


  • Lizi19
    Lizi19 Posts: 180 Member
    I love all accents, but I can't understand most of them. I need subtitles whenever I am watching a movie with any European accent. I kinda have a Mexican accent, but it only comes out in certain words. I also love all the different accents in the Spanish language, especially Argentine Spanish.
  • French accents make me melt ----

    I can't stand a heavy Asian accent. (yes I'm part Asian lol) Sometimes when I'm talking to these people with heavy Asian accents I'm constantly saying "WHAT?? HUH>?? COME AGAIN???"
  • SRH7
    SRH7 Posts: 2,037 Member
    im canadian...apparently we have an accent i dont think so though. i love southern accents and british/finnish/australian/ accents french accents bother me

    The phrase 'British accents' grinds my gears. For the size of the country we're one of the most versatile places in the world for accents... this ranges from Northern Irish to Scottish, to Cockney, to Manc etc etc etc. Don't write everyone off just like that!

    pardon me ill narrow it to the london area as thats where my mum is from

    Ha ha! The funny thing is that most people living in the UK would never refer to themselves as 'British' - most of us identify more with the actual country we are from (English, Welsh, Scottish or Northern Irish) rather than the collective isles. Amazing what a chippy bunch we can be! :wink: (and we make no apology for it!)
  • pammye65
    pammye65 Posts: 177 Member
    Irish or Scottish...any guys w/ those accents can read the phone book to me & I'd be drooling :wink:
  • Irish or Scottish...any guys w/ those accents can read the phone book to me & I'd be drooling :wink:

    Ooh same here!

    Aussie I like too and a decent southern US accent really gets me going :tongue:

    I've noticed lately that living in the semi-north of england means my 'native' south-easterly gets to me too now!!
  • katapple
    katapple Posts: 1,108 Member

    The only proper way to speak is how we do in the midwest, what what!

    Actually, a lot of news stations in American train their anchors to have a midwest accent. It's the most "standard" USA accent. Thank you Linguistics class.

    I'm from ND, and yes I have the classic drawn out O's (Ooooa) and I say 'yaa' and 'uffdah' a lot. And I haven't even lived there in 10 years. But this is my mom's classic argument that she doesn't have an accent, because she sounds just like the people on the news....except not quite. Of course I never thought I had an accent until I moved out of state ;-P

    I love Aussie and Brittish accents :)

    There isn't an accent I don't like really!
  • XFitMojoMom
    XFitMojoMom Posts: 3,255 Member
    I don't mind southern accents, but as the OP suggested, not an exaggerated high pitched one.
    New Jersey accent is hard on my ears..
    Heavy Asian accents (like the one at the nail salon) is just :noway: - look I know you speak proper english, stop faking.

    That said - I'm a Canuck ... t'boot, eh! Sooo as we scoot aboot on our ski-doo's, and play in our igloos... I apparently have an accent too.
  • mandemonious
    mandemonious Posts: 217 Member
    I was born and raised in Georgia (US) and had quite a drawl when I was young. I worked for a call center for an airline when I was 19 and got so tired of people from the NE assuming I was an idiot because of my southern accent. I've trained a fair amount out of myself. Sometimes it pops out randomly and I'm sure I pull it out on purpose sometimes too....alcohol makes it impossible to mask :wink:

    Can't say I "hate" any accents. I like to be able to understand the person I am talking to but recognize that there are surely times when I am the one that is not well understood. We could all stand do be a bit more patient, I think :)
  • SKP1986
    SKP1986 Posts: 392 Member
    I can't stand the Southern accent. Love New York and Boston accents, but my favorite is the German accent. I love, love, love listening to Germans speak English. The Japanese accent makes me happy, too, but German is really my favorite. Though, I enjoy a lot of non-native English speaker accents.
  • christine24t
    christine24t Posts: 6,063 Member
    I'm from the Midwest, and I probably have an accent...but I love love love really northern Minnesota/Canadian accents.
  • JsGirl93
    JsGirl93 Posts: 1,156
    I have a southern Louisiana accent, which is different than a southern accent. Think New Awluns. Lol I can't turn it off, I'm stuck.

    I love English & Italian (European, not Jersey Shore) accents. Yum!
  • kb455
    kb455 Posts: 679 Member
    I think most accents are a turn-on. Can't say there is any I don't like but definitely like some more than others. Foreign accents like Scottish or French are suuuuper hot!
  • Jessamin
    Jessamin Posts: 338 Member
    I LOVE Tennessee accents. Couldn't tell you why. I live in New Zealand and I have only met a handful, but I am telling you when I find someone from Tennessee that isn't bat**** crazy, I will be all over that. Also Scottish, French and Welsh are just lovely.
  • danacho
    danacho Posts: 115 Member
    love a chick with an eastern european accent (i blame bond movies for this)

    an accent that kinda grates on me is the birmingham accent its sounds so dreary lol
  • catshark209
    catshark209 Posts: 1,133 Member
    I like British accents. My husband is from England and I like his accent. The only drawback it that women often flirt with his because they like his accent too....
    I also like German accents.

    Ha ha! I'm English and my brother used to work in the US (Boise then Cleveland). His favourite trick was going into a bar and ordering a drink at the top of his voice (putting on a posh voice, of course, not his usual northern Manchester accent) and the laydees would come flocking (or so he told me!)

    Yeh lol iv heard american girls LOVE english accents!
    I wonder if its the same with girls..
    I know i talk deeper than american girls.

    Well that depends.. There's some English accents I barely the ones where they say "innit" after everything. Or Keira Knightley's accent, it sounds weird to me but then people from the North sound ok to me...I can understand them. I think perhaps because English isn't my first language ( I spoke Spanish first).
    Anyway, I've been told I sound like a typical California girl and that of all the American accents ours is the least offending lol.
    As for accents I don't like it can probably be Hispanic people that can't speak English. I got rid of my own accent, so how hard can it be to get rid of yours...but I notice some find that sexy. :huh:
    I also can't stand the typical San Joaquin Valley ghetto lingo.
  • elsham
    elsham Posts: 549 Member
    As my mother says, "aksents arrr veriii koovl." (Russian accent. Why there's a w that sounds like a v in "cool" I'm not sure.)
  • bregalad5
    bregalad5 Posts: 3,965 Member
    I love Aussie accents, and I'm learning to love a nice southern accent on a guy.

    I loathe Long Island and Bah-stin accents. A friend of mine told me once that he had to go to a "pahdy", so I pointed to a porta-potty. After about 10 minutes of arguing I figured out he had to go to a PARTY not a POTTY. Ugh, I just can't stand it. Pronounce the words as they're spelled!

    I grew up about 45 minutes from Niagara Falls, so sometimes a slight hint of a Canadian accent comes out of me... it makes people down here laugh :tongue: