200+ Hot For Halloween!



  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Why is it that food that would normally fill me up on a work day isn't enough today...all because I am logging again?
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    Hi. Yes, believe it or not, I am alive. And I have been keeping track of weigh-ins. I usually do my Monday call out earlier, but I'm off-schedule, it being a holiday for me -- thank you federal government!

    These are the people whose weights haven't been posted, or I've missed (also hallelujah for my excel spreadsheet now just being one page long, instead of the almost 2 when the challenge first started):

    Laura <- where you at girl? you didn't log last week either
    Fi <- last chance!
    heathershrinking <-last chance!
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Pam - fantastic job on the mountain!!!

    Rikki - sooooo cute!!!

    Lacey - I bought the bag of whole flax seed on impulse and it wasn't until I looked up at home how to use that I learned it must be ground to get any effects from it. I hate to pitch it...

    Amy - I don't have a coffee grinder but will look at buying one.

    Jessie - kids peanut butter maker - hmmm I'll look at that too.
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    I love Amazon Prime!! My new coffee/spice grinder will be here Wed... Thanks for the suggestions. $18.99 Krupps brand won on price and reviews. I can't wait to use it :)
  • navajoon
    navajoon Posts: 355
    Hi ladies!

    Not enough time to reply to all... have to do a thorough reading later!

    Weigh-in 230.4. I think that's .2 down from last week. I haven't changed my weight in the actual mfp system since I was 219, so perhaps I should update that. Hmm.

    Lacey, just quickly, we did salted caramel popcorn balls, sugar cookies (from scratch) with Halloween cutouts, and I made chocolate chip cookie truffles. Kinda like a cakeball or oreo ball but with chocolate chip cookie dough instead. No egg, condensed milk used in its place to make it safe to eat.

    Will update more later!
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Sarah (wnt) - I just read a Runner's World article about Taper Time and how you should significantly reduce miles run for 2 weeks before a race. This means it's good you missed the last long run and should do great in your race!!!

    Orther good race day hints - it's okay to nervous, pace yourself ESP at the start of the race, go with what you know (don't try new clothes on race day), don't carb overload, and enjoy every moment!!!
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Oh boy...my mind is trying to talk meout of working out tonight!!! I need to do at least the 1.9 mile walk/run, I'm only at 1400 cals burned so far today!!! Evil mind! Ebil mind! My right heel is feeling a bit not good this afternoon but I know it will be fine, I can ice and elevate later.


    In other news, my first pair of running shoes I wear just to walk around in now, Mizunos..i think they are wore out because my right heel is feeling a bit not good this afternoon but I know it will be fine, I can ice and elevate later. Time to get another pair I guess. Sheesh.
  • qofsheba
    weighing at 191. After 30 minutes of stepaerobics and drinking as much water as I could get down yesterday. Trying to get back on track. One day at a time.
  • wigglentwink
    wigglentwink Posts: 336 Member
    Lacey: GO GO GO GO GO!!! Do not stop. Do not pass Go. Do not collect $200...just go. You will feel like a rockstar. I promise.
  • wigglentwink
    wigglentwink Posts: 336 Member
    Victoria: Thank you for the information. That really does make me feel a little better. I did 4 miles today and 120 minutes of Jillian MIchaels. It will be hard to pace myself in the beginning, but I have a partner, so that will help for sure!!

    I am scared to death that I am going to mentally quit around Mile 9 -- which is my hardest mile. Why? I dunno. So, I have placed my family at mile 9, 10, and 11 and finish line. That ought to keep me going. I think that will help me push a little harder at the end.

    Kerry: My race starts at 9 a.m. PDT. Let's DO this thing!! I will think of you -- and we shall will each other a little faster and all the way to the end.
  • babyworms
    babyworms Posts: 1,304 Member
    WiggleSarah - Woo! Way to go getting through parties!

    Megan - Exercise is a great way to use up the energy you would have spent on beig sad.

    Rikki - WOOOO FOR MOVING SCALE! Way to go with sticking with it lady!! AND your kids are ADORABLE!

