200+ Hot For Halloween!



  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    Hosanna- Uncle Kracker closed the show with "Smile." :smile: it was such a good time. I recorded the chorus of the song on my phone but haven't tried to listen to it yet. I'm sure it's highly distorted since I was so close to the speakers, but if I can make out the words, I will post it on facebook :happy:

    I didn't tell yall about the fight we were almost in at the Uncle Kracker concert. We were probably 4 rows back from the stage (in a club, so everyone was standing) and an incredibly drunk old man and his wife were there (I swear he looked like Santa Claus). BFF was standing to my right, Santa was standing behind her, and Mrs. Claus was standing behind the girl who was standing to the right of BFF. BFF leaned over to me and said that if Santa hit her in the head one more time, she was going to have to throw down. He was SOOOO freaking drunk he could hardly stand. Well apparently Mrs. Claus was also that drunk and the girl standing beside BFF got fed up with it before BFF did, cause she turned around and shoved Mrs. Claus. Well of course that pushed her back into someone else and they all started shoving each other. I saw it all happen so I grabbed bff's shoulders, turned her so she could see what was going on beside her, and pulled her as far back as I could. And then the club's security dove off the stage. I swear it was the funniest thing I've ever seen. He basically did a yoga "frog" pose with his legs cause he had to jump over a girl's head and then he landed where the fight was. I was hard bracing against the crowd and someone kept trying to shove me forward, and once he got around, I realized it was another security guy. They broke it up quickly and shortly after that BFF and I moved back in the crowd cause it was just so dang hot. Plus there was a dude who was at least 6'6" standing DIRECTLY in front of me. But to top it all off, the song that Uncle Kracker was singing when the fight started was "Drift Away" - one of the most chillin' songs he's got.

    Victoria- that's a lot of housework and those cals count for something

    sheba- yay for the smaller blouse!!

    Amy- I would have never thought to feed a sick dog pedialyte and baby food. So smart! lol

    Jessi- yay for completing the bunnies' home!

    Apryl- YAY FOR 14s!!!!!

    Hallie- how's school going?

    Megan- yay for refocusing so quickly!

    Lacey- now that it's Monday morning, are you still ready for Monday? lol

    Sarah (wnt)- I hope you feel better by the time your race comes around!

    Victoria- Hi!

    Pam- Congrats on skipping the birthday cake!!

    Rikki- I love just about every holiday, but I REALLY get into dressing up for Halloween. I'm still looking for the right shoes, but I got the leggings to wear underneath the dress to make it work appropriate cause it's super short (gonna be Bat Girl :bigsmile: ). And YAY for the scale being nice!!


    Um. I hope I logged in yesterday, I can't remember. It would suck to lose my "has logged in for 280 days" count. I was horrible this weekend. Didn't work out at all. Ate crap. Oh well. I needed that break I guess. I spent yesterday cooking a couple recipes and actually have 2 crock pots going at the moment. (does anyone else ever worry the house will burn down when they leave those things on??)

    I ate pizza and cookies last night. Thought I should own up to that here.
  • treehugginpam
    treehugginpam Posts: 1,131 Member
    Quick weigh in:

    *********************** 214.6 *************************

    I'm up. Stupid dumb TOM. BUT I've got two NSVs: 1.) I measured myself this morning for the first time in months, and I'm down 4 inches on my waist, 2 1/2 on my chest, 4 on my hips, and 3 on my thighs! Woohoo! 2.) Yesterday I literally hiked up a mountain! The bf and I did a hike up Seneca Rocks, which is the highest point in WV. From the base to the top it was about 1000 foot elevation, and I even did the scary scrambling up boulders that they warn you you might die doing to get to very tip top. I'm going to try to post pictures to show you....

    Here is the rock...we went to the very top of this thing!


    Proof; us at the top. Me make-upless, red faced, and sweaty. :smile:

  • kmturtle3
    kmturtle3 Posts: 556
    Pam, awesome job! And great pics!

    My weekend, too, was a total and complete bust. I did no exercise at all on Saturday. Or Sunday. Saturday night I went to bed at I think 10:30, and I didn't get up until 9:00 on Sunday. We did a lot of walking/standing thanks to walking around downtown on Saturday and shopping on Sunday, but I know I ate/drank way to much. Stupid.

    So... I have 5 days to get myself in gear for running 13.1 miles on Saturday morning. I did some Core Synergistics this morning and I think I'm gonna get in a 4 mile run after work. Tomorrow will be chest/back/ab raper, and maybe a little run if my legs feel good. Like 1 or 2 miles. Then Kenpo Wednesday with a 3 mile run on Wednesday, and shoulders/arms/ab raper with a 1-2 mile run Thursday. Friday will be X stretch and rest, rest, rest. After I run on Saturday we are going up to our buddy Ben's cabin, and I'll have a beer in my hand and be sitting by a campfire and a lake all day. It will be perfect!

