Team Jungle Jewels (Tribal Sept) - Week 3 (CLOSED GROUP)



  • PandaFit450
    PandaFit450 Posts: 626 Member
    Week 3 - Day 2

    Tabata - done
    3 sets of 15 Swimmer’s Presses, 3 sets of 21’s, 3 sets of 15 Dumbbell Chest Fly’s, 3 Sets of 15 Lawnmowers, 3 sets of Tricep Kickbacks, 3 sets of 15 Woodchops, 30 Pushups - done
    Water - over
    Calories - under
    Mini Challenge - 20 done

    A good day!
  • jaeone
    jaeone Posts: 649 Member
    Day 2 -
    4 min. Tabata 3 sets of 15 Swimmer’s Presses, 3 sets of 21’s, 3 sets of 15 Dumbbell Chest Fly’s, 3 Sets of 15 Lawnmowers, 3 sets of Tricep Kickbacks, 3 sets of 15 Woodchops, 30 Pushups modified. Complete

    Mini challenge 50 crunches done

    Water over
    Cals under
  • DavyRockhit
    Yesterday and today done, stuck with pygmy just for these two days and will go back to bushman tomorrow. I had a terrible headache for a few days due to a concussion from hitting my head at derby practice LOL the pain I will take for the love of my sport. Anyways... still frusterated about the scale but doing what I gotta do and YES I have noticed that I am stronger and have more endurance on some of the really hard challenges... water over and calories under for both days
  • ruelman83
    ruelman83 Posts: 97 Member
    calories under, water over

    4 sets swimmers press, 4 sets woodchop, 4 sets lawnmower, 4 sets 21s, 200 crunches, 3 mile brisk walk
  • littlemount
    Week 3/ Day 2- 2 sets swimmer press, 2 sets lawn movers, 2 sets- wood chops, 2 sets of 21's
    2mile brisk walk
    100 crunches
    water - done
    under calories- done.
  • LolasEpicJourney
    LolasEpicJourney Posts: 1,010 Member
    BUSHMEN SERIES (Advanced) -
    3 sets of 15 Swimmer’s Presses
    3 sets of 21’s
    3 sets of 15 Dumbbell Chest Fly’s
    3 Sets of 15 Lawnmowers
    3 sets of Tricep Kickbacks
    3 sets of 15 Woodchops
    30 Pushups (modified if needed)

    4 mile walk - done
    under cals
    over water (and still thirsty)
    20 more high/lows done
  • trimom63
    trimom63 Posts: 351 Member
    Week 3/ Day 2- 2 sets swimmer press, 2 sets lawn movers, 2 sets- wood chops, 2 sets of 21's
    2mile brisk walk
    100 crunches
    water - done
    under calories- done.

    Great day, Renu!!! A little stronger every day!! So proud of you!!
  • trimom63
    trimom63 Posts: 351 Member
    BUSHMEN SERIES (Advanced) -
    3 sets of 15 Swimmer’s Presses
    3 sets of 21’s
    3 sets of 15 Dumbbell Chest Fly’s
    3 Sets of 15 Lawnmowers
    3 sets of Tricep Kickbacks
    3 sets of 15 Woodchops
    30 Pushups (modified if needed)

    4 mile walk - done
    under cals
    over water (and still thirsty)
    20 more high/lows done

    You're ROCKIN' it!!! Absolutely fantastic despite your busy schedule, you make time for you AND us!! ;)
  • trimom63
    trimom63 Posts: 351 Member
    calories under, water over

    4 sets swimmers press, 4 sets woodchop, 4 sets lawnmower, 4 sets 21s, 200 crunches, 3 mile brisk walk

    Fabulous, Randi!! You're SO busy, yet still make the time...perfect!!
  • trimom63
    trimom63 Posts: 351 Member
    Day 2 -
    4 min. Tabata 3 sets of 15 Swimmer’s Presses, 3 sets of 21’s, 3 sets of 15 Dumbbell Chest Fly’s, 3 Sets of 15 Lawnmowers, 3 sets of Tricep Kickbacks, 3 sets of 15 Woodchops, 30 Pushups modified. Complete

    Mini challenge 50 crunches done

    Water over
    Cals under impress me!!! You just push right on through!!!
  • trimom63
    trimom63 Posts: 351 Member
    Yesterday and today done, stuck with pygmy just for these two days and will go back to bushman tomorrow. I had a terrible headache for a few days due to a concussion from hitting my head at derby practice LOL the pain I will take for the love of my sport. Anyways... still frusterated about the scale but doing what I gotta do and YES I have noticed that I am stronger and have more endurance on some of the really hard challenges... water over and calories under for both days

    Oh my gosh!! Be careful with that "noggin" of yours!! You're awesome for keeping up with all this!!
  • trimom63
    trimom63 Posts: 351 Member
    Week 3 - Day 2

    Tabata - done
    3 sets of 15 Swimmer’s Presses, 3 sets of 21’s, 3 sets of 15 Dumbbell Chest Fly’s, 3 Sets of 15 Lawnmowers, 3 sets of Tricep Kickbacks, 3 sets of 15 Woodchops, 30 Pushups - done
    Water - over
    Calories - under
    Mini Challenge - 20 done

    A good day!

