Just need to get this off my chest.



  • Cowboy
    Cowboy Posts: 369 Member
    God bless your dad! You have no reason to worry about your looks. You are a very pretty young girl...and on your way to being a very wise woman. My wife is right, you should be very proud of yourself.
  • filergirl
    filergirl Posts: 240
    LOL! I haven't had anyone call me a girl in awhile! I will be 29 in April!
  • lizard9800
    lizard9800 Posts: 474 Member
    I think the bottom line is wear what you are comfortable in, my wife gets on me all the time.."are you going out in that?" I reply. "Yes." "But it doesn't match." I look at myself, one shirt, one pair of pants, one pair of shoes, whats the problem. "But people will not like it." My attitude is "screw 'em." I don't dress for them I dress for me. I am clean, neat no holes, stains or disagreable odors, hence none of there business how I dress. Now I am not saying to dress in something so outragious as to draw large amounts of attention to ones self, but if a pocket 't' and jeans makes you feel good, wear them. Also at work you do need to conform to the dress norm your employer expects but only if you have to keep the job.:bigsmile:

    That is one of the funniest things I've heard in a while! I'm female and I think that way all the time! Who wants to be uncomfortable all day or night long? (I do match though:smile: ) My boyfriend told me at the beginning of our relationship that one of the things he appreciated about me the most is that I am not "Girl-y". No makeup (except for special occasions, and even then he rolls his eyes..). Not afraid to get dirty (why doesn't everyone know how much fun that can be?) Of course he is smart enough to fully appreciate me in a skirt/dress...

    Our funny thing is that sometime ago he decided that I was a super hero - Non Color Blind Girl. Most days he is dressed and at work before I even get out of bed (yes!) but on certain occasions he will yell for Non Color Blind Girl and I come to rescue. I may be a former tomboy but I still have style...

    Amen to everyone who realizes that stick thin is not healthy or attractive. Growing up I was always one of the most athletic girls in school and my friends were the pretty skinny type. Now I live in one of the outdoor capitals of the west and my muscles/athleticism shallow in comparison to other women. How do you compete with Olympians, or the only woman (the only person actually) to climb and ski the top seven mountains in the world? You don't! You don't even try... but they are very positive and healthy role models. I am lucky to live in a place where some meat on your bones isn't viewed as a bad thing. Guys are just thinking "She has some solid arms... I bet she can rock climb!":tongue:
  • icandoit I just have a question isn't "looking sexy on the back of my husbands harley" the same as looking hot at a party? In your profile you mention this. Just wondering??????????????
  • icandoit
    icandoit Posts: 4,163 Member
    No, I am doing this for me. I want to lose weight and look good. I want to be healthy. And when I reach my goal, however long it takes, I will look good and I will look good on the back of his Harley. If you also look, that was the last reason on my list. First was for me, my family, my health. That is just the way I feel I will look. Right now-to many bumps and hills on this body for leather.
    So, no I think is not the same at all.
  • it's so unfortunate that being young so often means that others opinions of you, matter more than your own, or totally influence your own.

    as we get older...(and because of this, i've alsolutely LOVED getting older), we come into our own, and things become more about "us". it's such a releif to be taking whatever actions i take because "I" want to, and not because someone or something in fads dictate that i should. it makes me feel like my mind is all mine...lol.


    RIGHT ON!!! :) ME TOO!!
  • After reading all this, going back to the first post, I am one of those people who IS doing it for themself. I like how I feel when I am in shape, and healthy. Right now I am not in shape, and I feel yuckie. This in the ONLY reason why I am doing this. Looks, weight loss and the rest are a byproduct of the process. State of mind and health are #1 in my books.
  • Smilineyes
    Smilineyes Posts: 346 Member
    My hip bones showing

    What? Do these ladies really think that guys like that? Every man I know likes curves on their girlfriend/wife. In fact, once, I was laying on my side next to my husband after we had first married...he said "Wow Jess, you have some BIG hips". I INSTANTLY took that comment as an insult. He said "No no no...that's a GOOD thing...I love it."

    Just goes to show that there are many men out there that appreciate curves, and many women out there that don't realize it.

    Yeah my boyfriend loves my big hips lol! He's told me so many times that he can't stand stick figure women. He supports me losing weight as a health thing. And he's put on a few pounds so we're both trying to get HEALTHY together. Girls out there, find a man that loves you as you are and supports you. Don't go for little boys who don't know what they want. That's all I have to say :tongue:

    <3 Kelsey
  • Healthier_Me
    Healthier_Me Posts: 5,600 Member
    icandoit I just have a question isn't "looking sexy on the back of my husbands harley" the same as looking hot at a party? In your profile you mention this. Just wondering??????????????
    Looking hot at a party AKA having hip bones showing ... same person wanting these things.
    Looking sexy on the back of her husbands Harley at a healthy weight is NOT the same.

  • Cowboy
    Cowboy Posts: 369 Member
    Apples & Oranges
  • Healthier_Me
    Healthier_Me Posts: 5,600 Member
    are yummy:laugh:

  • wibrown
    wibrown Posts: 30

    I whole heartedly agree with with you. I am doing this for me maybe even a bigger reason, my health.
    my doctor keeps telling my my now 292 lbs is very unhealthy. I keep telling her that "I know". So on to my point, I have a few co-workers that are maybe 100lbs complain that they are fat. I roll my eyes and think if you think you are fat have you looked at me. I get so tired of hearing skinny (stick thin) women say that they need to lose weight. If they have a health problem that is one thing but they need to stop say stupid things like I want guys to notice me. HELLO I want to lose weight so guys notice me but that is not my primary reason for losing (it's a bonus). Some people really need to look at themselves and find out what is really important no matter what size they are.

    Thanks for letting me vent even if it didn't make sense.
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