RED team challenge!



  • kmdougherty
    jennifun...when is our first weigh in?
  • kmdougherty
    i always found friday to be a good day b.c then we have the weekend if we r going to cheat :bigsmile: and then get back on track monday...not that anyone would cheat...but it makes you look forward to the weekend alot!
  • jennifun
    I need everyone starting weight and then send in your weight every Wednesday. I'm a teacher, so I'm not online until after 4 most days.. Sorry! At least that gives you extra time to get your weight in...
  • berrypatchdesigns
    My starting weight was 176. I'll let you know on Wednesday what my first weeks loss is. Although I've been following the diet, I have put on 2 of the pounds that I initially lost. Hopefully it will be gone by Wed!
  • jennifun
    I just finished my walk for today.. WOW! It is cold here, only around 30! My poor dog kept pulling me.. I think she wanted to go in! Dinner is in the oven and after dinner I'll play wii again for at least an hour or so.. I'M ADDICTED! I also got in my water, I'm trying to drink half my weight.. I saw that somewhere.

    Go REDS!!!
  • berrypatchdesigns
    Good job today! I'm still working on my water and although it's dark outside, I think I'll finish my walking!
  • tamlom
    tamlom Posts: 49
    :happy: got my 45 min workout on the ellypitcal at the gym and 6 glasses of water. :drinker: :drinker:

    GO REDS!
  • gingermoon
    gingermoon Posts: 239 Member
    Well, I do believe we have the BEST team!!!!

    :heart: Reds are kicking butt!!! :heart:
  • Renea101
    I did 20 minute cardio today but will have to hit my daily walk in the morning, thought I could do it when I got off of work but it is dark and late....scary?@##$

    Sorry everyone, but I will get it first thing in the morning and will check in. I need 1 more glass of water but will drink it before hitting the sack.

    Ginermoon, you are RIGHT we have the BEST team!
  • shoppie
    shoppie Posts: 618 Member
    hello hello hello sorry I'm late miss :happy: :laugh:

    I did 30 mins on the lateral thigh trainer last night, and am off to swim a mile imminenetly - though it's probably some grim time in the morning where most of you are!

    Re: the water - think yourselves lucky I have to drink 3l per day, thats's 12 glasses as I'm breastfeeding (I have an 11 week old bubba)
  • gingermoon
    gingermoon Posts: 239 Member
    Okay so I didn't get to the 45 min walk but I did 30 on my recumbent bike instead, how's that?

    I just sold my treadmill yesterday and will be getting a recumbent bike to replace it.

    How do you like yours Amy?

    Anyone else use a recumbent??

    I'm behind today so far.
    I've gotta get busy this afternoon to finish my challenges for the day.
    Come hell or high water, I will complete my daily task!

  • berrypatchdesigns
    I don't have a recumbant but wish I could have bought your treadmill! Do you know what The Red Team challenge is for today? Water?

    I did well yesterday until last night (sweet tooth strikes around 11pm). I went over my calories by about 400! Man that bites! (literally). Anyway, I woke up this morning, walked the kids to school and then took a brisk 30 minute walk! I also drank 16oz of water. I feel slightly redeemed from last night.

    If I didn't have the support from all of you, this would be much harder to do! Thanks!
  • gingermoon
    gingermoon Posts: 239 Member
    Well, I had no plans of selling the treadmill actually lol
    I've had it for 6 yrs and one of hubby's co-workers knew we had it and it was currently acting as a closet, so he asked if we wanted to sell it.
    And hubby who never used it swears up and down that he'd use a recumbent if we got one.

    Imagine that, he'd use something that involves reclining and watching espn! lol
    So, I decided to give him the benifit of the doubt and see if he actually will use it :laugh:

    Eh, don't feel too bad about going over your calories yesterday.... I've exersised my butt for a week and the scale has stayed the same for the last 3 days!
    We've just gotta keep going!

    Todays challenge is a doozy.
    I still haven't done it yet, but here it is:

    "For those of us w. no current access to a gym or home machine here is my proposed challenge...

    45 minute brisk walk
    3 sets of 20 jumping jacks
    30 calf raises (i put 5 lb weights on each of my shoulders)
    30 crunches
    10 pushups
    3 sets of 12 bicep curls (if you don't have weights, use something else!)
    3 sets of 15 step-ups for EACH leg using ur homes stairs (i take 2 steps for each step up and also use the weights on my shoulders for this one) if this isn't clear; place one foot on your second stair up and keep it there and lift your other leg to meet your stationary one then bring it back down and repeat for each leg)

    Drink all your water! "

    Seems purple is really giving us a run for our money and so we have kick it in high gear.

    :heart: Go Reds :heart:
  • Renea101
    I just got back from 30 minutes brisk walking around the neighborhood. I will do the exercises tonight and finish my walk. Will check in then, GO REDS!!
  • healthier4me
    healthier4me Posts: 357 Member
    Hope all RED TEAM are doing well. Since I don't want to let the motivation run right by me I did:

    1 hour on the dreaded treadmill
    45 minutes on the stationary bike
    20 minutes of upper body weight training
    30 minutes of stretching

    and I have taken in all my daily water:drinker: :drinker: :drinker:
    I'll try and do some more leg lunges tonite:mad: :mad:

    I am determined not to let any other team beat me in a challenge. Can you tell that I am motivated:tongue:

    Come on RED TEAM we can do it!!! Let's make those numbers disappear on our first weigh in:smile:
  • gingermoon
    gingermoon Posts: 239 Member
    Ok, I've done part of mine so far.

    I've also been breaking in a new 75cm stability ball I picked up this morning.

    Wow, great work there!
    Yes, you are highly motivated!! :bigsmile:

    Well, fair warning.... my weigh-in will be crap cause I'm retaining water out the ying yang! :grumble:
    The scale hasn't budged in 3 friggin' days!!!
    I'm going to pop couple of water pills tonight and see if that helps.

    Keep up the great work Red Team!! :heart:
  • berrypatchdesigns
    Wow, what a good challenge! I'll start on it as soon as I'm finished here. You are all doing GREAT today. Way to go! I think I might go to bed early tonight to keep from getting the late night munchies. I'll post my weight tomorrow morning. Don't fret gingermoon, you're not alone. I've been at the same weight for three days as well. We'll get there!
  • abetterme
    abetterme Posts: 393
    Good Afternoon Mommies,

    I did my 2 mile WATP dvd and now the kids are home from school and am helping with homework then it will be time to do chores so I will have to get the rest of my workout in later. I am hoping to do some walking at the school when I take the 8 yr old for pee wee wrestling.

    OH CRAP!!! I just realized I won't be home at 7:00pm for the start of the show tonight NOOOOOOO!!! Maybe I can come home early and talk hubby into going back and picking him up:tongue: I can't miss the Biggest Loser.

    Hope everyone has had a good day:flowerforyou:
  • MrsTomy
    MrsTomy Posts: 504 Member
    I'm in for the water challenge! And i'm planning on taking the 45 minute walk after dinner!