Mini Goal One Week Challenge-9/11-9/17



  • MAK_01
    MAK_01 Posts: 553 Member
    Hi everyone! Hope you all are having a great weekend!

    Mrogers52 and Danlyn – Thank you both very much :happy:

    Papillon22 – Thank you for the kind words. Nice job with your goals this week. I like your attitude for lean intervals. Keep it up. Good luck working more variety into your fruit and veggie options.

    Ladygloria – I will post some pics and total inches lost :smile: Great job this week with your goals. Way to get Zumba and Chalean in today that’s so amazing!

    Saturday check in:
    1. Week 13 of P90X (last week) – workout done. 1 more day :smile:
    2. Get in 3 non P90X workout's in – I was going to go for a bike ride, then the husband asked if we could have an evening out. So skipped my bike ride for some quality time with the husband. I will say we moved 70 lb sheets of dry wall today, felt like that was a bit of an extra work out.
    3. Bring lunch and snacks to work every day – We ate lunch out this afternoon. But I made a good choice and had a salad, so dressing with grilled chicken. In the past when we would go to this particular restaurant for lunch/dinner I’d get a gyros (full loaded) cheese fries. I did a rough count that would have been roughly 800 calories. EEEEKKKK! I’d say I made a much smarter choice today.
    4. No extra BLTS (bites, licks, tastes, sips) – Did pretty good today! I snagged a couple of his French fries at lunch today, also a few extra bites at dinner. Not 100% but better then yesterday!

    Have a great evening everyone.
  • Hearts_2015
    Hearts_2015 Posts: 12,031 Member
    Oops...thought I was posting on the new thread.....never mind:blushing:
  • MAK_01
    MAK_01 Posts: 553 Member
    Oops...thought I was posting on the new thread.....never mind:blushing:

    Speaking of.... :smile: new thread!

    Here's to a new week of mini goals!
  • MAK_01
    MAK_01 Posts: 553 Member
    Promised I'd post my results... I'll even include a few pictures :blushing:

    So first the numbers:
    Weight: Day 1 = 173.5
    Neck: Day 1 = 14
    Chest: Day 1 =39.5
    Waist: Day 1 =36
    Hips: Day 1 = 41
    R. Thigh: Day 1 = 25.5
    L. Thigh: Day 1 = 25
    R. Arm: Day 1 = 13.5
    L. Arm: Day 1 = 14

    Weight: Day 90 = 158 (down 15.5 pounds)
    Neck: Day 90 = 13.5 (down .5 inches)
    Chest: Day 90 = 37 (down 2.5 inches)
    Waist: Day 90 = 34 (down 2 inches)
    Hips: Day 90 = 39 (down 2 inches)
    R. Thigh: Day 90 = 24.5 (down 1 inch)
    L. Thigh: Day 90 = 24 (down 1 inch)
    R. Arm: Day 90 = 13 (down .5 inch)
    L. Arm: Day 90 = 13 (down 1 inch)

    Now the pics... eeekk
    Day 1

    Day 90:

    Day 1:

    Day 90:
  • Bunny393
    Hey everyone So I just did my first week in this group...

    I stuck to my goals of going to the gym and staying inside my calories but I ddint make the best eating choices with friends this weekend :(

    This next week should be easier due to having to be in class and busy all week :)

    This next weeks goals-

    -Go to the gym before class 4 days this week
    -Stay inside my calories, and make good eating choices
    -Remeber to log what I eat right after I eat it

    Best of luck to all of you :)
  • ladygloria
    ladygloria Posts: 279 Member
    Wow! Mak! Great job!

    Bunny, can't wait to hear how you do in our new thread. See you there!
  • KrisPage
    KrisPage Posts: 539 Member
    Well I did get in C25k workout on Friday night then we helped husbands mother clean out a storage unit sat and today was rest day. Ate way too much today I know.
  • la_nanita
    la_nanita Posts: 410 Member
    Great job everyone!

    I have been very slack this weekend. I have managed to get some kind of exercise in there. But no true exercise like getting on the elliptical or walk/jog. I also did no do so well with the logging. SO not too sure how I did on the calories and water. I can say this, I am craving drinking water which is a good thing.

    Its a good thing we are starting a new week. Good luck all!