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200+ Hot For Halloween!



  • navajoon
    navajoon Posts: 355
    Amy, is there any chance the pooches got into some chocolate?
  • anvy0530
    anvy0530 Posts: 1,606 Member
    Nava: No, there's no chance that the dogs got into chocolate.

    Lacey: I'm sorry your mood is in the toilet. Mine is right there with you. I'm getting ready to do my P90X, hopefully that will improve the mood. I don't think the dogs have parvo as they've both been vaccinated for it and we keep them up to date on all their shots. The vet thinks Sofie just picked up a virus somewhere and that she should improve in the next 2 days. Loki isn't sick like Sofie was, I think he was just trying to make a bad day worse with his ill-timed vomiting (he has a weird stomach, he pukes if he hasn't eaten anything for an extended period of time it's "normal" for him).

    Sarah & Kerry: LOVE your before and afters - you guys look GREAT!!!

    Here's my most recent before/after. I've posted it here before but I seriously don't have the energy to do another one (sorry for my laziness)
    my before is somewhere around 245 pounds and the one from August is maybe 195-ish.

    ETA: Kendal: I didn't want you to think I left you out - your pics are awesome too (I just didn't scroll down enough when I was replying - sorry)

    Jessi: Hiya!
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    Mr. Reunion has also noticed my BLAH mood lately so now I can blame it on you ladies!! LOL. I think a part of mine is that it's getting too dark too early in the evening and it's only going to get worse for the next couple of months.
  • rainvc
    rainvc Posts: 142
    Sarah: Your pictures look great too! y'all are doing so well! I love that pic of you from last weekend. You look so happy!
  • Those are some amazing before/after comparisons - you ladies are incredible!

    Lacey - I had a puppy who got parvo once, and she ended up staying at the vet for a week with an IV. Definitely not something to risk.

    Nava - I can completely empathize with your fear. Fear of the unknown and the possibilities that come with it can be paralyzing, so maybe establishing some kind of game plan would work for you two? Nerd was living in Florida for a seriously extended period of time, so we made a point of having dates where we'd Netflix movies and sync the audio so we could watch them together and get as close to a real date going as possible. Sometimes, we'd even end up falling asleep talking on Skype (careful, computers get REALLY effing hot).

    Amy - HI!! :D I love your shirt in your after picture. Quite awesome.

    My before/after is my highest, unknown weight (around 300 lbs) and then a terrible, quick picture in the work bathroom a couple minutes ago. Pardon the awful hair, I'm attempting to grow it out. :P

  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member

    I am thinking these would be a fun idea....bleu cheese chicken wing ones, chicken parm ones, eggplant parm ones. etc. FUN.

    Sarah - I just read that article about the guy completely CHEATING. What a *kitten*.
  • Those are all awesome pictures. You all are amazing.

    Bobbie.--I would weigh the options like this. Would you feel more guilt for missing a holiday with your sisters, or for missing a holiday at your g-ma's house. For me, the choice would be to spend the time with my siblings, but i've always had an amazing relationship with them. I might think differently if we didn't get along so well. Beside, if you do decide on your sibs, then you all can sit around and reminisce about your g-ma (best of both worlds).

    Amy--hope the babies start to feel better soon. A couple of years ago we had to feed our dog nothing but rice, diced chicken, and chicken broth for about six weeks to get her over whatever thing she had going on. It was absolute hell to watch her so sick all the time. I hope the vet is able to fix what's going on.

  • anvy0530
    anvy0530 Posts: 1,606 Member
    Katheryne: Sofie is already feeling much perkier. She's interested in food again (which she can't have until tomorrow and it's pissing her off and she doesn't care who knows about it) and she's happy and wagging her tail again. Her vet said that if it wasn't straightened out in 2 days then we absolutely MUST bring her back. I'm really hoping that isn't necessary.

    Lacey: Those bread rolls are a totally cute idea, and way cool for the kidlins who like finger foods.

    Jessi: Thanks for the compliment on my shirt in my after pic (it's actually a sun dress). I have gone through the awkward growing out the hair phase many a time. I have managed to not cut my hair (other than regular trims) in about a year and a half.

    Kendal: The weather changed from summer to practically winter here at super-speed. Last week it was sunny and 70 degrees now they're saying that we could have snow in the next 2 weeks (in October????). I love fall but I super hate the sun going down so early and coming up so late (and it's pretty extreme here in the dead of winter with the sun not rising until after 8 am and going down by 4 pm).

    I did my P90X arms & shoulders workout with The Hubbs. I love doing the strength training with him cuz it makes me push so much harder. I've mostly recovered from my crappy day (pun was TOTALLY intended there) and the exercise helped me to feel better physically as well as mentally. Now I'm going to bed.
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    Jessi- You're doing so great! I can tell a difference in your face and your waist. And I absolutely :heart: LOVE :heart: the shirt you have on today!!!
  • HIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


    Sorry, I had to go in my shell because work and school got too much. bahaha, I hope that never happens again.

    I love all of your amazing before/after pictures and you all look AMAZING!

    After this post I'll start personal replies!

    I do creep. Heck, yes.
  • silver02bullet
    silver02bullet Posts: 261 Member
    all of your pics are great!!! i need to find the link oh how to post pictures and i'll see if i can scrounge some up for ya'll....

    I am not doing too well with my food this week. I'm staying under 2000 calories, but my goal is 1300ish.

    I'm just in a funk with this breakup ordeal and work and everything else. (Seems I wake up every freakin' morning to a dog barking...whether that be one of the 2 dogs that my roommate has or some neighbors dog or wherever. Dogs barking for no reason is not acceptable to me. I miss living in the country when the only time a dog barked was to alarm you of approaching danger!! Last night, some dog somewhere was out just barking up a storm at 1:30 in the morning. I had to shut my windows and cover my head. I fall back asleep around 4:45 just to wake up at 5:30 to the stupid dogs that i live with. i want to move.)

    and I got a chef salad today for lunch (no bacon) and only spotted on dressing...just to find out their ranch dressing is like 200+ calories for 2 ounces. What the crap. If i knew i was going to ingest that many calories, i would NOT have wasted it on a salad.

    anyways, I hope i can make it to the gym tonight. There's not a class that I enjoy on Wednesdays and I'm not a big fan of machines and it's raining outside. Cross my fingers I get some motivation because today has not been the greatest for my diet.
  • babyworms
    babyworms Posts: 1,304 Member
    Lurky lurk. Thinking of you all! So exciting being surrounded by ALL my wedding stuff, about to go for a walk into town to meet a friend for coffee. Determined not to undo all my good work this week.

  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    All of the before and after shots are AWESOME!!!

    Amy - my coffee grinder rocks!!! 5 sec and the flaxseed was purely ground... Thanks for the suggestion!!!
  • Amy - My last haircut was in May. It grows SO slowly! The worst, though, was the aftermath of a mohawk....

    Kendal - Thanks! :) It's actually a pajama shirt from Walmart. :)

    Hailie - Welcome back! :D

    Going to attempt a sandwich for dinner, I think. Kitties and bunnies both managed to run out of food this morning, so I have to be out and about even though I'm sick anyhow. Gonna take some pictures of graffiti, while I'm at it.
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Come on Tigers!!! Let's go Tigers!!! Down 3-2 at top of 7th...
  • treehugginpam
    treehugginpam Posts: 1,129 Member
    Busy day today! I've been lurking all day and just now have time to respond...although I have to make it quick so I can go get a workout in. Guess who didn't get her bum up for Jillian this morning? Urg. My bf and I did Shred together so we were going to start Ripped in 30 together, but it just hasn't happened yet. I am too weak to force us out of bed in the morning when he'd rather cuddle...he's so warm and cuddly! I need to stop giving in to the cuddle. Cuddle won't get me to onederland! I was in a blah mood today too like a lot of you all...probably wouldn't have been so blah if I'd just gotten out of bed early enough for Jillian!

    I love love LOVE all of your before and after pictures! You all look fantastic! I don't really have a "before and after" since I haven't even made it to 20 pounds yet, but I did notice a difference when looking at this weekend's hiking picture compared to a picture taken of me this past spring. I made a side by side comparison pic...hopefully this works...


    Okay, it keeps coming out either super small or super huge, so this isn't a great example. Boo.

    Jessi, I know what you mean about hair taking forever to grow out. Mine usually does too, but lately it's been growing like crazy. I'm thinking it must be because of my change in diet & exercise. I hope it continues! Oh, and YAY about getting your very own treadmill! That rocks!

    Megan, I hope you have a more sound sleep tonight! Did you make it to the gym?

    Hailie, hi! :flowerforyou:

    Amy, I'm glad that Sofie is feeling better. Talk about a rough day! The Spicy African Peanut stew was DELICIOUS, by the way. I had it for dinner last night, lunch today, and I'll be having it again for lunch tomorrow. I can't thank you enough for introducing me to Peas and Thank You!!

    Lacey, those bread rolls are really cute. I hope you got to run today and it filled you with lots of great endorphins!

    Sarah, that article about the runner is something else! Luckily you're a hardcore butt-kicking runner and you won't need a bus.

    Kerry, that's too funny! Is he going to keep your jeans since they look so good on him? No one will know that they're chick jeans. :laugh:

    Kendal, I can't tell you the number of times that's happened to me, when the scale goes down despite high salt or high calories or both. Enough to drive you batty, especially when there are days you do everything perfectly and lose nothing. Ah well, at least the scale is going down!

    Bobbie, I agree with the others -- if you want to have your own Thanksgiving with your sisters, there's nothing wrong with that. You could always do Christmas with the rest of the family, or take a different weekend to go out there...

    I know I've missed some stuff, but if I don't get my butt on the treadmill soon I know that it is not going to happen. Hopefully tomorrow will be less busy!
  • Before and After Pix: Yea all of you. You give me such motivation to keep on... I'll take a pix of me now since I'm still barely to 10 lbs (which I hit one day this week but we will see what Friday brings).

    I've stepped up exercise and water. Water makes a big difference but I have to get twice a night--I know I"ll adjust...
  • wigglentwink
    wigglentwink Posts: 336 Member
    Pam: I see a HUGE difference. The scale may not be moving as fast as the fat is falling off. You don't look like the same person.
    Amy: I LOVE the dress in your "after" pic. But I think your face looks thinner in your Paris pics -- so you've lost some since then.
    Jessi: I see a difference all over you. I don't know what you're talking about.
    Kendal: Wow. Just. Wow!! You look like a different person.
    Kerry: Woo, girl! You are looking H.O.T!! You don't look like the same person either!!! HOLEY MOLEY!!

    Pizza for dinner here. One slice. Veggie pizza on skinny crust. Hot cocoa later. So. excited! And, if I'm lucky...some low impact aerobics!! :wink: :blushing:
  • silver02bullet
    silver02bullet Posts: 261 Member
    I made it to the gym! Walk/jog for 45 minutes. The zumba class was going on while I was on the track but I wasn't completely comfortable in my abilities last week bc its hard to feel sexy and dance in a gym full of sweaty women. Maybe when im a little thinner I can be more confident.

    Btw, all ur pics are awesome!!!!!!!