What's the stupidest Facebook post you've ever seen?



  • fridayjustleft04
    fridayjustleft04 Posts: 851 Member
    One of my friends is pregnant and feels the need to write little fb letters to her unborn child. Her statuses are usually "Dear Allistair, mommy loves you, but there's no more room in her tummy and you need to come out now." Wtf. Side note, when she was trying to decide on names, she posted 3 choices and asked people which one they liked. Every single comment was some form of "not Allistair", so of course that's what she went with.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    OK, I thought of two things I see A LOT:

    1. People who post cryptic messages about some awful thing going on in their lives, but won't say what it is because it's too personal. I refuse to even ask because that's just passive aggression at its worst. Keep it to yourself or spill the beans, please.

    2. People who never have anything positive to say. COME ON! No one's life is that terrible ALL the time. At least no one who has access to a computer and Facebook.
  • fridayjustleft04
    fridayjustleft04 Posts: 851 Member
    A shirt-tail "relative" posted how many centimeters her daughter was dialated during labor and childbirth.

    Um, no. Absolutely not. Fail.
    Gross! No one needs to know those kinds of details.
  • macpatti
    macpatti Posts: 4,280 Member
    The stupidest FB posts I've seen are the "breast cancer awareness" games. They don't raise breast cancer awareness, since it's always supposed to be a big secret as to what your status means. And some of them are downright offensive. If you want to raise breast cancer awareness, make your profile pic a pink ribbon for a day. Or better yet, donate a dollar or ten, since I'm pretty sure everybody is aware of breast cancer by now. But the games feel like something we would have done in the third grade. "Oooh, let's say stuff that sounds naughty but it's really not, and we won't tell the boys, and the boys will be sooooo curious, tee hee! ;)" Please.

    THIS!!!!! I NEVER post this stuff! One year they wanted women to put the color of the bra they were wearing. Last year they wanted you to put where you like to put your purse (I like it on the couch, etc). My children, my mother, my in-laws, my boss, and students at my school are my FB friends.
  • Froggy1976
    Considering "board" isn't misspelled, spell check wouldn't catch it. Like how it didn't catch that you used "your" instead of "you're". :wink:

    I have a couple of of my daughter's friends on my FB so I get to see a lot of teenage drama posts. Those are pretty stupid.
    Oops, of of. ^^
    Sorry, I couldn't resist.
    I hope you don't take it as hateful, just funny.
  • jrhstarlight
    jrhstarlight Posts: 867 Member

    ROFL you got me!! No I get the board not being caught by spell check but there are so many that do get caught yet not changed. :D

    I'm glad you're not offended by me pointing that out. The irony just made me laugh and I couldn't resist. :smile:

    No I'm not offended :) I know my punctuation suffers thanks to the internet, with fb and forums like this. My main issue is with misspellings. The lady on my fb who writes board has done it multiple times so I really don't think she knows. Generally my spelling is decent except when pointing out flaws in others LOL :D
  • Froggy1976
    The stupidest FB posts I've seen are the "breast cancer awareness" games. They don't raise breast cancer awareness, since it's always supposed to be a big secret as to what your status means. And some of them are downright offensive. If you want to raise breast cancer awareness, make your profile pic a pink ribbon for a day. Or better yet, donate a dollar or ten, since I'm pretty sure everybody is aware of breast cancer by now. But the games feel like something we would have done in the third grade. "Oooh, let's say stuff that sounds naughty but it's really not, and we won't tell the boys, and the boys will be sooooo curious, tee hee! ;)" Please.

    THIS!!!!! I NEVER post this stuff! One year they wanted women to put the color of the bra they were wearing. Last year they wanted you to put where you like to put your purse (I like it on the couch, etc). My children, my mother, my in-laws, my boss, and students at my school are my FB friends.
    There's another one going around now about birthdays, candy and cravings or some such nonsense. What is it accomplishing? Nothing really.
  • SabrinaJL
    SabrinaJL Posts: 1,579 Member

    Oops, of of. ^^
    Sorry, I couldn't resist.
    I hope you don't take it as hateful, just funny.

