HCG versus lapband



  • Leopardliz
    Leopardliz Posts: 110 Member
    Dang ppl relax! Some of u didnt even answer her question and right away commented on her situation without knowing her. How can u say that a Dr wont even operate on her by lOoking at her pics? She asked a question not ur opionion on what u think of her. Either answer and be helpful or refrain from negative opinions. Thats what i think or maybe some ppl just cant read what she asked....
  • CrzyAte
    Bless you. Seriously.

    I didn't 'avoid the question'. The problem with anecdotal evidence is that it entirely lacks anything that resembles either control or generalisability. Your story's nice for you, but it doesn't stack up against 4 decades of scientific research. Which bit of that is *not* answering your question?

    Out of interest, how long have you been engaged with this 'lifestyle change'? I presume from your strong claim to expert knowledge based on your case study of, erm, one that you've at very least been in maintenance for a few years?

    Please the only one on here trying to act like an expert on the subject is you. My comments have always been on personal experience and not telling anyone what they should or shouldn't do. I stated my experience exactly as it was in my very first post but I doubt you paid much attention to that. I have nothing to prove this journey is solely for me. But and I will say it again if someone ask for experience (which by the way is not the same as opinion which is what you are giving) I will continue to give.
  • cownancy
    I have the lapband and I'm happy with it. I eat very healthy. It has helped me a lot. Especially because prior to it I had no self control. I tried dieting before and I was starving constantly. I lost the weight but I'd have no strength and was so hungry I'd go right back into those bad habits. With the lapband you have a bit more restriction, so those foods I ate and felt hungry afterwards, I don't anymore. I feel full and I only consumed a couple hundred calories. Plus I had it done last week wednesday and I already lost 18 pds. So it honestly depends on you as a person. Don't listen to second hand stories. You don't always know the real truth.

    I don't mean this either disrespectfully or unkindly, and I'm really happy this is working for you. BUT this paragraph for me embodies the problem with bariatric surgery for most who have it. You are framing your life here as 'the lapband gave me control'. In other words, there's still an external locus of control. The *lapband* enables you, in this framing of the issue. As long as people see an external intervention as 'giving them' control over their eating, I'm afraid I don't think they have full control of their eating.

    I truly hope that this isn't the case, that I'm wrong, and that you'll continue to lose weight. But for me, significant and sustainable weightloss was about learning that *I* was in control of my eating.

    Meerkat....it's really a shame that you have such a prejudice against those of us who are enjoying success with our lapband, regardless of how it works. IF you would stop judging and actually look into the numerous studies, you will see that top doctors in almost every specialty and medical research, plus insurance companies, SUPPORT use of the lapband of an appropriate and successful way of helping certain types of morbidly obese people lose weight.

    If you did it on "your own", congratulations and more power to you. That doesn't mean your method is any better than ours. It is NOT considered drastic surgery....it's a 45 minute procedure! You are evidently NOT informed about it. There is more than one way to skin a cat and I'm not saying YOUR way is wrong, but NEITHER is mine.

    I THOUGHT that the point of this forum was to avoid the negative? Why are you more qualified to comment on this topic that the thousands of doctors who feel the surgery is safe and appropriate?
  • meerkat70
    meerkat70 Posts: 4,616 Member
    Perhaps you'd care to point to which part of my post was prejudiced? The point about locus of control is well covered in the literature on eating issues.

    And yes, im probably far better qualified than the average surgeon to talk about the cognitive and emotional aspects of eating and weight loss. Thanks for asking.
  • meerkat70
    meerkat70 Posts: 4,616 Member
    Oh and my post doesn't mention safety at all.
  • CrzyAte
    Oh, and here's why your 'research' on your home scale might not be worth a whole lot:


