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200+ Hot For Halloween!



  • earthsember
    earthsember Posts: 435 Member
    Hosanna - all of that planning must be so fun. Your party veil sounds hilarious!

    Sarah - I hope they get something taken care of for your friend asap :-/ And that you get some downtime quickly as well, it sounds like you could really use a break!

    jessikerlaine - constipation and diarrhea all at once? That is just NOT fair! Hope you're feeling better today!

    I am up way way too early today. It's 6:15, and I've been up since 4:30. My husband is having a training week at work (they do this once or twice a year) so instead of his normal 7:30-4:30, he's been working 5:00-2:00, which means he's been waking up around 4:00am :-/ I try to sleep through it, but it doesn't always work! Still going to get my workout in this morning, but all I want to do is crash, heheh. Happy Friday all!
  • rainvc
    rainvc Posts: 142
    Good morning ladies!

    I didn't log yesterday. At all. It was Brody's birthday and we were out and about doing fun things. I had an apple cider donut at one point. A hot dog for lunch. And pizza for dinner. Oye.

    The day before I ate a pumpkin muffin for breakfast.

    Tonight is grocery shopping night. I need to scrounge up some fresh recipes. Tomorrow night we are having my homemade potato soup. Not terrible healthy, but incredibly delicious. We look forward to "potato soup season" in my house!

    My husband has also been nagging me to make pumpkin cookies for the past two weeks...
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Woo-hop it's Friday!!! Weighing in at
    which is up .25 of pound. It doesn't surprise me since my intake has been way off... Sighs... Today is a new day and it will get better. I managed a 2 mile run yesterday and 20 min with Bob Harpers Cardio Max. Today is a blah day - cold and rainy (at least I don't need mittens like Amy!!!) Today is mamogram day :( yucky but neccessary...

    Amy - so sorry to hear Sophie is down again.

    Sarah - I hope your friend is better.

    Jessie - hope your tummy is better.

    Rikki - 4 am - ouch. I'd go back to bed. Hopefully the training won't last long.

    Sorry but I'm out time. I'll try to get before and after pics posted this weekend. Everyone looked so fantastic.
  • LadyG0915
    LadyG0915 Posts: 137 Member
    Holy Smokes you ladies are sooo chatty and I can't keep up. I've actually had to work this week at work....the nerve! All is well on the home front. We are just enjoying the time we have until the hubs leaves on the 3rd. I have discussed some FMLA leave time with my bosses and the fact that I will be late every day because I have to take the kids to school and daycare and school doesn't open until 8. They are very understanding and cooperative. Good thing because I have no issues saying, "Peace Out!"

    I am getting nervous about being alone, but I figure there are tons of women that do it every day and so can I. I took some picks in my skivvies because my pants were fitting kind of loose and I compared it to a pic I took this summer and I can see a little difference. Thats always nice to see some changes. It actually helped me to say "NO" to the Friday office donut.

    All of your pics before & after are great! I have not changed much since my highest of 283, so maybe in a few more months, I will show ya!

    I hope you all have a fabulous weekend!!
  • silver02bullet
    silver02bullet Posts: 261 Member
    *weigh in for today........................ 211*

    i have to get control of this...i've gained five pounds since we started this challenge.
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    well, I did it. I just signed me and Mr. Reunion up for the Warrior Dash in NC. OMG. :noway:

    this officially makes me a Warrior in Training.
  • k2quiere
    k2quiere Posts: 4,151 Member
    Kendal...I'm still waiting for the date, time, and location. I really am going to cheer you on! you are amazing for considering it and a warrior already for signing up!
  • wigglentwink
    wigglentwink Posts: 336 Member
    OH MAN!!! What a difference a full night of sleep makes!!! GOOD MORNING, GIRLIES!!!

    It is currently 6:38 a.m. in the Pacific Northwest. I have been up for an hour and a half, got my run on, had some coffee with mah man and he's off to work. Kiddos are sleepin', and I'm showered and dressed. I did my chores last night so I could sleep in today...oh well.

    On the agenda for today: FREEDOM!! My mom and dad are coming to pick up BOTH my kids and leave me all by myself for about five hours today. My house is clean, they are feeding us dinner...that only leaves one thing to do: shop!! I have a haircut and some new running clothes callin' my name. I. AM. SO. STOKED. (I get to eat a meal by myself, and go to the bathroom by myself, and try clothes on by myself without fielding never-ending questions that don't actually have answers...) Oh MAN!! This is gonna be great!

    My friend is out of ICU and is doing well. She is fighting a staph infection and gets to wear a stylish helmet until her fancy new skull piece is made (about 12 weeks). The thought of another 12 weeks minimum is making me tired all over, but I have recruited some help. Thank goodness. I really love her and her family and I don't want to start resenting the work I am doing for them. So, I have hired a professional cleaning service to come in once a week and I will supplement by going once a week. Set up a MealTrain so everyone can drop food off on their day and set up a cooler outside in case her husband gets stuck at the hospital or in traffic. Just those two things alone will make it easier. Now I can spend more time with HER and not with her house. :smile:

    Kendal: I think you are so brave! I want to do one of those, but I am so accident prone!!!

