200+ Hot For Halloween!



  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Good morning super pals!!! Check-in for Wed 2286 burned, 2387 consumed, 38 min ex doing UML from P90X. My body is sore all over... Plans for today 3 to 4 mile run... Enjoy your Thursday... The weekend is almost here.
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    Yup, I knew the scale would catch up. I'm up 1.6 from yesterday. I haven't worked out this week. Not in the mood for it so I decided to take the whole week off.
  • anvy0530
    anvy0530 Posts: 1,606 Member
    Dang it! I just typed up a whole long response to everyone and it got deleted as I hit "post reply". :mad:

    Kendal: I bed the added weight is from the sodium from your take out food as you've been staying within calories.

    Victoria: I'm glad the coffee grinder worked out for you. I used to buy whole flax seeds, toast them a little and then grind them into flax meal in a coffee grinder. It was way better than the stuff I buy already ground now.

    Megan: WTG getting to the gym!

    Sarah: "low impact aerobics" makes me giggle every time I read it.

    sheba: I you stop drinking water an hour or so before bed, then maybe you won't have to get up in the middle of the night to pee.

    Hailie: Hiya girl!!

    I know I had other stuff that I wrote in my first edition of the response but it's all gone into the ether now. It's late soccer practice day so I have some vegetarian chili going in my crock pot and I made some pumpkin corn bread to go with it - I'm pretty excited about that.
  • WoWmamaErin
    WoWmamaErin Posts: 148 Member
    Thanks to everyone for sharing their before/after pics! You all look wonderful! Thanks for the motivation :)

    Doing well here. Sticking with the low carb and it seems to be doing the trick for me. Only problem is that I don't have much variety in my diet... but I really don't mind (sometimes I think I should...) cause it keeps it really simple for me. Almost done with the 30DS here. Taking me longer than 30 days for sure. Had 2 rest days before I hit level 3 and then I had to take a day of rest after every L3 workout because my ankles were really sore and I didn't want to do any damage. But now I'm not attempting all the jumping stuff and it's much better now.

    Hope everyone is feeling better soon - I've been lucky to avoid the blahs so far as I'm too busy thinking about a wedding I'm in on the 21st which is 5.5 hrs away and I'm dress shopping tomorrow! I've left it last minute because I have been loosing a good amount of weight and didn't want to spend more on alterations than the actual cost of the dress! At least the bride is letting us pick our own dress as long as it's black!

    Take care all!
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    I got a new job title yesterday. I'm now a Subject Matter Expert. Same team, no pay increase, but teammates are supposed to come to me (and the other SME) with questions and I will get special projects more often. Basically it just looks really good on my resume.

    So I absolutely HATE it when someone asks me a question, argues with my answer, and then doesn't do what I freaking told them to do. This isn't so much to do with the SME position, but my friend does this to me on occasion and it freakin pisses me off! Just cause you don't like the answer (ie don't want to have to put forth the extra effort that I'm telling you you will need to) doesn't mean you should waste my time and argue with me. Why ask what to do if you aren't going to listen to what I say anyways??? (we aren't yelling or anything, moreso talking but not agreeing)
  • treehugginpam
    treehugginpam Posts: 1,131 Member
    Okay, this morning I set my alarm for 5:50am to do Ripped in 30 and then I woke up at 7:00am, realizing that the alarm never went off. What the heck?! It either didn't go off at all or the bf reached over and accidentally turned it off before I had time to wake up and hear it. I don't remember hearing it at all and he doesn't remember hearing it or turning it off, so who knows. All I know is that I had no time for Jillian AGAIN this morning and I won't have time for any exercise tonight either because I'm going to a beginner's quilting class. Geez.

    A day of rest could be for the best though...ever since I started running longer I've been getting a soreness in my left hip. Coincidentally (or maybe not so much) I also got new running shoes around the time I started getting hip pain, which also happened to be when I started running for 30 + minutes at a time, so I don't know if it's the shoes or the amount of time running. Either way, last night I started running and had to stop because not only was my hip hurting but I also got a shooting pain from my hip down the upper part of my thigh after about 10 minutes of running. Not good. I hope it's just some weird muscle thing...

