SAHMU Regroup (Closed Group)



  • SunshineKB
    SunshineKB Posts: 177 Member
    Awesome, I'm glad y'all like it! I will resize it so it can be used as a signature type thing on here and link it for you ladies! I'm excited to keep this thing going. It's definitely helping. I also can't wait to find out the final number of pounds lost with the SAHMU challenge!!!
  • momof2_0710
    momof2_0710 Posts: 179 Member
    Hi Ladies,

    Well I just wanted to share with you my before and after pix of JM"s 30DS. Here is the link to my post.
  • daisyelaine
    daisyelaine Posts: 480 Member
    Hey guys,
    Hope this week is finding us all doing well-- taking some mental time to reboot can be a huge relief! I know I've moved some calorie things around for me ( after doing a bit of Jillian Michaels reading, and some math..) and am already starting to feel better than I was. I'm hoping to get out for a walk with the kids with the trailer later too-- it's been getting a little chilly lately, and the wind has been downright brutal. Of course, it goes down.. at bedtime!!:grumble: One of the benefits of living out in the country on the prairies-- the wind has a whole field to go over and pick up on before it gets to you!! At least I know I've got resistance.. :laugh:
    Other than that.. not too much here. I'm HOPING to have a quiet weekend with my hubby home, but that never seems to happen any other time.. and we're in the throws of potty training-- after working on it mostly successfully for a while, Emma is FINALLY getting the "come tell me" part down instead of me just taking her. Whooooooo!!!

    Ahh, the little successes.. :)
  • circusmom
    circusmom Posts: 662 Member
    Hey guys,
    Hope this week is finding us all doing well-- taking some mental time to reboot can be a huge relief! I know I've moved some calorie things around for me ( after doing a bit of Jillian Michaels reading, and some math..) and am already starting to feel better than I was. I'm hoping to get out for a walk with the kids with the trailer later too-- it's been getting a little chilly lately, and the wind has been downright brutal. Of course, it goes down.. at bedtime!!:grumble: One of the benefits of living out in the country on the prairies-- the wind has a whole field to go over and pick up on before it gets to you!! At least I know I've got resistance.. :laugh:
    Other than that.. not too much here. I'm HOPING to have a quiet weekend with my hubby home, but that never seems to happen any other time.. and we're in the throws of potty training-- after working on it mostly successfully for a while, Emma is FINALLY getting the "come tell me" part down instead of me just taking her. Whooooooo!!!

    Ahh, the little successes.. :)

    You can send some of that cooler weather down here, it's still in the low 90's here. We have passes to Busch Gardens, but haven't used them since early June because of the heat. Honestly, don't expect any nice weather for atleast a month or so.
  • bella_babe_86
    bella_babe_86 Posts: 503 Member
    Hi Ladies,

    Well I just wanted to share with you my before and after pix of JM"s 30DS. Here is the link to my post.

    Awesome pics! You look amazing!!! Good job!
  • bella_babe_86
    bella_babe_86 Posts: 503 Member
    Kinda enjoying not having to work out SO much to meet a goal that I made! But Im still working out hard and enjoying every minute of it. Took a walk with my little man today since its quite a bit cooler then it has been. I did not work out yesterday because I was recovering from a migraine, checked the scales today and didnt have a relapse...I actually lost a little bit more! Maybe that means my body is finally adjusting and not wanting to immediately rebound! Hope y'all are enjoying your week!
  • LoveNevrNds
    LoveNevrNds Posts: 321 Member
    Hi Ladies,

    Well I just wanted to share with you my before and after pix of JM"s 30DS. Here is the link to my post.

    Great pictures!! You are doing awesome!
  • momof2_0710
    momof2_0710 Posts: 179 Member
    Thanks guys!
  • megcc
    megcc Posts: 94 Member
    Getting excited about starting this challenge! Love the siggy pic and the idea of the phoenix.
  • ♥Amy♥
    ♥Amy♥ Posts: 714 Member
    I just posted a long comment, but our laptop decided to delete it.

    Anyways, I just wanted to say Hi and sorry for not logging in/commenting more. I do a lot of my logging from my iPhone, which I can't access the forums on. But sometimes it's just too much of a pain to log onto the computer because then my boys suddenly seem to need something, LOL. Anyways, I will get better about it during the challenge, though.