    You're my hero!!! Oh, to keep up with energizer bunny of tabata!! :tongue:
  • trimom63
    trimom63 Posts: 351 Member
    Oh my just have to look at my face one more time tonight!! ;)

    Great day today

    Cals...under back teeth are floating!!

    Great job continue to impress me and make this team thing SO easy!!
  • QueenFe
    QueenFe Posts: 81 Member
    BUSHMEN SERIES (Advanced) -
    3 sets of 15 Swimmer’s Presses
    3 sets of 21’s
    3 sets of 15 Dumbbell Chest Fly’s
    3 Sets of 15 Lawnmowers
    3 sets of Tricep Kickbacks
    3 sets of 15 Woodchops
    30 Pushups (modified if needed)

    Under Calories - Done
    64 oz. water - Done
    1 hour of Kickboxing :-)
  • LolasEpicJourney
    LolasEpicJourney Posts: 1,010 Member
    You're ROCKIN' it!!! Absolutely fantastic despite your busy schedule, you make time for you AND us!! ;)

    Oh believe you me - it is QUITE the struggle sometimes. Today I had to push myself hard to get going. I am really enjoying my long walks though - I just wish I had more time for even LONGER walks! (yea you heard me:) )
  • Monica_has_a_goal
    Monica_has_a_goal Posts: 694 Member
    Hi Ladies!
    I'm not MIA, I'm just back at work and it's been very taxing so I'm trying to keep up but I'm sorry I haven't been visible for a while.. Will see you when things get a little back to "normal".


    Pygmy Tribal Week 3/Day 2
    64oz H2O & Under Cals
    30 swimmer presses
    30 wood chops
    30 21’s
    30 lawnmowers
    100 Crunch Challenge
    2 miles walk 45 min
  • PandaFit450
    PandaFit450 Posts: 626 Member
    WEEK 3 - DAY 3


    Another fab-u-lous day yesterday. You ladies are AWESOME :drinker: Have you tried the mini-challenge yet? Looks easy I know!

    How are you feeling? Today is the half-way point for the month's challenge!!! Wow! Aren't you amazed at what you've achieved in such a short time? You should be EXTREMELY proud of yourselves and each other! :blushing:

    So, today’s challenge are:

    PYGMY TRIBE - 10 Globe Jumps, 10 Burpees, 25 Toe Touches, 25 Squat Kicks, 2 mile walk, jog, run
    AND Week Three Weekly Team Challenge -Same water and calories challenge plus 500 crunches/sit ups for the entire week! No groaning you can do this! Make sure you perform abdominal stretches after the crunches. They are key to a quick painless recovery. You can do the crunches anyway you want 100 a day, 50 in the a.m. 50 at night or all 500 in one day. Its up to you!

    OR BUSHMEN SERIES (Advanced) - 50 Toe Touches, 50 Crunches, 50 Windshield Wipers, 50 Kick Squats (don’t pop those knee joints), 50 Globe jumps (each jump up counts as one), 50 Lunges (25 each leg)
    AND Week Three Weekly Team Challenge - Same water and calories challenge plus walk, run, jog 5 miles this week all at once. No break, No stopping!

    Raise your spears Jewels - let's go get them!!
  • PandaFit450
    PandaFit450 Posts: 626 Member
    WEEK 3 - DAY 3

    Tabata - done
    350 Toe Touches, 50 Crunches, 50 Windshield Wipers, 50 Kick Squats (don’t pop those knee joints), 50 Globe jumps (each jump up counts as one), 50 Lunges (25 each leg) - done
    Under cals - done
    Water - done

    Mini challenge - 40 completed in total

    Come on!!!
  • trimom63
    trimom63 Posts: 351 Member
    A collective "atta girl!" to you all! My.home internet is down till Friday and my phone is just too. hard to post individual praise! ha! Highly sick today, so I'm a piker on exercise...I promise I'll make it up! Calories are WAYYY under...water is WAYYY over though! Have a great night and hopefully I'll see you I'm the morning!
  • littlemount
    Week 3/ Day 2
    10 globe jumps. 10 burpees
    25 squat kicks, 25 toe touches
    50 crunches.

    2 mile brisk walk
    Water- done, under calories done.