End of Summer Challenge



  • loveme445
    loveme445 Posts: 2,439 Member
    @MissKash-Good Job getting your workout done in the morning!
    @Dee-All that matters is that you do your best when it comes to these challenges. I sent you a PM with some ideas

    Results for today:
    I burned 1087 calories. I went walking this morning but didnt get any jogging done. So, I had to do my jogging/walking intervals this evening.
  • Hello challengers! Hope you are having a wonderful tuesday! I am so looking forward to todays challenge because I am soo tired. It has been very busy the past two days. I see light at the end of the tunnel. I still haven't come up with another challenge yet. I'm thinking about it.

    @loveme445 you burned some serious calories lady!! Woo-hoo!!
    @Dee i see that you Hung in there on burning those cals. Wtg!! Also, I like your post on lies. So true.
  • MochaMixAZ
    MochaMixAZ Posts: 844 Member
    Good Evening Challengers! We've almost made it!! Here is the rest of our schedule. Thanks to you both for keeping up and keeping on!

    Tuesday 9-20: Go to sleep one hour earlier than usual. (jengurule)

    Wednesday 9-21: Write down (and post if you’d like) FOUR reasons you are getting and staying healthy.

    Thursday 9-22: Get 25 grams of fiber (LoveMe445)

    Friday 9-23: Complete 15 minutes of stretching (loveme445)

    Saturday 9-24: Drink 80 oz. of water today (Miss Kash and LoveMe445)

    Sunday 9-25: Get moving – and stay moving for at least 50 consecutive minutes today. (MochaMixAz)

    Monday 9-26: Eat no fast food today OR Try a new exercise (loveme445)

    Tuesday 9-27: Try a new food or recipe today (loveme445)

    Wednesday 9-28: Stay under your sodium goal (and/or sugar goal) (loveme445/MochaMixAz)

    Thursday 9-29: Eat (not drink or in a supplement) 25 grams of fiber (jengurule)

    Friday 9-30: Post your results.
  • Ok challengers. Last night, I went to bed at 915 pm. It was great! I need to do that more often. Now, for today challenge. Reasons why I want to get healthy:

    1. To feel better
    2. To look better
    3. To live longer
    4. To have a better quality of life
  • loveme445
    loveme445 Posts: 2,439 Member
    Ok, I normally go to bed around 11 or 12. Last night, I went to bed about 10:30, which is a little better than normal.

    FOUR reasons why I am getting and staying healthy:

    1) To grow old with my husband
    2) Be here for my kids
    2) Live an active lifestyle to keep up with my boys
    3) To be happy with the way I look
  • MochaMixAZ
    MochaMixAZ Posts: 844 Member
    This was a good challenge for me today. It's been very busy and easy to make excuses lately.

    Four reasons why I am getting and staying healthy:
    1. To feel strong, not be out of breath, and be able to keep up with everyone important to me
    2. To avoid health complications, including but not limited to an early DEATH.
    3. To feel better in my clothes
    4. So my body matches and can support my confidence. Ha!
  • Hello challengers!! For today challenge, I have gotten in my 25 grams of fiber. I had two bowls of raisin bran crunch (8), 2 bananas (6), 2 plums (2), 1 cup of turnip greens with diced turnips (4), roasted potatoes(2) baby carrot (2), bread (2).
  • MochaMixAZ
    MochaMixAZ Posts: 844 Member
    Hello challengers!! For today challenge, I have gotten in my 25 grams of fiber. I had two bowls of raisin bran crunch (8), 2 bananas (6), 2 plums (2), 1 cup of turnip greens with diced turnips (4), roasted potatoes(2) baby carrot (2), bread (2).

    YOU ARE AWESOME!!!!!!!!
  • loveme445
    loveme445 Posts: 2,439 Member
    Great Job MissKash!!! :flowerforyou:

    I had 26g of fiber and it was hard today because I didnt feel like eating (very rare): orange (3), 2 slices of Whole Wheat Bread (3), Pop Chips (1), Multi-Grain Tortilla (5), Salad (2) and 3/4 cup of Dark Red Kidney Beans (12)
  • MochaMixAZ
    MochaMixAZ Posts: 844 Member
    I've been slacking!! How about you guys? I hope you have a better report!

