What's the stupidest Facebook post you've ever seen?



  • LilMissFoodie
    LilMissFoodie Posts: 612 Member
    A friend of the family posted the other day:

    If you think you couldn't love anyone more than your children, wait until you meet your grandchildren and REALLY fall in love!

    I resisted the temptation to comment how appalled I was that they don't really love their children ;)
  • MrsCon40
    MrsCon40 Posts: 2,351 Member
  • AimingHighWeighingLow
    I found out that my mum had burned down my house on Facebook! I was away at the time and someone popped on to ask how my mum was after seeing her in the paper, I hadn;t spoken to my mum for three days so I had no clue what she was on about.....she told me there was a house fire which gutted my newly renovated house!!!!
  • ajbeans
    ajbeans Posts: 2,857 Member
    I found out that my mum had burned down my house on Facebook! I was away at the time and someone popped on to ask how my mum was after seeing her in the paper, I hadn;t spoken to my mum for three days so I had no clue what she was on about.....she told me there was a house fire which gutted my newly renovated house!!!!


    I don't think anyone can top that. That's awful.
  • AimingHighWeighingLow
    I found out that my mum had burned down my house on Facebook! I was away at the time and someone popped on to ask how my mum was after seeing her in the paper, I hadn;t spoken to my mum for three days so I had no clue what she was on about.....she told me there was a house fire which gutted my newly renovated house!!!!


    I don't think anyone can top that. That's awful.

    I look back now and laugh. It was okay in the end, my mum was fine and luckily we were insured. But last year I borrowed her car to drive to Italy and accidently set it on fire.....we're even now!
  • Dolphingirlie81
    Had a friend post a picture of her boyfriends dirty underwear on FB. It was nasty, you could actually see skidmarks on his underwear. and she commented "see, now do people understand why I don't like doing his laundry". NASTY! I don't care to see someones dirty laundry
  • porffor
    porffor Posts: 1,212 Member
    The funniest was in a powerpoint presentation rather than on FB itself.. it was in our law class and about being 'careful' what you say. A FB account was cited in a divorce proceedings where the husband denied having an affair.. they'd gone through seperation time etc which applies in the UK and the wife's legal team found 'evidence' on the husbands account that proved he HAD been having an affair at the time of the seperation as he had 'celebrated' his anniversary with his girlfriend just prior to the court case saying where he met her and how long they'd been together..
    The wife.. got everything she was due given the divorce being passed on the grounds of adultery rather than irretrievable breakdown.
  • porffor
    porffor Posts: 1,212 Member
    I found out that my mum had burned down my house on Facebook! I was away at the time and someone popped on to ask how my mum was after seeing her in the paper, I hadn;t spoken to my mum for three days so I had no clue what she was on about.....she told me there was a house fire which gutted my newly renovated house!!!!


    I don't think anyone can top that. That's awful.

    I look back now and laugh. It was okay in the end, my mum was fine and luckily we were insured. But last year I borrowed her car to drive to Italy and accidently set it on fire.....we're even now!

    OMG! and LOL at the same time!
    Firestarters your surnames should be! lol
  • cm2two
    cm2two Posts: 194
    Hmmm. Most of my friends are pretty sane, so not a whole lot.

    But yesterday, a friend posted that she was going to a nutritionist to try to get healthy and I commented that she should come walking with a group of us who go regularly. She deleted my comment and sent me a PM stating that I was not respecting her boundaries by inviting her to exercise with us.

    WHAT THE MOTHER WHAT?? how does that make any freakin' sense...
  • SuperScrabbleGirl
    SuperScrabbleGirl Posts: 310 Member
    This! I love this site.

    I can't stand reading the status updates that are blatantly addressed to someone but have no names. So passive aggressive.

    "Maybe SOMEONE should think about other people's feelings before sh!tting all over their life!" etc.

    I have a very, very pretty friend on FB who is always talking about how gross she looks or how she looks really fat in her dress or whatever. SHe has never been fat and has never looked gross and she knows it.
  • chocolateandvodka
    chocolateandvodka Posts: 1,856 Member
    " my nose itches "

    i only wish i was kidding.
  • FearAnLoathing
    FearAnLoathing Posts: 4,852 Member
    The stupidest thing i see on facebook is thoses status with a message that try to make you feel guilty if you dont re post
  • FearAnLoathing
    FearAnLoathing Posts: 4,852 Member
    I have two friends on FB that recently had babies.. and by recently I mean 4 months ago. They feel the need to post every single poopy diaper and sleepless night story on fb... it's disgusting.

    I also hate people that get all emo with their posts... wahhh cry me a river, then build a bridge and get the *%$# over it!

    lol!!!!!! I get so annoyed too of all the negative crap some people post.

    Same here! It's the same people over and over and when some one calls them out on it they get their panties all in a bunch! I've actually learned to find the humor in it...not nice I know but I don't fall for the "poor me pity cards"....in most cases they got themselves in those situations so get off your @ss and get yourself out of it! Don't just sit around on FB all day waiting for the sympathy to start rolling in!

    Kinda reminds me of MFP :laugh:
  • sandrinamsilva
    sandrinamsilva Posts: 651 Member
    Hmmm. Most of my friends are pretty sane, so not a whole lot.

    But yesterday, a friend posted that she was going to a nutritionist to try to get healthy and I commented that she should come walking with a group of us who go regularly. She deleted my comment and sent me a PM stating that I was not respecting her boundaries by inviting her to exercise with us.

    WOW! uptight much? I dont see anything wrong with you asking if she wants to go for a walk.
  • Jovialation
    Jovialation Posts: 7,632 Member
  • fbmandy55
    fbmandy55 Posts: 5,263 Member
    Too many to count. And those people get deleted quickly.

    I had one friend that I ran around with when we were 16-20 or so and she still acts the same. Her current boyfriend (who I dated first and I am still good friends with) is in the Navy and has been shipped out for the past year. Everyday she's writing crap on her facebook about how she is done with him because he never returns her calls or texts (are you kidding? He's on a ship in the freaking Persian Gulf :explode: ) and then 10 minutes later she will post about how much she loves him and can't wait to get married when he gets home. I know he has cheated on her several times, he won't even put that they are in a relationship on facebook yet he is still going to marry her. Talk about a toxic relationship.

    Then a couple of her friends I have deleted because they would say stuff about how they abuse their welfare and are living with drug dealers and steal stuff but they are good mothers to their babies.... Give me a break. I had a child at the age of 20, got a good job, never stole anything, never got on any kind of welfare and have a happy, sweet child. People like those girls make me sick.
  • tam120
    tam120 Posts: 444 Member
    Ugh. There's a girl who was complaining (again!) about not being able to find a job. Someone replied that they refused to take a job with the state because they "didn't support the government/want to feed into the system," and she (OP) agreed that she had quit her state job for the same reason. Less than 12 hours later, same girl was freaking out because her Unemployment check hadn't come in yet. Seriously?
    now that's funny stuff!
  • spicypepper
    spicypepper Posts: 1,016 Member
    I don't think I've ever heard anything super personally stupid...but I get so annoyed at the blind and ignoring posts people make for the "post this if you agree" or "99% of people won't repost this, be one of the 1% who do" over things they know NOTHING about.

    That drives me insane! I immediately hide you if you post that crap on my feed. :)
  • RunHardBeStrong
    RunHardBeStrong Posts: 33,069 Member
    I have two friends on FB that recently had babies.. and by recently I mean 4 months ago. They feel the need to post every single poopy diaper and sleepless night story on fb... it's disgusting.

    I also hate people that get all emo with their posts... wahhh cry me a river, then build a bridge and get the *%$# over it!

    lol!!!!!! I get so annoyed too of all the negative crap some people post.

    Same here! It's the same people over and over and when some one calls them out on it they get their panties all in a bunch! I've actually learned to find the humor in it...not nice I know but I don't fall for the "poor me pity cards"....in most cases they got themselves in those situations so get off your @ss and get yourself out of it! Don't just sit around on FB all day waiting for the sympathy to start rolling in!

    Kinda reminds me of MFP :laugh:

    LMFAO! Now that you mention it......I laugh at A LOT of posts on MFP as well!
  • cabaray
    cabaray Posts: 971 Member
    You have to admit that you do see some pretty funny stuff as well. My cousin posted this:

    thought this was hilarious!

    Attention Texters: I've noticed that many who text & email have forgotten the art of capitalization. Those people, please note the statement below. I cannot stress enough how important grammar is to it.

    Capitalization is the difference between helping your Uncle Jack off a horse and helping your uncle jack off a horse.

    Is everybody clear on that?