Waste of calories



  • Tammyinbali
    Tammyinbali Posts: 56 Member
    I don't deny myself anything, but use portion control & limit the 'naughty' stuff to treats rather than the norm. I cut back my coffee (3+1 instant coffee) from about 10-12 cups a day to 2 or 3 cups (and other than that I only drink green tea with tropicana slim sugar substitute now). Also limit my rice intake. I live in Asia so eating LOADS of rice(4-6 cups a day) is pretty standard, but I now only have 1 or 2 cups a week. It's been fun finding healthy options to experiment with...so I look at it as adding alot of new choices to my diet rather than eliminating anything :)
  • Sul3i
    Sul3i Posts: 553 Member
    Soda, sugary drinks, & most breads.

    Don't drink your calories.

    i also do not drink my cals... id rather just drink water :) save my cals for my food
  • melanie3103
    melanie3103 Posts: 246 Member
    This is a great post. And yeah it's funny how you start looking at your intake in a different way.

    I am the same with bread - now I have just 1 pc of toast for bfast (unless really hungry - I used to ALWAYS have 2 pcs).

    Lattes - I like a latte, always had skimmed though, but I'm happier saving those calories for a real treat, rather than "just a coffee". :-)

    I find that I don't just slop the milk on my cereal, I'm careful to only put on what I want.

    And I find with snacks, I ask myself "do I really want that treat" -aka "do I really want to spend those calories on that"...

    So all good I think.... :)
  • melanie3103
    melanie3103 Posts: 246 Member
    Oh and also alcohol. Having cut back on "a glass of wine with dinner" - I find myself asking if I REALLY want it, or if I'd feel better saving my alcohol for the weekend. And that;s what I do now, Mon-fri.

  • ackeebee
    ackeebee Posts: 1,042 Member
    i have given up juices/drinks. i think its such a waste of calories. i tend to have tea with my meals now. instead of having some juice, i would rather eat a piece of cake :-)
  • Gail3260
    Gail3260 Posts: 354 Member
    Wine mostly.....I was having about 7 or 8 glasses a week and now I'm down to 2. I drinl fizzy water out of a wine glass instead.
  • Pancake86
    Eating peanut butter out the tub lol Ohh i miss them days hehe
  • Sezmo83
    Sezmo83 Posts: 331 Member
    I've not completely cut anything out but soft drinks are now an occasional treat, not something I drink all the time.
  • christenoel
    I have given up dariy and switched to almond milk and soy creamer. No cheese or butter. Tofu sour cream tastes just like regular. This has helped my skin improve along with the weight come off. I have also cut all bread and I notice when I do cheat and eat some I totally ruin my week of weight loss. The hardest for me is cake. I love buttercream frosting... which explains why I am here in the first place.
  • blonde20fan
    blonde20fan Posts: 233 Member
    I gave up my daily sweet habit. I used to eat some sort of candy every night. I also avoid all fried high fat foods and white flour. I still have treats in moderation.
  • nattiepeach
    nattiepeach Posts: 40 Member
    I changed my 94 calorie tea with full cream milk and 2 sugars to +-23 calories with fat free milk and sweetener. Also salad dressing, chocolate and chips (I switched to a light popcorn - 56 cals a bag, when I have the craving) and other extras. Its all the little things you add to your meals that pile up the unnecessary calories.
  • rlysrh
    rlysrh Posts: 244
    Milk in my coffee. Because I have a lot of milk in my coffee so I worked out it'd be like 50 calories per cup. And I'd have 3 or 4 cups per day. I realised I'd rather eat an extra 200 calories than drink it so I drink it black now. (:
  • asyouseefit
    asyouseefit Posts: 1,265 Member
    Fruit juice. Useless! I prefer to have a piece of fruit instead to get all the vitamins and fiber.
  • stuffinmuffin
    stuffinmuffin Posts: 985 Member
    Great post!!!! McCoy's crisps definitely, the calories in them do not justify eating them, though out and about they would of been my crisp of choice....
    Um what else, never really drank soda drinks but enjoy my diet coke now as it curbs my sweet tooth for minimal calories. Hard cheese is kind of off the menu, cooking oils.....I use Fry-Light. Butter - I just can't justify smearing 70+ calories of Lurpak over my bread and now just make sure the bread is fresh and go straight for the topping!
    I did abstain from pasta for a long time on MFP but now have reintroduced it and happily have some wholewheat pasta 4 days a week. : )

    And one I've really leant is that I'm not that mad about eating meat. I'll never be a veggie, but I have a lot of vegetarian meals nowadays. xx
  • scottlikescake
    I don't drink regular fizzy drinks any more, only drinks with a maximum of 10 calories and 2g of sugar.
  • Vhovell
    Vhovell Posts: 286
    Toad in the hole *cry* oh how i miss thee...was going to have it one night, pre inputtted it in and changed my mind within 10 seconds of seeing the fat content!
  • Mairgheal
    Mairgheal Posts: 385 Member
    I haven't really given up on anything, but I have changed my ways in that I would now buy a normal sized packet of ie. M&Ms, rather than the family pack (duh! what was I thinking anyway?)
  • mowu
    mowu Posts: 245 Member
    I don't think I have any foods I consider a waste of calories - but I've become very much aware of how energy dense different types of food are and adjust how much/how often I eat/drink them accordingly:

    I watch my intake of the following very closely (and have reduced my intake but still have them):

    - Fat (oil, butter, deep fried stuff)
    - Candy
    - Soda and beer
    - Pasta, rice, bread and potatoes
  • CARNAT22
    CARNAT22 Posts: 764 Member
    Great post!!!! McCoy's crisps definitely, the calories in them do not justify eating them, though out and about they would of been my crisp of choice....
    Um what else, never really drank soda drinks but enjoy my diet coke now as it curbs my sweet tooth for minimal calories. Hard cheese is kind of off the menu, cooking oils.....I use Fry-Light. Butter - I just can't justify smearing 70+ calories of Lurpak over my bread and now just make sure the bread is fresh and go straight for the topping!
    I did abstain from pasta for a long time on MFP but now have reintroduced it and happily have some wholewheat pasta 4 days a week. : )

    And one I've really leant is that I'm not that mad about eating meat. I'll never be a veggie, but I have a lot of vegetarian meals nowadays. xx

    You were actually my inspiration for this thread - I saw you mention McCoys LOL!

    Pasta is another thing I have vastly moderated, if I didn't weigh it I could easily eat 3x the amount I actually need. I also try to use new potatoes as a sub in lots of my meals that would normally have pasta / rice (meatballs and new pot's may sound liek a bizarre combo but it tastes great!)

    I rarely have pizza any more {we never ate much fast food but I just used to get a 'shop bought pizza' once a week}. Now if we have pizza I have just a slice or two.
  • happy_jax
    happy_jax Posts: 289 Member

    "Once you pop you can't stop" is not just a marketing slogan...it's the truth. Much safer not to "pop" in the first place!! :laugh: I actually get very cross at my other half if he buys any "naughty" snacks at all now, sweet or savoury.