    Saturday 9-24: Drink 80 oz. of water today (Miss Kash and LoveMe445)

    Sunday 9-25: Get moving – and stay moving for at least 50 consecutive minutes today. (MochaMixAz)

    Monday 9-26: Eat no fast food today OR Try a new exercise (loveme445)

    Saturday - I'm working on my 80 oz, and I'm up to 64. Such a good challenge, activity - I obviously need to drink more on a regular basis! I DO feel better!!!

    For tomorrow - I'm not sure what I'm going to do for 50 full minutes at one time. LOL It's likely going to be a walk in the morning before the heat gets going (It's going to be 107 tomorrow!).

    Hope you are well!
  • loveme445
    loveme445 Posts: 2,439 Member
    Results for the past couple of days:

    Friday 9-23: Complete 15 minutes of stretching (loveme445)
    ~No...took a rest day and forgot to stretch

    Saturday 9-24: Drink 80 oz. of water today (Miss Kash and LoveMe445)
    ~Only had 9 cups

    Sunday 9-25: Get moving – and stay moving for at least 50 consecutive minutes today. (MochaMixAz)
    ~I was close, Did 45 mins of walking
  • Ok challengers, I have been a major slacker for the past several days. The stretching and 50 min activity did not get done. I got in more than 80 oz of water on Sunday and today. Yet, I didn't do it on Saturday. Also, today I did not eat any fast food. My plan for tomorrow is 50 min activity plus 15 min stretch plus the actual challenge for tomorrow. I will check in tomorrow to let u know how it goes.
  • loveme445
    loveme445 Posts: 2,439 Member
    Results for Monday 9-26: Eat no fast food today OR Try a new exercise (loveme445)
    ~No fast food for me today

    I think Im going to try to make protein pancakes in the morning for the new recipe
  • loveme445
    loveme445 Posts: 2,439 Member
    Results for Tuesday 9-27: Try a new food or recipe today (loveme445)
    ~Well, I tried to make Protein Pancakes (found on an MFP thread) but it didnt work out. The pancakes got stuck to the pan and I didnt understand why. Then, I realized that I had put double the amount of greek yogurt and I added bananas. I will try this recipe again when I get more greek yogurt or cottage cheese (without the bananas)

    Here is the link for the recipe:
  • MochaMixAZ
    MochaMixAZ Posts: 844 Member
    Results for Tuesday 9-27: Try a new food or recipe today (loveme445)
    ~Well, I tried to make Protein Pancakes (found on an MFP thread) but it didnt work out. The pancakes got stuck to the pan and I didnt understand why. Then, I realized that I had put double the amount of greek yogurt and I added bananas. I will try this recipe again when I get more greek yogurt or cottage cheese (without the bananas)

    Here is the link for the recipe:

    You get extra extra points for trying!! Here's where I'm at:

    Monday 9-26: Eat no fast food today. I avoided fast food. Yay!

    Tuesday 9-27: Try a new food or recipe today. For dinner tonight, I'm going to try to make a new roasted tomato basil sauce to go on a whole wheat pasta.

    And looking ahead:::::::

    Wednesday 9-28: Stay under your sodium goal (and/or sugar goal) (loveme445/MochaMixAz)

    Thursday 9-29: Eat (not drink or in a supplement) 25 grams of fiber (jengurule)

    Friday 9-30: Post your results.
  • Ok challengers, I got in my 50 minute walk and did my stretching with the balance ball and on the floor. I also tried roasted garbanzo beans. They were ok, but I'm not a big fan.
  • Ok challengers, I have surprised myself by staying under sodium goal today, but I did it. I'm excited because I'm over on sodium quite a bit. Also, I am under on my carbs today.
  • loveme445
    loveme445 Posts: 2,439 Member
    Good Job Miss Kash!

    I was able to stay under sodium today
  • MochaMixAZ
    MochaMixAZ Posts: 844 Member
    Ok challengers, I have surprised myself by staying under sodium goal today, but I did it. I'm excited because I'm over on sodium quite a bit. Also, I am under on my carbs today.


    I was terrible at tracking my food yesterday, so I can't say where I fell on the sodium. BUT I am going to track ardently today!!! So here comes the fiber!
  • Happy Thursday challengers!! For the 25 grams of fiber, I had bread (2), cooked cabbage(5), Mexican corn bread (3), chicken tampico (1), granny smith apple (3), gala apple(5), 2 bananas (6). The day is not over, but goal met.