    Does anyone know, does the challenge start tomorrow or on Wednesday? I just wanted to make sure that I don't miss anything.
  • daisyelaine
    daisyelaine Posts: 480 Member
    I *think* wednesday, -- that way our weigh in day is the same as before, and we're using the full week this week to get our heads on straight.. :)
  • ♥Amy♥
    ♥Amy♥ Posts: 714 Member
    I *think* wednesday, -- that way our weigh in day is the same as before, and we're using the full week this week to get our heads on straight.. :)

    Thanks :)
  • NewLife_11
    NewLife_11 Posts: 964 Member
    Hi ladies,
    Sorry for my absence, it has been a hectic week, I am really glad it was our "rest" week. Tomorrow I will be on and I will try to get some things organized for the group to start Wednesday.
    My sister is going through a seperation and stayed with me for a few days so I became her counsler and babysitter..that took a toll on my focus for sure and then my sisters and I went on our trip to Colorado Springs and we ate out every meal so that was a tough one too but I am ready to get back on track even though I believe I have gained this week but I know in this process this will happen sometimes, I am just going to pick myself up and dust myself off and give it another go.

    Talk to you all tomorrow,
  • losinit_4_good
    losinit_4_good Posts: 731 Member
    I'm on day two of a 7 day clease. So far I feel no difference but I hope to see/feel some good results. The hardest part so far has been eating mor than I normally would. When I spoke to my doc and told her my plan she told me to make sure I am up calorie intake so that I don't make my self sick (and the instructions in the cleanse were very specific on this point as well). So I'm adjusting my calorie intake goal for the week to higher than usual but I'm making sure that the choices I make are healthy ones... hence the oatmeal for breakfast. Seriously, one of my least faveoritte things in the world. For one week tho, I can force it down.

    Hope everyone had a wonderful weekend. I spent it with family and friends and reading the first 2 books of the Hunger Games trilogy. So good! I hated to put them down I only have like 25 pages to go on the 2nd book but I left it at home otherwise I knew I'd be too distracted to work. lol!

    Happy Monday everyone!
  • daisyelaine
    daisyelaine Posts: 480 Member
    Good morning all.. Hope you all are feeling better than I am today. Stayed up in to the wee hours of the morning having a very frank discussion with my hubby-- are dealing with some serious marital issues, ( I discovered last night he was having facebook sex with one of his old high school female contacts)which is only ONE of the issues. And, I've heard his side of it so many times that I can practically recite it. I just.. I'm at a loss. We are working to make this better, and he has promised that he's going to get some therapy ( which he has NEVER done before..) so I'm going to see how it all plays out anyway. Top it all off with the fact that he's off again today for the next 11 days ( he's working 3 provinces away) and is only home every other weekend , and it's pretty easy to see how things that need to get resolved and dealt with get pushed off and ignored for another 2 weeks... Ugh.
    BUT-- while he's gone, I can make myself the best and strongest person I can be. Things get back in to routine, and I too can put off having that in the front of my brain ALL the time. The plan is to go for a nice long walk today, and not let myself get sucked down by this more than I already am. I can't do anything about it, and I'm not going to give it more power than the situation already has.
    I'm just.. yeah. I'm thankful for all of the support of all of you.. it means more than you know.
  • daisyelaine
    daisyelaine Posts: 480 Member
    I'm on day two of a 7 day clease. So far I feel no difference but I hope to see/feel some good results. The hardest part so far has been eating mor than I normally would. When I spoke to my doc and told her my plan she told me to make sure I am up calorie intake so that I don't make my self sick (and the instructions in the cleanse were very specific on this point as well). So I'm adjusting my calorie intake goal for the week to higher than usual but I'm making sure that the choices I make are healthy ones... hence the oatmeal for breakfast. Seriously, one of my least faveoritte things in the world. For one week tho, I can force it down.

    Hope everyone had a wonderful weekend. I spent it with family and friends and reading the first 2 books of the Hunger Games trilogy. So good! I hated to put them down I only have like 25 pages to go on the 2nd book but I left it at home otherwise I knew I'd be too distracted to work. lol!

    Happy Monday everyone!

    Happy Monday, love! I'm curious about this Hunger Games trilogy.. although, not that I have time .. or can stay awake once I sit down to read what I'm already on!! Lol..
    Hoping the cleanse does good things for you-- I have the same opinion of some of the people that posted to your forum topic about them, but if you feel it works for you, than all the power to ya. Either way, learning to eat things like oatmeal is good for you!! Lol..
  • daisyelaine
    daisyelaine Posts: 480 Member
    Hi ladies,
    Sorry for my absence, it has been a hectic week, I am really glad it was our "rest" week. Tomorrow I will be on and I will try to get some things organized for the group to start Wednesday.
    My sister is going through a seperation and stayed with me for a few days so I became her counsler and babysitter..that took a toll on my focus for sure and then my sisters and I went on our trip to Colorado Springs and we ate out every meal so that was a tough one too but I am ready to get back on track even though I believe I have gained this week but I know in this process this will happen sometimes, I am just going to pick myself up and dust myself off and give it another go.

