

  • Michelle_M2002
    Michelle_M2002 Posts: 301 Member
    I tell myself that I'm a strong woman, that if I could survive labor, then the workout won't kill me. :tongue:

    So ture!! I forgot that I've used that one before "If I can get through labor without an epidural, I can get through this!" LOL Yup!!!

    I also think about my goal body.

    And since I love to eat.. I think about how what I'm going to eat when I am allowed extra calories from working out so hard!!!!

    I also find that on the treadmill and on the stair master, I'd rather have something interesting to read than to just listen to music. Music doesn't occupy my mind enough, it's not that engaging.

    God bless!
  • AtticusFinch
    AtticusFinch Posts: 1,262 Member
    I just have markers on the street when I'm jogging - bends in the road, buildings, gates, lamposts. I just pick the next one and say don't stop at least 'til that marker, then run past it.

    I also have set recovery areas where I keep moving, a fast walk, but let my respiration recover a little and feed oxygen to the bloodstream. Sometimes I take the option to stop at these points and sometimes I run right through. I also take the occasional rest day.

    Exercise is hard, especially if like me you've never really done much of it, but should be manageable with planning, and not complete agony every day. Good luck
  • hewhoiscd
    hewhoiscd Posts: 1,029 Member
    I focus on my breathing. I count how many strides per in breath and out breath and try to make my inhales and exhales be as deep and last as long as I can make them.
  • ingeh
    ingeh Posts: 513 Member
    I put bbc iplayer on my pc and watch a show that lasts 1hr and workout for that hour. Or I talk to myself (about my plans for the day/plans for the baby) Talknig to yourself is weird I know!! lol
  • gaeljo
    gaeljo Posts: 223 Member
    Great advice from Chris. Also here's a rule, no garbage talk aloud. Set your goal in advance and when your in the moment and your brain starts to tell u it can't go on, that's garbage talk. Promise yourself to create realistic goals u know will challenge u but u can accomplish. If your brain starts to say u can't say the rule no garbage talk aloud then chant your mantra. I have a few mantra. Focus works for the immediate grueling moment. Crush it works when I'm racing my bike passing someone. Up and over works for hill climbs but everyone has their own. Dig deeper is a good one too. I also am one to count my breathing rhythm with my swim stroke or run cadence. Love Chris advice as I do that too.
  • I just pay attention the lyrics of the songs I'm listening to, and when the song is a good motivator....like Kelly Rowland's song Motivation, I use it to push myself the best I can.
  • rgoodearl
    rgoodearl Posts: 360 Member
    When I'm on a bike ride and pulling a big hill or finishing up the last 5 miles, I focus on my breathing and set a rhythm and keep count of my revolutions. Once I get to 100 I start over...that is just when I'm tackleing a big hill.
  • medoria
    medoria Posts: 673 Member
    Also, when doing for instance Ripped in 30 I try to focus on one thing at a time. The fact that im almost half way through a circle, the first cirle, the second etc etc etc. And then when Im halfway on the fact that I have less then half the workout left and then less and less and less.
  • missikay1970
    missikay1970 Posts: 588 Member
    when the sweat is pouring and the pain is intense, that is actually what pushes me to keep going. when i feel the burn, i picture butter melting off my body!!! :smile:
  • I trick myself. "I'm just going to the top of this hill and turning around...no big deal!"
  • My bootcamp coach once said, "Sweat is just your fat crying!" Ha ha ha... Super funny, but so motivating, now when I'm dripping sweat onto the mat, I just visualize that is my fat running out! I know it's not literally true, but the image stuck with me and I feel so good when I sweat hard.
  • christine24t
    christine24t Posts: 6,063 Member
    I set a time I can quit, or whatever. Yesterday, I made myself a circuit of jumping a rope 15 times, doing ten lunges and 15 squats. Well after two sets I was dying, but the fact that I had the number "five" in my head made me keep going.
  • sinclare
    sinclare Posts: 369 Member
    I count to 4 over and over and over. For some reason it helps me.

    I count too! also I focus on the breathing.

    and I try to pretend I am up in the air watching myself ( Yeah, out of my body). I try to be my own guardian angel that way.
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