    :laugh: Nice catch.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    The stupidest FB posts I've seen are the "breast cancer awareness" games. They don't raise breast cancer awareness, since it's always supposed to be a big secret as to what your status means. And some of them are downright offensive. If you want to raise breast cancer awareness, make your profile pic a pink ribbon for a day. Or better yet, donate a dollar or ten, since I'm pretty sure everybody is aware of breast cancer by now. But the games feel like something we would have done in the third grade. "Oooh, let's say stuff that sounds naughty but it's really not, and we won't tell the boys, and the boys will be sooooo curious, tee hee! ;)" Please.

    THIS!!!!! I NEVER post this stuff! One year they wanted women to put the color of the bra they were wearing. Last year they wanted you to put where you like to put your purse (I like it on the couch, etc). My children, my mother, my in-laws, my boss, and students at my school are my FB friends.
    There's another one going around now about birthdays, candy and cravings or some such nonsense. What is it accomplishing? Nothing really.

    It's accomplishing annoying a LOT of people. However, it was the message to my inbox about it (several, actually) that led me to learn that I can "opt out" of mass messages so I don't keep getting "you have a new message" when everyone responds.

    So it did some good!
  • SabrinaJL
    SabrinaJL Posts: 1,579 Member
    There's another one going around now about birthdays, candy and cravings or some such nonsense. What is it accomplishing? Nothing really.

    It accomplishes getting me to roll my eyes every time I see it.

    I also agree with the person who commented about the "99% of people won't re-post this" ones. That 100% guarantees I won't. Don't try to guilt me into re-posting useless crap. It just annoys me.
  • ajbeans
    ajbeans Posts: 2,857 Member
    The stupidest FB posts I've seen are the "breast cancer awareness" games. They don't raise breast cancer awareness, since it's always supposed to be a big secret as to what your status means. And some of them are downright offensive. If you want to raise breast cancer awareness, make your profile pic a pink ribbon for a day. Or better yet, donate a dollar or ten, since I'm pretty sure everybody is aware of breast cancer by now. But the games feel like something we would have done in the third grade. "Oooh, let's say stuff that sounds naughty but it's really not, and we won't tell the boys, and the boys will be sooooo curious, tee hee! ;)" Please.

    THIS!!!!! I NEVER post this stuff! One year they wanted women to put the color of the bra they were wearing. Last year they wanted you to put where you like to put your purse (I like it on the couch, etc). My children, my mother, my in-laws, my boss, and students at my school are my FB friends.
    There's another one going around now about birthdays, candy and cravings or some such nonsense. What is it accomplishing? Nothing really.

    It's accomplishing annoying a LOT of people. However, it was the message to my inbox about it (several, actually) that led me to learn that I can "opt out" of mass messages so I don't keep getting "you have a new message" when everyone responds.

    So it did some good!

    I don't get those messages anymore. Probably because I've complained about the stupid games and ticked people off. :laugh:

    But seriously, this year's takes the cake. I actually had a friend whose sister didn't know about the game, and so when my friend posted that she was 13 weeks and craving Taco Bell or some crap, her sister freaked out because my friend isn't in a relationship. She was all like, "OMG, what's going on? Call me now!" It's stupid. And I read a blog post where a newly-married girl was playing along, and her mother-in-law was all excited thinking she was going to be a grandma. But she wasn't. I think this one is not only stupid, but kind of cruel.
  • kmo566
    kmo566 Posts: 16 Member
    Ugh. There's a girl who was complaining (again!) about not being able to find a job. Someone replied that they refused to take a job with the state because they "didn't support the government/want to feed into the system," and she (OP) agreed that she had quit her state job for the same reason. Less than 12 hours later, same girl was freaking out because her Unemployment check hadn't come in yet. Seriously?
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    The stupidest FB posts I've seen are the "breast cancer awareness" games. They don't raise breast cancer awareness, since it's always supposed to be a big secret as to what your status means. And some of them are downright offensive. If you want to raise breast cancer awareness, make your profile pic a pink ribbon for a day. Or better yet, donate a dollar or ten, since I'm pretty sure everybody is aware of breast cancer by now. But the games feel like something we would have done in the third grade. "Oooh, let's say stuff that sounds naughty but it's really not, and we won't tell the boys, and the boys will be sooooo curious, tee hee! ;)" Please.

