SAHMU Regroup (Closed Group)

Hi ladies,
I am so glad some of you have deided to stay with this great group. I want to get some ideas here before we move forward. Also I am thinking we need to change our group name partly because I will no longer be a stay at home mommie and also just to change it up a bit but if you all want to keep it the same that works too. So here are some of my ideas.

1. Keep the calorie burn sheet, I think it works great!

2. I will create a new weigh-in spreadsheet where you will put your actual weight in.

3. Have a challenge check in spreadsheet so it is easier to see what you have completed.

4. Create a measurement spreadsheet so we can track that because sometimes the scale isn't to kind.

If anyone has any comments or suggestions on my ideas please feel free to let me know.

Lets post our ideas here and come up with a new and exciting challenge to keep us all motivated!

** I was also thinking about doing some sort of monthly "check-in" or "out" so if there is some reason someone wants to leave the group it doesn't hurt there team, I haven't figured this one out yet.

Let's see how big our regroup is and then we will go from there in deciding Teams.
If any of you have some friends who would be dedicated and stick to the challenge feel free to invite them to join us.

I think we should take a week and get this together so we should try to get our official challenge started Wednesday the 21st, unless we can create and regroup sooner that works too. I need our group to keep me motivated so as soon as you all are ready, I am in!

Again I am so glad you are all here and want to keep going on this journey with me, you are all amazing and such an inspiration!



  • bella_babe_86
    bella_babe_86 Posts: 503 Member
    Im in whatever whenever! I couldnt have stayed on this without the encouragement and support for this group. I was thinking that we do something a tad bit more long term. Like maybe through christmas?? I know holidays are going to be tough on everyone and a group and challenge might make it a little easier. Or maybe something like "achieve your new years resolution BEFORE new years"? Im exhausted and not making a whole lot of sense, just had to jump on this one!
  • amyelizbradley
    amyelizbradley Posts: 379 Member
    Okay, I am admittedly excited that we are heading into a new challenge!! :bigsmile:

    A couple of thoughts before I have to go to bed...

    On the spreadsheets... could you create each spreadsheet as a tab within one spreadsheet/ document so that we only have one link to follow/ log onto?

    Love the idea of a measurement spreadsheet!

    Depending how many people are interested in the new team, I think part of each of our challenges should be to come up with a challenge each week for the following week (with each category rotating through each team member); also I think that there should be consistent categories for each week's challenge (i.e. nutrition, cardio, emotional, strength, etc.)

    I really like the idea of a deadline/ framework to work within to get this going; efficient organization is my favorite thing in the world (even though I am always not successful at it). Even with a start day of the 21st, I think we should have a specific day(s) for initial input & then final input prior to the start date so that when we start we will be somewhat "streamlined".

    New name would be fun!

    Monthly check in/out... could work but I think that there would have to be specific guidelines as to the process, similar to what you have set up with the SAHMU challenge. I like having a central document that outlines the rules/ parameters, etc.

    Would we limit the group size? Does size matter? (okay, had to type that) But truthfully, did you find a problem with the SAHMU group getting too big? Does that take away from the intimate support or is that accomplished do you think by teams?

    I apologize for being SO scattered but I am very tired :yawn: and off color at the moment but I really wanted to get back to you. Would love to hear your thoughts; you can always message me or I can even send you my ph. # if you'd rather talk. I'm up to help anyway that I am able!

    Thank you so very much for spear heading this and lending your talents to what has become a really great group!
  • renubhat_82
    renubhat_82 Posts: 549 Member

    I am in too, but my brain is not working at the moment.. so will post again
  • SunshineKB
    SunshineKB Posts: 177 Member
    Love the ideas! Here's a couple of ideas I had for a new name possibility:

    Mommies in Motion

    Motivated Mommies
  • sisa2324
    sisa2324 Posts: 164 Member
    Love all of your ideas, Karie. Thanks for all your hard work. Regarding group size....It would be great if we were all on the same forum (One group page would make it easier for us to motivate one another.), OR if our groups were a little bigger, to help to keep the group forum pages a little livelier.
  • sisa2324
    sisa2324 Posts: 164 Member
    One more idea....eliminating the team aspect might make everything easier. The teams were put in to motivate, but if we were in one big group MAYBE it would be just as motivating. It would eliminate the problem of people dropping out or of team captains not getting everyone's point tallys and weights. I don't know how everyone else will receive this idea....but just a thought.
  • losinit_4_good
    losinit_4_good Posts: 731 Member
    I'm so exicted! I love reading te enthusiasm that you ladies all have ot continue! this group is so motivavting!

    I'd like to weigh in on the "team/no team" conversation. The thing that I really liked about the team aspect was the initmacy. And it led to feeling like I wasn't alone in this, more so then how I wuld have felt if it was an individual challenge. I swear there were days when the ONLY reason I completed my workout challenges was because I ddin't want to let Green down. I know that if it had jsut been me, I would been more likely to skip. So in that respect, I wanna keep teams. Altho, smaller teams would be ok.