    Over the weekend I FINALLY ordered a CamelBak, and its supposed to get to my house today. I'm hoping that happens so I can wear it on 4 short runs this week prior to the 1/2 on Saturday, so that I'm at least a little used to it. I'm SO excited about not having to plan a long run based on wear I can get hydration in. Yay!
  • jessicae1aine
    Apryl - Nice job! I haven't worn a size 14 since I was probably 16! :O

    Hailie - Sorry things are blah, chica. -hugs-

    Sarah - Much less cute if you saw my battle wounds from getting her out of the cage to try to deal with the mats in her hair. Geeeesh she's evil. Decorating sounds like fun! :D I bet you're not anti-creative, it's just hidden deep in there somewhere.

    Victoria - To grind any kind of flour, my sister sends her (rice/flax/whatever) through a little kid's peanut grinder for making homemade peanut butter. Works wonders!

    Rikki - Those costumes sound AWESOME!

    Kendal - That fight sounds crazy. -.- People that look like Santa seem to have that going for them, in my experience.

    Pam - Holy goodness, woman! Nice job!

    It feels TOO early, even though it's just after 9am. I'm exhausted from the assembly this weekend, but I have slept REALLY well the last 2 days. I didn't want to get up this morning because every muscle in my body hurt, so I got up way late and didn't weigh myself (and, of course, was the first person at the office, so no one would have known if I would have taken the 5 minutes to deal with my wonky scale)... I'll weigh myself after work for the week. I have a feeling it's not much of a difference from last week, but I've also been busy with work and taking pictures and thus haven't had much time for photographs. Nothing for pictures this week except the neighbor kids, and none for work. Yessssss.
  • KatheryneLynne


  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    I tried to make the bag of dried beans like we posted about a couple weeks ago. Unfortunately, I took the short cut route and followed the instructions on the bag and the beans are still crunchy. GROSS. :sick: But 2 of the recipes are still in the crock pots, so I'm hoping 24 hours cooking will help soften them and 1 recipe I haven't made yet (still letting the remaining beans soak) so really it's only in 1 recipe that I used undercooked black beans.
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Does anyone know of a better way to grind up flaxseed than a mortar and pestle? I spent 10 min grinding this morning. My little food processor didn't begin to do the trick.

    Buy already ground up flaxseed?
  • Apryl546
    Apryl546 Posts: 909 Member

    Weigh in 173.6
    Pretty disappointed. :(
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Weighing in at 209.8 today.

    Morning bleh. It was one of those mornings today..Gracie didnt like the toothpaste I chose, she wanted her hair done before she brushed her teeth, Yeah sorry, not giving in once you get my back up. It turned out to be a long 30 minutes and then we get in the car and I realize I spilled coffee all down me so i run back in to get jeans to change into at work and shes bawling because she gets scared when left alone in the car. Bart wouldn't eat his food this morning and Vinny at his and Barts. It was just one of those lol. To top it, I am freaking tired today! I went to bed at 9, I think I got too much sleep. If I go to bed at 10 I am good, earlier or later and I feel ick the next day.

    I burned 2406 yesterday. This week I'm going to eat right at 1900 cals and see what the scale does. I'm averaging a 2468 cal burn per day, so that should be good.

    Kendal - I've learned two things about soaking beans. 1. you have to add salt to the water you soak the beans in. It helps them to absorb the water. 2. Crock pots are the only way I can cook them and not have them be crunchy after the salt water soak.
    As you can see above, no I'm not into Monday today it would seem lol. Cute idea for the costume!

    Jessi - the bunnies are cute and I like the crib idea.

    Kerri- yeay for the half and the camelback!!

    Pam - WAY cool to see you climb a mountain girl!!

    Rikki - you would make a cute viking chick, totally do it!

    Rain - yeay for birthday parties going well...get out and RUN girl!

    Victoria - to follow up, Costco sells ground flax so I am sure you should be able to at the very least find it online. That pumpkin dip sounds tasty - please share!

    Sarah - Bart is a full bolwn Jack Russell - so he should live at least this long, really longer by about two to five years..but it is what ti is right? I hope you feel better soon. I've been fighting allergies or a cold or somthing, but I'm 95% sure its just this weather.
  • KatheryneLynne
    Lacey--Sorry to hear about Bart. Sending good thoughts your way.

    Kendal--glad you enjoyed the show--While fighting should never be funny (i Keep telling myself) I LOL at your description of Santa and Mrs. Claus.