    Amy, pumpkin cornbread?! That sounds absolutely fantastic!

    Megan, yay for making it to the gym! I know what you mean about zumba...I haven't done a class with other people for awhile (ever since I got the zumba Kinect game), but I always feel ridiculous. It's fun, but only when I don't look at myself in the mirror or compare myself to the instructor with perfect rhythm.

    Sarah (WnT), thanks! I was surprised to notice a difference in my pictures because I don't see it yet when I look in the mirror. Yay for low impact aerobics! I decided that my low impact aerobics last night made up for the fact that my bum hip cut my running short. :smile:

    Wowmama, it took me much longer than 30 days to finish 30DS, but hey, I finished it! My plan is to do Ripped in 30 and then go back and do another round of 30DS. I just love her workout format, even if it feels like it's killing me.

    Qofsheba, I know what you mean; I have days when I don't realize how behind I am in my water until the evening and I try to catch up...those are always long nights. :laugh:

    Kendal, that is one awesome job title!
  • KatheryneLynne
    The good thing about walking to work in South East Alaska---The hotest it ever gets is about 75-80 degrees. and in the winter time, even with a foot of snow on the ground the coldest i've ever walked it was the possitive side of single digits.,.

    the downside...

    since the average rainfall can be upwards of 150 inches a year, some days I arive feelings like a drowned cat....

    By the way...it's raining today...:happy: Good thing deep down I love the rain.

    I'll be back to post later...after i dry out :)

  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    okay tech savvy gurus - I need a quick explanation on how to get my pics into the cool framed boxes. What program are you using? Photobuckes, tiny pics or another? Thanks...
  • jessicae1aine
    Pam - Your difference is pretty awesome. :) And oddly, this morning's sales meeting included a recommendation for prenatals + B vitamins + peppermint shampoo for growing hair out.

    Kendal - I'm SO with you on the asking a question/arguing/ignoring what you said. That drives me nuts. It especially bothers me when someone asks me for my opinion on something, decides I'm terribly wrong, doesn't listen, and then it turns out I was right... repeatedly. You'd think they'd catch on that maybe I know what I'm talking about.

    Katheryne - I love rain. We got a TON back in May and had a bunch of flooding, and everyone was b*tching it was all gloomy and blech, but it's my very favorite weather. It rained a few days ago, and rainy fall days are the best.

    I got woken up at 3am by the roommate's niece, whom initially was supposed to take the extra upstairs bedroom. After a lengthy discussion with the roommate yesterday, he decided he wanted her to either start paying rent, or get her stuff out; he's had quite a bit of stuff go missing, and she'll bring 5 friends home in the middle of the night, eat everything she can get her hands on, do laundry and leave. I knew he wasn't going to wake up, but the dogs were barking and I was wide awake and refusing to answer the door - the door is locked, and there's a reason she has no key. She ended up climbing in through a window and shouting about how the next time she'd kick the door in, and at that point I had had enough. I went out there, told her to pack her stuff and get out, or start paying rent and be in the house by midnight, because the rest of us have to sleep so we can go to work in the morning. I honestly laughed as I was told that I shouldn't be living there because I don't pay any bills (and offered to show her the check duplicates for all the bills), and that no one likes me because I'm a b*tch. If not taking people's b*ll**** makes me a b*tch, then yep, I sure am. She packed her stuff while screaming at me from the top of the stairs to get out of her face, and the doors and windows were all locked as she left. I'm pretty sure that her family is going to attempt to raise hell with me, but I don't care - they don't like me, other than her uncle and her cousins, but that's not the end of the world. She is 21 and acts like a spoiled child, and everyone needs to bend to her every whim and accommodate anything she wants, and I'm just not going to be a part of it. Needless to say, I'm REALLY tired, but she knows without a doubt exactly what I think of her and why.

    I'm going to see if I can get the treadmill this weekend instead of waiting until next weekend. I'm so, so impatient.
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Third day in a row of my kid breaking down bawling in the morning for one of two, or both, of the following reasons:
    1. She doesn't want her hair combed.
    2. She thinks the toothpaste is too spicey or she doesn't like her Dora berry toothpaste that morning.
    3. or a combo of both.