    On the other hand, I like the idea that without teams we'd have more chatter on the main boards. I know personally, I'm no longer at stay at home mommt, so my time is limited and i generrally posted more on my team board then the main thread. which in turn means I did not get to know some of the other girls as mcuh as i would have liked.

    so what am I saying? am I pro team or pro no-team...

    I think I'm all for keeping the teams, but putting less emphasis on them. I know that it will help myeslf (and I'm willing ot bet a few others) if there is that feelign of direct accountabilty when it comes to challenges, but for opening up the conversation more on the main thread. OH! as I'm typing that I had an idea! What if we "buddied up"? We have one main thread, but we each get partnered with a specific buddy that we can converse with vis private message? So it's still an "individual challenge" but you have a person you can turn to for when you need that boost.

    What are the groups thoughts on a buddy system?

  • NewLife_11
    NewLife_11 Posts: 964 Member
    Thank you all for you ideas, they are great!

    Lynda- I think a buddy system could work, I like that.
    On the other hand I also like bigger teams, maybe 10 per team.
    I think we should see how many people we get to continue.

    Lets chat some more about this and we will see what everyone thinks.

    I love all your ideas, keep them coming!
  • LoveNevrNds
    LoveNevrNds Posts: 321 Member
    I am totally in! SOOOOO excited! As for the teams, I think we should keep them but make them bigger, maybe 10 members per team instead of five. What are your thoughts?
  • circusmom
    circusmom Posts: 662 Member
    I'm in!! I don't have any idea's to add, I like everything that everyone else has posted.
    I have soooo much going on right now, I can't think straight!!
    I think I'll share my brain overload later I just don't have time to type it all out right now.

    Oh wait I do have something to add, if we keep the teams it might be nice to mix up the members so we get to know new people....
  • ♥Amy♥
    ♥Amy♥ Posts: 714 Member
    I'd love to join too. I don't currently take measurements, but I guess I could start if I need to.

    As for the teams vs. no teams, I have conflicting thoughts on it. I'd like to have no teams so that way everyone can just motivate each other, but then having a team kinda pushes me harder because I don't want to let them down. The frustrating thing about the teams are that people kinda go MIA and you don't know if they have dropped out or are just not logging or what and it kinda kills the motivation factor.
  • bella_babe_86
    bella_babe_86 Posts: 503 Member
    I think we should keep the teams, maybe make them bigger if we can get enough people, alot of the fun in having teams is it brings out everyones competitive side and keeps you motivated. Knowing that I need to get the challenges done so that my team might get the most points or have the biggest loss for the week really got me into it. And I really like the "Mommies in motion" for a group name it fits, since alot of us arent stay at home mommies anymore.
  • natijade
    natijade Posts: 146 Member
    Hiya, I would deffo like to carry on. I love all the ideas and deffo agree with the idea of bigger teams, I think 10 would be a good number to try with! :-)
  • babydbones
    babydbones Posts: 135 Member
    I'm in, however, do not care to share my measurements publicly.
  • RedheadHen
    RedheadHen Posts: 249 Member
    I'm in! I'm on the fence about teams. As I have seen people just disappear from teams never to be heard from again! :( Although I do like the smaller teams because you got to know the other team mates. Sometimes I think posts get lost on a large thread. A buddy system sounds cool too. But that would totally depend on how large of a continuing group we get. I also think we could recycle some of our past challenges! I already take measurements .. so that's no biggie for me. I also really like Mommies in Motion as a new name!
  • poesch77
    poesch77 Posts: 1,005 Member
    I have to say the partner team idea would keep me on....having teams is kinda hard to keep track of everyone! And the one spreadsheet idea is a great one...flipping back and forth can get tidious! Measurements....awesome! Since obviously the scale is not my friend but the tape measurer is! I have been slacking lately and need some kinda push!!
  • daisyelaine
    daisyelaine Posts: 480 Member
    Oh, to team or not to team.... :tongue: I'm not really sure where I am with this either. I really like the intimacy of the smaller teams, and the challenges that that competitive bit brings, but I know that I'm often re-posting the same thing on both threads, and while I want to be original with each post.. well, we all know that being a mom means limited time and brain span!! Our team has had a decent amount of turnover too, so maybe I'm just dealing with that aspect.

    Oy. That probably didn't help much...
  • Tayla_Grant
    Tayla_Grant Posts: 119 Member
    I would love to "Start Over"... I need new motivation and have beek wicked MIA this week. SORRY PINK TEAM! Let's regroup and start again!
  • renubhat_82
    renubhat_82 Posts: 549 Member
    I like the idea of buddy too and I think having teams keeps us more motivated since we are accountable to the team.. Buddy system- does it mean that our buddies changes every week or something like that?

    I excited as always on this new challenge.. Also, i agree on the measurement idea, i guess most of us need to keep track of it when our scales are not moving and feel bad that we haven't lost any weight for many weeks.. but yes measurements will show up..

  • LoveNevrNds
    LoveNevrNds Posts: 321 Member
    I agree that we should do measurements. I had only lost 3lbs in 2.5 weeks and I was getting really down, then I did measurements and found out I lost 9 inches. I felt SOOO much better after that!