    Well since I generally take in the same amount of water daily, measure around the same time daily and never consider the reading during my monthly I am pretty comfortable with the reading. But thanks anyway...
  • fridayjustleft04
    fridayjustleft04 Posts: 851 Member
    I think most people who have weight issues lack self control at least a little bit. Will power and discipline are hard things to get, and it takes work. The thing is, you can definitely get them. Even people with the best self control slip up sometimes; it's human nature. Start with one small change. Maybe yours will be to eat one less snack or one more serving of vegetables. I don't know. But once you have that one thing down, pick another, and then another, and so on. I didn't get to 260 by having self control or discipline, and I didn't lose 66 pounds by not having those things. You have to teach yourself.
  • xMissAprilx
    xMissAprilx Posts: 143 Member
    There are people who succeed or don't succeed in both categories. HcG under a doctor's supervision seems less drastic than the lapband. I do believe, based on your post, that your "problem" is the self control. With HcG and lapband you have to have self control in order for it to work. See a doctor and try to practice your control for a month or so and see if you can get the hang out it. If then you still want to try one of the two options, make sure you check in with your doctor when needed. I wish you the best of luck. I've thought of both before and sometimes still do, but...I'm going to try and do it the old fashioned way now. Besides, I have self control problems too and do not want to waste money or health before I get that down. Everyone is different, I understand. So just make the best decision for yourself and try to be as healthy as possible. Good luck!
  • Pappabacon
    Pappabacon Posts: 104 Member
    I know two people who had lap band surgery, both lost over 100 lbs and then gained it all back.
  • loombeav
    loombeav Posts: 391 Member
    I don't know anything about lapbands.
    HCG I did, and I lost. I did not do the traditional VLCD, but a modified diet through a medical clinic. I followed the same calorie/nutritional goal that I am now following and my results were about double what I'm seeing now. Initially I felt great and was getting tons of compliments, which fueled my motivation. But then I stopped losing as quickly, the compliments got fewer and farther between and I lost motivation. I stopped taking the shots because I didn't want to be on shots for an extended period and I started putting the weight back on. I went back on the shots and lost a little bit, but started to get very sick. Sick enough that it was disruptive to my daily life, I wasn't able to work or take care of my kids, honestly all I could do was lay in bed and wish I would die. So I stopped the shots again and within days felt completely fine. But I also started putting the weight back on. With in 9 months I had gained every bit +10lbs of the weight back.
    I never truly fixed the cause of my weight gain and eating habits. I felt I "needed" help to see results, I needed constant validation to stay motivated. I had struggled with my weight since I was 12 years old, nothing every worked for me.
    I've been using MFP a little over 2 months, I've lost 15lbs with old fashioned healthy eating and exercise. I have realized that I do not need anybodies approval or compliments and I do not need drugs (homeopathic, synthetic or otherwise) to be successful. I need to believe in myself and be willing to take control of my life and my actions. I accept the support of like minded people and the suggestions they give me to motivate and help me succeed.
    I've realized that anything will work, if I work it. Nope, I'm not seeing the results as quickly as i did on HCG, but I am seeing result. Significant ones, that I am proud of because I have worked 100% for them.
    Good luck with whatever you decide.
  • darrcn5
    darrcn5 Posts: 495 Member
    OP, unless you can tackle the self control issues, NOTHING is going to work. There are people who have done the Lap Band, gastric bypass, etc., lost a bunch of weight, and gained every single pound back because they never changed their lifestyle. I watch The Biggest Loser, and there are normally a few contestants on there every year who have had the Lap Band or gastric bypass and are still 300-400 pounds because they never made a permanent lifestyle change.
    Start small. Track your food every day just so you know what and how much you are eating. Start exercising for 30 minutes 3 times a week. Just start somewhere. It doesn't have to be an overnight transformation.
  • klabeau
    klabeau Posts: 261 Member
    Wow! Some people can be so ugly on here! Is is really needed?? Kuddos to those who just answered the question and did start attacking!!!
  • Lisa_222
    Lisa_222 Posts: 301 Member
    I know one person who lost a ton of weight with a lap band and looks fantastic. I also have a nurse friend that works in the GI lab that says people constantly come back with complications and said "never do it". So I guess you just have to decide for yourself. I would see it as a last resort, I guess.

    I'll tell you a philosophy I adopted while trying to quit smoking and hope that it will carry over to this. I tried every nicotine replacement I could find and nothing worked. When I finally decided that nothing was going to do it FOR me but I needed to do it myself, I was finally successful. Weight loss can't be any different.
  • xneurocentric
    xneurocentric Posts: 44 Member
    I feel like my post will get lost in the shuffle, but let me say something here.

    First off, I'm not sure how much weight you have to lose (from your picture it looks like you don't have a lot to go), but you might not even qualify for the Lapband. One issue I have with the Lapband (and it's not the procedure itself) is that it's so easy to FAKE that you need it done. I had a friend who is my age and had the procedure about two years ago, and she was literally TELLING me that she was purposefully not following the diet plan the doctor had given her so they would believe that diet and exercise were not working. In essence, she wasn't trying. That disappoints me to no end. Not saying that you will do this, but I'm saying you should at least try diet and exercise. Some of the people who have replied about their experience on the Lapband have probably tried a normal diet, but it just didn't work for whatever reason.

    Secondly, I was in your shoes a while back. No motivation, and no self-control. Then I had someone close to me have a life or death experience based on a non-healthy lifestyle and it kicked me into gear. But no one should have to endure that kind of experience just to make them realize they need to eat healthy. It has to be YOU and YOU alone. And MFP is a great start! You joined, and you want to make changes. You should definitely look at some progress pics that people post (it's wonderful motivation to see that it can be done) and make some friends on here that will help you out when you need it. But no one is going to hold your hand and force it.

    Third, this isn't just a diet for everyone here. It's a life change. And because of that, you need to realize that you will trip and fall. You'll eat something not so healthy every once in a while (I've done it a few times and the scale has shown me the consequences). But you stand up, brush yourself off, and on the next meal you do better. But it has to be YOU, and no amount of fad diets or surgery will do that for you.

