"Nice" guys? blech!



  • fishboat
    fishboat Posts: 12 Member
    I think there is a little of Nice Guys in all of us. Some nice and some bad. We all have different feelings and different things that make us feel the way we do. Men at a young age that get off to a bad start with girls, can be part of the problem. If most of the girls a young man asked out or to dance said no. He might end up one of these Nice Guys. Poor guy. This is something to think about .
  • chocolateandvodka
    chocolateandvodka Posts: 1,850 Member

    Perhaps this is why i find arrogance so attractive? I want to feel like he is treating me differently than he would anyone else. If he's normally an arrogant *kitten*, but with me he's a little sweeter, a little nicer... i might find myself completely enamored with him.
  • Soooo true!! I dated a "nice guy" once. He would get upset because I wasn't constantly hugging him or telling him how much I loved him and knew exactly how to manipulate my feelings so that I would feel like I was a horrible girlfriend because I didn't want to spend every waking minute with him. The sad thing is, he's actually the oldest guy I've ever dated. Guess some people never learn...
  • Banks01
    Banks01 Posts: 945 Member

    I'm often called nice! Until we get some tequila!
  • bmqbonnie
    bmqbonnie Posts: 836 Member
    I've read a similar article and that was what I was alluding to in my post in the "dating in 2011 seriously" thread.

    Like someone else said, they aren't actually nice. They are manipulative and are waiting for their opportunity.

    I also find when someone describes themselves as a nice guy, they don't have any other redeeming features. They are insecure, don't have a sense of humor or adventure, and aren't really getting anywhere with life so the best thing they can come up with is "I'm a nice guy". Something that doesn't really need to be pointed out because not many people consider themselves to be mean or nasty. Of course YOU think you're a nice guy! The question is, does anyone else?
  • AlsDonkBoxSquat
    AlsDonkBoxSquat Posts: 6,128 Member
    Soooo true!! I dated a "nice guy" once. He would get upset because I wasn't constantly hugging him or telling him how much I loved him and knew exactly how to manipulate my feelings so that I would feel like I was a horrible girlfriend because I didn't want to spend every waking minute with him. The sad thing is, he's actually the oldest guy I've ever dated. Guess some people never learn...

    There's a reason he was still single.
  • cruiseking
    cruiseking Posts: 338 Member
    It all boils down to two words; Self Respect. This article describes a person with zero self respect. My Dad used to tell me, "You cannot be good to anybody, until you are good to Yourself". He also used to say that "the man in the mirror, is the most important person on Earth"! Word's to live by.
  • FrenchMob
    FrenchMob Posts: 1,167 Member
    This hasn't been said, but this also applies to women, and sometimes they're even worse than guys.
  • kevinlynch3
    kevinlynch3 Posts: 287 Member
    Bleh..what a crock....but then again...I'm not a nice guy..

    Nice has become the latest redefined word in the English dictionary and its a single adjective that by itself does not indicate any of the things indicated by the original OP

    All the bandwagon followers jump and go ...oh me too..and me too...

    When you add in insecure..clingy....jealous..too generous...then maybe you have a point.
  • dragonflydi
    dragonflydi Posts: 665 Member
    I love and agree with the majority of this article. Confidence (which, in my book, is not the same as "cockiness") is sexy. Knowing what you want and believe in and being able to stand up for that and for youself is as well. Doing what everyone else wants, all the time, never speaking your mind, never having an opinion (that you are willing to share) ... those are not turn ons. I want someone who believes in himself and will support me if he agrees with me, stands up to me if he doesn't ... and who knows that it really is OK to agree to disagree ... which is a far cry different than agreeing with me to appease the situation.
  • HOSED49
    HOSED49 Posts: 642 Member
    He also used to say that "the man in the mirror, is the most important person on Earth"! Word's to live by.

    Micheal Jackson?
  • I'd say the same thing is true for "nice girls" So Sad that such a well meaning word has been turned so upside down...
  • sillygoose1977
    sillygoose1977 Posts: 2,151 Member
    Bleh..what a crock....but then again...I'm not a nice guy..

    Nice has become the latest redefined word in the English dictionary and its a single adjective that by itself does not indicate any of the things indicated by the original OP

    All the bandwagon followers jump and go ...oh me too..and me too...

    When you add in insecure..clingy....jealous..too generous...then maybe you have a point.

    ^This. I am with a nice guy and he still has his balls. He is none of those things listed. When did being a nice guy equal being a passive/aggressive wuss? Is it not possible to be kind and still be a man?
  • ShazMc73
    ShazMc73 Posts: 106 Member
    Well, damn, I have sworn off of bad boys, cause that's all I've ever dated and things have never turned out well. Reading this makes me want to reconsider my idea of trying something new, "nice guys".. I just wonder then, if bad boys and nice guys are no good, then what's left? :huh:
  • I want a man with a backbone but one who gives in to me when needed :wink:
  • Mad_Dog_Muscle
    Mad_Dog_Muscle Posts: 1,251 Member
    I just happen to be a nice guy.... in a bad boy kinda way!!
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,319 Member
    Bleh..what a crock....but then again...I'm not a nice guy..

    Nice has become the latest redefined word in the English dictionary and its a single adjective that by itself does not indicate any of the things indicated by the original OP

    All the bandwagon followers jump and go ...oh me too..and me too...

    When you add in insecure..clingy....jealous..too generous...then maybe you have a point.

    ^This. I am with a nice guy and he still has his balls. He is none of those things listed. When did being a nice guy equal being a passive/aggressive wuss? Is it not possible to be kind and still be a man?


    Why do we have to assume "nice" means insecure. I didn't like the article. It is just one more way to make people feel bad about themselves. Now you can't be nice without feeling bad?

    That author should find a different line of work.
  • angryguy77
    angryguy77 Posts: 836 Member
    Psychobabble. Noting wrong with being nice and treating a woman with respect and treating her like a human. Women should expect to be treated nicely and appreciate being put on a pedestal.
    There are men who are nice because they genuinely are nice people.

    Basically what this article is saying to a guy that has a good heart to not be himself and play head games.
    It tells women they aren't worth being treated well.
    No wonder why there are so many dysfunctional marriages in this country.
  • Never really understood how people define a person with one single word .. as in the term "nice guy".

    I don't think I would ever claim to know anyone who is as simplistic as that. The people I know, including myself are a lot more complicated than that.

    Most people have treated me nice, but on occasion I have witnessed those same people act badly .. Does that mean they are no longer "nice"? HELLLNOOO!

    Likewise .. the people who are more often egotistical selfish overly self indulgent s.o.b's that exercise periodic 'niceties' .. should they then be termed "nice"? HELLNOOO!

    People are a lot more complicated than that. When choosing your friends or choosing a partner hopefully you can find a balance of many aspects of personality. You have to be able to admire the people you choose to have in your life for who they are and how they treat other people. That's what makes the world go round.
  • Mad_Dog_Muscle
    Mad_Dog_Muscle Posts: 1,251 Member
    It's kinda like this...

    Why I love my husband?
    Because he kisses my *kitten* but doesn't take any of my *kitten*
    I think my wife would say the same thing.... I give her a lot of attention, but she knows she cant fuk with me too much!!