    Hosanna--here in the state you are able to walk into most any pharm. and buy a morning after pill. Which does include Kmart/Walmart/etc if they have a Pharm. I use to work at a tribal health clinic. The rules there were you could get a morning after pill, but before they would give it to you, you had to listen to a "training" (i.e. lecture on birth control, good choices, and healthy choices.)

    Rikki--I love homemade costumes. That's all I had growing up. I remember using my mother giant bread mixing bowl to paper mache a turtle shell for my brother's Teenage Mutient Ninja Turtle costume. I think he was six at the time.

    Pam--mountain climbing-hiking. the pictures were awesome. Way to go.

    Not much going on here. I'm ashamed to say that I learned for a fact this morning that my jog is roughly the same speed as my husband's fast walk. As if I didn't have enough self-image problems about being the fat girl running down the road. :( oh well, that's what tredmills are for. Weight was at 278 this morning. Though it might actually be a little lower (scale reading sodium weight) since i ate Mexican three times and pizza once this weekend. We'll see.

  • SteppingOutofGrey
    SteppingOutofGrey Posts: 211 Member
    Pam: well done with your climb - love the photos

    Lacey: sorry your morning was no good - hope the day picked up and that you are feeling better

    Rikki: we need to see pictures of those costumes......

    Apryl: this is a new week, keep smiling

    Sarah: hope you enjoyed your crafting / family day and that the weatehr cheers up before your run.

    Kerry: best wishes for your weekend run also.

    Amy: by your exhausting workout am assuming you feeling better now?

    My day has been a bit hectic - then I paid for someone to put up some shelves in the offfice (boss away) and will worry until next week as they are far from perfectly finished....urgh.

    Not much else going on - need to make inroads into the ironing pile that I have been ignoring for several weeks - once I start I'm usually fine - it's all the avoidance that makes it take so long (and the pile grow so high). Can't avoid it any longer - Hubby going away on Wednesday and he's gonna need some clothes!!!!
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    PS Annette - I'm logging!
  • LadyG0915
    LadyG0915 Posts: 137 Member
    I made it my profile pic since I don't know how to add them to my replys.
  • anvy0530
    anvy0530 Posts: 1,606 Member
    Sarah: I love a costume birthday party!! I have an October birthday, so I've done that quite a bit and I love it!

    Victoria: I'm guilty of being a lazy sloth on the weekends too. I need to figure out how to stop doing that. Have you tried a coffee grinder for your flax seeds?

    Rain: Yay for looking fantastic!!!

    Rikki: Halloween is my favorite too!!!

    Kendal: that fight sounded nuts! I totally worry about burning the house down with crockpots - you are not alone with that fear. Like I told Victoria, my will power has been stinking on the weekends. Maybe we should all help motivate each other over the weekends or something.

    Pam: Those pics are gorgeous.

    Kerry: I think you're really gonna like the Camelbak for running.

    Lacey: Your morning sounds crappy, I hope it's better now.

    Katheryne: I miss Mexican food SO much.

    Annette: I AM feeling better - thanks for asking!

    So I am gonna admit to being a lazy butt ALL weekend long and not logging and not exercising. I have no good reason for my behavior, I just wasn't feeling it. Lame, I know. Today, I got off my butt and did the Chest and Back and Ab Raper workout with The Hubbs. It was really nice to do it WITH The Hubbs because I push myself harder when he's around. I did pushups until my arms and chest were shaking and I literally could not lift myself up off the ground. I told him that he has to do that workout with me from now on as I usually punk out of it and don't do as many reps as I should because I kind of hate pushups and pullups. He agreed. Yay for a workout buddy!!!
  • GonnaDoItJenn
    GonnaDoItJenn Posts: 131 Member
    I weighed in this week as 306 which has me down 1.8 lbs! WOO HOO! I am hoping to get down another 2 lbs this week as I continue with my NO sweets! :)
  • LadyG0915
    LadyG0915 Posts: 137 Member

    How do I make this NOT giant? I also am going to get them both brown leggings to go under and he has a long beard but he says it itches so I'll paint a blonde beard on him and rosy up my daughters lips and cheeks.
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member

    How do I make this NOT giant? I also am going to get them both brown leggings to go under and he has a long beard but he says it itches so I'll paint a blonde beard on him and rosy up my daughters lips and cheeks.

    got the properties from your mfp profile instead of using the photobucket link...

    And BTW- those are FANTASTIC costumes!!! SOO CUTE!!
  • anvy0530
    anvy0530 Posts: 1,606 Member
    Kendal: You're so tech savy!

    Rikki: Those costumes are freaking adorable!!!!

    Jenn: Great job with the loss and with the no sweets!
  • KatheryneLynne
    Rikki---Those are the most adorable costumes ever. Your kids are SOOOOOOOO cute. :love:

  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    Rikki- yeah, I'm gonna need you to make a Kendal-size version of those costumes for my warrior dash race LOL