    THIS!!!!! I NEVER post this stuff! One year they wanted women to put the color of the bra they were wearing. Last year they wanted you to put where you like to put your purse (I like it on the couch, etc). My children, my mother, my in-laws, my boss, and students at my school are my FB friends.
    There's another one going around now about birthdays, candy and cravings or some such nonsense. What is it accomplishing? Nothing really.

    It's accomplishing annoying a LOT of people. However, it was the message to my inbox about it (several, actually) that led me to learn that I can "opt out" of mass messages so I don't keep getting "you have a new message" when everyone responds.

    So it did some good!

    I don't get those messages anymore. Probably because I've complained about the stupid games and ticked people off. :laugh:

    But seriously, this year's takes the cake. I actually had a friend whose sister didn't know about the game, and so when my friend posted that she was 13 weeks and craving Taco Bell or some crap, her sister freaked out because my friend isn't in a relationship. She was all like, "OMG, what's going on? Call me now!" It's stupid. And I read a blog post where a newly-married girl was playing along, and her mother-in-law was all excited thinking she was going to be a grandma. But she wasn't. I think this one is not only stupid, but kind of cruel.

    It really has tricked a lot of people. If I'd been taken in by it and posted congrats to someone or something and found out it wasn't true, I might just defriend that person.

    Probably not, though.
  • dmpizza
    dmpizza Posts: 3,321 Member
    Somebody said President Obama was a Muslim. Uggghhhh!!
  • Izable2011
    Izable2011 Posts: 755 Member
    I have two friends on FB that recently had babies.. and by recently I mean 4 months ago. They feel the need to post every single poopy diaper and sleepless night story on fb... it's disgusting.

    I also hate people that get all emo with their posts... wahhh cry me a river, then build a bridge and get the *%$# over it!

    lol!!!!!! I get so annoyed too of all the negative crap some people post.
  • odusgolp
    odusgolp Posts: 10,477 Member
    Facebook has given everyone license to say every stupid trivial thing they think and be convinced that the rest of the world should care about it. Most people don't understand that no one gives a crap about the minutia of their daily lives, and that there are more direct and logical ways to communicate.

    LIES! Everyone cares about the crap going on in my day! I know they do! Do not burst my bubble!!! *sobbing*
  • RunHardBeStrong
    RunHardBeStrong Posts: 33,069 Member
    I have two friends on FB that recently had babies.. and by recently I mean 4 months ago. They feel the need to post every single poopy diaper and sleepless night story on fb... it's disgusting.

    I also hate people that get all emo with their posts... wahhh cry me a river, then build a bridge and get the *%$# over it!

    lol!!!!!! I get so annoyed too of all the negative crap some people post.

    Same here! It's the same people over and over and when some one calls them out on it they get their panties all in a bunch! I've actually learned to find the humor in it...not nice I know but I don't fall for the "poor me pity cards"....in most cases they got themselves in those situations so get off your @ss and get yourself out of it! Don't just sit around on FB all day waiting for the sympathy to start rolling in!
  • Qarol
    Qarol Posts: 6,171 Member
    I deactivated FB over a month ago. I haven't missed it. I'm probably going to full on delete my profile. But that would require signing back in.
  • i_love_vinegar
    i_love_vinegar Posts: 2,092 Member
    I once had this guy on Facebook send me a friend request. I didn't know him, but he lived in my area, so I sent him a message asking "Do we know each other?" He responded immediately that "he was from out of town, and just moved here and is looking for friends in the area." It seemed reasonable and he was around my age, so I added him.

    i posted on his wall, "Nice to meet you!" and suddenly received a private message...from a GIRL "You know he has a girlfriend and a baby right???"

    I told her that he just added me as a friend since he said he was new to the area... I receive a notification that there was a new post to my comment...I watched for around 30 minutes while trying to assure the girlfriend I didn't know the guy...they were both fighting like crazy on his wall...

    The girl sent me a friend request, so I accepted so she knew from my wall that I didn't know her boyfriend lol. Nor was he my type! Then I removed him as a friend and told the girl she could do better (found out all about their personal life from this fight). She is still my friend on Facebook. Sweet girl actually!
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    I deactivated FB over a month ago. I haven't missed it. I'm probably going to full on delete my profile. But that would require signing back in.

    I don't spend a ton of time on there, but I like it for keeping in touch with my friends and family scattered across the country. It's easier than having to send letters and e-mails to them all individually to find out what's going on in their lives. I just hide the annoying people.