husband & how he can't keep there relationship troubles private he has to go blabbing & talking about her behind her back to all of his family & stuff...

    uh?......didn't you just tell about 200 people about your problems? So I guess it only counts if you tell someone face to face......right
  • spaztastic13
    I absolutley hate when people post about drama on FB, and how there never gonna find a man or woman its really annoying!!!
  • SabrinaJL
    SabrinaJL Posts: 1,579 Member

    ROFL you got me!! No I get the board not being caught by spell check but there are so many that do get caught yet not changed. :D

    I'm glad you're not offended by me pointing that out. The irony just made me laugh and I couldn't resist. :smile:
  • bjohs
    bjohs Posts: 1,225 Member
    BE WARNED!! I am not a pet person...so keep the hate mail to a minimum :wink:. I know there are many people that view their pets/animals as their babies....I have never been one of them and never will be.

    I have a friend that recently lost a puppy that she has had for a few months (literally like 3 at the most). Everyday that she has had this dog she has called it her baby and she has taken pictures of it and posted them...she talks like she has a baby. She has to get up early to take care of dog...she has to stay up late to take care of dog....she begged and pleaded to find someone to watch the dog because she got it right before they were going on a trip out of state and they couldn't take her with them. Multiple times a day...for weeks and weeks.

    Well recently the dog passed away (may she RIP) but now all the she posts about are the fact that she is so depressed and how her cat is crying because the dog had to be put down. And she writes lengthy poems about it all...and I just want to bang my head against a wall.

    I do feel bad for her, but really??

    I had to hide a friend from high school like that. Got tired of her depression.