    And lastly, I don't think anyone was attacking you. I think at first glance, people thought - and were worried - that you would use a simple way to get out of this problem, and they were looking out for you. Also, jumping into something like Lapband is NOT an easy, nor simple choice, and you can't just wake up one morning and decide to get the procedure. That's solely my opinion. Within the first response to your post, people were caring and wanting to help you. It goes without saying that internet posts are a bad way of judging emotions. Don't think right off the bat that anyone was out to hurt you.

    I do wish you luck in your journey and I hope you stay here and decide to go ahead with trying diet and exercise first before making any other decisions. Who knows? It might work out completely for the best :)
  • redraidergirl2009
    redraidergirl2009 Posts: 2,560 Member
    I knew a girl who did hcg, she lost about 20somethng pounds very quickly but gained it all back once she was off.
    As for lapband I highly recommend watching the true life episode about it. There is one guy who get it and then gets it loosened and he can't control his eating after.

    Personally, I think you need to address the psychological reasons why you are overweight or else you aren't really fixing the problem. :)
  • Danidelion
    Someone may have already said this, but you aren't overweight enough for the lapband. You should have a bmi of 40+ to even consider it.

    I'm not going to argue, but just as an FYI, according to the majority of websites I've been to about the lapband, in order to be eligible for the lapband you have to need to lose at least 40 lbs. Also, I am 4'11" and 208 lbs, therefore my BMI is 42. I edit my pictures.
  • mylyhud
    mylyhud Posts: 31 Member
    Forget both and try Medifast. It really works. I'm on it and I feel great! I've lost 30 lbs in 7 weeks. You should lose on average, 2-5 lbs a week.
  • Danidelion
    Oh and you can't really listen to second hand opinion regarding lapband. Before I had mine done I spoke to a couple of people. I heard all these different stories. One lady had a lapband done and she only ate ice cream. She had some excuse that nothing could go down. I asked her why she didn't try yogurt, cottage cheese, water, ice pops, etc. She had no answer. One lady cheated her band and ate cookies constantly. This one guy said right after he was banded he ate 2 big macs.

    I think some of you people seriously think lapband is an easy way out. It's hard. It's just a took to help with portion control. If your going to eat crap in any diet obviously you won't lose weight. I don't understand how you gain weight with a lapband if you are eating properly and exercising, that makes no sense. Obviously you are doing something wrong.

    Furthermore, it's your decision. Anywhere you go you will hear positive and negative stories regarding both.

    My friends boss did HCG, she lost a lot of weight. Some days she eats more than 500 other days she sticks to it. It's really all about self control.

    Lapband, HCG, Gastric, regular dieting, weight watchers, jenny craig, WHATEVER. ANY DIET YOU HAVE TO WATCH WHAT YOU EAT AND EXERCISE.

    That is really what it comes down too.

    I have the lapband and I'm happy with it. I eat very healthy. It has helped me a lot. Especially because prior to it I had no self control. I tried dieting before and I was starving constantly. I lost the weight but I'd have no strength and was so hungry I'd go right back into those bad habits. With the lapband you have a bit more restriction, so those foods I ate and felt hungry afterwards, I don't anymore. I feel full and I only consumed a couple hundred calories. Plus I had it done last week wednesday and I already lost 18 pds. So it honestly depends on you as a person. Don't listen to second hand stories. You don't always know the real truth.

    THANK YOU. You sound like one of the most reasonable and neutral people on here, finally. I'm not asking people to only tell me good things. Just to be nice about it and present me with both sides of the equation.
  • Danidelion
    I have never commented on a MFP blog before but seeing your question and the responses I feel compelled to comment. First of all just ignore the people who can't seem to understand the part about speaking from experience on the two procedures. Every time I look up hcg it's the same thing from people who don't even know 2 things about it.
    Now my 2 cents... I was seriously considering lapband but I was a little scared it seems so drastic and quite frankly I chickened out. I heard about the HCG diet from my sister who has a friend that sells the homeopathic version. I started researching it and I liked what I saw from people who ACTUALLY use it. I started 1 round of the homeopathic version and I will tell you it is hard work. I was never physically hungry but I was mentally starving. I wanted doughnuts and hamburgers etc. I cheated a lot but in the end I lost 14 pounds in two weeks. I stopped doing it for about a week and maintained. I found that in that two week time frame I had really learned to cut my portions and eat healthier. The thought of a burger makes me sick and that says a lot, there are doughnuts right now at a cubicle by me and I don't even want one I have my apple :). I started back today to give it another try and I feel good about it this time.

    Good Luck with what ever you decide to do and don't listen to the negativity. This is your journey!

    Thank you very much :]
  • Danidelion
    Dang ppl relax! Some of u didnt even answer her question and right away commented on her situation without knowing her. How can u say that a Dr wont even operate on her by lOoking at her pics? She asked a question not ur opionion on what u think of her. Either answer and be helpful or refrain from negative opinions. Thats what i think or maybe some ppl just cant read what she asked....

    Thank you, thank you, thank you! I swear, I could hug you right now lol. Nice to find some reasonable people on here lol