    Talk to you all tomorrow,
    Don't apologize-- you had huge stuff going on!! And part of a lifestyle change is that you deal with ups and downs-- it's not always going to be perfect, especially in situations that you can't really control. The important thing is that you're continuing on!!

  • NewLife_11
    NewLife_11 Posts: 964 Member
    Good morning all.. Hope you all are feeling better than I am today. Stayed up in to the wee hours of the morning having a very frank discussion with my hubby-- are dealing with some serious marital issues, ( I discovered last night he was having facebook sex with one of his old high school female contacts)which is only ONE of the issues. And, I've heard his side of it so many times that I can practically recite it. I just.. I'm at a loss. We are working to make this better, and he has promised that he's going to get some therapy ( which he has NEVER done before..) so I'm going to see how it all plays out anyway. Top it all off with the fact that he's off again today for the next 11 days ( he's working 3 provinces away) and is only home every other weekend , and it's pretty easy to see how things that need to get resolved and dealt with get pushed off and ignored for another 2 weeks... Ugh.
    BUT-- while he's gone, I can make myself the best and strongest person I can be. Things get back in to routine, and I too can put off having that in the front of my brain ALL the time. The plan is to go for a nice long walk today, and not let myself get sucked down by this more than I already am. I can't do anything about it, and I'm not going to give it more power than the situation already has.
    I'm just.. yeah. I'm thankful for all of the support of all of you.. it means more than you know.

    I am so sorry you are going through this. Having maritial issues makes it hard to focus on yourself, i can relate. My Husband is a binge drinker and we are now looking into support groups and possible rehab for him. Life is hard sometimes but it seems you are still staying focused on yourself and becoming the best you and that is amazing!
    Your Husband works away and you only see him on the weekends? That must be tuff. you are pretty much a single mom then? You are one strong lady and you deserve good things. Whatever choice you make in the situation, I hope you get through this and stay focused. Getting to know you through here I can tell you are one determined lady so I am sure you will.
    I hope you have a better day,
  • losinit_4_good
    losinit_4_good Posts: 731 Member
    Happy Monday, love! I'm curious about this Hunger Games trilogy.. although, not that I have time .. or can stay awake once I sit down to read what I'm already on!! Lol..
    Hoping the cleanse does good things for you-- I have the same opinion of some of the people that posted to your forum topic about them, but if you feel it works for you, than all the power to ya. Either way, learning to eat things like oatmeal is good for you!! Lol..

    Yeah, I am a little skeptical of the cleanse myself but I'm doing it mainly to help regulate some BM issues I've been having. If I lose any weight than that is an added bonus but it's more about putting myself on a better track for digestive health. If nothing else it forces me to eat more fibre and then I can continue on with that when I'm done.

    I highly reccomend the Hunger Games. A few of my friends have been bugging me to read them for awhile but finally one of my girlfriends literally put them in my hands and said "read this!". So good! I'm a big reader and try to make time for it as often as possible. Of course, my son saw me reading so he kept bringing over his book (Hop on Pop) and saying "Op Op?" so sweetly. So it was a book heavy weekend in our house. Makes me so happy to see my boy (14 months old) already into books!

    I'm sorry to hear about the tough times you are facing. I can't even imagine what you must be feeling. Please know that we are all here for you and if you ever need to vent or anything, this is a safe place with loving and sympathetic shoulders to lean on :flowerforyou:
  • momof2_0710
    momof2_0710 Posts: 179 Member
    Good morning all.. Hope you all are feeling better than I am today. Stayed up in to the wee hours of the morning having a very frank discussion with my hubby-- are dealing with some serious marital issues, ( I discovered last night he was having facebook sex with one of his old high school female contacts)which is only ONE of the issues. And, I've heard his side of it so many times that I can practically recite it. I just.. I'm at a loss. We are working to make this better, and he has promised that he's going to get some therapy ( which he has NEVER done before..) so I'm going to see how it all plays out anyway. Top it all off with the fact that he's off again today for the next 11 days ( he's working 3 provinces away) and is only home every other weekend , and it's pretty easy to see how things that need to get resolved and dealt with get pushed off and ignored for another 2 weeks... Ugh.
    BUT-- while he's gone, I can make myself the best and strongest person I can be. Things get back in to routine, and I too can put off having that in the front of my brain ALL the time. The plan is to go for a nice long walk today, and not let myself get sucked down by this more than I already am. I can't do anything about it, and I'm not going to give it more power than the situation already has.
    I'm just.. yeah. I'm thankful for all of the support of all of you.. it means more than you know.

    Aww I'm sorry you are going through this. Just know you have us here for support. I just dont understand why some females are so scandalous! They know damn well that a man is married and yet they still do things to sabatoge a marriage! Ugh can't stand B*TCHES like that... Sorry I had to rant about that. Well anyway like I said I'm here for you when you need me!