    I was seriously thinking of shoving her back up in my hooha and giving birth all over again to start over. Good grief. We left way late from home, had to go 30 minues away to drop her at a friends house and drive all the way to work. I am so freaking cranky. I must have been rubbing my eyes in the night because I woke up and they were beat red and still are. And at one point in the night I woke up from grinding my teeth as well. sheesh. Thats a first.

    yesterday no logging, no exercise. Not wearing my bmf today. Hopefully will go run tonight.
  • anvy0530
    anvy0530 Posts: 1,606 Member
    Lacey: OMG, I've had those days. I can tell you that it gets better. (I know that doesn't help but maybe it'll give you a ray of hope...or something) When my neice lived with us, she hated having her hair combed (really long, curly hair and she was 9 years old at the time). She would cry and scream and make everyone's morning MISERABLE. So one day, I took her (without my mother or her father's knowledge) and I got her hair cut into a cute little bob. It solved the problem and the kid never cried about her hair again.

    Jessi: your roommate's niece sounds like an effin' nightmare. I hope you get some peace with her out of the house.

    Victoria: I use Photobucket and then make a collage so my before/afters are right next to each other with the little border. It's pretty easy to do (otherwise I couldn't do it).

    Katheryne: I think you may be in the one place on earth that gets more rain than Southern Germany.

    Pam: Pumpkin cornbread is FREAKING AWESOME!!! http://tastykitchen.com/recipes/breads/pumpkin-cornbread/ Make it to go with chili and you will be a goddess (at least that's what my fam was telling me tonight as they stuffed their faces with cornbread and chili). I substituted whole wheat pastry flour for the white flour called for in the recipe but that's the only change I made to it.

    Kendal: My mom does that crap to me ALL THE TIME!! She wants advice on something or other and then when I go about telling her what I would do, she argues - all because whatever it is I told her wasn't as easy as she wanted it to be. Suck it up, life isn't easy. Grr. I don't give her advice anymore.

    Wowmama: Enjoy dress shopping!!!

    I seriously nearly froze my butt off during Gabe's soccer practice tonight. I had my winter coat on, gloves and ear muffs and I was STILL freezing. The chili and cornbread was SOOOOOOO wonderful after all that freezing. Unfortunately, I could NOT stop myself at one piece of cornbread (seriously - who could??) and I might have put fritos in my chili :blushing: . But it was SOOOOO good (and I really don't even like chili) and I logged it all. And even though my MFP shows me as 300 cals over for the day, I will still get around a 300 cal deficit according to my BMF, so I guess it's ok. Have a good night ladies.
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Gracie's head is SO sensitive. I straightened her hair last night, so all she had were a few tiny little tangles you get from sleeping and she was screaming. And then I was screaming so she could hear me. Ga! I'd love to get her hair cut off but man..she has such pretty hair. I'd hate to do it.

    I ordered a pair of boots today. Sorry the link is so long. In the pretty wine color. I will have them stretched if needed...I hope they are everything I want them to be like in the photos. YOu just never know.
    http://www.endless.com/BCBGeneration-Womens-Hans-Knee-High-Boot/dp/B0050U57IA/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&cAsin=B0050U6O9G&fromPage=search&sr=1-1&qid=1318528424782&asinTitle=BCBGeneration Hans Knee-High Boot&contextTitle=search results&clientPageSize=100&node=241745011&sort=relevance-fs-rank&keywords=BCBGeneration+Women's+Hans+Knee-High+Boot
  • KatheryneLynne
    Lacey, I had that problem when I was little. My mom's solution was to braid my hair after my bath. Nothing real tight, just a loose braid. only a few strands would break free, not enough to get really tangled. An added bonus, by the next morning my normally straight hair would have gentle curls. :)

  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    Lacey- cute boots!!! I just ordered these this week to go with my halloween costume, but I'm pretty sure they will get worn out because they are so awesome. I bought the last pair so they aren't on the website anymore. :bigsmile:


    ETA: We are 6 posts from flipping the thread again!!
  • hkallembach
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