    Kendal - I :heart: that song so much. I had a dream last night about the wedding and in the dream my MC/Mr Music played the wrong song! I was heaps sad!

    Pam - Way to go you!!! That's so awesome aboutthe hiking!
    Does anyone know of a better way to grind up flaxseed than a mortar and pestle? I spent 10 min grinding this morning. My little food processor didn't begin to do the trick.

    Buy already ground up flaxseed?


    Katheryne - Teehee at having to sit through a lecture before getting the MAP!!!

    Victoria - Krupps is awesome.

    Nava - HI!!! :flowerforyou:


    I'm off work sick today. I feel like absolute crapola, sore throat, some weird nose infection, and two mouth ulcers.
    It's just been the worst run of shifts i've had in AGES this week, and so really, ifi'm honest, i probably wouldn't have gone in today even if i weren't sick!
    I did a double on friday, worked that awful shortstaffed whift saturday, got attacked by a patient sunday, and then got *kitten* from staff on Monday because i'd asked to work on a different ward. ARGH!

    All while feeling unwell. It hasn't been fun.

    Oh well... I'm now officially on holidays! (as long as i can shake this grossness!) Tomorrow i fly to Adelaide to meet mum and YAY! So excited. I'll be weiging in for this week tomorrow, so i don't have to take a pass.

    I'm hoping to get the house tidy and ready to leave by today. So i can relax and be excited tomorrow.

    Just about no exercise recently... i think that's a fair call considering the time i've had, and not feeling well. Pleh.

    that's me.
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Sarah (wnt) - great plan to get through the race. Do you get Runner's World mag? If you plan to keep running, I'd highly suggest it. This month also talked about proper carb loading, how to train for a full marathon and how to run your best race.

    Hosanna - have a great vacay and enjoy the Hen's weekend!!!

    I'm becoming a fair weather sports fiend - we watched the Tigers lose :( and now I have to stay up root for the Lions. This is Detroit's year for sports.

    As for me - total fail on ex today but I'll make it up tomorrow... My bro stayed the night and I felt guilty doing a 7 am workout outside his bedroom - the back/abs DVD needs the pull up bar... Then tonight I got side tracked by sports. I have NO clients tomorrow so I should be able to run and do the P90X workout from today.
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    I walkran 2.35 miles tonight..It was all I could do to get through that last half and do any running, so the 15.13 min/mile I am okay with. My heels are tenderer tonight, feel like muscle soreness rather than ouch soreness, so hoping thats good. I iced them right after I stretched and I'm going to do it tonight again. Sigh. I refuse to let my feet get hurt damnit! I might need to drop back to two days a week and add a couple days of P90x in there to get my feet a better break. I just don't know at what point to be cautious with it (feel like maybe I'm being a wuss about it) and all since last time it was pretty immediate and I just kept on going with the spur situation for a few months. I don't want that again.

    I logged all my cals for the day, candy included and should have a 400-500 cal deficit. Tomorrow will be harder if I don't do some sort of work out as I would need to eat around 1800 or 1900 cals...geesh.

    Victoria - I might have to get that mag if I stay consistent with it through the holidays. Maybe i will ask for a subscription for Christmas.
  • wigglentwink
    wigglentwink Posts: 336 Member
    I loved this: http://www.runnersworld.com/article/0,7120,s6-238-267--14058-0,00.html

    Victoria has me hooked on Runners World now. I feel so cool. No, really, I feel like I know what they are talking about. Who knew this fat housewife/SAHM four months ago would be here? I love you girls for keeping me going. (Great, now I'm emotional.)
  • SteppingOutofGrey
    SteppingOutofGrey Posts: 211 Member
    PS Annette - I'm logging!