    Megan: You have also had some pretty serious heartbreak....you will get it off. I know you will

    Victoria: .25 of a pound....is nothin'. Go pee and try again. :wink:

    Amy: Thanks, it is a terrible picture of him, as the sun was in his eyes and he has that weird smile goin', but I love him to pieces. And, yes, very possible to get pg while on the pill....it's not 100% effective-- even though I took it religiously.

    Hosanna: I am looking forward to hearing about your fantastic busy day of wedding schtuff...

    Lacey and Kendal: I now have boot-envy. Thanks. A lot. Now I have to add supercute boots to my shopping list. The soles of my favorite pair are totally wasted -- and that's after having them repaired. Twice. Time for a new pair.

    Ooo!! Kids are up. See ya later, ladies!!
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    Kendal...I'm still waiting for the date, time, and location. I really am going to cheer you on! you are amazing for considering it and a warrior already for signing up!

    Saturday, May 19th in Huntersville :bigsmile: I will be in the 1:00pm wave
  • treehugginpam
    treehugginpam Posts: 1,129 Member
    So...remember the 5K I signed up for? The cool one at night with glow-in-the-dark necklaces and fireworks? It's tomorrow and I don't think I'm going to get to do it. :frown: Last night I was in one of those parking garages where you have to put your ticket in a machine and pay before you go back to your car to leave (if that makes any sense). While I was paying I had my hands full and set stuff down on the ground and I got all the way back to my car before I realized I'd left my water bottle on the ground. So I drive down to the pay station, park illegally for a second, leave the car running, and sprint the 20 feet or so to pick up the bottle. Just in that short amount of time sprinting, the pain in my hip flared up! What?! Not only that, but it hurt worse for the rest of the night after that! Not good.

    I'm bummed about not making the 5K, but more than that I'm a little panicked about the hip pain...I'm hoping I didn't do any permanent damage, and I'm sitting here wondering what to replace running with since that has been my main workout. Ugh. I still have a membership to a gym I hardly ever go to and that gym has a pool, so swimming would work. The only problem is that the gym is way out of the way, whereas the treadmill I use is conveniently in my basement. Double ugh. I've got some workout videos that might be less impact than running...I'll have to look. Sigh.

    Enough of my whining!

    Hailie, very nice thread flip. :)

    Kiki, a pumpkin bagel sounds really good...this fall weather we're having out where I am is making me crave all things pumpkin.

    Hosanna, your day sounds like so much fun! I hope your blisters aren't hurting you too much today.

    Lacey & Kendal, I love both of those boots! I don't have any tall boots like that....I've always had trouble with them fitting my calves, so that's another weight loss goal I have, fitting into cute boots.

    Sarah (WnT), I'm so sorry about your friend. I'm glad you're having a better day today...enjoy your freedom!

    Jessi, I feel your pain; it seems like all kinds of weird things affect my stomach that never used to. I can have the same dinner on two different nights and one night I'll be fine, the other not so much. I don't understand it!

    Jenn, crossing my fingers for you!

    Amy, poor Sofie. I hope she feels better soon!

    Rain, potato soup is the best. Potato soup and pumpkin cookies for dessert would be delicious. :smile:

    Victoria, do you like Bob Harper's workouts? I wanted to try the Cardio Max but haven't gotten around to it yet.

    Rikki, yay for saying no to the doughnut! Nothing like before and after pictures to help motivate you!

    Megan, you can do it! You will rock the next challenge for sure.

    Kendal, yay for being a warrior in training! That is one hardcore race. I want to see pictures after you've done it!
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    Pam- So so so sorry that you have to miss the race. :sad: And I've never worn tall boots either but I ordered these boots from torrid (big girl store! woo!) and it says my size will fit up to an 18" calf. I measured my calf to be sure it'll fit, so this will be my first pair of tall boots. I'm super excited

    Sarah- I'm so glad that you've called in reinforcements to help your friend. One family sounds hard enough! I can't imagine having to handle 2.
  • Amy - I felt TERRIBLE last night, to the point where I was pretty sure work wasn't happening today. But, I woke up feeling much, much better, so I'm at work but still munching crackers and eating chicken noodle soup for lunch, just in case. :) Thank you! :D I hope the vet gets your poop pup straightened out!!

    Kiki - Thank you! :) Geesh, 4am is soooo early... take a nap later, lady! :D

    Rain - Make whole wheat pumpkin cookies with a sugar substitute. They still turn out awesome, and are at least a little healthier.

    Victoria - Thanks :) I love how you're like "Up, but w/e. I'll fix that!" and stay positive.