    I looked!!!!!
  • anvy0530
    anvy0530 Posts: 1,606 Member
    A new day and a new chance to get it right. :bigsmile: The morning started off rough as Sofie is still having tummy issues (which have moved lower in her GI tract so she isn't vomiting but IS running a bit from the OTHER end) and then The Kid freaked out on me as I told him it was mandatory for him to accompany me on the dog walk this morning. (Me & The Hubbs have instituted a new policy where The Kid has to offset video game time with physical activity - so he pretty much has to earn the video games by moving his little behind - today is the first day of the policy and it isn't popular) We eventually got over the drama and actually had a nice walk with the fur-babies and then came home and the kid scrambled me some eggs to apologize for his crappy attitude (he really is such a great kid!).

    Annette & Lacey: Yay for logging! Can I join your little logging/accountability circle? I REALLY need to get my logging in order.

    Sarah: I love Runner's World. I've be a subscriber for years - they always have great info on nutrition and training.

    Lacey: Do you need insoles for your running shoes? I found that adding some good arch supporting insoles to my running shoes have cut down on the fasciitis pain by about a billion percent. My mind talked me out of working out ALL weekend long...ebil mind! I'm determined to not let it do a repeat performance this week.

    Victoria: I bet your brother appreciated you not working out outside his door at 7am. I love Amazon Prime too!! Since we moved overseas, 99% of my online purchases have been through Amazon and they STILL manage to get the stuff here within a week (not bad considering that mailing stuff from the States can take anywhere from 2 weeks to a month to get here - Amazon must have a deal with the debil to get their stuff here faster than any place else)

    Hosanna: I'm sorry you haven't been feeling well. Enjoy your holiday!

    Sheba: Good job getting back on track!!

    Nava: Hiya lady!!!

    Kristina: We miss you!

    Alright, ladies - have a great day!!!!
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    The scale was being super friendly to me this morning. It makes me question it's intentions. I am suspicious of my scale. I didn't log dinner (Mr. Reunion made us green bean casserole) but I also didn't exercise, so other than a sodium drop, I can't think of any reason why the scale would drop 1.6 pounds.
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Check-in for the last few days - no exercise Sun or Mon and burned 2210 Sun and 2211 Mon. I actually logged Mon and the beer with the football game did me in as I consumed 3144... We went out to eat and I guessed my salad (Buffalo Ranch Chicken Salad) had 812 cals. I have no idea. I went light on the ranch... So it may not have been sooooo bad. My goal for today 3 bouts of ex - a 4 mile run, make up of P90X video and 1/2 low impact aerobics with mom... Today will be a better day.

    Lacey - I am concerned about your feet aching. It's not normal. I suggest trying good inserts or going to a running store and having them analyze your gait and recommend proper running shoes. I know it's not cheap but if it works, it's cheaper than surgery and you wont have the down time from surgery. It really helped my feet. If you like running, get the mag for Christmas...

    Amy - Today is a new day. Log it and admit the problems if you're over.

    Sarah - glad you like Runner's World. I sit and read it cover to cover on the day it arrives.

    Hosanna - Glad things are better in the low impact aerobics dept. Sorry work was so bad this last week. Enjoy the time off with the fam.

    Nava - now I'm hungry... Those treats sound wonderful. Can I come over to sample them?

    Kristina - I miss your daily posts. What are you up to (besides pulling your hair out keeping track of us all?) :flowerforyou:

    Rain - I hope you're feeling better and found the time for a run.

    Rikki - glad the scale is moving in the right direction.

    Kendal - I fear more about the dryer being on with no one home than crockpots. I put the crocks in the receptacles with red push buttons (GFS?) A friends house burned down when dryer caught on fire so we don't run it unless someone is home. I've never heard of crockpot fire.

    Pam - I got to see the pics in big form on the computer today - NICE mountain!!!

    Kerry - I'd tell you to beware of over-training and not giving your body enough rest between runs but you seem to be doing well. Don't fret over missing ex this weekend, I think your body needed the break.

    Jessie - how do the bunnies like the new cage? They are adorable.

    Katheryne - My husband can actually go faster walking than my normal jog pace but I beat him in endurance. He can't keep it up very long (that's what she said - sorry I couldn't resist). He fatigues within a mile but I can easily do 6-8 miles. I seriously train at 14 to 15 min jog pace but my race times are closer to 13.5 ave pace. Speed with come with time and as you lose more weight. If you want to work on going faster, add fartlek training one day a week.

    Annette - I despise ironing. All my clothes are wash-n-wear. DH needs his clothes ironed and that's part of my cleaning ladies job. I refuse to do it.

    Jenn - twirls for you on a great week. You'll be in the 200s in no time flat...

    Hi to everyone else that I may have missed. I went back 2 pages to reply and now it's time to do my first workout. Hugs to all.

    Lacey - the low cal pumpkin dip can be found here. The thread has nice pics plus the recipe. http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/358641-low-cal-punkin-pie-dip-pic It's super yummy - like pumpkin pudding.
  • navajoon
    navajoon Posts: 355
    Hi Everyone!

    Victoria, of course you can sample! Then again, I purposely left everything at my friend's house so I wouldn't eat it all!

    Nothing huge to report on this end, sorry I haven't been doing individual responses lately.

    I'm starting to think that if I don't wake up at 5am, I'm never going to get workouts in. Someone always ends up planning my evenings for me. My dad's in town, so that's taking up last night and tonight... Tomorrow have something else, Thursday have to go to a friend's birthday dinner at the Melting Pot, wedding to go to on Saturday... ugh!

    As for the move to London, it's starting to look a little more like a reality and therefore scarier! I received word that my transfer was being held up by personnel to get the necessary exceptions and approvals because I haven't been in my current position for more than 2 years (I haven't had a single job with this company that I was in for more than 18 months). But got a call this morning from the London boss saying that he'd heard the approvals have gone through! So I should hopefully be hearing something soon. Hopefully.

    The downside to all this, but still an awesome thing, is that Joe has decided to enroll in school. His application was accepted, so he just has to provide his transcript and take a placement test and go for orientation, and he'll be all ready for the Spring semester. That, however, means that he'll be staying in the US while I move. I'm really sad about this! He says "we're still staying together and getting married and having babies... it'll just be harder work." Ugh. Dunno what to do. I guess I'll just put off worrying till it's an actuality and I'm leaving.

    Anyway... as a result, I am quite a downer today! Booo.
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    Here's the past week's weigh-ins, as promised!

    Name, starting challenge weight, last week's weight, this week's weight (difference)

    Kristina, 200.4,200.6, 201 (+0.4)
    Victoria, 194.5, 192.75, 192.75 (0)
    Kendal, 214.4, 215.2, 215.6 (+0.4)
    Lacey, 210, pass, 209.8
    Amy, 188.4, 193, 190 (-3.0)
    Kerry, 164, 163.7, 159.8 (-3.9) <- hello 150's!
    Hailie, 252.6, 250, 250.4 (+0.4)
    Nava, 228.6, 230.6, 230.4 (-0.2)
    gonnadoitjenn, 305.8, 307.8, 306 (-1.8)
    Pam, 215.8, 213.2, 214.6 (+1.4)
    wigglentwink, 185, 180, 177.4 (-2.6) <-hello 170's!
    silver02bullet, 206, 211, 212 (+1.0)
    Bobbie, 316.2, 309, 304.6 (-4.4)
    Hosanna, 220.7, 216.7, 214.7 (-2.2)
    ladyg0915, 275, 267, 264 (-3.0)
    Sarah (rainvc), 234.8, 234.1, 232.4 (-1.7)
    Katheryne, 281.8, 279.8, 278.4 (-1.4)
    qofsheba, 193, 191, 191 (0)
    Annette, 181, 178, 174 (-4.0)
    Apryl, 177, 171.6, 173.6 (+2.0)
    earthsember, 217, 214, 215 (+1.0)
    Crystal, 216, 217, 216 (-1.0)
    Tasha, 217, 214.4, 214 (-0.4)
    wowmama, 220, 219.8, 217.4 (-2.4)

    A mixed bag of a week for us. Some gainers (myself included... +0.4 was a popular number!), some healthy 1-2 pound losses, and a couple big losers this week! In first place, we have Bobbie with a 4.4 pound loss. Nice work everyone, as always!