    Rikki - Glad your work is being accomodating for your being late for the kids. :) Some places suck about things like that.

    Sarah - Geeeeesh! So ambitious for that early in the morning! Very glad your friend is out of ICU.

    Pam - If you're hurting, I wouldn't do it. How weird on the stomach thing! I really hope your hip feels better. <3

    Kendal - I LOVE Torrid. Like, I spent $500 there on a brand new wardrobe in February (most of which is a bit too big now, and my sister has my sewing machine....). You can use the birthday code for each month, btw, when you order, whether it's your birthday month or not and get some $ off.

    My neighbor, when we were driving to the pumpkin patch, told me she's "really good at reading people, and she wasn't sure how much I was ready to disclose," but she thought I should get out of the roommate situation before next summer. The conversation continued and I was ridiculously confused, but when I got home I realized she thinks I'm pregnant, and that's why I've felt like so sick the last few days. Sheesh. Now I've got to figure out how to bring it up to correct her.

    Here are some of the pictures I took last night:


    I'm so glad it's Friday, and my coworker is doing tonight's game.
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Pam: two words - boot stretcher. Either a shoe repair place or you can buy the spray and the stretcher and do it yourself. That is what I'm planning on doing with these ones if they are close. I am tired of not being able to wear cute boots!
  • Apryl546
    Apryl546 Posts: 909 Member
    I had an awesome time last night. Went to the Wild vs Oilers hockey game. Though I was so completely drunk that I didn't realize we went through all 4 periods. I somehow thought we were leaving after the 2nd period! And wondered why there was a shootout after it.. It took me 2 hours after that to figure out what I was trying to think. LOL
    But Wild won! :D It was awesome.

    I hung out with 3 girls I've never hung out with before. My dad's GF's oldest daughter, and 2 of her friends. One of the friends is actually an MFP person (She's on a break and maintaining right now but plans to come back in Feb/March when she wants to lose her last 10 lbs), and she ALSO plans on doing the MN Warrior Dash of 2012! So we exchanged numbers and we might be running buddies. :D

    Oh yeah..
    Weigh In 171.2
  • rainvc
    rainvc Posts: 142
    Jessi: Those photos are uhhhhmayyyyyzing! Seriously, amazing! Thanks for the suggestion for the cookies, but whole wheat and sugar substitutes are probably the two worst things I could feed my husband (long story short, phenylalanine is off limits, and sugar subs are full of em as are whole wheat, whole grain products). Since he is the one who wants them, I have to make them so he can eat them and fight the urge to indulge myself. Oh the joys of living and cooking for someone with PKU!

    Pam: Totally sucks about your race. So sorry.

    Kendal: Great for registering for that race! Get to training now!
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Jessi: Those photos are uhhhhmayyyyyzing! Seriously, amazing! Thanks for the suggestion for the cookies, but whole wheat and sugar substitutes are probably the two worst things I could feed my husband (long story short, phenylalanine is off limits, and sugar subs are full of em as are whole wheat, whole grain products). Since he is the one who wants them, I have to make them so he can eat them and fight the urge to indulge myself. Oh the joys of living and cooking for someone with PKU!

    Pam: Totally sucks about your race. So sorry.

    Kendal: Great for registering for that race! Get to training now!

    I'm not sure that it would work for you, but Pamela's Gluten Free Baking mix is hands down The Best pancake/baking mix I've ever used..and that counts for all grain products across the board. It makes the best most fluffiest pancakes, cookies are great out of it, pizza dough, everything.
  • GonnaDoItJenn
    GonnaDoItJenn Posts: 131 Member
    Well TOM decided to show up today, SURPRISE! No biggie, just means we can go forward with the baby making drugs. LOL! Cramps are killer this month for some reason and I really hope that I don't end up screwing up this weeks weigh-in because of TOM.

    NSV: My baggy jeans that I have been wearing just because they are OH SO COMFY literally fell off of me last night without even touching them. I was standing in front of the tv taking my nightly medication and off they fell. LOL!

    Looking forward to this weekend as hubby and I are just taking it easy for ourselves.
  • Rain - Thank you! :D PKU has to make cooking difficult!!

    A little queasy after the soup, but not too bad. I'll eat some more crackers and see how the afternoon goes.
  • treehugginpam
    treehugginpam Posts: 1,129 Member
    Jessi, great pictures!!

    Lacey, how have I not heard of a boot stretcher until now? Nice!

    Kendal, Torrid is great! I never thought to look at their shoes, but now I should....there's no Torrid near me anymore, but there's always online shopping...
  • rainvc
    rainvc Posts: 142
    Lacey: I have used that stuff for pancakes, and we do actually have a special low protein baking mix as well. Most of the Gluten free stuff is so much cheaper though, so we try to do that when we can! Thanks for the suggestion, didn't think to use it for cookies!